Life is Happenin'

Life is Happenin'

Life is Happenin' is a Feel Good brand featuring a Hippie Snail that suggests we "Slow Down Man" ...currently a decal ...soon to be on everything. Brian Ward.

Life is Happenin’ was born of an idea to try to get the general population to slow down and think about the well being and safety of others around them, to be considerate when driving. The first product produced under the brand name is an auto decal that we hope to get on every vehicle in every continent. These little reminders will hopefully save lives, serving as a reminder to the person driving


This is always true: What I think and how I feel, and what manifests, is always a vibrational match. But here’s the big kicker: What manifests isn’t manifesting instantaneously. So, you’ve got all this buffer of time leeway that makes you sloppy… If you thought a negative thought and a brick would instantly fall on your head every time, you’d clean up your thinking. But you’re not here to be punished about your thinking. You’re here to use your thinking—and your focus—to create.

(and Abraham and Jerry)


Have a Merry Christmas and a Hippie New Year!!

A small, unsuspecting character starting a Massive movement

Life is Happenin’ was born of an idea to try to get the general population to slow down and think about the well being and safety of others around them, to be considerate when driving. The first product produced under the brand name is an auto decal that we hope to get on every vehicle in every continent. These little reminders will hopefully save lives, serving as a reminder to the person driving too close to your bumper or carelessly flying around you that you carry precious cargo and would like to get home safely to your family.

The message transcends the road and reminds us All (mankind) to just Slow Down in our lives and enjoy the moments, time with our families, our hobbies and interests, time outdoors, road trips and vacations, time with friends and anything else we might be neglecting by trying to cram too much into our days that we have to rush around between every activity. Stress makes us a mess [hmmm, this might have to be the next decal theme].

The design was created by OKC freelance graphic designer and fine art illustrator D. Brian Ward. He specializes in logo design and developed his own business he calls the I.D.ea Factory. While researching for a client’s logo with a hippie theme he got the idea for the snail almost like a gift from beyond. A need for a character or way to deliver a message that had been on his mind a lot leading up to the discovery was fulfilled. Brian always thought that snail heads look like a hand making the peace sign. When seeing lots of various peace sign hands an ah ha moment occurred. “Of course! the snail is the perfect symbol for slowing down, taking your time getting there, chilling out, relaxing and feeling the vibes.” When you marry the elements of slow, peaceful living and the peace hand, with a nice little spiraled tie dyed shell, a star is born. If you can imagine a nice Hippie drawl suggesting a slower pace, a consideration of others, it all makes you just nod your head in an understanding, a “Yes, I need to be a part of this Movement.”
