Empowerment-Michelle Crean

Empowerment-Michelle Crean

I accompany people on a transformational spiritual journey
toward better health through healing.

The mission of Empowerment is to help people cultivate a radical self-love by connecting with their inner guidance system through Intuitive Wellness Coaching. By working with the Laws of the universe and harnessing the energy of the lunar cycles, we are empowered to reconnect with our divine self and realign our core values in order to create physical health through emotional and spiritual healing


Be mindful of what you are consuming! 💚

Photos from Empowerment-Michelle Crean's post 30/06/2023

Pulled these cards and remembered this quote: ❤️✨🙏🏼

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
Marianne Williamson, “A Course in Miracles"




"One day you will tell your story of how you've overcome what you're going through now, and it will become part of someone else's survival guide"

That day is TODAY!!!!

I am SO happy and grateful to announce that I had the chance to tell my story about my healing journey following my pregnancy losses in this incredible book dreamt into fruition by my dear friend Jes Petit and that it is available for pre-order in e-book form on Amazon for only $.99!!!

I'm alongside several women and friends who have also courageously shared their stories of their own postpartum healing journeys to help inspire, comfort and empower other women!!

100% of the profits will go to Empty Arms Bereavement Support


Photos from Empowerment-Michelle Crean's post 11/03/2023

I received a text from my friend Crystal because she wanted me to know that my posts often save her.*

She also told me I am the best therapist.
Every single one of my clients have told me the same thing.

People have been coming to me for advice or because they needed someone to confide in for as long as I can remember; even as a child.

It makes me come alive knowing that my energy offers others a safe space to let down their guard, that I make them feel seen, heard and understood without judgment, and that I can help them connect with their own inner guidance.

The thing is I am not a therapist. I don’t have any educational or professional experience to support what I do.

But what I do have are a very particular set of skills, 🤣

Skills I have acquired over a very long career.

Skills that make me a nightmare for anyone or anything that might try to disempower you, make you feel isolated, or cause you for ONE SECOND to question or doubt your self worth.

Channeling Liam Neeson’s bad ass strength and the equally bad ass strength of vulnerability that Crystal’s text invoked in me, I knew that I have everything it takes within me, just by BEING me, to confidently step forward and offer my help to others.

CLARITY SESSIONS are an invitation to let me accompany you on your healing journey, to have someone to talk to, and to help gain perspective and see the bigger picture by viewing the situation within a spiritual framework.

These one hour sessions are open to people of all ages and can be done in person or virtually. Day and Evening hours are available.
You can purchase an individual session or multiple sessions.

Because I believe that everyone deserves help and support on their healing journey, I am very proud and grateful to be offering these sessions on a Sliding Scale rate or a Bartering arrangement.

Our mental and emotional health and wellbeing are SO so vitally important, and it is a disservice and disgrace the way our health care system is designed so that it is difficult to access services without insurance or the ability to pay. I will not be a part of that.

I want everyone to always remember that no matter how much you are struggling, or how dark it may seem, YOU ARE NEVER ALONE!

If you need someone to talk to and are interested in finding a time to do so, reach out to me. ❤️
Message me or email: [email protected]

Sending so much love, peace and light.

*(Crystal’s story shared with her permission)




Make peace with your body today my friend,
for it has toiled for many years just to keep you alive.
It has grown, weathered virus and disease,
healed countless wounds and fought many unseen battles, to keep your soul intact for its journey through this life.

Yes it has changed but it has been changing since the day you were born.
And it will continue to change until the day you die.
Make peace with this.

Striving against this change, is like trying to blow away the wind. Futile, pointless, misery-making.
Your body has served you well and done so with your daily hate and disapproval.
It has suffered years of daily, hourly negativity, pulsing its way from your brain to your cells…
Not good enough, not attractive enough, not perfect.

And every day you thought it wasn’t perfect, it really, truly was.

