Paige Carmichael Coaching

Paige Carmichael Coaching

I help women overcome anxiety + feel more mental peace & confident in their daily lives 😌


I have an announcement to make! I am re-opening my coaching business! I am looking to work 1:1 with humans that want to increase their self-love, happiness and success!

We will work together to figure out what is holding you back from reaching your next level and figure out a way to get you where you want to be.

After a decade studying business and personal development I’ve decided it’s time I take the tools I’ve learned and help to share it with others.

Some of these tools include breath work, visualization, reprogramming the conscious and subconscious mind, as well as many others 🙂

If you are wanting support in your life to become something more, to love your life more, to love yourself more, to improve your relationships or conflict management skills, I am your girl.

Comment below “I want in” if you are interested in working together 💛


I have reached 100 followers! Thank you for your continued support. I could not have done it without each of you. 🙏🤗🎉

Timeline photos 18/03/2023

Neural pathways can be solidified through trauma, including negative responses and memories.
The effects of trauma can be deeply embedded and long lasting; triggering negative or unhelpful reactions that can escalate into a crisis.

However, just as traumatic events can forge neural pathways; so can positive and therapeutic experiences.
The brain possesses a remarkable ability to rewire itself, rerouting sensory impulses and changing both functionally and structurally in response to environmental experiences.

Neuroplasticity enables the creation of new neural connections and also the removal of unnecessary or defective connections.
Neuroplasticity presents significant opportunities for healing.
Constant exposure to healthier habits, relationships, interactions and experiences can help to change and create new neural pathways as well as produce new neurons (neurogenesis). New, positive and helpful experiences will assist in supporting your brain to fire neurons associated with positive experiences.
This can result in the strengthening of neural pathways, which can impact your recovery process.
Your repeated and directed attention towards desired change, positive daily habits, conscious efforts and visualisation can effectively rewire your brain.
The more consistent the experience is, the stronger the neurons will connect.

‘Neurons that fire together; wire together’.

Join in our discussions on Instagram:


My name is Paige and I’ll be your massage therapist today 😃

Started my clinical hours last week and I’m loving it! I can get lost for hours in a massage 🥰

5 more weeks and I’ll be graduated and ready to take my test for licensing!

If you want to follow along and hear more about my massage journey follow my page

I’m so excited add massage into the numerous tools I have to help people feel the best they can!

Sending love and light to each and every one of you! 💛


You put the color inside of my world 🌻❤️


Something happened… I began to change…

I looked at my life one day and asked myself, “how did we get here and how do we get out of here?”

The answers came flooding…

And I began to know that there wasn’t a choice anymore,

I had to grow.

I had to change.

My anxiety became crippling.

I felt uncomfortable in all the places I was comfortable before.

I felt like I was drowning in my past choices, events, trauma, fear.

I got radically honest with myself.

I accepted myself for the choices I’d made in the past.

I began to forgive the part of myself that thought this was the only way.

I forgave the part of myself that allowed herself to be shoved into a corner.

I made the conscious choice to start looking beyond the circumstances I saw in front of me,

And I made the choice to start to change change.

To start something new.

To become something new.

I decided to begin changing the perception that I had of myself, of what I was cable of, of who I was/am at my core.

What we identify with is SO IMPORTANT.

Who we think we are, what we do, what we think about— it’s all crucial to how we show up in the world, to how we live our life!

As I let parts of myself fall away, I’m reminded that these parts are being replaced with parts of myself that I want to be there.

Not parts that were installed by society, by fear, by nay-sayers, or by abuse,

But parts that I truly want to be there. Parts of myself that are true, that I truly resonate with, that I love.

You always have the power to change, babes.

Decide who you want to be, what you want to be and get after it— one baby step at a time, one day at a time.

Believe it’s possible and you can and will do it 💛


It’s us against the world baby 💛



Today I was talking to someone about my fear of being seen.

Despite what you may think, I have a deep rooted fear of being seen, especially in my magic/witchy/woo woo energy.

It was only a few hundred years when witches were burned at the stake.

And I truly believe somewhere inside me remembers the terrors of that time.

Since then the healers, the hearbalists, the witches, the magicians of the world have mostly remain hidden away, practicing in secret.

There are still so many forces that work against us.

So many that threaten and want to suppress us.

Our voices, our power, our magic, all is seen as a threat to those who want to control us, those who want to hold the power over us, over all.

The last few decades tho, I’ve felt and seen more of us coming out, back into the light, back to showing and being visible in our magic.

I think there’s something innate that is screaming at us to step up and step forward, back into our power.

