Shacarra Sigler Coaching

Shacarra Sigler Coaching

Shacarra Sigler Coaching helps Moms balance life and embrace the challenges of parenting children with developmental delays.

Some diagnosis include: Sensory Processing Disorder, Autism, Social Skills Impairment and Cognitive Development. Private Mom FB Group: Embracing my Gift


Dr. Stephen Shore says “If you’ve met one individual with autism, you’ve met one individual with autism.” There’s no one size fits all and I truly believe it takes that family, that village, who will never give up, to help our loved ones progress and go after their dreams.

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💙Set Up an Action Room. Vestibular movement, such as swinging or rocking, has a positive effect on an overactive brain
💙Calm the Brain with a 'Chill Spa'
💙Create an Obstacle Course
💙Play Catch
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Myth: People with Autism are Best Suited for Jobs that Are Repetitive Tasks
Because Autism is a spectrum the idea that there is a one size fits all job simply isn’t the case.

While there are a lot of people on the Autism spectrum who would be well suited for repetitive tasks there are many others who would find it mind-numbingly, painfully boring.

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How to build rapport with teachers:
💙Remember people’s names.
💙Find common ground.
💙Actively listen.
💙Ask questions.
💙Mind your body language.

Some of the ways the therapist can demonstrate genuineness is to:
💙Provide supportive nonverbal cues, including eye contact and nodding in agreement.
💙Give feedback in the moment, rather than in a later session.
💙Encourage you to be active and feel empowered in regard to your treatment plan.

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It’s one of the most recognizable symbols; yet, it represents a complete mystery. A jigsaw puzzle is made up of many interlocking pieces. Each piece is a different color. Each piece has a place and must be included; the big picture is incomplete if even a single piece is missing or left out.

Furthermore, a Heart is a symbol of both remembrance and hope, both essential ingredients to understanding and respecting. The ribbon symbolizes solidarity and hope of a happy, fulfilling life for people with autism. Autism awareness and acceptance!

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It’s important for parents to educate themselves about both speech and language development and keep an eye out for signs of an issue, particularly during their child’s first few years. Here are some things to watch out for that could indicate your child is having trouble with speech and/or language acquisition.

1. Not babbling at age 4-7 months.
2. Lack of gesturing.
3. Issues with verbal requests.
4. Not speaking in sentences.
5. Trouble making certain sounds.

If your child shows any of these signs or seems to have other speech and/or language issues, it’s best to seek help as soon as possible.

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Myth: Autism Only Affects Boys
The way Autism works is different in boys than it is for girls. So, while it may seem like only boys have Autism, in fact, girls can have it just as frequently.

Signs of Autism in girls can often be confused for other things or hidden completely.

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Caring for a child with ASD can demand a lot of energy and time. There may be days when you feel overwhelmed, stressed, or discouraged. Parenting isn’t ever easy, and raising a child with special needs is even more challenging. In order to be the best parent you can be, it’s essential that you take care of yourself.

Don’t try to do everything on your own. You don’t have to! There are many places that families of children with ASD can turn to for advice, a helping hand, advocacy, and support:

Joining an ASD support group is a great way to meet other families dealing with the same challenges you are. Parents can share information, get advice, and lean on each other for emotional support. Just being around others in the same boat and sharing their experience can go a long way toward reducing the isolation many parents feel after receiving a child’s diagnosis.

❤JOIN "Embracing My Gift" is a Private Facebook Group

Designed exclusively for Special Needs Moms, where we discuss everyday challenges, support one another, provide tips, and hear from experts on subjects related to raising Sensational Children.



Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) isn't a learning disability. But it does affect learning — sometimes in ways like learning disabilities. And kids who have autism are often eligible for special education services.

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The coronavirus pandemic has been particularly tough for many autistic moms. Services have closed and many people have been left stranded. The ever-changing guidelines and restrictions can be confusing to understand and extremely difficult to implement for autistic people with high support needs.

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He can’t sit still through a half-hour lesson and disrupts the class.
He often seems distracted and doesn’t pay attention to what she’s saying
He bumps into kids in the lunch line, making them angry.
He can’t hold a pencil correctly, so he struggles with handwriting.
He gets upset when asked to switch from one activity to another
He melts down during assemblies and has to leave the gym.
You had started noticing this type of behavior when your child was a toddler, but now it’s hurting his progress in school.

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Not everyone learns the same way. This is true for people on the Autism spectrum and off it. Some people are more visual learners, some need to get their hands dirty to learn.

Those on the Autism spectrum can find it quite difficult to learn in a traditional classroom setting which gives the impression that they can’t learn. But they can, once you work out what works best for them.

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Photos from Shacarra Sigler Coaching's post 27/04/2021

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Granting Yourself the Grace as an Autism Mom
Grant yourself the grace to cry, to yell, and to be angry.

Forgive yourself as often as needed.

Remind yourself that yes — you are doing the best you can. And really, that’s all you can do.

Stop comparing your journey to someone else’s journey.

Everyone has times when they could use some support or motivation from others. Sometimes you might be the one who does the encouraging and sometimes, just sometimes, you might be the one who needs the encouragement.

You will have good days.

You will have bad days.

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Let me take a minute to reintroduce myself...
I am Shacarra of Also known as Coach Shà. I am a wife, a mother, a budget director (by day), and a Sensational Mom Coach...and what that means is I help moms balance life and positively parent children with developmental or cognitive delays.
I know firsthand how dark and lonely this parenting journey can be, as my son was first diagnosed with Sensory Processing Disorder just after his third birthday. But you do not have to go at this alone as I did. I am here for you and can help you by providing tools and techniques that keep you motivated, happy and whole.