It was keeping you alive, supporting your rash decisions, counteracting your foolish mistakes, doing everything in its power to stay in the game.
For you.

Make peace with your body today, my friend, say your apologies, right your wrongs and move on with appreciation.

You are blessed.

Look around you, not everyone is so blessed.
Not every one is breathing, walking, thriving.
And whilst you are looking around, see that nobody is perfect. The way a body looks, says nothing about its strength, its longevity, its endurance.

This is not a rehearsal, this is your one shot at a life well-lived.

Make it count.

Donna Ashworth
Art by Taynee (prints available)



"Emotional and mental health and physical well-being are a result of learning to live in the sacred space of the heart while staying attuned to the wisdom of your higher self." 💖

Health through healing. 💖


ANY thing and ANY one who gets your attention-via your thoughts, conversations, or your time, gets your energy.

So when you repeatedly spend time engaging in a conversation about, say a political figure you don't like, or someone who annoys you or hurt you, you are essentially providing them ammunition via your energy. You are arming them with more power, your power, to continue their agenda and behavior that you don't like.

This is the definition of giving your power away because nothing is more precious and sacred than your energy.

When we speak of the notion of "taking" your power back it is actually inaccurate because no one took it away from you; it's the realization that you were giving it away and the decision to take mindful daily action to stop.

Self-empowerment stems from this self accountability, and the subsequent awareness and self-protection over to whom and what we give our energy. 💖




So often I have had clients and friends (and me!) realize that reaching a particular goal did not bring the fulfillment and self worth we thought it would.

I believe it is primarily because we live in a society that tells us our worth lies externally; in our appearance and our productivity. So we mistakenly focus all of our attention on setting and reaching a goal based on something external, believing that happiness will come attached to it.

Intentions however focus on our internal world and state of being and help us keep our attention anchored in awareness and mindfulness of how we feel and of the present moment.

Check out the infographic below for some comparisons between the two:

What are some intentions you've set for yourself today?

Need some help? Think of writing a "To be" list instead of a "To do" list! ❤️


May we always live life with a grateful heart-Happy Thanksgiving!!! ❤️🙏🏼


The words "Health" and "Healing" come from the same root word: the Old English word ‘hale,’ meaning ‘wholeness,
being whole, or well'.

But healing is also a verb that means the act of restoring health which helps us understand the reality that healing is an action and health is the ultimate outcome. So truly the most essential ingredient for our healing is our active involvement.

Traditional approaches to better health have focused primarily on the physical components. However the fact remains that we stand little chance of becoming truly whole if we dismiss our inner components of health: mental, emotional, and most importantly spiritual.

Approaching our health from a spiritual perspective allows us to open up to the energies of the universe as well as our own inner guidance: the voice of our intuition. Listening to our intuition connects us with the deepest part of ourselves which helps us to work on blockages, habits and beliefs that subconsciously sabotage our attempts to grow and change, and to create implementation intentions and action plans aligned with our unique needs in order
to achieve optimal health and wellness.

Utilizing the language of energy helps bridge the gap between conventional medicine and fitness programs and this spiritual path of healing, which truly empowers us to shift our emotional state and mindset to better connect with both our bodies and our souls to bring greater harmony into our lives and develop a better sense of self love, self worth and to fully step into our personal power.

This is the heart of Intuitive Wellness Coaching, the spiritual path toward better health through healing.

Interested in finding out more about this type of coaching and whether it's right for you at this time?

Message me or email me at [email protected] to book a free discovery call!


Our thoughts and emotions have energetic consequences, and when we choose to believe something we breathe life into it. These same thoughts and emotions also determine the physical function of our bodies.

That's why evaluating our core beliefs is a spiritual and biological necessity to survive and thrive because the human mind is the biggest factor in healing and therefore our overall health and wellbeing.

However up until this past year I approached my own healing overlooking the reality that our subconscious minds that control 95% of our thoughts. That means that even if I tried to keep my thoughts positive, to use affirmations, and to be mindful of my self-talk, there was still programming perpetually running in the background that was causing me to self-sabotage.

