Your Ideal Patients

Your Ideal Patients

Offering Done-For-You Marketing for Integrative, Functional & Naturopathic Doctors. check out

I first made an impact in this industry as the Director of Operations for 10 years for a large Integrative Medicine Clinic growing it from a loss to a multi 7 figure practice. The clinic and the doctors were truly amazing and we were changing lives everyday. I knew my calling was to help more doctors understand how to reach more patients that need them so that Natural Medicine could become the "go


Is anyone else keeping a running list of AI words you never want to hear again?

Here’s my current list:

New Era

👋 Now I do love AI don’t get me wrong but…using it in your marketing should still be done in an authentic way and these “ai words” are sticking out like a sore thumb.
Keeping it real 💕


Teaching is my happy place 💕

Trying to take complex things and make them simple so people can easily take action and win is my goal.

✅ Today I shared a new opportunity to a room full of brilliant people and we sold out in 5 minutes with a Solid waitlist.

👊 Excited to help so many practitioners have their business and marketing on 🔥 🙏
2024 is your year…in case you didn’t know 💕


I call her Dr. Brandy…she calls me Marketing Brandy. She is beyond brilliant and I’m blessed to call her a friend so when she asked me to come to 🇲🇽 to speak to her amazing group of kick ass Functional Medicine practitioners at her Spring retreat, I had to say yes.
Also 🌮 💕


If you aren’t building an audience of raving fans on Social Media…you are likely wasting your time!

🎬 Videos are where the attention is
🎬 Videos are a fast way to educate
🎬 Videos help people resonate with you
🎬 Videos are the key to building fans
💃🚫No dancing, pointing or acting just you…authentically being you while helping to impact the nation with your brilliance and making more SALES!!

Easy. Promise.
Reach out if you are interested in learning more.


Back to the basics of the biz. We are always chasing new customers but the core 20% that build the majority of your revenue are not to be forgotten!

It’s holiday season, give them a seasonal perk for being a VIP.

Gifting, special bonus, company swag…anything that screams VIP


It’s kind of my resting bitch face but also my “let’s get serious face”.

We send literally hundreds of thousands emails every week for our clients and generate thousands of dollars for our clients from email marketing.

This is your friendly PSA to send weekly emails to your email list.

People want to hear from you.

Fortunes are made and lost in communication and client retention…

Emails for the win 💕💫


💊📊 Kid-friendly multivitamins are topping the charts in the supplement sales category, and it's a trend that's hard to miss. Children's health is taking center stage like never before, thanks to a surge in awareness among parents and caregivers.

With more families joining the health-conscious movement, there's a growing desire to give our little ones the best start in life. That's where multivitamins designed just for kids come into play, and the demand is soaring.

Are you selling kids supplements? Cause their parents are buying them...just maybe not with you 🤷‍♀️


When you set up your own online store, you open a window into the wants and needs of your clients and potential clients when it comes to health products.

🧠Imagine having the ability to deeply understand your buyers and their preferences – knowing which products are incredibly popular, identifying those that could benefit from a little more spotlight, and even pinpointing when your buyers are most active online. It's not just a sea of numbers; it's like having a direct line to your customers' thoughts.

💓Armed with this valuable info, you can make strategic decisions to fine-tune your product offerings, to make sure they align perfectly with your what your people WANT!

📈You can spot sales trends over time, helping you manage your inventory efficiently and adjust pricing accordingly. Plus, you can supercharge your marketing efforts, crafting campaigns that connect more effectively with your target demographic.

🤩Mo data less problems!! It's like having a marketing crystal ball to steer your e-comm biz to success!!


Beyond thrilled to hear of Sarah’s success with our program! We are so happy we were able to help!💊 🚀

From inception to Launch in 60 days our Fast Track Program does it all. Don't miss out on the opportunity to collaborate with a top-notch team and witness the power of our proven system. Let's make your dreams a reality!

📲Head to to learn more!


🤧As we dive headfirst into the immune-boosting season, it's prime time for your patients to prepare and stock up on top-notch immunity products. Vitamin C is always a category fave but also products with a blend of herbs and nutrients have the largest share in the immunity sales category, making them a go-to choice for immune support!

Your patients trust you as their health and wellness advocate and you're well-equipped to provide them with the support they need to thrive during this season.

