Heartfulness Meditation NC Triangle

Heartfulness Meditation NC Triangle

Heartfulness is a way of life. A simple and practical way to experience the heart’s unlimited resources. There are no dogmas to be followed and no obligations.

Heartfulness is a simple and practical way to experience the heart’s unlimited resources. Whether you are seeking relaxation, an individual meditation practice, or the deepest connection to your inner being, we welcome you. Heartfulness Meditation is a simple, practical technique that you can use alongside any other form of yoga, meditation or spiritual practice. Through this simple practice you

From Anger to Love- Part 4 | Methods for Peaceful & balanced existence and Life 20/08/2024


From Anger to Love- Part 4 | Methods for Peaceful & balanced existence and Life Let's Be a part of this Book Reading and Relaxation Session with Brother Ritwik Solanki .Let's be a part of this beautiful journey from Human Being to Being ...


💥Question,::How do I know that my rituals are being cleared?

Daji: A growing sense of lightness inside is an indication that what was bothering you has gone away. You'll also see that you stop more before you react. You make room for right understanding before you react to a situation. When you read your magazine from two or three years ago, you will find that some of your reactions have softened or finished.

You'll also see changes like lightness, tenderness, kindness and more forgiveness.

You'll see more depth in your focus. It will be easier for you to get into meditation faster.

Another clear sign of the end of rituals is that you introduce more and take your heart's advice. You realize the growing recognition that the heart is where you should work permanently. You are willing to live your life with all your heart and continue to discover more depth within you. These all signs indicate that the complexities and impurities inside are vanishing.

💥Question: How do I know that my sanskaras are getting cleared?

Daaji: A feeling of inner calmness is a sign that what was bothering you has gone away. You also notice that you pause more before reacting. You break free to make space for true understanding before reacting to any situation. When you read your journal from two or three years ago, you will notice that some of your reactions have become worse or have been corrected. You also notice changes such as a tendency to be impressionable, tender, kind and more forgiving.

You also notice a greater depth in your meditation. It will also become easier for you to get into meditation faster. Another clear sign of the expulsion of sanskaras is that you internalize more and take the advice of your heart. You have a feeling that your heart is the place from which you should operate permanently. You are more inclined to live your life from the heart and continue to discover more depth within yourself. All of these are telltale signs that the specimens and mannequins inside are fading away.


लालाजी महासमाधि दिवस :: १४ अगस्त १९३१

महान हस्तियाँ अकस्मात् ही पैदा नहीं हुआ करती, जब संसार को उनकी बेहद जरुरत होती है, तभी वे अवतरित होती हैं – यही विधि का विधान है।

आध्यात्मिकता का निवास-स्थान भारत, अँधेरे में भटक रहा था और युगों की अपनी प्राचीन योग प्रणाली को पूरी तरह भूल चुका था। ठोस भौतिकवाद की भावना ने सूक्ष्म आध्यात्मिकता का स्थान ले लिया था। अज्ञान के काले बादल चारों ओर मंडरा रहे थे। यौगिक प्राणाहुति हिन्दुओं के लिए बिल्कुल अजनबी सी चीज़ हो गयी थी। ऐसे हालात में, जब आध्यात्मिकता असहाय होकर लड़खड़ा रही थी, किसी महान व्यक्ति की बेहद आवश्यकता थी, जो मानव जाति के उद्धार के लिए सब कुछ व्यवस्थित कर सके।

२ फरवरी १८७३, बसन्त पंचमी का शुभ दिन था, जब दिव्य शक्ति पृथ्वी पर, समर्थ गुरु महात्मा श्री रामचंद्र जी महाराज के रूप में उत्तर प्रदेश के फ़र्रुखाबाद जिले के फ़तेहगढ़ स्थान पर उतरी। इस आनन्ददायक दिन का मिलन, वर्ष की मनमोहक ऋतु से कुछ इस प्रकार हुआ कि उसने हर दिल में, बसन्त की ताज़गी भर दी। उनके प्रादुर्भाव के आनन्दमय काल ने आध्यात्मिक जागरण के एक नये युग का प्रारम्भ किया, जिसमें मानव अस्तित्व की समस्या का व्यावहारिक हल मिलता है। आध्यात्मिकता के क्षेत्र में उनके द्वारा लायी गई, बेमिसाल क्रान्ति को याद करके, हम ख़ुशी और विस्मय से भर जाते हैं। अस्तित्व के जिस समस्या ने बड़े से बड़े मनीषियों को भी सदियों से भ्रमित कर रखा था, वे उसका एक बड़ा ही आसान सा हल प्रस्तुत करते हैं।

