Soul Fire Reiki & Integrative Healing

Soul Fire Reiki & Integrative Healing

Connect to the God(dess) within you through balance, awareness, Reiki & s*xual/sensual alchemy 🔥🪄❤️

Visit TikTok to discover videos! 27/12/2023


Based on some awesome conversations lately, I decided to give recording TikTok videos a go again… however, me and technology are a comical duo. If you know me, you know…

I do however, hope these discussions resonate and stir some desire in you to cultivate a deep intimate relationship with oneself through self-love and balance with our own masculine/feminine energies.

The phrase “love yourself” is so cliche. What does it really mean?

Many men feel emasculated by a society filled with masculine women.

Many women are single and are dominant in our masculine energy, how do we learn balance?

How do learn to nurture ourselves?

Where do we start???
We start with our physical bodies.
One thought at a time.
One word at a time.
One day at a time.

Make the decision to change how you see yourself!
The ripple effect will be amazing…

Much love and gratitude for the love, support and encouragement!

Visit TikTok to discover videos! Watch, follow, and discover more trending content.


What do you do, to bring balance to your masculine and feminine energies??? Sometimes it’s hard on own until we know what we’re looking for and how to find that balance!!! I’d be honored to help you in that journey 720-689-1115 so discuss Integrative Reiki sessions ❤️🌹❤️ Heidi


☆ Root Chakra
Fear blocks your first chakra.

☆Sacral Chakra
The lack of smiles and pleasure blocks your second chakra.

☆Solar Plexus Chakra
Your lack of action blocks your third chakra.

☆Heart Chakra
Hate blocks your fourth chakra.

☆Throat Chakra
Not saying what you feel blocks your fifth chakra.

☆Third 3 Chakra
Focusing only on the bad in life blocks your sixth chakra.

☆Crown Chakra
Your lack of peace of mind and meditation blocks your seventh chakra.

If one chakra is blocked it interferes with the others.

If your first chakra is blocked, your finances do not advance.

If your second chakra is blocked, your s*xuality and creativity do not wake up, preventing a partner from arriving.

If your third chakra is blocked, your projects will not go as you wish.

If your fourth chakra is blocked there will be no love in your life, neither to give nor to receive.

If your fifth chakra is blocked, your decrees will not be heard.

If your sixth chakra is blocked, your gift of clairvoyance, perception and intuition will not activate.

If your seventh chakra is blocked, your life will be in chaos.

Now you know what to do to improve.


Dear men,

There are women who seem like walking s*x. They paint their lips and cheeks. They show skin and breasts. And you get confused because some of these things mimic signs of arousal in the wild. They also match the billboards and TV ads telling you what you could “win” or “earn.”

But as a woman, we are told to do these things to gain social status, possibly get ahead at our jobs, and be considered worthwhile. What often looks like turn on, is frequently an attempt to be seen and valued.

Some of the most attractive well-groomed women, if you were to bed them, would lie there uninspired and disconnected. Because they have learned to give more merit to your attention than their own. In contrast, some of the women you might not give a second glance to, could be raw, open, and phenomenal to make love to.

I am sad we live in a culture, where your desire is so often manipulated. You are taught to disconnect, seek s*x as a reward, and de-value your heart and body. Everywhere you look is the promise of pleasure. And often you are rejected, or the actual act, is pretty lack luster.

So, here are some tips on how to look for a partner who actually enjoys s*x:

~ Watch how she engages with the sensual world

Does she marvel at her food? Stop to touch silks and velvets? Wear clothes that feel good to her regardless of whether they look nice to you?

~ How deep is her voice?

Can you feel her voice move from her pelvis, or is it habitually stuck in her throat or chest? Where she speaks from, is probably the access she has to herself.

~ Can she say “no?”

A woman who can not say a full and natural “no,” can not say a full and natural “yes.”

~ Does she enjoy her body?

Forget you enjoying her body. Does she think she's beautiful? Or is she constantly picking herself apart?

~ Why does she decorate herself?

Is it as a celebration? Because it gives her pleasure to express herself? Or is it for your approval?

~ Does she expect more of you then might be comfortable?

A woman who has learned to be full, expressed, and grounded in herself will want the same from you. This means no pretending, no posturing, no doing all those thing you might have learned in p**n (unless she is into that- ask her,) and no getting away with all your destructive and self-defeating habits.

A woman who is fully there, has done A LOT of work to become who she is. She will most likely expect you have done that work too.

So my loves, if you are going to look for actual s*x and not the idea of it, prepare. Otherwise, please know what is happening. You are trading the idea of yourself for the idea of her. There is nothing really risked or gained.

That is why you are disappointed.

~ feralfemale

I would be honored to be you guide in this journey to truly fall in love with yourself
❤️🔥❤️ Heidi


Facing yourself is on off the hardest things we can ever do. Tearing down all the stories and programming and rebuilding one’s self is an incredible journey. It is my honor to be your guide through this process with you. Assisting you in connecting to the power within you, through healing trauma and connection to your s*xual energy through Shamanic ceremonies, Reiki energy work, massage and spiritual growth. Rebuild the foundation of which your life force energy (Prana) is build upon.


A friend asked for advice the other day~ what happens when his wife no longer triggers those s*xual feelings in him anymore?