🍊To meet their needs effectively, curate a selection of high-quality Vitamin C plus products and complementary supplements (maybe add them in to your next Immune Boosting Bundle!), offer informative content about immune health, run seasonal promotions and take those sales away from the Big box retailers!!


How would you like to add thousands of dollars of PROFIT every month with your own line of Professional Grade Supplements?

💊⚡️From inception to Launch in 60 days our Fast Track Program does it all!

Let us help you choose the right products, names, label design, manufacturer, e-commerce store build out, marketing assets and sales training.  Have an additional revenue stream that doesn’t trade time for money but rather focuses on better patient results plus monthly recurring sales!

Interested in learning more and getting started? Let’s chat!


Whether you're just diving into e-commerce or aiming to supercharge your e-commerce game, here are some mobile optimization must-haves you simply can't overlook.

⚡️Lightning-Fast Loading: Speed is the name of the game. Mobile users are always on the move, so make sure your pages load fast. This keeps them engaged and your bounce rates low.

😍 User-Friendly Navigation: Simplicity is key. Mobile shoppers should effortlessly find what they're looking for. Clear menus, snappy categories, and a tidy layout are your best pals.

🛒Streamlined Checkout: Don't complicate the buying process. Think one-click payments, guest checkout options, and the magic of mobile wallets to boost those conversion rates.

💵Mobile Payments: Embrace the digital wallet revolution! Support popular mobile payment methods like Apple Pay, Google Pay, and others for quick and convenient transactions.

🔎Mobile SEO: Climb those mobile search engine rankings. Higher visibility in mobile search results means more eyes on your store.

📈Mobile Marketing: Talk to your audience in their language. Create mobile-friendly ads, tweak your social media strategy for mobile users, and throw in some SMS marketing for good measure.

🔐Security Measures: Trust is the foundation. Beef up your security to safeguard customer data, and display trust signals like a boss to give mobile shoppers that extra dose of confidence.

Remember, mobile optimization is essential. So, don't miss out on these tips to boost your e-commerce success! 🚀💰


As autumn rolls in, it's time for the "immune season" spotlight to shine. Yep, that's right, people are getting all geared up for colder days and health challenges, which means one thing: a surge in demand for immune-boosting supplements!

For businesses, especially in the supplement game, this is your time to focus!. People are on the lookout for ways to boost their immune systems and avoid the dreaded 100th wave of c@v%d.

So, what's the game plan? Highlight those supplement superpowers and whip up some seasonal marketing magic!

Oh, and don't forget to sprinkle in some knowledge. Educate your audience about supplements and their support to the immune system (support key word ;)) —show them you're the real deal, a trusted source for solutions. You're not just meeting demand; you're offering valuable solutions for a healthier season ahead. 🍁💼💡


Hanging with all the cool kids !


Consistent, reliable revenue streams delivering top-notch products and improving health? YES PLEASE!💊🛒⚡️

Leveraging cutting-edge e-commerce tools, my team and I can expedite your product launch and sales efforts within just 60 days. We're not just passionate; we're driven! With a track record of launching over 52 supplement brands in a single year, we're confident we can help you get obsessed with e-commerce too!

📲 Visit to book a call with me!


Last year, consumers collectively invested a staggering $70 million in brain health supplements. 🧠⚡️

…showing how much people care about keeping their minds sharp!!

As we learn more about brain health and the need for mental focus and energy grows, the market for these supplements has boomed. This big spending shows just how committed people are to boosting their brainpower, especially in our fast-paced, information-packed world.

This is a huge opportunity for you to tap into this growing interest by featuring carefully selected, top-quality brain health products in your e-commerce store. Additionally, you can boost your credibility in the realm of cognitive health by offering informative content about these supplements, such as blog posts, webinars, and YouTube videos.

Taking advantage of this trend can boost your e-commerce store's credibility and meet the rising demand for brain health supplements (and more additional revenue for you too😉)!


In an industry where trust can be shaky and facts can get fuzzy, being upfront and reliable is key to keeping your brand in the spotlight.

Always highlight transparency – where your ingredients come from, how you make your products – the whole nine yards. Discussing third-party tests, quality certifications, and scientific proof that backs up your supplements goes a long way in building trust with your customers.

Also, let's not forget the importance of education. Share informative blog posts, videos, and social media content to position yourself as a trusted source of knowledge. When customers are well-informed, they're more likely to make confident choices when shopping.