इस दैवी व्यक्तित्व का प्रादुर्भाव एक सम्माननीय कायस्थ परिवार में हुआ था। उनका बचपन उनकी माता से प्रभावित रहा जो एक सुसंस्कृत और सरल मन की महिला थी और अपना अधिकांश समय भक्ति और पूजा में बिताती थी। उनके प्रभाव के कारण उन्होंने बड़ी छोटी उम्र में ही अन्तःप्रेरणा प्राप्त कर ली। घटना इस प्रकार है कि एक दिन जब वे अपने साथियों के साथ खेल रहे थे तो किसी दिव्य शक्ति ने उनके मन में यह भाव जाग्रत किया कि वे उस काम के लिये नहीं आये है जिसमें वे संलग्न हैं। उन्हें आत्म–साक्षात्कार कर, भविष्य के महान कार्य के लिए ख़ुद को तैयार करना है। आत्मा जाग्रत हो उठी और वे इस कार्य में पूरी निष्ठा से जुट गए। उन्होंने केवल सात माह में ही पूर्णता प्राप्त कर ली, जो वास्तव में बेमिसाल है। तब से उन्होंने अपना सारा जीवन आध्यात्मिकता के हेतु समर्पित कर दिया। वे हमारे मिशन के आदि गुरु है।

वे संयम, सहनशीलता और भक्ति के मूर्त रूप थे। उनके साथ प्राणाहुति द्वारा यौगिक प्रशिक्षण देने के, एक नये युग का आरम्भ हुआ जिस पर उनका पूर्ण स्वामित्व था। उन्होंने एक ऐसा मार्ग दिखाया जिसके द्वारा मनुष्य एक ही जन्म में, गृहस्थ–आश्रम में रहते हुए भी, पूर्णत्व प्राप्त कर सकता है। वे कहा करते थे कि गृहस्थ–जीवन की परेशानियाँ और तकली़फ़ें, आध्यात्मिक उपलब्धि के लिए तपस्या और त्याग के समान है। उन्होंने आध्यात्मिक प्रशिक्षण पद्धति को काफी हद तक सरल कर, आधुनिक समय के अनुरूप ढाल दिया। दिव्य प्रकाश स्वरुप, हमारे महान गुरुदेव ने अत्यन्त उच्च कोटि की योग्यता और आध्यात्मिक गरिमा के साथ अपने जीवन का प्रत्येक क्षण, मानव जाति के उद्धार के लिए अर्पित कर दिया। वास्तव में , वे ईश्वर कि विलक्षण कृति थे और आध्यात्मिक क्षेत्र में उनका कार्य आम लोगो की समझ से परे था। उनके आश्चर्यजनक शोध के कारण इंसान के लिए कम से कम समय में आध्यात्मिकता के उच्चतम शिखर पर पहुँच पाना व्यावहारिक रूप में सम्भव हो गया है। उन्होंने राजयोग का परमार्जित रूप लोगों के सामने रखा, जो बाद में चल कर ‘सहज मार्ग’ के नाम से विख्यात हुआ। लगभग ३६ वर्षों तक जन समुदाय की सेवा करने के बाद इस दिव्य विभूति ने, ५८ वर्ष की आयु में, अपना पंचभौतिक शरीर त्याग कर, १४ अगस्त १९३१ को महासमाधि ले ली। जिस कार्य को अपने जीवन काल में उन्होंने अंजाम दिया, वह हमारी समझ के परे है। कालान्तर में ही, भावी पीढ़ी उनकी क्षमता का अंदाजा लगा पायेगी।

Lalaji Mahasamadhi Day :: 14th August 1931

Great men are not accidentally born. They are born when world waits for them in eager expectation. Such is the phenomenon of Nature. India, the home of spirituality, was groping in darkness and had totally forgotten the age-old system of yoga. Solid materialism had taken the place of fine spiritualism. Dark clouds of ignorance were hovering all over. Yogic transmission had become quite foreign to the Hindus. At this stage, when spirituality was tottering helplessly, some great personality was urgently needed to set things right, for the upliftment of mankind.

