Liberty Justice Center

Liberty Justice Center

We are a non-profit, non-partisan law firm that fights for all American's constitutional rights

The Liberty Justice Center is a non-profit, non-partisan public-interest law firm that fights to protect economic liberty, private property rights, free speech, and other fundamental rights in Illinois and beyond. First and foremost, the Liberty Justice Center seeks to ensure that the rights to earn a living and to start a business, which are essential to a free and prosperous society, are availab


Proud to stand up for Coach Park's constitutional rights through this lawsuit. We look forward to holding the school district and board accountable for this egregious violation of free speech and due process.


🚨BREAKING: We've filed a lawsuit on behalf of a track coach who was fired for proposing an open division for transgender athletes to compete in, to ensure fairness for all student-athletes.

Coach John Parks was retaliated against, falsely accused of discriminatory behavior, denied an appeal, and fired—for exercising his constitutional right to . We will hold the District and Board accountable.

Defending First Amendment Rights in First Grade: The Liberty Justice Center Continues Its Fight Against Censorship by School Administrators - Liberty Justice Center 24/07/2024

We’ve filed a brief defending rights in a case where school officials punished a 1st grader for the innocent use of “any life” below a "Black Lives Matter" drawing. School administrators are state actors who wield extraordinary power over the families of more than 65M children attending public schools. They must not be allowed to punish children on a whim whenever their own hypersensitive political views are offended.

Pacific Legal Foundation

Defending First Amendment Rights in First Grade: The Liberty Justice Center Continues Its Fight Against Censorship by School Administrators - Liberty Justice Center On July 22, the Liberty Justice Center filed an amicus brief urging the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit to overturn a lower court ruling that would grant school administrators virtually unchecked discretion to punish elementary school children for their self-expression. B.B. was in first...


Newsom’s policies are pushing people and companies out of California. Elon Musk's stand for parental rights aligns with the majority of California voters. We look forward to ending this invasive law.


MN Students are being forced to fund a PRIVATE lobbying and advocacy group to attend PUBLIC universities.

Read more from about our lawsuit to STOP this SCHEME.


Californians are sick and tired of Newsom’s policies stripping away their rights. For many, is the "final straw"

Great read from Brad Polumbo on this invasive law as we fight to stop Newsom's attack on parents' rights.


We'll never stop fighting for educational freedom. We stand firm with Texans as these school officials are held accountable for using public resources to push political agendas.


LISTEN: LJC's Emily Rae speaks with Lisa Wexler about our lawsuit challenging and why the law, constitution and majority of CA voters are on our side.


So we should keep secrets from ALL parents due to "rare circumstances"?

Parents have a fundamental right to direct the upbringing & education of their children. PERIOD.


Parents have a right to know what their minor children are doing at school. We look forward to ending this invasive and unconstitutional law.


Parents are the legal guardians of their children—NOT the government. We will continue to defend parents’ rights by challenging invasive laws like in court, at no cost to taxpayers.


Parents have had rights long before Newsom and will have them long after he is gone.


PK-12 minor students, most of whom are too young to drive, vote, or provide medical consent for themselves, are also too young to make life-altering decisions without their parents’ knowledge. But that’s what enables—so we’re fighting back.


So you'll combat “disinformation” to protect your reputation but won't ensure parents have information to protect their child's well-being? Governor Newsom, stop putting politics before parents.


🚨BREAKING: We have filed a lawsuit challenging

School officials do not have the right to keep secrets from parents, but parents do have a constitutional right to know what their minor children are doing at school. Parents are the legal guardians of their children, NOT Newsom, Bonta, or Thurmond.

We will continue to defend parents’ rights and children’s well-being by challenging invasive laws like AB 1955 in court, at no cost to taxpayers.


The signing of AB 1955 will not deter us from defending California parents and school districts that respect parental rights.


It's the role of parents—NOT school administrators—to direct their child's upbringing. We urge SCOTUS to issue a ruling that safeguards parents' constitutional rights.


A signed bill won’t stop us from defending CA parents and school districts that respect parental rights. If AB 1955 becomes law, we’ll keep fighting for Californians’ constitutional rights.


"Sunlight is the Best Disinfectant"

Encouraging news as we continue to fight for public transparency in government proceedings in TN.


Say it louder for the people in the back 🗣️

Government censorship violates Americans’ constitutional rights—even when that censorship is sophisticated & performed by proxy actors like big tech. We'll continue to fight for Justin Hart & others whose speech is being silenced.


🔊LISTEN: LJC's Buck Dougherty joins Liberty Watch Radio to discuss the Murthy ruling & our continued fight against free speech violations & censorship in Hart v. Facebook.


