Optimal Thyroid Program

Optimal Thyroid Program

The Optimal Thyroid Program by ConvenCare is an innovative telemedicine program that provides doctor


Spending nearly an hour in your car looking for your phone while using it as a flashlight isn't necessarily a sign of aging; it could well be a thyroid-related brain fog moment.

You don't have to let thyroid brain fog become a permanent part of life. At the Optimal Thyroid Program, our medical professionals have helped scores of patients conquer the symptoms of low-thyroid disorders and restore their mental acuity. Let us help you, too!

Take this 60-second quiz to find out if you qualify for our program and get a FREE lab test and medical consultation. https://bit.ly/3O6m4FK


What makes our approach to hypothyroidism treatment unique is that unlike most doctors who only test and review thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels when analyzing thyroid function, our medical team here at the Optimal Thyroid Program use advanced testing to assess underlying thyroid dynamics that are often missed with TSH tests alone. This means that before each consultation with your board-certified provider, you will undergo comprehensive blood testing at a lab near you.

Learn more about our approach and the inclusions of our program here. If you have questions, complete the form on the page and one of our Patient Education Specialists will contact you promptly. https://bit.ly/3xkNOzG


If you're feeling depressed, becoming increasingly sensitive to cold, constipated, and/or losing your mental acuity, you're not imagining things – these are real symptoms of an underactive thyroid.

Here at the Optimal Thyroid Program, our specialists have made it a mission to help people with hypothyroidism take full control of their symptoms and get back to living happy lives.

Take this 60-second quiz now to find out if you're a candidate for our program. If you are, you'll receive instructions to arrange your lab test. Once your results are ready (usually within 2 days after taking the test), we will contact you to schedule your free medical consult. https://bit.ly/3xkNOzG


Used to be a social butterfly, but you can’t find the energy anymore? The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland that can cause you to become not so social when it slows down or stops functioning correctly.

If you're withdrawing from your social life because of mood swings, anxiety, fatigue, and/or muscle weakness and wondering if these have something to do with your thyroid function, taking this short quiz can take you a step closer to finding out the answer. https://bit.ly/3xkNOzG


Have you met Jennifer Slencak, MSN, APRN, FNP-C? Jennifer is a low-thyroid disorder specialist with the Optimal Thyroid Program. As a hypothyroid patient since the age of 12, Jennifer is passionate about improving care for patients who struggle to find providers who truly understand their symptoms and offer sustainable solutions.

Jennifer is a member of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners (AANP), the North Texas Nurse Practitioner Association, and the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M). She is board-certified as a family nurse practitioner by the American Association of Nurse Practitioners. https://bit.ly/3As6joP


Hypothyroidism can cause you to gain weight by as much as 10 pounds from excess fluid alone.

If your clothes are getting tight or the number on the scale is going up, and you can't seem to figure out why, turn to our medical providers here at the Optimal Thyroid Program. We can help you get to the root of your weight problem – if this is due to hypothyroidism – and develop a suitable treatment plan to help make your weight loss goals a reality.

Click here to take our quick and easy assessment and find out how you can get started! https://bit.ly/3xkNOzG


When you make a list of the ABCs of heart health – from arrhythmia to Zumba classes – you might not think of including a T for thyroid, but you should. The thyroid gland is a small gland that produces hormones that play a crucial role in your cardiovascular health. Having an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism), for instance, can result in a slower heart rate, constricted blood vessels, increased blood pressure, fluid retention, and high cholesterol levels.

So, what should you do about your thyroid health to protect your heart health? If you're concerned that you may have an underactive thyroid, take our short assessment, then receive instructions for scheduling your lab test. We will contact you to arrange your free medical consultation once your lab test results are sent to us (usually within 48 hours after taking the test) – all of which is at no charge, and no obligation to you. https://bit.ly/3NI82u3


If your get-up-and-go attitude has got up and gone, your thyroid could be to blame. Our highly experienced providers at the Optimal Thyroid Program are here to save the day!

Take our short quiz right now to find out if you qualify for our program and to get a FREE lab test and provider consultation. We look forward to helping you rev up your energy! https://bit.ly/3NI82u3


According to a recent study, more than 25% of individuals who have been diagnosed with pre-hypothyroidism (subclinical hypothyroidism) - developed acute hypothyroidism within six years of their initial diagnosis. Subclinical hypothyroidism is a condition characterized by having “low normal”, but not optimal lab test results.

While not all cases of subclinical hypothyroidism progress into hypothyroidism, patients may experience similar symptoms, including fatigue, skin changes, hair loss, constipation, and unexplained weight gain. If you're experiencing any of these symptoms, the Optimal Thyroid Program offers a simple and convenient way to get tested and treated for subclinical and regular hypothyroidism. For all new patients, we offer the first lab test and provider consultation completely free. This way, you can get to know us and make a well-informed decision. To find out if you're eligible for the program and receive your free lab test and provider consult, click here to take your free thyroid assessment. https://bit.ly/3xkNOzG


Have you spent a great deal of time trying to lose weight, but the scale still doesn't seem to budge? Your thyroid could be to blame. Don't give up – let our medical providers here at the Optimal Thyroid Program help you. Our comprehensive program is aimed at helping people who suspect they have a thyroid problem, as well as those who already have a diagnosis. After we make a thorough assessment of your lab results and symptoms, we'll develop a treatment plan to help you manage your symptoms, boost your metabolism, and feel great about yourself again! Complete our 60-second, no-obligation assessment to discover if our program is right for you. https://bit.ly/3NI82u3


Did you know that muscle weakness is a common complaint among people with underactive thyroid? If muscular symptoms, such as weakness, fatigue, stiffness, and pain, are becoming an all-too-common reality for you, take this quick quiz now to assess your thyroid health and see if you qualify for free thyroid testing and medical consult. https://bit.ly/3O6m4FK


Happy , from all of us here at Optimal Thyroid Program!