It was the auspicious day of Basant Panchami, February 2, 1873, on which the power of Nature descended to earth in the human form of Samarth Guru Mahatma Shri Ram Chandraji Maharaj at Fatehgarh in district Farrukhabad (U.P.). The happy day so beautifully coordinated with the most pleasant season of the year, breathed into every heart the blooming freshness of the spring. The blissful time ushered in by his advent introduced a new era of spiritual awakening which promises a practical solution of the human problem of existence. We are struck with a reverend joyful awe when we recall to our mind the grand renaissance brought about by him in the spiritual field. He offers an easy solution of the problem of existence which has ever been confounding even the greatest of sages.

This Divine personality was born in a respectable Kayastha family. His childhood was influenced by his mother, a noble minded simple lady, who spent most of her time in devotion and worship. It was due to her influence, that he received inspiration at a very early age. The incident goes, that one day while he was playing with his mates, some Divine force aroused in him the feeling that he had not come for the purpose he was engaged in. He had to realise himself and to equip himself for the greater task ahead. The soul was awakened and he set to it in right earnest. He attained perfection only in seven months - really an unparalleled example. Since then he devoted the whole of his life for the cause of spirituality. He is the Adi Guru of our Mission.

He was an embodiment of moderation, toleration and devotion. With him dawned the new era of yogic training through transmission, of which he was the master. He showed a way to bring a man to perfection in one life only, and even leading a family life in the grihastha ashram. He used to say that troubles and miseries of grihastha life are penances and sacrifices for spiritual attainments. He had simplified the method of spiritual training to a great extent and adjusted it to suit the requirements of our time. With a high calibre and spiritual dignity, our great Master, the Divine Light, devoted every moment of his life to the upliftment of humanity. He was in fact the Nature's prodigy and his work in the spiritual field is beyond common conception. His wonderful researches in this science have made human approach up to the highest limit, in the least possible time, quite possible and practicable. He introduced an improved system of raja yoga which later came to be known as 'Sahaj Marg'. After serving the masses for about 36 years this spiritual genius left his material form at the age of 58 on the 14th of August 1931. The work he did during his life time, is beyond conception. Posterity will know his merits in due course.



"When Lalaji Sahib attained mahasamadhi I became seriously ill for many months. I was longing to see him and I prayed for it too. Then one day, when I could no longer stand the grief of separation, he appeared before me with a golden countenance and a glorious and loving smile.

He asked me, "Are you satisfied? Am I as you have always seen me? I have come this time, but don't call me again." Look here, what great love there was in answering my prayer. Where can one find a Master like that?"

Quote Source : Complete Works Vol.5, 'Ambrosial Shower'

(Aug 14th)



"On the evening of Wednesday the 15th of May 1974 I was taking group satsangh at the Madurai centre of our Mission. About fifteen minutes had elapsed in meditation. The whole group was silent. There was not a breath or whisper of sound. A stillness pervaded the gathering. It was a very calming and soothing stillness of total relaxation and absorption. At this moment I seemed to feel Master's presence by me. I heard a voice, as if it was vibrating in my heart. To call it a voice is perhaps not correct. There was no sound as we hear it with our ears. It was more a vibration inside the heart which, in some non-sensible way, I heard as sound.

What Master said was this: "Many have written about the Mission. Much has also been written about the method. Now you write about the Master." It was a command which I hastened to obey. I commenced work, two days later, on Friday the 17th of May at Munnar, feeling somewhat guilty that I had tarried two days in the process. The work was completed on Friday the 23rd August. Thus, under a direct command from my Master, this book has come into your hands. Master has taught that we can be possessive only about three things in this Universe. These are the Master, His Mission, and His Method.

Therefore the title of this book is "My Master." To me the carrying out of this work has been an absorbing pleasure and a revelation. I pray that it may be so to you too!"

