We provide mold remediation and cleanup, correct moisture intrusion issues, and install systems to improve indoor air quality in homes and buildings.
Our roots began in the mold remediation and testing field in 2003, with mold detection dogs. Our main focus soon shifted from testing service to mold removal and remediation. However, we not only focus on the cleanup, removal, and prevention of mold in your home or building. Our overall goal is to give you a whole building diagnostic to determine the root causes of the mold issues, and develop a s
olid and extensive plan to effectively eliminate and prevent any future mold, moisture, and indoor air quality concerns from re-developing after the initial work is done. There are too many companies in this field that fail to address the root causes, and after a period of time has passed since cleanup, mold growth, water intrusion, indoor air quality issues return. We make sure the job is done right, and complete the first time. Mold Remediation in existing homes and buildings is only part of the work we do in regards to mold. We also work in new construction and apply our preventative coatings to the rough building materials during the construction phase. Everyone knows that exposure of structural elements to moisture during and after construction is inevitable. Moisture from rain and high humidity accelerates mold and microbial growth. NW Mold Removal has addressed this issue from a proactive approach, whereas the past response has been reactive. By applying a protective solution to your new structures NW Mold Removal stops mold growth BEFORE it starts. NW Mold Removal also provides indoor air quality assessments and solutions to poor indoor air quality problems. We design and implement a unique solution to greatly improve indoor air quality by removing allergens, dust, radon, moisture, odors, and other air contaminants from inside your home or building. If you’re having a problem with allergies or odors give us a call. Water intrusion is a major contributing factor to mold growth, so we also specialize in determining the cause of and implementing solutions to moisture intrusion. If your building has a wet basement or crawlspace, we have a solution for you.