Ozark Holistic Healing
Dana Green, at Ozark Holistic Healing, has over 25 years Experience in the Healing Arts Practitioner by International Metaphysical University.
Dana Green, RMT, EFT-ADV.
Flippin, AR 72634
[email protected]
Ozark Holistic Healing purpose is to support clients on their healing journey for self-improvement and personal growth, and to honor the Body-Mind-Spirit Connection. Dana Green offers Holistic Alternatives To Healing of
Certified EFT-ADV. Dana works to help
Meditation produces a psychological state of Deep Relaxation combined with a highly alert mental state. Tension and anxiety are reduced and our metabolic rate and heartbeat slow. It is a "letting go" of the stuff that constantly goes on in one's head. The purpose is to quiet the mind to allow the "silence" so that we can touch the Higher Self Within.
TECHNIQUE - Body Position
Sit straight, both feet on the floor and hands in lap. This is to be done in as quiet a place as possible.
It is important to relax as much as possible, and this deeper level of relaxation has a very healthful effect on mind and body and is usually referred to as the Alpha level of consciousness. Get in a comfortable position. Relax your body completely. Starting with your toes and moving up to your scalp, think of relaxing each muscle of your body in turn, letting all tension flow out of the body. Empty the mind of all negative thoughts, and release and let go.
Focus on your breath, feeling yourself getting more and more deeply relaxed with each breath. (Always breathe deeply and slowly, from the diaphragm.)
Now focus your attention on the center of your forehead, through your Spiritual eye, and enter into the invisible realm of Silence, into Peace, into Love, into Light
(If you have ever listened to a seashell, focus on listening to that sound, and "nothing else" while you quietly breath in Peace.)
Some variations on this:
1) Contemplate "Who Am I"
Be gentle with yourself if you find yourself wandering away from the instructions, and you should bring yourself gently back.
2) Breath Counting
Count slowly 1,2,3,4 then start over again.
In this exercise one is paying full attention as possible to the counting. Exhale 1 - breath in, Exhale 2, etc.
May your soul be filled with joy, your home with laughter, and your hearts with Love this holiday season.
Wishing everyone a Joyful Christmas and Blessed New Year.
I have searched for TRUTH for years. On this search I have become interested in Quantum Physics. I have since learned physics taught in traditional education is long Outdated.
Einstein proved EVERYTHING is Energy, and this energy is "Light." Everything in the cosmos is simply Interconnected infinite vibrating energy at a certain frequency. Even your Beliefs and Words are Creating Your World. They too are energy and broadcast outward like a radio frequency, which vibrates and draws energy of a harmonious frequency.
If you believe you are not good enough, regardless of whether those beliefs are "true" or just "perceived truth", by the "Law of Cause & Effect" it will draw into your physical life what you come to experience. The Bible says: "It is done unto you as you believe."
The Good News is that at any time we can make the choice to change our thinking to the Positive, and thereby change the outcome!
Albert Einstein proved that at the most fundamental level everything, both Seen (physical), and Unseen (Metaphysical) - is made of ONE ENERGY (Light)...You, Animals, Plants, the Cosmos, literally EVERYTHING is ONE.
Quantum Physics has shown this energy is waves, but when individual "thought" is focused on something, all other possibilities collapse, and "particles" (matter) are formed.
For those who follow the Law of Attraction, our "thoughts" and "beliefs" are CREATIVE, and send out a frequency, that vibrates, and draws energies at the same harmonious frequency, that in turn Form our Perceived Reality. (More on this later)
"It is done unto you as YOU Believe." Matthew 9:29
Your Divine Higher Self within you is already healed, loving, joyous, and filled with Wisdom and Divine Truth. That part of yourself beyond linear Space and Time where all things are possible. This is your immortal true Self. But it goes unrecognized because of the world's teachings from the Ego self which centers on Duality, Separation, and worldly attachment.
* There is One Mind (A scientific fact) common to all.
* You are a Co-Creator of your reality.