- 1 December, 1974, Madras

Source : Post Script, My Master

Human Excellence by Yogic Practices | 9 Aug 2024 | 6.30 PM IST | Pramukh Swami Auditorium | Rajkot 09/08/2024


Live meditation with Rev Daaji Aug 9th 9:00 AM EDT/ 6:00 AM PDT/ 6:30 PM IST India

Human Excellence by Yogic Practices | 9 Aug 2024 | 6.30 PM IST | Pramukh Swami Auditorium | Rajkot Book a free meditation session: http://hfn.link/bookfreesessionTo learn more about Heartfulness Meditation subscribe here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC...



A fine elaboration on this concept Babuji had outlined in His works (English Gist of His Message in Gujarati)

"The person with a living-dead state should not even worry about all these (what others say about him/her). When one 'Dives Deep for the Pearls' - what others are saying or not saying shouldn’t matter. (If others' opinions do matter), then that means (the State) it’s only artificial.

When you are in that State (of Living Dead) than .. it is not that you have anaesthetized yourself, it is not that the feelings of emotions also vanish. This state is a very uplifted one - but people get tired of Life and say (and mistake it as) 'I’m gonna live but live like a dead person'. That is helplessness, defeatist.

But when such a state comes from within automatically ..then oneself heads towards 'Zero' (Center) and at that time divinity is born and automatically no questions are left - (such as) 'what is that person thinking about me’

Live Meditation with Daaji | 8 Aug 2024 | 6 PM IST | Dhanvantari Mandir Hall | Daaji | Heartfulness 08/08/2024

Live meditation with Rev Daaji Aug 8 th 8:30 AM EDT/ 5:30 AM PDT/ 6 PM IST India

Live Meditation with Daaji | 8 Aug 2024 | 6 PM IST | Dhanvantari Mandir Hall | Daaji | Heartfulness Book a free meditation session: http://hfn.link/bookfreesessionTo learn more about Heartfulness Meditation subscribe here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC...


Love is the center of life. Most poetry, music, art, and films are created in the name of love. "God is love," "Love conquers all," and so on. All great mystical teachers have extolled the importance of love. In fact, only love can propel us to the end of this journey of expanding consciousness, with all its ups and downs.


*Dear Sisters and Brothers,*

*Heartful Greetings!*

*The most important and blessed occasion in our lives, and in the lives of all abhyasis, is to celebrate the birthday of our living Master, Daaji. This is the time when many abhyasis will gather to honor their guide, experience profound connection and receive blessings.*

*As Chairman of The Celebrations Committee, I warmly invite you to the upcoming Bhandara, where we will celebrate our beloved Daaji's birthday from September 27th to September 29th, 2024. The main celebration will take place on his birthday, September 28th.*

*_To ensure that the facilities are prepared adequately, we request all participants to kindly register in advance. It has been observed that some abhyasis arrive at Kanha Shanti Vanam without prior registration, which poses challenges to our volunteers who are committed to offer their best services. Please keep your registration information updated with all travel information._*

*Venue: Kanha Shanti Vanam, Hyderabad*

*Let us come together in the spirit of love and unity to participate in this joyous celebration.*

For Registration: https://hfn.li/celebration

Thank you.
For general enquiry about celebration, you can write on [email protected]

To confirm your accommodation at Pearl, please email us at: [email protected]

To confirm your accommodation at North guestroom, please email us at: [email protected]

With heartful regards
Ram Nath Kovind
Chairman, Celebrations Committee of
125th Birth celebration of Babuji Maharaj
Shri Ram Chandra Mission.
& Heartfulness Celebration team



When we see a bird, can it fly with only one wing? No, it needs both wings. We need to progress materially and spiritually. Material and spiritual life must go together. A bird's two wings represent life's material and spiritual aspects. Just as the bird's tail gives direction while flying with two wings, the heart provides direction to life.

When we meditate on the heart in the Heartfulness way, everything becomes very simple: direction comes, our heart becomes our inner guru, and we don't need to search outside anymore.


Who is a true seeker?

Every human being has divine potential, but not everyone is ready to uncover and use it. Perhaps a good definition of a seeker is someone who has become authentic in their search. As a result, they have an intense interest in their spiritual practice and want to follow their guru’s guidance. They are enthusiastic and inspired, disciplined in their practice, and make every effort to transform and transcend.