Plagued by brain fog, fatigue, joint pain, and constipation? We think it’s time for you started feeling like yourself again. Join the Optimal Thyroid Program today for just $75 per month. It's convenient, affordable, and personalized for you. Find out more about us by browsing some of the most frequently asked questions we get. Check them out here: https://bit.ly/3xwDCFr


Hashimoto's disease is an autoimmune disorder in which your immune system attacks your own healthy tissues in the thyroid gland as if they were bacteria, viruses, or some other foreign body. This disease usually results in a decline in hormone production, which can lead to hypothyroidism. Learn about the symptoms, risk factors, and treatment of Hashimoto's disease here: https://bit.ly/3aRgo45


People with celiac disease, Sjögren's syndrome, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, or lupus may be more likely to have an underactive thyroid. If you have been diagnosed with any of these conditions, we encourage you to take our short assessment to learn about the Optimal Thyroid Program and whether you're eligible for it. If you are, we’ll send you instructions for scheduling your lab test. Once your lab test results are sent to us (usually within 48 hours after taking the test), we will contact you to schedule your free medical consultation. We're eager to serve you! https://bit.ly/3xkNOzG


High cholesterol is a problem many people face, but did you know hypothyroidism can cause it? It turns out that low thyroid hormone levels slow down the rate at which your liver filters out cholesterol from your blood, which can lead to high cholesterol in the blood. This can become a problem when LDL cholesterol, or “bad” cholesterol, builds up in your blood. Unfortunately, many people with hypothyroidism or underactive thyroid struggle with high cholesterol. However, treatment is available to get your thyroid levels in check, and in turn, your cholesterol levels. If you have higher-than-normal cholesterol levels and are concerned about your thyroid function, talk to us about the Optimal Thyroid Program.
Through our thyroid specialist-guided telemedicine program, we precisely assess your symptoms and determine whether your high cholesterol is caused by hypothyroidism. Once a diagnosis is confirmed, one of our thyroid specialists will craft an individualized treatment plan that will lower your cholesterol to a safer, healthier level. Take our 60-second quiz now to learn more about our program and see if you're eligible. https://bit.ly/3O6m4FK


Triiodothyronine (T3) is one of the major hormones produced by the thyroid gland. When you don't have enough of this hormone, you may experience the following:

o Fatigue
o Increased sensitivity to cold
o Constipation
o Dry skin
o Weight gain
o Puffy face

If you have these symptoms, look no further than the Optimal Thyroid Program for the most effective, convenient, and personalized treatment for you. Take our thyroid assessment now to learn whether the program is right for you and get a free lab test and medical consult. We look forward to helping you steer your health in the right direction! https://bit.ly/3zq7kNR


At the Optimal Thyroid Program, each of our thyroid specialists has extensive training and experience treating patients with underactive thyroid disorders. Because of this, we offer what many other thyroid experts cannot – we can help you achieve your optimal thyroid level. That's because most medical providers do not have the training, experience, and expertise that comes from specializing in only low-thyroid disorders. Get to know our medical providers here: https://bit.ly/3xp4hTA


Studies show that pregnant women with undiagnosed or inadequately treated hypothyroidism have a greater risk for the following problems:

o Preterm delivery
o Miscarriage
o Stillbirth
o Severe developmental problems in their children

Whether you're trying for a baby or already expecting, it's imperative that you keep your thyroid health in check. Give your baby the healthiest start in life by considering Optimal Thyroid Program. Click here to check out the inclusions of our comprehensive underactive-thyroid treatment program, and when you're ready, take our NO-OBLIGATION assessment and learn how you can get started https://bit.ly/3NI82u3


Patient Testimonial: "I love this program. Dr. Boulden has worked tirelessly to get me into a stable level with my hormones. I feel better than I have in years. She helped me where many other doctors couldn't or wouldn't go above and beyond to figure out my problem. Thank you for Optimal Thyroid Program!" ~Tracy H. https://bit.ly/3zt8h88


Research suggests that people with chronic migraines are more likely to develop hypothyroidism, although it's unclear exactly why. If you suffer from chronic migraines and you're concerned about your thyroid health, turn to one of our specialists here at the Optimal Thyroid Program. Take our 60-second thyroid assessment right now to know if you are a good fit for this program and get a FREE lab test and consult! https://bit.ly/3xkNOzG


Did you know that our Optimal Thyroid Program has no up-front costs, or commitments? You read that right! We offer you a free lab test and medical consult, so you can decide if this program is right for you. This allows you to speak to a thyroid specialist and have all of your questions answered, and all details of the program explained, before you enroll. Take this short quiz now to find out if you're eligible for the program: https://bit.ly/3GqdPl5


Did you know that 1 in 10 Americans will develop a thyroid problem during their lifetime? The Optimal Thyroid Programs offers a free lab test and medical consult to see if you are being affected by a low thyroid problem.

Take this short quiz now to find out if you're eligible for the program: https://bit.ly/3GqdPl5

OTP Program Introduction 11/06/2022

If you're experiencing quality-of-life issues because of an underactive thyroid, our Optimal Thyroid Program can help you get your overall health back on track. Check out this video to learn more about our program.

OTP Program Introduction An introduction to the Optimal Thyroid Program
