

Keto supplements on the go to help you lose weight, tone, or just get in shape


Can't get enough of this keto coffe(AKA skinny coffee)🔥🙌🏼☕️
It suppresses appetite, burns fat, enhances mood, and kills cravings! Plus it contains Collagen for healthy hair & skin 😏💁🏼 Yep, all from your daily COFFEE ☕️

Message me below if your ready to change your coffee over!!


Dont feel the greatest today but that doesnt stop me from staying on this healthy path. I'm determine to stay healthy on this path to recover.

Thank you it works for giving me the ability to get 8+ servings of. Fruits and veggies on the go. Super easy and convenient.

Jump on this healthy band wagon if you want to start taking your health seriously!! Message me for details


My business is growing insanely fast, that I need some help! If you can work from home on your time from your phone by advertising, comment below for info! I’ll send you the info to get started ASAP!


When you been up all night in pain, but had this little snuggle bunny 🐶to cuddle with, makes the night so much better!!💞

Swear animals know when something is wrong. This little lover has stood by my side thru thick and thin with this knee injury and has not left my side.

Love him to pieces. True MVP 😄


Take your nutrition to a Whole ‘Notha Level! Give your body a boost when you alkalize, balance, and detoxify with Greens!

ALKALIZE: The natural blend of ingredients in Greens is designed to help alkalize the body, restore pH balance, and support the immune system for overall health and wellness.

BALANCE: Greens contains a powerful blend of naturally occurring vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, and enzymes in their bioactive, bioavailable form so you experience maximum absorption by your body for a big nutritional boost.

DETOXIFY: With the natural detoxifying properties of Matcha Green Tea and a complex blend of 34 different varieties of fruits and vegetables, Greens delivers the best nutrients to support your body’s natural detoxification and help your body to naturally cleanse and balance for a healthier you.

Acidity-fighting magnesium and potassium blend

52 herbs and nutrient rich superfoods

34 fruits and veggies

Matcha Green Tea added

Soy-Free. Non-GMO. Dairy-Free. Vegan.

No artificial colors, flavors or sweeteners

Message me below for more info..


Looking how amazing my leader looks!! 3 years working on her health and look where she is at!!! Now, a stay at home mom, who lost 69 pounds, no longer working those terrible retail hours and started loving life because she loves what she finally does. So I'm looking to help give someone the same opportunity to 4 people who want it!

I'm looking for 4️⃣ ADVENTURERS 🚀 who fit the filling criteria:

Can find a use for a 💲500 bonus💰cash, & commissions from April-June.

Who have a computer💻 or cell phone📱

Who are on Facebook or other social media

Who are coachable📚📝 Who are open to making some new friends 👬👫👭 Who like cute shirts, leggings, and hats 💋👒💼 Who know at least 10 people somewhere in the world🌎

Who like cash💸💸 Who grocery shop 🍏🍗🍉🍞🍇🌽 Who will accept unlimited monthly pay raises💡🔑🔓😃 Eek, I know that is A LOT to ask🙈! But I also know YOU are out there & I'm ready for you! 💎Message or text me for more details! 📲 —


I’m looking for 7 people to hop on this health train and earn some extra monthly income! 🤑 I only have 7 more $20 promo codes left. So the first 7 that drop an emoji will get 1 on 1 mentoring/training by me! Ready! Set! Go! 🏃🏾‍♀️🏃🏾‍🏃🏾‍♀️🏃🏾


I’ve came a long way and still have a ways to go. As you can see I was rocking almost 200 pounds on the right. Biggest ive ever been! I was just embarassed at what I have become. I knew i needed a change.

Has it been easy? No! Did this happen over night? Heck no, but I would do it all over again.
It’s not the fact I lost weight,that was a plus in my eyes, it’s the fact of waking up tired hating your body because the pain that your in that I hated. That’s why I needed a change and am so blessed I did. My health is better than it has ever been, other than my knee injury, I’m actually in less pain with my fibromyalgia, and for the first time in over a decade I can say I am starting to feel good about myself and my body.

What you just have to figure out, is what works for you? It’s not a diet, it’s a lifestyle change. Once you realize that, your mind will accept it in a whole new light.
I’m not saying Keto is for you,I’m just saying try something that makes you feel healthy and vibrant. Cause life is to short to feel like crap all the time.

If your ready to get on that healthy band wagon message me below for more information.


Hey everyone! I'm looking for a few people who want to get their hands on a cup of heaven (AKA skinny coffee)🔥🙌🏼☕️ Get 5 samples for $20.

It suppresses appetite, burns fat, enhances mood, and kills cravings! Plus it contains Collagen for healthy hair & skin 😏💁🏼 Yep, all from your daily COFFEE ☕️

Comment below if you’d be interested in this weight loss coffee 🔥


First day I'm actually not sleeping all day, and not feeling so out of it from surgery.

Thankfully I do have this little cutie b***y Mel🐶 making sure I'm getting all my rest I need. Swear he has been by my side since the minute I got home. Love this little guy💗



Swear this coffee is life!! First day. Back on my keto coffee since surgery and I missed i so much!!