MEDITATION The most powerful way to do it 30/07/2024

*MEDITATION The most powerful way to do it*

*_Join Daaji as he explains the profound benefits of Heartfulness Meditation. Learn how to meditate effectively, understand the importance of the heart, and discover the transformative power of Pranahuti._*

MEDITATION The most powerful way to do it New video every Tuesday.Join Daaji as he explains the profound benefits of Heartfulness Meditation. Learn how to meditate effectively, understand the importa...

90 Day Challenge Tracker 29/07/2024

The links to the details of daily practices and daily tracker as well. (PDFs)

90 Day Challenge Tracker heartfulness-meditation-challenge/tracker/heartfulness-meditation-challenge/tracker/heartfulness-meditation-challenge/tracker/


DAAJI - 'END YOUR CREATION TO BRING IN GOD’S CREATION’ (25th July 2024 Morning, Kanha, Bhandara Closing Address)

Transcript of a Great Message by Daaji that requires Deeper Reading and Interiorization. Kovind-ji also suggested that this Message be translated into as many languages as possible. Transcript enclosed below could be useful for reading and translations.

"Pranams everyone. I am very impressed with the kind of discipline now that we are evolving into. Thank you. What is the fundamental principle of the Heartfulness Way? Lead a life in such a way that we don't form any Impressions - that is the Core thing. Past Samskaras we have accumulated - it is not our business. Neither we are able to change our past impressions, past Samskaras - it is best they be surrendered to the Great Master and let Him manage that. With utmost Faith of course.

It is only when we have Faith that this load of Samskaras gets reduced dramatically. Greater the Faith , Greater the level of Surrender and Open-ness of the Heart - Faster will be Dissolution of our own creation. Babuji's fundamental principle again He said - 'If you want to bring in His(God's) creation in your life, you got to end your own Creation' meaning bring about your Individual Pralaya. Somewhere else He also mentioned to lead a life in such a way that you become 'Living Dead'. That does mean you die. You die to yourself but you exist in the Service others. And when such is the case when you are working for others - and especially the Great Master - there is no way one can form the Impressions.

It was easy for Lord Krishna to say 'Surrender your actions and fruit of your actions to me'. But Babuji found a very Sahaj/very Natural, easier path and He said 'Work in the Remembrance of your Master'. Think that He is working on your behalf, Think that you are working through You and all the Results are to be Surrendered to Him - this is easier. How to bring about that? When you want to boost your Immune System you take a lot of Antioxidants and so many Natural things to boost our Immunity so that we can fight against various Infectious diseases to Improve our Health. There is only one way to Improve our Immunity at a Spiritual Level - Meditation. Through Meditation done with this Pranahuti - with Master's Grace - we arrive at a Meditative State of Mind.

This Meditative State of Mind becomes increasingly more Creative (and) at the same time remains Immune to outside Influences. To the extent we entertain more and more of likes and dislikes - to that extent we go on developing Samskaras. Likes and Dislikes dissolve when we are in the State of Meditative Mind. How can we create a Meditative Mind - not just by closing our Eyes and ritualistically Meditating but Meditating with Joy. It is like meeting your Beloved with a lot of Joy. Don't take it as one more day of exercise. Even people going to Gym for exercise - they are doing with so much of Gusto, they are doing with so much of Joy. Somehow people Meditating become more and more serious - unfortunately. We have to change that language - that Meditative Mind can be happier, can be jovial - without tensions, without frustrations.

But I see more and (more of) people who are Meditating - so called Meditating - are full of Stress. Because if they were really Meditating how could they have Stress at all. It only shows they are not Meditating. They may be closing their eyes trying to focus so hard to go within, trying to establish or bring about that 'Samadhi-like' State just like that. More you try, the more it will evade us. Simple thing is Submit everything whatsoever we have and become Lighter. Just a mental transfer, It is an attitude.

The Great Rumi, He Said - ' When have I lost anything? When I was a Mineral and became a Plant, When I died as a Plant and became Animal, When I died as an Animal I became Human. Where did I lose? ' This is His philosophy of saying that by Dying , No one loses everything. Individual Death is required for the next dimension to happen. Babuji puts it very simply - Human becoming Humane becoming Divine. Most of us are at a Human level. With all the things that animal does we also do. We have to become Humane with all the positive qualities that Sages and Saints talk about.