We see all the things in our world that need us, our energy, our love, our healing ways.

It’s almost as if we cannot stay quiet and practicing in the shadows any longer.

It’s time to come out.

It’s time to share our gifts with the world.

It’s time to use all the skills we have to shape the world, even the taboo ones.

Many of our ancestors decided to share their gifts without fearing prosecution and I feel it’s time we do the same.

Time to open up, allow ourselves to be seen in all our gloriousness.

It’s time to let the nay-sayers stay small and the ones who want to believe to grow and experience what we have to offer.

The world is so much more than what we’ve experienced in the past.

There is so much magic that is hidden just below the surface, it’s time to let it shine!

So no more hiding. I’m here to be my most authentic self. The woo-woo, Crystal loving, plant worshipping, energetic intuitive wizard/witch that I am :)

I am ready to be open and honest about the gifts I have that I can impact the world with✨

How about you? What are some gifts that you have that you choose hide away in order to feel safe or bypass shame/judgment?

It’s time to let them out if the bag.

It’s time to answer the call 💛


You deserve to speak to yourself nicely 💖


Celebrating 2.5 years sober from alcohol today 🥳🎉💛

I can’t believe it’s actually been that long since I had my last drink!

If you’ve been here a while you may know that I watched my father suffer from alcoholism my entire life.

Alcohol became the fuel to his very angry, sad, depressed fire.

My relationship with alcohol ebbed and flowed beginning at 13 years old.

I used it as an avoidance technique when it came to my self-esteem issues, anxiety, and dealing with trauma.

2.5 years ago I decided that I wanted to step away from alcohol, forever.

Since then I’ve been able to show up for myself in ways I’d never imagine before.

I began going through my past, facing the real and very scary history of my traumas, coping mechanisms, and ways of self-destruction.

It hasn’t been easy to face decisions I made in the past, the repercussions, and the raw and painful emotions that came along with them.

But, it has been so rewarding.

I have learned most importantly, to give myself grace.

I’ve learned that at any moment we can decide to close a chapter of our lives, and to start writing a new one.

I’ve learned how to be my best advocate, to trust I know what’s best for me, even while being questioned by others.

I’ve gained real confidence by keeping my promises to myself, and my loved ones.

Every day I stay sober I make myself, and especially my father proud.

I am leading a new legacy for our family and for that I am incredibly proud and grateful.

2.5 years ago I decided to leave a part of myself in the past, and as I watch my future unfold, I am so happy I did.

It gets easier.
You get better.
And life continues to be filled with delightful surprises around every corner.

Grateful to be here, grateful to the people and the community that has helped me get and stay sober this long.

I’m very excited for what the future holds, I trust even more greatness is ahead 💛


In this video I'll be talking about what will be coming to Paige Carmichael Coaching! I'll talk about how I'll be opening space for more people to work with me and the various ways I can help support you in your future development! :)


I can’t believe it’s been nine years today since I moved to Colorado😍

I have grown leaps and bounds here 💫

The mountains have taught me that the harder the climb, the more beautiful the sights🤩

Their vastness has shown me what it’s like to take up space, and not apologize for doing so.

I have grown from a girl into a woman here, and it has been such a pleasure.

Saying yes to myself and the unexpected alllll those years ago, was so damn worth it.

I feel so blessed to have had the opportunity and courage to grow roots here these last nine years.



To little Paige who believed so whole heartedly in magic…

You were right. Magic does exist ✨

I’m sorry for forgetting that along the way.

I’m sorry for believing those people who told you you weren’t enough.

You are enough. You always have been. You’ve always been worthy of love and lifes’ greatest offerings.

I’m sorry for letting the world steal your shine for so long, for forgetting to love you sometimes.

I’m sorry for judging you when you have always just been doing your best.

I’m slowly remembering the truth that you always knew— that magic is real. That it’s inside each and every one of us. That we have more power than we’ve ever imagined.

I promise I’m going to fight for your shine little girl.

I promise I’m going to make your dreams reality.


What is it you would like to say to your younger self today? She’s in there, listening to everything you tell her 🥰


I attended my first rose & cacao ceremony yesterday so I figured I’d share my experience with you all in case you’re intrigued 🙂

I had heard about these ceremonies among women but had never attended one until yesterday.

Earlier the week before I had been listening to a YouTube video when rose & cacao ceremonies were mentioned. Minutes later I jumped on Facebook and saw there was one being offered in my area. I didn’t even have to look for it, it just popped up in a group I am in.

I took it as a sign. I added the woman offering it and committed to going.