Between the energy it gives me, the mental focus and clarity and on top of all that burning my fat. I just love it!!!

If your coffee isnt giving you these benefits and your lacking energy or just wanting to get healthy? Why are you wasting your money and time on it. Every dollar counts, so why not get your money to work for you.



I HAVE AMAZING NEWS!!! They have extended my $20 codes!!!! SO WHO IS READY??!! ✨
I asked two questions when I started with this company:

#1 “What’s the catch?”

#2 “How do I cancel when it doesn’t work for me?” 😂💯
I get that starting something new is scary. I was scared too! But not all businesses are created equal. In the time that I have been with this company, the only “catch” I’ve found is you have to work. The money doesn’t just show up unless YOU show up! 🤷🏻‍♀️
And truly, it’s as risk free as it gets. If it’s not for you, then it’s not for you. If it is, get ready. It’s going to be a fun ride!! It has changed my life in so many ways!!!!
Let’s find out 🥳


Not gonna lie, im in alot of pain. Being stuck on bed rest can get so boring after awhile 😕, but luckily I have been trying to keep myself busy with this side hussle, itworks.

Dont worry, I'm still getting my rest and thankfully getting all the supplements I need since I'm not mobile. 🚙

Come Thursday, hopefully these stitches should be out and with physical therapy I can try to attempt to walk real soon.


Alright FB! It’s the beginning of the month so I’ve got 4 Positions available:

1. 2 people that want to bring in $500+ a month!

2. 2 people that want to bring in $2,000+ each month and earn a 10k bonus.

Which position do you want? These will GO FAST!! You know where to find me. 😘

Remember this $20 off won't last!!



People are so willing to spend $5-$10 daily on coffee ☕️, fast food 🍔 and vending machine diets but hesitate to spend a dime on their heath!!! 🤔 For $1 a DAY, you can alkalize, detoxify and balance your body! On top of that, you're getting natural energy, 16+ servings of fruits 🍌🍓🍏 AND veggies 🥕🥗🍅 and 58+ superfoods 💪🏽on a daily basis with our GREENS!!

Message me or leave an emoji below for more info.


Not going to lie, my knee is killing me but I need some time out ⏳of the house🏠. After awhile its gets to you, and you just got to have a way to take your mind off the pain.

Thanks to loved ones💖, im comfortably in the back sit ready to take on some fresh air and get out of bed😳. Got my ice, my greens on the go to help me detox and balance my ph levels and of course, the cute adorable puppy mel.

Bring on Sunday Funday!!



First they told me there was a drink I could have that would make me melts away fat + my clothes feel bigger plus give me energy. I was terrified to try it, thought I would hate it, and it would never work. Well, that 🦄magical drink has helped thousands lose lots of weight and drop pant sizes while tasting mocha-y delicious.

Now they released something that's clinically proven to shed an average of 30 lbs in just 3 months while on a reasonable diet?! 🤯


Guess what, it totally works too. 💁🏻‍♀️


I have FIVE👋🏻 spots available for the HSN hair challenge! Who wants stronger, healthier + more vibrant hair?!

You receive the Hair Skin Nails at my discounted price • $33!! Compared to the retail price at $55.

Drop an emoji 👇🏻below to claim your spot.



Healing is a process. It takes time⏳, determination, and willingness.

I wish healing was a process that just happens overnight🌇, like losing weight, but life isnt that easy. 💯

You have to put you all into it sometimes. Rather than looking at it as something as an extra task. Include it in your everyday lifestyle. Only this is when you will see the results you want.

If I can do it, you can do it!! All you have to do is try. Is it going to be easy no, but what in life is? So think about it, What's the harm in trying right?!?!


When your chocolate🍫 shake tastes like brownie batter 😍 I remember trying it for the first time and thinking "there's NO way this is healthy!! It's wayyyyy too good to be a protein shake!"

If you're in the market of a meal replacement or protein shake, I encourage you to try ours out!! It's vegan, non-GMO, Soy free, gluten free, dairy free, 0 sugars and made with no artificial sweeteners or flavors! 🙅🏻That's a whole lotta goodness ESPECIALLY when you can snag my same wholesale pricing!

Photos from DTSL.ItWorks's post 01/03/2019


Believe it or not, Spring begins in less than just one month! If you're looking on growing some longer hair or nails in just 3 months you can with this supplement🖤

60 Tablets
Be a more radiant, youthful looking you with support
for stronger nails, softer and smoother skin, and
shine-worthy hair! With essential vitamins, minerals,
and plant-based nutrients, Hair Skin Nails enhances
your own natural collagen and keratin production,
supports healthy cell growth, and boosts your body’s
free radical fighting defenses It’s optimal nourishment
to look your beautiful best from the inside out! • Boosts your natural collagen and keratin production • Supports the body’s defenses against free radical damage • Moisturizes while enhancing skin’s elasticity and flexibility • Promotes healthy cell growth, strength, and shine



Can't tell you how many times I procrastinate things in my life,😞 but one thing I no longer will procrastinate now is my health.

That's my #1 priority now!