School districts like Eau Claire are treating parents’ constitutional rights as negotiable. That CANNOT stand. We urge to issue a ruling that safeguards parents’ rights & puts an end to administrators’ attempts to replace children’s guardians.


School districts like Eau Claire are treating parents’ constitutional rights as negotiable. That CANNOT stand. We urge to issue a ruling that safeguards parents’ rights & puts an end to administrators’ attempts to replace children’s guardians.



Today is a reminder that our great nation is fundamentally rooted in individual liberty secured by limited government. While we face greater threats than ever before, our resolve to protect fundamental rights is unwavering. We wish a Happy Independence Day to those who continue to support our fights. 🇺🇸


Representing major business & trade associations, former U.S. Secretary of Labor Eugene Scalia has filed an amicus brief in support of LJC and ’s battle to defend independent contractors from the DOL’s arbitrary rule change.


For decades, Chevron let unaccountable agencies & bureaucrats determine their power & trample on Americans' rights. We applaud SCOTUS’s decision to overturn Chevron, restore courts’ power to independently interpret statutes, & rein in unlawful overreach.


🚨🚨🚨Federal court halts the Biden Administration’s ban on LNG exports

We applaud the ruling & will press forward to ensure this preliminary injunction is enforced permanently. The Biden Administration does not have the authority to overrule federal law & halt the approval process. We will continue to challenge this egregious overreach & hold government actors accountable for prioritizing a political agenda above the Constitution.

Federal Court Halts Biden Administration’s Ban on LNG Exports: The Liberty Justice Center and Pelican Institute Praise Ruling Limiting Executive Overreach - Liberty Justice Center 02/07/2024

🚨🚨🚨Federal court halts the Biden Administration’s ban on LNG exports

We applaud the ruling & will press forward to ensure this preliminary injunction is enforced permanently. The Biden Administration does not have the authority to overrule federal law & halt the approval process. We will continue to challenge this egregious overreach & hold government actors accountable for prioritizing a political agenda above the Constitution.

Federal Court Halts Biden Administration’s Ban on LNG Exports: The Liberty Justice Center and Pelican Institute Praise Ruling Limiting Executive Overreach - Liberty Justice Center On July 1, a federal court issued a ruling halting the Biden Administration’s ban on the export of liquid natural gas (LNG), effective immediately. Ruling on a legal challenge jointly filed by sixteen states through their attorneys general, the U.S District Court for the Western District of Louisi...


We have filed our opening brief in legal challenge to the proposed federal TikTok ban.

This law would shut down an important forum for political speech & the spread of ideas, and the law’s supporters in Congress admit that they voted for it for the most illegitimate reason possible: to suppress the spread of ideas they don’t like.

The Court must block this law before it goes into to effect, or our client and the 170 million other Americans who use TikTok will be irreparably harmed.

The lawsuit had received a groundswell of support as 9 amicus briefs supporting the challenge were filed by organizations & individuals across the political spectrum including , Erwin Chemerinsky & grassroots social & racial justice nonprofits.


We applaud SCOTUS’s decision to overturn Chevron and significantly rein in the administrative state’s unlawful overreach. Now that courts are no longer shackled to agencies’ interpretations, agency rules can be fairly interpreted—and we look forward to challenging their overreach.

More on the decision and the briefs we filed urging SCOTUS to strike down Chevron:

Videos (show all)

LISTEN: LJC's Emily Rae speaks with Lisa Wexler about our lawsuit challenging #AB1955 and why the law, constitution and ...
Say it louder for the people in the back 🗣️ Government censorship violates Americans’ constitutional rights—even when th...
🔊LISTEN: LJC's Buck Dougherty joins Liberty Watch Radio to discuss the Murthy ruling & our continued fight against free ...
Today is a reminder that our great nation is fundamentally rooted in individual liberty secured by limited government. W...
On this day in 2018, we secured a major victory for workers' rights as #SCOTUS ruled in #Janus v. AFSCME that non-union ...
Think this can't happen here? Law enforcement already uses AI and recognition technology while storing your whereabouts ...
👁️📹 If today’s highway camera surveillance by law enforcement doesn't worry you, think about how the national database c...
LJC's Dean McGee joined Sara Gonzales on BlazeTV to discuss our fight to clear the academic record of a sixteen-year-old...
WATCH: LJC's Dean McGee speaks with Lou Dobbs about our fight to clear the academic record of a student who was accused ...
LISTEN 🔊: LJC's Dean McGee joins Liberty Watch Radio to discuss our fight against the corrupt school administrators who ...
👁️📹 LJC's Reilly Stephens joins Chicago's Morning Answer to discuss our lawsuit challenging the Orwellian mass surveilla...