Become Divine - we will have to destroy our own creation to bring in the Divine dimension in our Life. And when that happens we are at that juncture - multiple things happen. One you have really become 'True Devotee'/'True Disciple' of the Master. You can face Master without any inhibition at that Moment. Second thing that happens - are begin to stir up, we create Stirs in the Divine Kingdom at the moment of Individual 'Pralaya'. We begin to resurface in the Brighter World. We start having of inclings of ourselves in the Brighter World. And this is what Sahaj Marg knows as the Birth/the Spiritual Birth of the Disciple in the Brighter World. Many have asked me 'How does this happen?' Babuji says - ' When you are in the mental womb of the Great Master just for 7 months you will be reborn in the Brighter world while you are still alive on this planet'.

And that requires only one thing - 'Individual Pralaya'. Not out of defeat/ Not out of frustration but Joyfully securing 'Saranagati'. It is not something that you are doing out of no choice but out of Free Volition - Joyfully Dancing , you are moving for the 'Self Dissolution'. And emerging as a 'Divine Personality'. So we don't really lose anything in the process. Whatsoever we have to Gain is this Divine Kingdom. But to do this also to get something will be.. It will fail us. It is a Catch-22 situation. So best is to Unload yourself at the Feet of the Master and Move On. But you must have Joyful Practice.

Time and again in the last few years I have been requesting - Please attend your Group Satsangs, At Meditation Halls/At your Centers. Take Individual Sittings as many as possible. Try to Dissuade yourself from this Remote sitting. They are good, they have its Role but they can never be substituted for Direct Physical Presence. I hope you will take it to your Heart and Practice with a lot of Joy. Thank you, Thank you so much."

97th Birth Anniversary of Pujya Shri Chariji Maharaj | 25 July 2024 | 6.30 AM IST | Chariji | Daaji 24/07/2024


97th Birth Anniversary of Pujya Shri Chariji Maharaj | 25 July 2024 | 6.30 AM IST | Chariji | Daaji 97th Birth Anniversary Celebrations of Pujya Shri CHARiJi MAHARAJJuly 23–25Book a free meditation session: http://hfn.link/bookfreesessionTo learn more about...


Deep within our hearts, there is a space free from fear and resentment. Here, we can experience total freedom by taking refuge in this space. Regular meditation will help us feel free of our emotional limitations.



Daaji in His address on Sat 26th Feb 2022 responded to a question on what to do when overpowered by thoughts during Meditation. He discouraged against breaking Meditation just because we are overpowered by thoughts (but keep Meditating at least for 30 min) and provided the following useful tips on how to address the issue. He spoke about these as some He has used in His own experience.

The interaction was in Hindi and hence paraphrased/translated below for Non-Hindi speaking Abhyasis. This can be useful for new and long term Abhyasis alike.

“First tip - For one moment open your eyes and close it again.. then get back to Meditation

Second tip - For some time, to the extent that our body allows only, take a pause in your breathing. When we pause our breathing the thoughts will automatically stop… then get back to Meditation

Third tip - Delve into the Remembrance of Master. Think that Master is within me and I am within Him…then delve back to Meditation

Fourth tip - Read one or two short paragraphs in Book about Sahaj Marg or Masters and get back into Meditation..

Fifth tip - Get up, drink some water and sit back for Meditation

Sixth tip - Do the Heartfulness Cleaning just for one min and slowly get back into Meditation..”



"It's a great book. Many Abhyasis who could not meet Babuji, we can see Babuji come alive in this book actually. The way this interaction has happened and how Thomas has articulated his interactions with Babuji, it's simply breathtaking and amazing.

One would begin to think, I wish I was also Thomas sitting in front of Babuji. And so I highly encourage (reading) - this will definitely transport you in his presence, somehow. Keep your hearts open and read with your heart."

Visit to buy this book : https://hfnlife.com/products/in-the-light-of-awakening

To read other articles by Br. Thomas please visit : https://heartfulness.org/magazine/contributors/thomas-mogensen



One of the quotes that Daaji referenced in speech June 30th 2024 Morning/Canada.

"At first destroy the creation created by your thoughts. What remains then is God’s creation alone. When the word ‘I’ does not apply to anybody, it is only then that the layavastha of the highest type is attained."