* Everyone around you is a reflection of yourself.
* Everything happens for a reason - created by our thoughts & beliefs.
* Intuition is a direction from our Higher Self.
* Time & Space are not recognized by your Higher Self.
When you can come to a place beyone mind thought, and be fully present in this Peaceful, Timeless state, you will allow your inner Divine Self to communicate with you. It takes practice, but there is a wealth of Wisdom to be received. It is moving past all world "opinions" and "judgments" to a place of Stillness & non-judgment.
There are many ways to meditate to reduce stress, and bring inner peace to enhance physical well-being. Here is one of them.
* Go to a quiet setting with no TV or distractions.
* Get in a comfortable position.
* You can leave your eyes open, or close them.
* Take four slow deep breaths, hold a second, then exhale slowly.
* Focus on your breathing. Notice any thoughts: then let them pass Without judgment.
* Listen to the surrounding sounds, then let them pass.
* Feel the energy of your body parts.
* Just OBSERVE, and nothing more.
** The idea is to calm the mind while leaving the world behind.
You want to come to a place of complete Inner Quiet. It is then
that your Higher Divine Self can communicate with you Intuitively.
Be kind to yourself.
You may notice no change at first..but in time you Will!
I AM The Universe
I just finished reading something in Quantum Physics. It made me think back to a time in 1988 when I had been on a search for a deeper meaning of life. I was in training to be a Religious Science Practitioner, and had meditated twice a day for 1 hour. One day I had just laid down on the couch when all of a sudden I left my body and found myself in an altered reality.
I was in the cosmos surrounded by a bright Light and planets, but I was also Everything. I had no body, but I was Consciousness Only. The planets appeared alive, and made of energy/light; they had Consciousness..even the air...EVERYTHING was Alive...I was the Consciousness of the Universe.
The Universe was ME. I seemed to have a Knowing. For I was Everything. There was no separation. I could see the world, but I was the world. Everything was LOVE and Consciousness. I awoke.
As days went by, I felt far from home. I remember walking downtown, and noticed everyone appeared as robots; not really real. I knew there was really NO Separation, for separation is an illusion. ALL was ONE; but I saw separation taught everywhere..and I knew there was really no death, for what we called God was in and through ALL Things.
I did not like the feeling of being in the world but not of the world.
I began to feel very alone. I made the decision later to leave the church, stop meditating, and just focus on my profession, real estate.
That decision cost me my oneness with my Higher Self. I have learned, spirit never intrudes upon our life.
I have started meditating again to hopefully find my inner wisdom and spiritual truth again.
**If you want to really Know Truth, start meditating each day.
You will not find your wisdom in books. It is to look withing for your spiritual Turth, which are not man made laws, but the laws of God.
"The Kingdom of God cometh not with observation: Neither shall they say, Lo here, or Lo there, for the Kingdom of God is Within You." Luke 17:20-21
"That they ALL may be One, as you Father, are In me, and I In you, that they also may be ONE In us." John 17:21
The "POWER" of your BELIEFS and WORDS!
According to new findings in science, the world is Not as it appears to the five senses (see, hear, touch, taste, smell). Science has discovered this LIMITED world view, forming our lives, and Beliefs about Everything, is based on the perceived tiny fraction of (0.00001%), while all the rest of Reality (99.99999%) is lost from our every day awareness.
Our senses tell us we are solid forms. That is how we are taught. Yet, Albert Einstein, in the 20th century told us, EVERYTHING is made of vibrating Energy (Light). We are ALL Connected by an Energy field or (Light).
Now, Quantum Physics has probed into the mysteries of our underlying existence (beyond the 5 senses) into the unseen world, and discovered TRUE Reality.
Science has proven at the most fundamental level of our being -
WE are Not Solid, or SEPARATE from each other,
or SOURCE (GOD). At the Unseen Level we are all LOVE.
* Everything our eyes see is a projection of our own BELIEFS.
We have projected those beliefs onto our world screen, and form our judgments on those false beliefs.