🌟 The bottom line? Build that trust. Aim to be the go-to not only for supplements but for overall health and wellness insights.

Photos from Your Ideal Patients's post 07/09/2023

Let's dive into the nitty-gritty of what it takes to craft a successful brand. We often immerse ourselves in our clients and patients (which is a good thing!), but we should also circle back to check if our brand is firing on all cylinders. This ensures we're super-serving our dream consumers and hitting the right target. Regardless of how snazzy your marketing materials (online and offline) appear, it's crucial to remember that each piece triggers an emotion in your patients.

ALWAYS loop back to the vibe you want every patient to carry after any interaction with your business. That's where the brand magic really happens! No matter how big your business gets, these fundamentals deserve a regular check-in, yearly or maybe even quarterly. It's the secret sauce to keeping aligned and true to your practitioner core values!💞


I know it can seem overwhelming or like another major task to add to your already overflowing plate of things to do. But I’m here to tell you that the beauty of opening your own online store is to actually to eliminate added work in the long run while being able to access and help more patients globally.

The initial work is all in the start up (this is where I got you! 😉) and then the rest kind of works for you!

This is why I built my Fast Track program, your patients are already buying supplements...the question is where? And also what are they really getting? Do you own the conversation around what they need every day to maintain their health? An e-commerce platform is your opportunity to provide quality products!

To learn more and get your own line of foundational supplements launched in 60 days book a discovery call here 📞⤵️


Your commitment to improving lives is truly remarkable, and guess what? There's an even bigger stage for your passion! Stepping onto e-commerce platforms opens up an incredible opportunity to touch lives on a grand scale. Here's the lowdown:

🌍Stepping into the online supplement realm tears down geographical barriers, putting you in touch with people nationwide. Your expertise and products now reach those who might not have discovered you otherwise.
✨ Spark Personal Transformations and Positivity: By opening an online store, you're sparking personal transformations. Those seeking better health can easily find and acquire supplements aligned with their goals. As a guiding light on their individual wellness journeys, you have the power to bring positivity into countless lives, one supplement at a time.

Ready to harness the potential of e-commerce platforms and magnify your influence? Let's team up!

Head to & let’s chat!🤩

Photos from Your Ideal Patients's post 25/08/2023

I will never not miss you🕊️
The heavens opened up for my brother last night. Rolled out the red carpet and ushered him on to his next chapter.
If you knew Mike you loved him.
Words will never do any of this experience justice. Hug your loved ones, Life is short 💔


Why multiple revenue streams?
⚡️by diversifying your income you’re diversifying your impact!

Financial freedom comes from not being tied to only one stream of income and the ability to make money without YOU. Ya it's true ;)

The question then isn’t why multiple revenue streams? It's actually, why haven’t you started yet?!

Photos from Your Ideal Patients's post 21/08/2023

In any avenue of marketing you need to master the art of storytelling. We all know the saying, "Facts tell, but stories sell," and it couldn't be more accurate when it comes to selling supplements!

By leveraging the power of storytelling, you have the ability to connect with your ideal patients on a deeper level. Sharing the journey, the struggles, and the victories will resonate with them, creating a bond of trust and ultimately driving predictable recurring revenue for your business!


We are so happy we were able to help Dr. Patti, who had an incredible experience with our FastTrack program.💊 🚀

Are you ready to experience the same incredible results?

Join our FastTrack program today and unlock the true potential of your business! Don't miss out on the opportunity to collaborate with a top-notch team and witness the power of our proven system. Let's make your dreams a reality!

📲Head to to learn more!


💭Maybe you want to formulate your own supplements and just don't know how it all works?

💭Maybe you want to offer different methods to your clients like gummies or powders?

💭Maybe you are ready to be part of the innovation in the industry?

💭Maybe we should chat....Book a call! 📲


Convenience is key! That's why selling supplements online is a game-changer for both practitioners and customers alike. 🌐💫 Here's how it benefits THEM, the customers:

1️⃣ Shop Anytime, Anywhere: Say goodbye to limited store hours and long commutes! With online shopping, customers have the freedom to browse and purchase supplements at their convenience. Whether they're night owls or early birds, our online store is always open, ready to cater to their wellness needs.