My heart was calling loudly so I decided to listen to it and answer the call.

I was so nervous. I’d never met this woman before but I felt safe in her energy, especially once I started to creep on her page and learn what she was about.

I have social anxiety and can get very nervous meeting new people and trying new things. (Anyone else?)

But the call was so strong I had to listen.

As my mother and I stepped into her house, she and her friend (who was also leading the ceremony) greeted us with hugs at the door. I immediately felt safe in their presence. I felt my jaw and shoulders relax, I felt my heart open wide. I felt excited for the experience I was about to have in a place I hadn’t been in before doing things I’ve never done.

We sat in circle, learned about the rose & cacao and shortly began ceremony.

We sang to mother cacao and sent gratitude to her for what we were about to experience.

As I took my first sip of my earthly brown cacao out of my light green cup I immediately felt a sense of grounding settle in… “You are safe here my child,” I heard the words.

Over the next two hours we drank our cacao, sang songs, drew pictures, connected to our new found friends, and back home to ourselves.

The words here do not and cannot do justice to the amount of happenings and sensations that were experienced in this ceremony.

I felt my heart continue opening further.
I felt my walls crashing down.
I felt the common thread of pain, heartbreak, joy, and love reflected in my sisters and mother next to me
I felt oneness
I felt mother Gaia guiding me and reminding me that I belong to the earth first.


The wild woman is returning

She’s remembering her power

Her truth

Her wisdom.

The lies she’s been taught and believed are falling away like trees shed their leaves.

She feels her soul calling her deeper into her mastery,

Deeper into her fullest expression,

Deeper into the work she came here to do.

The call keeps getting louder,

The stakes higher,

A voice saying “the time is now.”

It’s time to take back everything that’s been taken from her.

Her sovereignty,

Her passion,

Her truth,

Her rights to freedom & fulfillment.

A fire is burning inside,

Ideas & creations begging to be birthed out of her.

She cannot see the next step on the staircase but she commits to taking it

Because her divine wisdom leads her, always.

She trusts, she jumps…

And waits for the net to appear.

“The time is now”, the voice says.


I hope you don’t spend another summer covering up parts of yourself in shame.

I hope this summer you know that you are worthy of wearing the swimsuit,

of letting parts of your body you’ve kept hidden away for years— finally be seen.

I hope you know that you deserve to wear clothes that keep you cool, and

That make you feel good,

No matter your body shape or size 💗


Happy Father’s Day Daddy. I think this will always be my favorite picture of us. Looks that could kill. I love you, I miss you every damn day, and I will continue making you proud by staying sober, and continuing to find ways to thrive in this lifetime ☄️

Photos from Paige Carmichael Coaching's post 12/06/2022

Happy One Year of Marriage to my bestie and her man!!! I felt so honored to be a part of your day and can’t WAIT to have you as part of mine! DAMN we look good here 😎 Tehe I Love you! 😘

Photos from Paige Carmichael Coaching's post 25/05/2022

I am the largest size and highest weight I’ve ever been yet I feel happier and more confident than ever.

I used to think losing weight would make me happier.

I used to think gaining weight was the worst thing ever.

But now, I realize that fulfillment and happiness have nothing to do with how much I weigh.

Fulfillment and happiness is an inside job.

Doing the hard work to look through the things about myself that I don’t like, and making continued efforts and commitments to change them.

It feels really good when you start to impress yourself.

When you start to become someone you really truly like.

After so long of being my worst critic, I feel as though the harsh voice inside has slowly changed into my biggest supporter, confidant, best friend, hype-girl. Damn, mindset work sure does work 🥰

Loving myself just as I would love another person has been so fulfilling, grounding, and healing for me. As a deeply compassionate person I never had a problem giving love to other people, but often struggled in the the past, to give it to myself.

Working on my relationship with myself has impacted every other relationship in my life.

I love myself more, and therefore I have the space to love others more.

I accept myself, remind myself that there are reasons for why I am and why I do what I do.

I validate my trauma and remind myself that I am just doing the best I can with what I have in this moment, and that, is, enough.

I give myself space to f**k up, to be human, and in doing so I open space for others to show up as their messiest selves. 🤪

I’m so tired of judgment. I’m exhausted of being so critical. 😏

My mind, my body, my soul craves peace in every direction and way possible.🧘🏼‍♀️

I hope you can give yourself the love you give to others, because you are so deserving babe💛

You’re so worthy, JUST as you are, in this season,

In every season.

I love you and am so proud of how far we both have come on this journey called life!



If you don’t like the story you’re living feel free to write a new one ✍🏽


Stress… it’s inevitable, right?