At the deepest sub-nuclear level of reality, we are Timeless, Interconnected, and WE ARE ALL ONE, in a ocean of Love.
* "What we do to another, we do to an aspect of ourselves."
* At the Unseen Level is our Real Home - Wisdom, Truth, and Love, where worries, sickness, death, and judgment of self and others does not exist.
* GOD is Now calling us Back Home where LOVE IS ALL THERE IS.
Dana Green "EFT"-Advanced Practitioner
Healing Emotional Pain
"Tapping Your Way To Health"
The Emotional Freedom Technique helps Eliminate Blockages that contribute to Mental, Emotional, and Physical Pain.
"EFT" Offers Great Healing Benefits."
- Deepak Chapra, MD
"EFT is at the forefront of the new healing movement."
- Candace Port, PhD
The Powerful and Revolutionary Emotional Freedom Technique, also known as Energy Psychology, is a simple, effective, and natural healing method to remove emotional trauma in a Fast, Safe and Easy way.
EFT offers a holistic alternative from long term counseling, and is used to combat a wide range of problems. Since all issues involve the mind-body connection (beliefs, thoughts, feelings), EFT addresses these core issues by accessing the Healer Within to activate the body's natural healing system.
The flow of "vital life energy" can become blocked, or unbalanced in the body due to conflicting thoughts and feelings, leading to emotional distress.
EFT offers holistic alternatives, and works like aucpuncture (without the needles) by "tapping" on meridians at specific points to balance the energy disruption, and heal the emotional and physical discomfort.
Many doctors believe by reducing the emotional stress the body may benefit as well, since it is estimated 85% of physical pain and emotional difficulties are the result of unresolved emotional issues.
Properly applied, over 80% achieve either noticable improvement or complete cessation of the problem.
**For More Information, Please Visit Us Online at
Ozark Holistic Healing located in Flippin, Arkansas.
Thank you.
Holistic Healing for Mind Body Spirit Dana Green 870-656-7090 Flippin, Arkansas 72634 Alternative Medicine Center
HYPNOSIS for Inner Child Healing
Are there things from your past that you would like changed, or http://www.OzarkHolisticHealing.com/Hypnosis
What if it is possible to talk with or confront someone who deeply affected your life?
Regression Therapy allows you to revisit past events, to Heal the Child Within, or any past event as an observer, where you are safe and protected through adult eyes without emotion enabling you, and to change the impact it had on your life. Unresolved childhood emotional scars and past hurts can create similiar experiences through our walk of life, until resolved.
Perhaps you were always critized, and the frightened little child within you has not healed. Many times we base our life script on these early messages.
The Inner Child Healing Technique is a gentle, loving way to heal those past traumas and critical judgments of ourselves. It allows you to tell the other person how you feel, and to ask them any question you have been needing to ask. It allows you to listen with your Heart, and to speak from your heart, and tell the other person safely all the things you have been needing to say for many years.
The adult you are today, then speaks to the child within, telling her/him all the Positive things we wish we had heard and learned about at an early age. We then bring that loved child back into the present time and watch the Healing take place.
*These techniques allowed me to free myself of traumatic events and fears from the past, and finally heal. Trust me to be your Guide.
For more information please visit:
Holistic Healing for Mind Body Spirit Dana Green 870-656-7090 Flippin, Arkansas 72634 Alternative Medicine Center
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Holistic Healing for Mind Body Spirit Dana Green 870-656-7090 Flippin, Arkansas 72634 Alternative Medicine Center
Dana Green, CHT Registered Hypnotherapist by American Board of Hypnotherapy, and Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapist by Dolores Cannon.
Hypnosis in the hands of an experienced Hypnotherapist is a holistic therapeutic alternative for self-improvement and personal growth.
I have clients come to me with what appears as karmic imprints which contain the instructions which predispose us to repeating certain events from the past. These imprints can appear to be relived over an over, sometines causing prolonged illness, emotional mental anguish, and even affect our spiritual life. The imprints can cause us to live in particular ways, and even become attracted to certain people and relationships that are detrimental to one's peace of mind. Imprints are often formed when the negative emotions that affect trauma are not healed.