2️⃣ Wide Selection at Their Fingertips: E-commerce platforms bring an extensive range of supplements right to their screens. From vitamins to herbal remedies, they can explore a diverse selection with just a few clicks. It's like having a virtual health store in the palm of their hand!

3️⃣ Expert Recommendations: Seeking guidance on the right supplements for their specific needs? Online platforms provide access to expert recommendations from qualified practitioners. They can make informed decisions and choose the supplements that align with their wellness goals, all without leaving the comfort of their home.

4️⃣ Doorstep Delivery: No more rushing to the store or waiting in long queues. With reliable shipping partners, their wellness essentials will reach them safely and conveniently.

5️⃣ Personalized Experience: Online stores offer personalized features that make their shopping experience seamless and tailored to their preferences. They can create wishlists, receive customized recommendations, and easily reorder their favourite supplements with just a few taps. It's like having their own virtual wellness concierge!

Interested in opening your own online store? I got you covered! Book a call with me at to get started!


Imagine waking up to notifications of sales made while you were fast asleep!

Your online store may very well be your hardest working employee ;)

Do you want to take control of the conversation regarding what your patients need daily to maintain their health? I'm not referring to acute or chronic supplements, but rather the essential ones that the human body requires and should primarily obtain from food. Unfortunately, in reality, these crucial nutrients are often lacking due to several concerning factors:

😩Stress has become an epidemic in modern society.
😴Sleep, a vital aspect of well-being, is drastically underrated, with 35.2% of people getting less than seven hours of sleep per night.
🍔Obesity rates are soaring, affecting 1 in 10 adults.

In light of these challenges, the solution is rather simple: let's get back to basics.

Instead of purchasing low-quality products from big-box retailers, it's essential to focus on foundational supplements that your patients genuinely need. This means offering a comprehensive bundle of products carefully selected to meet their requirements. From product naming and label design to setting up a sales focused e-commerce store, providing sales training, and developing a well-thought-out launch plan with accountability and support, we can help you establish your own line of foundational supplements in just 60 days!

If you're ready to learn more and take charge of your patients' health, book a discovery call here 📞⤵️
Visit to get started on the fast track to success!

Photos from Your Ideal Patients's post 27/07/2023

I know, I know, another social media platform to manage but try flipping your perspective and look at it as another opportunity to reach more people, help more patients and educate your audience. Oh, and boost your e-commerce sales! 😉

Thread is now the fastest-growing app in history with 100 million users in just 5 days! This app can be a game-changer for your marketing efforts. Here's how you can leverage Threads to take your e-commerce business to new heights!⬆️


Trends come and go, yes, but it’s important to be mindful of what people are looking for, especially your ideal patients and incorporate these products into your online store. You can provide innovative ways to create products that truly make a difference in people's lives. Here are some current key trends to consider:

🧠Cognitive Health: With a growing focus on mental well-being, supplements targeting cognitive function and brain health are gaining popularity. Explore ingredients like adaptogens, omega-3 fatty acids, and nootropics to develop products that support memory, focus, and overall brain health.

🌱Gut Health: The gut-brain connection is garnering increased attention, leading to a surge in demand for supplements that promote a healthy digestive system. Consider probiotics, prebiotics, and digestive enzymes to develop products that support gut health and optimize overall wellness.

👟Sports Performance: Athletes and fitness enthusiasts are looking for supplements that enhance performance, support muscle recovery, and improve endurance. Explore ingredients like branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), creatine, and natural energy boosters to develop products that cater to this active audience.

💫Beauty from Within: The beauty industry has embraced the concept of "beauty from within," focusing on supplements that promote healthy skin, hair, and nails. Incorporate collagen, antioxidants, and vitamins known for their beauty benefits to create products that nourish and enhance natural beauty.

Keep up with these exciting trends and let your creativity shine through as you develop products that truly make a difference in the lives of your patients!✨

Photos from Your Ideal Patients's post 26/07/2023

No business was remembered by only one interaction. It used to be buses, benches, billboards and commercials (or fun radio jingles!!!) Now the strategy has changed but the game remains the same.

Consistency is literally the solution. 🤩

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Seriously… what’s going on here!? 🤷‍♀️
I wish I could explain why I am like this 😂#chiropractors#chiropractorlife#vitalisticchiropractic#vitalisticchiropractor...