If you don't have your health what do you have?😕😐😓
Think about it?

If you've been there than you already know. Just because itworks says its a keto friendly supplement does not mean you have to be on the keto diet. Its just your looking on getting healthy the right way. If your interested in changing your life contact me for more info.


Photos from DTSL.ItWorks's post 01/03/2019

Officially home from surgery and resting. Surgery actually went great. 😄Patella is now realigned and inflammation all scrapped out. Hoping for a quick recover, as I rest with my little man Mel.🐶 Been by my side constantly since the minute I've been released. 💖💞

Photos from DTSL.ItWorks's post 28/02/2019

The Ultimate Body Applicator is a non-woven cloth wrap
that is infused with a powerful, botanically based cream
formula to deliver tightening, toning, and firming results
in as little as 45 minutes⏳! The botanical ingredients help to
deeply hydrate and nourish the skin while redefining the
appearance of your body’s contours.

• Tightens, tones, and firms the skin

• Redefines the appearance of your body’s contours

• Improves skin texture and tightness

• Mess-free and simple to use

• Results in as little as 45 minute

• Fast and lasting results with continued use

• Contains botanical extracts

Sounds like something that can benefit you, a friend, or even a loved one. Than post an emoji below or send me a message. Thanks


On December 13th, 2018 my right knee began to give me sharp stabbing pains. Pains I never felt before. I tried to pay no attention to it in the beginning, thinking it must just be a muscle spasm. Or my fibromyalgia acting up. Because with that condition you you deal with alot of different body pains. On top of that I'm trying to get fit, and doing alot more exercise than I ever did,
(Love Hiking & Kayaking)
So, I Thought I may have pulled something.

Long story short...month later when I finally was able to see a Dr. I found out my knee (patella) was somehow 30 degrees angled to the right, and longer than what it is suppose to be. Stating its a birth defect that was going to happen eventually over time. And just my luck it was than, right before my 30th bday.

In just days I went from walking normal to needing a cane, to crutches, to wheel chair.

😷So that's what lead me here. Getting knee surgery 🏩

Now reason I'm sharing this story with you, its not 4 sympathy or attention. I'm sharing this because others those who are struggling, having a hard time in life, rather it maybe an illness, a condition, or disease. I just want to inspire you. Inspire you that your illness or whatever you maybe going thru does not need to control you are your life. Things may be bad now but it will get better. You just have to have hope and believe it.

So, as I take you on my recovery with me, I hope that I can somehow inspire you and influence you to stay healthy, get fit, and get outdoors. Thanks 4 reading.


I’ve only got a few codes left for you to join our team for $20 and turn your investment into over $500 a month! I’ll be here to guide you & teach you every step of the way!! I was once NEW too. You are your own b you’ve only got a few codes left for you tour teavestment into over $500 a month! I’ll be here to guide you & teach you every step of the way!! I was once NEW too. You are your own boss so you can set the hours you want to work & the time you want to put in! You can make as much as you want! The sky is the limit! If you’re tired of the same ole same ole and are ready to just jump in don’t miss this opportunity!! Message me or drop an emoji for more info.!


Tommorrow is officially the day.🏩 After weeks of being in pain with my knee, the surgeon will finally be able to open me up and see what is going on. 😷
Not gonna lie im nervous and scared but hoping for a fast recover as I drink my fat burning keto coffee while listening to 🎶. Heres to a great day everyone!!!


Guess what⁉️🤔 the "Wrap" is a treatment that tightens, tones and firms in as little as 45 minutes!! 😱 Anywhere from the neck down (I love doing my belly)!! ✔️The best part is that results are progressive over 72 hours! 💃🏼

The wrap is easy to use! You simply apply the lotion side of the cloth to your skin, and hang out! I like to keep mine in place with Plastic Wrap, Fab Wrap or an ace bandage. You leave it on for as little as 45 minutes (up to 8 hours) and then you just drink 💦 water to activate for 3 days!! 👇🏻

BOGO today only. ✨Drop an emoji or message me


📣It Work's Body Wrap Applicators "THE WRAP" are
BUY ONE GET A PACK FREE (4 to a pack)! Tighten, Tone, and, Firm in 45 minutes!
🚨Buy one pack of 4 for $59 & and a 2nd pack FREE! This FLASH BOGO SALE ends Tomorrow. Contact me to get yours ordered!💚


Hey everyone!! My name is Dominic Anderson and I want to share with you a company that changed my life!! Rather your a distributor to make some money on the side, or just looking to get healthy, itworks has what you’re looking for. Rather it’s you tired of feeling sluggish, not focused, or need some extra energy to keep up with your kids or work life. Or you’re looking on losing some weight, drop a few pounds, or debating if dieting is for you. I learned that in life, you don’t have to make it a diet, you make it a lifestyle. The lifestyle you always wanted!!! With itworks it has the opportunity for you. All you have to do is try it.


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Sometimes in life its the little accomplishments.. Starting 30 right!!!#feelinggood #accomplished #littlethings
Thank You so much 4 the bday wishes!! Really means alot you guys. Have a wonderful weekend everyone!!