One client formed a highly charged imprint when she was r***d at an early age by someone she had trusted. She also believed that it was her fault when the father left, and was struggling with abandonment issues. She was convinced that she could not count on her husband, or an man to stay and be supportive when she needed him. Years of psychotherapy had helped her to understand the issue, but not to clear the imprint.
After two sessions with me it has been possible for her to now discover compassion and forgiveness in the midst of her pain. Toward the ending of one of our sessions she reported a deep sense of calm. I later received an email from her stating she now was happy with her home life. When the energetic pattern was broken, the world around her changed.
To learn more about hypnosis you are invited to visit my website:
Ozark Holistic Healing.
Ozark Holistic Healing
Meditation produces a psychological state of deep relaxation, to reduce tension and anxiety. It is a "Letting Go" of the many things that constantly go on in our head. The purpose is to quiet the mind to allow the "silence" so that we can touch the "Higher Self" within, to benefit our physical, emotional, and spiritual being.
This is to be done in as quiet a place as possible.
Get in a comfortable position. Sit straight, both feet on the floor, and hands in lap.
Close eyes, and take several slow, deep breaths. Focus on your breath, breathing deeply and slowly from the diaphram.
It is important to relax as much as possible, and this deeper level of relaxation has a very healthful effect on mind and body, and is usually referred to as the Alpha level of consciousness.
It may help to think of relaxing each muscle in your body in turn, starting from your toes and moving up to your scalp, letting all tension flow out of your body.
Empty the mind of all negative thoughts; and release and let go.
Focus on your breath, feeling yourself getting more, and more Deeply Relaxed with each calming breath.
Turn Within:
Now focus your attention on the center of your forehead, through your Spiritual eye, and enter into the invisible realm of Silence...
Some Variations:
Contemplate "Who Am I"
Be gentle with yourself if you find your mind wondering away from the instructions, and just bring yourself back.
Within each of us is Divine Wisdom, but it has been hidden by the world's teachings of "separation." There is a place within which Knows who you are Spiritually. This Divine Presence will teach you the Truth, but you must go in trust. It may take a while, but sooner or later you will start KNOWING, you are much more than you have come to believe.
Holistic Healing for Mind Body Spirit Dana Green 870-656-7090 Flippin, Arkansas 72634 Alternative Medicine Center
The Power Of Your "Beliefs" and "Words"
There is a Universal Law...That which we give out returns to us, whether positive, or negative. Our Words and Beliefs are the "seeds" planted in the soil of our mind. The more we water them by attention that we give them, the more power they have to create our experiences. So choose carefully what you focus your attention on, for that is what you draw into your life.
If an undesired thought comes into your life, just say.."I erase it from the Law,"... and it returns back where it came from. You can also change your thinking to a Positive Affirmation;
"All my thoughts, words, and deeds serve the highest good for all concerned."
By talking to others about something, whether you want it in your life or not, you are giving it power. It happens all the time. People talking about something negative they do not like about themselves, or another..and before they know it, they reinforce it into their experience.
"Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." Gal: 6:7
You are not alone. We are children of the Divine. Given the power of creation, just as Source creates. We are also given the power of "choice," to choose what it is we create...through the power of our words and beliefs, which are always creating. Become aware of what you focus on in yourslef, or others; for you give it energy to grow.
Ask yourself, "am I placing limits on myself by what I choose to focus on?" Let this be the day you go beyond what may have been your limited way of thinking; into the realm of "Possibilities."
"All things are possible to him who believes."
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Opening Hours
Monday | 10:00 - 16:00 |
Tuesday | 10:00 - 16:00 |
Wednesday | 10:00 - 16:00 |
Thursday | 10:00 - 16:00 |
Friday | 10:00 - 16:00 |
Saturday | 10:00 - 16:00 |