This is what is known as the inner work. It's a deep dive spiritual detox, a systematic examination and dismantling of all of the societal, familial and ancestral conditioning into which we are all born. It's revisiting past traumas with compassion, forgiveness, and love in order to process what we couldn't at the time, to be able to fully release it from both our physical and energetic fields.

I was guided to understand that this work is my true calling of empowerment. To help people realize that they're being called to step into their power by aligning with their highest version of self but also by acknowledging that we cannot ascend to this version if we are weighed down by limiting beliefs, shame, guilt and fear.

But I also realized that I could not accompany anyone else on a journey that I have not embarked on myself which is why I have been on my spiritual Sabbatical, which has now brought me to the point where I now have the experience to be a guide and light to others.

EVERY person has the ability to change their inner relationship with themselves, and at this point in time the Universe is giving us all a loud and clear call to action to do the inner work in order to truly understand the core essence of who we are and why we are here so that we can help heal the Earth.

Inner work and self-healing are not easy; there are no short cuts, and it is definitely not for everybody and that is OK. But what I will tell you with total conviction as someone on the other side of it, is that it is absolutely the MOST IMPORTANT work of your life, and the inner joy and peace that you will experience will be life changing.

If you are on a healing journey or would like to begin and would like some extra support and guidance I would be honored to help! Message me or email me- [email protected]


Personal power is the secret to healing.

Our lives have been programmed around power structures whose entire existence depend on us believing a particular narrative about ourselves. We are conditioned to believe we are not worthy or good enough until we _______________. Fill in the blank.

Then spend the rest of your life filling it in because it still won't be enough by their standards.

Once we acknowledge this we can start to reevaluate our core beliefs and release what is not aligned with our authentic selves and our highest and best good, and that's when the healing begins. ❤️


Diet is SO MUCH more than food!




This is where empowerment happens: self love and self awareness of our thoughts words and actions in the present moment.


If I physically lost weight or toned up I would probably post an after picture to show my progress. In all honesty it would be to get people to tell me what I good job I did or how great I look because subconsciously I had a negative attachment between my self worth and my appearance, and my self-love was determined by the opinion's of others.

Not any more.

Here is my after picture from my weight loss.
(I particularly love the crotch fountain.) 🤪🥳😎

I achieved this look through a spiritual detox of identifying and removing any toxins- the limiting beliefs, negative attachments and fear based thoughts that were weighing me down energetically and emotionally.

The pounds of guilt and the inches of shame.

Sustaining it requires daily monitoring of my diet-everything and everyone I allow into my energy by giving it my time and attention. I started keeping a journal to record and keep track of my progress.

Losing this weight has given me more energy, more freedom, and makes it so much easier to move from not being bound by the opinions, approval, or rules of others.

I have increased strength to handle challenges, improved flexibility by releasing the need to control and be perfect, and better balance by connecting with my soul-our true center of gravity.

The difference between this weight loss and a physical one?
This is permanent.

Follow me for more tips! ❤️☯️


This ⬇️🌀❤️✨


Your light does not come from your successes.
Your light is not ignited by perfection,
or achievement or body shape.
Your light is not fuelled by popularity or acceptance.
Neither is your light at any risk of being put out,
when other lights around you, are bright.

Your light is simply made of the you-ness that makes you you,
the worries you have in the night,
the music which sparks your joy,
the books you had to read twice,
the memories stored safely in your heart,
The people you love and the people who love you.

Your light is never dependant on how you look,
or how you perform.
It’s just there,
and it’s quite simply brilliant,
and it’s all yours.
And it lights up every room you walk into,
whether you activate it or not.
What a wonderful thing.

Shine bright little fighter,
this dark world needs your glow.

Donna Ashworth
From ‘I Wish I Knew’: https://amzn.to/3JVMJlZ

Art by Victor Nizovtsev


Spread the word!!