Live Meditation With Daaji | 6 July 2024 | 6 PM CET | 9.30 PM IST | Vrads Sande | Denmark 06/07/2024

Meditate with Rev Daaji July 6 th 12 noon EDT/ 9 AM PDT/ 9:30 PM IST india

Live Meditation With Daaji | 6 July 2024 | 6 PM CET | 9.30 PM IST | Vrads Sande | Denmark Welcome to the LIVE meditation sessions with Daaji in the Heartfulness way during his ongoing tour of the DenmarkBook a free meditation session: http://hfn.l...

Photos from Heartfulness Meditation NC Triangle's post 05/07/2024
Live Meditation With Daaji | 4 July 2024 | 6.30 PM GMT | 11 PM IST | Lisbon, Portugal | Heartfulness 04/07/2024

You all are invited to join online meditation session at 11:00 pm/ 1 pm EST

It’s live session from Purtagal, Europe.

Everyone is inspired to set alarm 15-30 mins earlier than the timings.


P.S. - Slight delay or change in timings may happen

Live Meditation With Daaji | 4 July 2024 | 6.30 PM GMT | 11 PM IST | Lisbon, Portugal | Heartfulness Welcome to the LIVE meditation sessions with Daaji in the Heartfulness way during his ongoing tour of the PortugalBook a free meditation session: http://hfn....


A few points from a talk given by Rev Master.....

Our method of cleaning is very effective.
Three variations we can make on the original cleaning practice:

(i) a brief cleaning before making a decision, thereby avoiding a negative outcome,

(ii) a brief cleaning before meeting someone, to avoid a potential confrontation with that person, and

(iii) a brief cleaning immediately after a negative incident occurs.

Kamlesh bhai spoke about his personal experiences, saying that....

while pain is common to all, suffering can be a choice, adding that he too had experienced pain, but had never suffered.

In his talk after satsang, he emphasised the need for sustained and consistent effort in our practice.

“Small efforts result in very big things. Small efforts in the beginning may not sound much. But every little condition that is created in our heart adds up, like those water droplets coming from above. Each condition is also like that. We should not let them evaporate like water droplets, we must let them accumulate within our hearts and make an ocean. And when this ocean of mine merges with that of my Master, then there is beauty, magnificent beauty, you see.”

Answering a question on laziness he said,

“Our inaction also creates samskaras, our inability to do certain things, and when we keep brooding over them, that also forms samskaras.”

In one of his talks he said,

“Lalaji Maharaj used to say that we must practice in such a fashion that our progress should reflect in our behaviour. Others should be able to say, „Yes, he is a Sahaj Marg abhyasi.

‟ We must lead our lives so that we are immersed in His remembrance and the need for evening cleaning doesn‟t arise. That is the ultimate achievement.”

In his talk he said,

“Our guru dakshina is to spread His message to the people. Whether new seekers continue the practice or not is their wish. But they should know about Sahaj Marg meditation. We have to assure them that whenever they want it, our doors are open for them. Do not criticise them. Sahaj Marg is a path of love.”

In a short speech he said,

“So stop wishing for things, start accepting them the way they are, and do it joyfully. We have to accept sufferings and that too, joyfully, to be able to learn from them. A bitter, angry, cold heart deflects the grace of the Master, whereas one who is always happy and grateful under all circumstances receives grace automatically, and such a person progresses fast.”

in his talks to the group:

Go from doing prayer to being in a prayerful state all the time. Go from meditation to being in a meditative state all the time.

When we are in a bhandara, we are like buckets lowered into a well. It appears full while it is immersed, but the moment it is taken out some water is spilled, and if there are holes in the

bucket everything goes out by the time the bucket comes out. These holes are nothing but desires in our heart.

When a vacuum holds two hemispheres together, it is very difficult to separate them. When you introduce a small amount of air, they are easily separated. Such is the power of vacuum. Create such a vacuum in your heart that a powerful inseparable bond is created with the source. Vacuum in the heart is spoilt by even the smallest desire.

Always love and respect your parents. Nothing is worth causing them pain.

Willful desires interfere with our destiny. Destiny unfolds when we learn not to interfere with it.

There are two features to the practice. The practice itself accounts for 5% of our approach, and the attitude accounts for 95%. Practice can be taught, attitude cannot be taught, one has to develop it.

Talk given in the month of May 15
by *Rev. Kamlesh Bhai*

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