But I’ve been thinking lately, is that really true? Or is our perception of something that makes it stressful? Comment your thoughts, please 🙂

The wedding planning has begun and I’ve always heard that it’s stressful to plan a wedding. And while I do agree that because there is generally a deadline there does seems to be a sense of urgency or need for “all the pieces to fit just right”, but honestly… I’m kinda over that idea.

It feels yucky to be stressed while planning my wedding day.

I want to plan my wedding day with happy vibes.

I want to look back once it’s all over and remember being a joyous bride-to-be instead of a stressed one.

I don’t want it to be stressful.

So I’m deciding to be very observant of my perspectives as we go through things.

I could choose to be stressed about a venue or I could choose to sit back and relax in trust that we will find the perfect one when it’s meant to be.

I can stress about every little detail right this second or I can take it one day at a time and trust that everything will come together just as it’s meant to.

I can choose to stress about having everything be “perfect” or I can show up and do the best I can and let that be enough.

I believe that we choose what we want to be available for.

I am not available for one of the best days of my life to be planned in stress.

So I will reframe my mindset as many times as it takes throughout the process to stay in a place of joy, peace, and excitement!


It all comes down to one thing—

How bad do you want it?

And what are you willing to sacrifice to get it?

Dreams don’t work unless you do babe,

Get out there and get after it!

You deserve to make yourself proud! 💪🏽


May the rain remind you that dark skies often lead to beautiful blooms 🌸

You might think you’ve been buried but really you’ve been planted 🌱

Get ready for your blooms to start blossoming from all the hard work you’ve done during the rain ☀️


Hiiii babes!!!!

I wanted to remind you that your body is great and there is no reason to apologize, or feel insecure about the amount of space your body takes up. The ocean doesn’t apologize for its vastness, now does it? 🌊

You are allowed to expand and grow in this lifetime. 🌱

In FACT, growth and expansion are EXACTLY the reason you are here. 🤗

Bodies change and that’s okay. 🤷🏼‍♀️

Self-hatred, however, is never okay. 🙅🏼‍♀️

You deserve your love. 🥰

Your body deserves your love. 💛

Your bumps and rolls and cellulite are all okay! 👌🏽

You do not have to have washboard abs, smooth skin, or muscles to be worthy of love, or of living a great life! ⭐️

You are worthy of those things just because you exist! 😎

I hope you can take up as much space as you need as you flourish in this lifetime. 🌹

I hope you spend more time loving yourself, than hating yourself,

Because you deserve that, and so, so much more ❤️


2021 ➡️ 2022

My growth game is strong 💪🏽 and not just in the hair department…

But for real, sometimes I look back and cannot BELIEVE how much growth I’ve had in just a single year.

This past year has been so good to me. I’ve met the love of my life, been able to spend quality time with friends and family, progressed on my career and life direction, and so much more.

I also faced soooo many challenges, but I’ve learned to be more adaptable and to stay positive, even on the really bleak days.

I’ve gained so much clarity in my myself, my values and my aspirations.

I’ve softened. Physically, mentally, and emotionally.

I’ve shown myself more love to myself than ever before.

I’ve accepted myself in ways I’ve never had before.

Seeing how much can happen in just a year, makes me excited every day to get up and do my best to be better than I was yesterday.

It’s not always easy, but it’s always worth it, and there is always something to be grateful for 👌🏽🙏🏽


A little reminder for you today, babes 😘❤️

It’s okay if you have a soft tummy.

It’s okay if you’ve gained weight.

It’s not okay to expect your body to stay the same size and weight forever.

Our bodies are constantly changing, constantly adjusting to life.

24/7 our bodies are working in service of us.

I don’t know about y’all but I’ve spent wayyyy to many years hating the one home I’ve always had.

I’ve spent way too many years beating up the body that works hard for me every day.

It’s time to embrace our curves, our bodies, the way they change like the oceans tides…

Ebbing and flowing with our soul’s journey…

I refuse to be at war with my body.

War and hate within myself has too high of a cost, I choose love instead ❤️

Videos (show all)

I have an announcement to make! I am re-opening my coaching business! I am looking to work 1:1 with humans that want to ...
What's coming...
I hope you don’t spend another summer covering up parts of yourself in shame.I hope this summer you know that you are wo...
A little reminder for you today, babes 😘❤️It’s okay if you have a soft tummy.It’s okay if you’ve gained weight.It’s not ...
I cannot believe we started this year as strangers, and get to end it engaged 🤩🥰You have changed my life so much for the...