Happy Memorial Day! ❤️🇺🇸🙏🏼


Know your worth! ❤️


Easter has always been my favorite holiday. The energy of new life and renewal and the message of hope has always had such a profound impact on my faith.

I think something else I have always intuitively loved is that Easter doesn't have a set date, but rather aligns with the cycles of nature-of Mother Earth. The date falls on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the first day of spring.

Such a beautiful remembrance of the divine feminine that is also celebrated through the first witness of the Resurrection-Mary Magdalene.

As Catholics we have not been consciously taught about the feminine aspect of the divine (and often it has been deliberately kept from us, destroyed or tainted). As a result we have experienced a disconnect from the wisdom of our soul's inner knowing. This has allowed the detrimental effects of religious conditioning to take hold and to adversely affect our understanding of ourselves and of God.

I was guided to write a reflection that I wanted to share this Easter Sunday. Our world needs so much healing and this is the way I am being called to use my unique voice, gifts and experiences to try to help bridge the gap between where we are and where we need to be. ❤

Comment or message me if it resonates with you. ❤
Happy Easter! Sending so much love to all of you!

Only the Good Die Young 08/04/2022

Often when we attempt to understand life and its mysteries we do so through the lens of our logic and the language of moral judgement. But they are not meant to be grasped by our minds rather understood deep within our hearts.

Find out more in my latest blog!

Serendipity sidenote: When I came up with this title and basic idea for this blog I texted it to a friend who immediately texted me back with a video of her daughter listening to the Billy Joel song Only the Good Die Young. Today as the same friend and I were leaving a coffee shop the song came on again. Message received Spirit! ❤️

Only the Good Die Young When I was 17 my grandmother passed away from ovarian cancer; she was only 62. At the time her age didn’t mean anything to me, all I knew was that my best friend was gone and I had to struggl…

Michelle Crean on TikTok 02/04/2022


The ways in which my work is expanding is in direct alignment with the ways in which I personally have been expanding, as well as with the ways in which I have been able to bridge all of my areas of expertise: My degrees in theology, my certifications as a personal trainer and coach, but also my personality and life experiences. Spirituality is the link that interconnects them all.

So in addition to my new 1:1 services and widening my client base to include all gender identities, I am beginning to share my voice in 3 specific ways with 3 specific intentions:

My Blog: Words to Inspire Your Mind and Spirit
Here I will be sharing through my writing the specifics of my own healing journey of awakening and of connecting with my inner guidance, which is how I was able to learn to love myself completely unconditionally.
You can check out my post recent blog-Death of a Good Girl as well as my previous blogs here: https://empowermentmc.com/

My Tik Toks: Empowermentmc
I love karaoke, music, dancing and just being goofy and having fun so I jumped on this bandwagon posting exclusively about the journey to self love. Most love songs are about the other person, but that is not how we heal because everything starts with how we love ourselves.
You can follow me here: https://www.tiktok.com/?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc

My YouTube channel
This is a big one for me as far as stepping out of my comfort zone and stepping into my own personal power. I will be posting weekly reflection videos focusing on helping people better understand the true message of Jesus in particular as it pertains to love and life. With both my book knowledge from my background in theology and the inner wisdom of my soul I am hoping to help bridge the gap between outdated limiting beliefs resulting from institutional religious conditioning and the real message of Jesus which is love. Here is the link to my channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgGUN227i3RLSwmXz5bRQEg

Essentially all of these shifts in my work are about helping people to heal their relationships with their own bodies, reconnect with their own inner guidance, and to realize that true authentic personal power is unconditional self-love. Better physical health will naturally flow from this healing within.

Michelle Crean on TikTok 78 Followers, 137 Following, 58 Likes - Watch awesome short videos created by Michelle Crean

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Facing my fears and shining my light. Taking my own advice and forging my own path. #personalempowerment #selflove #self...