Coming across this post is divine timing, as it is along the same path as my advice. She has given up so much of herself, to bring children into the world. She sacrificed so much~ her body, mind, energy… but what she will gain in return is incomparable to the baby weight, the sleepless nights, the stretch marks.

So you… my friend… in return for all she has brought to your life, i tell you my friend, and other men out there, don’t be selfish. Don’t leave her for the young girl that has not sacraficed a damn thing for you. Don’t leave her for anyone~ she is the mother of your children.
Get creative, figure out a way to help her find her s*xy again (believe me, she misses it too!!!).

Discover the new her. Discover the new woman and mom she is. Fall in love with her all over again, and walk beside her as she explores this totally new version of her she is taking on. Set your selfish needs aside of wanting a tight body, perky b***s and a girl that just wants to fulfill her own unhealthy needs… and see her for the the s*xy, beautiful, tired, loving mama that gave birth to your babies. I bet you aren’t the same doting guy that courted her patiently in the early stages of your relationship. And I’d bet… you don’t have the hard body you once had also! So stop looking for someone else to make you feel s*xy… go get s*xy on your own and be s*xy for your wife again!

What about her needs? Make her, your wife, feel wanted! She’s tired. She wants quite time to shower and get coffee on her own and i bet you anything, she’ll stop and just take a nap in the car because she’s exhausted.
It’s exhausting having little people always needing you… god forbid she actually shut the door to use the bathroom alone!

So men out there who have s*xual fantasies of a young girl wanting you, flirting and teasing you… knock it the f**k off! Turn your energy to your beautiful wife who longs to be that again for you but is too exhausted to show up like that for you right now! Help her with the kids, give her time alone to have quiet, peace, a nap, coffee or go for a drive!

She’s tired, emotionally exhausted. The last thing she wants to do is feel like she has to give to you, when she has nothing left to give. S*x can wait… rub her feet. Rub her back. Draw a bath for her. Stop being selfish, at a time in your wife’s life when she is being completely selfless… don’t take advantage of that. She’s f**king tired damnit… and s*x is the last thing she desires right now! Ask her what she wants? Ask her what you can do for her? Not for the house (you should already be doing that)… but truly for her. Maybe she’d like a massage… did you know that a foot/leg massage may spark some desire for intimacy in her? However, that can’t be your intention. Your intentions have to be selfless and pure with NO expectations of taking from her!!!

She is the most valuable part of your life… you don’t toss her aside because she’s going through the most transformative stage of her life! Yes… it’ll last a decade. But love her through it, respect her, honor her and stand by her side like you promised her you would!!!

Be her man- with strength of character and integrity. Don’t go cheat with some bimbo behind her back. Speak with her, honor your agreement. If you two agree to change it and agree to have an open relationship, fine. But don’t be a damn coward and do it behind her back. That is never ok.

You all know who you are~ grow up and be a real man!

Heidi 🌻

Hold the mother, not the baby.⁣⁣

Because the baby’s being taken care of—⁣⁣
fed, snuggled, and given all the love in the world—⁣⁣
by not only the mother,⁣⁣
but her partner, grandparents, siblings, cousins, and friends.⁣⁣
But the mother,⁣⁣
may have gaps in her mind from lack of sleep,⁣⁣
may be mechanical in her motions as she’s healing,⁣⁣
may feel more like a mess than a mother,⁣⁣
may be sitting in bed, crying, feeling overwhelmed in her body and life,⁣⁣
may be full of mom guilt because in her mind, "she's not good enough,"⁣⁣
and she’s bleeding, wincing in pain, swollen and emotional.⁣⁣

And the mother’s that baby's whole world and needs to be seen, so she doesn't disappear into that postpartum fog.⁣⁣
So, hold the mother, not the baby.⁣⁣
A mother agrees that her baby matters more.⁣⁣
But she’s hurting, while she’s the person behind the baby,⁣⁣
in the background, making it all happen:⁣⁣
feeding her baby at all hours,⁣⁣
snuggling her baby close to comfort newborn cries,⁣⁣
and being that baby’s everything.⁣⁣

So, it’s the mother who needs your love.⁣⁣

And a mother will remember who held her up.⁣⁣

So instead of “I’m coming to see the baby,”⁣⁣
try saying, “I’m coming to see you 𝘢𝘯𝘥 meet the baby, too.”⁣⁣

Because the mother needs to be held more.⁣⁣

Living FULL


One of the most important things we will ever say to ourselves is, "I love you. I've got you. And, I'm not going anywhere."
It took me many years to be able to say these words and actually believe them.
Our childhood wounds can run deep, and when our core perceptions of safety and love are challenged at a young age, it can feel like a very long road to recovery.
I like to think of recovery through the lens of healing trauma as an opportunity to recover parts of ourselves that were lost along the way.
As we learn to reclaim these lost parts of ourselves, we begin to understand what wholeness feels like from the inside out.
Our bodies and nervous systems begin to grasp what true safety feels like.
We learn to show up and care for ourselves in ways we never received.
We welcome ourselves home piece by piece.
With consistent loving and attuned presence, we create a new baseline of well-being for ourselves.
One day, we realize that nothing will ever get in the way of our love and devotion to ourselves and our fundamental well-being.
And, no matter what happens, we’ve always got ourselves.~

~Sandra Bershad



Opening Hours

Tuesday 09:00 - 19:00
Wednesday 12:00 - 19:00
Thursday 09:00 - 18:00
Friday 09:00 - 18:00