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Some children show signs of autism spectrum disorder in early infancy, such as reduced eye contact, lack of response to their name or indifference to caregivers. Other children may develop normally for the first few months or years of life, but then suddenly become withdrawn or aggressive or lose language skills they've already acquired. Signs usually are seen by age 2 years.

Each child with autism spectrum disorder is likely to have a unique pattern of behavior and level of severity — from low functioning to high functioning.

Some children with autism spectrum disorder have difficulty learning, and some have signs of lower than normal intelligence. Other children with the disorder have normal to high intelligence — they learn quickly, yet have trouble communicating and applying what they know in everyday life and adjusting to social situations.

Because of the unique mixture of symptoms in each child, severity can sometimes be difficult to determine. It's generally based on the level of impairments and how they impact the ability to function.

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Myth: People with Autism Can’t Feel or Express Emotions
People on the Autism spectrum can in some cases express their emotions in ways that are unfamiliar to the majority of society.

That gives people the impression that they can’t express emotions or perhaps that they don’t feel them at all because they don’t recognize the different ways that the emotions are expressed.

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Photos from Shacarra Sigler Coaching's post 20/04/2021

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Here's to making it half-way through the work week.
Enjoy! Cheers!!


Tips Tuesday: Are you feeling STUCK?
Is it because you are fearful of what the future will look like for your little one? Are you exhausted and burnt out? Are you anxious? Are you on edge and sometimes unpleasant to be around? Just stop for a minute, breathe...I SEE YOU!
Step 1: Journal your pain points.
Step 2: Realistically schedule the things you can comfortably address.
Step 2a: Seek counsel or professional guidance for those items that are beyond your realm of knowledge (i.e.) therapist, teacher, developmental pediatrician, etc. Then you can schedule these items. Having these items in "time buckets", help with mental clarity.
N O T E: There will be some things that will have to be temporarily parked, be ok with that...when you can amply address those items bring them back to the forefront and address them...just dump those in a "L A T E R" category.
Step 3: Implement emotional clearing strategies and techniques into your daily routine to keep you grounded and balanced. Some examples may include: meditation, EFT Tapping, exercise, and journaling.
The goal is to operate in 100% clarity and confidence, while balancing LIFE!

Happy Monday!!! 
Let's start this week off empowered, motivated, balanced, and happy. I've found that one of the most difficult things to manage within this parenting journey is the fear of the unknown.
Will my child be ok in the future? How long will it take to see improvements from therapy? Will therapy costs negatively impact my financial freedom? How will I find time for my other children? How is this going to affect my career and future goals? 
Let's work on doing the best we can in the present moment and then relinquish the rest of tomorrow's thoughts and concerns. 
Become comfortable with the unknown...release the fear and uncertainty that consumes you. Make a conscious effort to draw on your faith/belief system and make today count...give it your best shot, because once its gone...IT'S GONE!
We will not have everything figured will not be 100% perfect...and that's ok. It is perfectly imperfect. 
Stay motivated Sensational Moms. 
Sending light and love as always.
#strongmoms #bossmoms #sensorymoms #momcoach #momgoals #lifecoach #coachformoms #selfdevelopment #selfcare #tallahasseecoach #autism #autismawareness #sensoryprocessingdisorder #spd #cognitivedevelopment #occupationaltherapy #behaviortherapy #abatherapy #uniqueabilities #SpecialNeeds #femaleempowerment #womensupportingwomen #autismmom #autism #autistic #specialneedsmom #caribbeangirls #browngirls 22/03/2021

Happy Monday!!!
Let's start this week off empowered, motivated, balanced and happy. I've found that one of the most difficult things to manage within this parenting journey is the fear of the unknown.
Will my child be ok in the future? How long will it take to see improvements from therapy? Will therapy costs negatively impact my financial freedom? How will I find time for my other children? How is this going to affect my career and future goals?
Let's work on doing the best we can in the moment and then relinquish the rest of tomorrow's thoughts and concerns.
Become comfortable with the unknown...release the fear and concern that consumes you. Make a conscious effort to draw on your faith/belief system and make today count...give it your best shot, because once its gone...IT'S GONE!
We will not have everything figured will not be 100% perfect...and that's ok. It is perfectly imperfect.
Stay motivated Sensational Moms.
Sending light and love as always.

Happy Monday!!! 💙 Let's start this week off empowered, motivated, balanced, and happy. I've found that one of the most difficult things to manage within this parenting journey is the fear of the unknown. 💙 Will my child be ok in the future? How long will it take to see improvements from therapy? Will therapy costs negatively impact my financial freedom? How will I find time for my other children? How is this going to affect my career and future goals? 💙 Let's work on doing the best we can in the present moment and then relinquish the rest of tomorrow's thoughts and concerns. 💙 Become comfortable with the unknown...release the fear and uncertainty that consumes you. Make a conscious effort to draw on your faith/belief system and make today count...give it your best shot, because once its gone...IT'S GONE! 💙 We will not have everything figured will not be 100% perfect...and that's ok. It is perfectly imperfect. 💙 Stay motivated Sensational Moms. ❤💛🧡💜💙 Sending light and love as always. #strongmoms #bossmoms #sensorymoms #momcoach #momgoals #lifecoach #coachformoms #selfdevelopment #selfcare #tallahasseecoach #autism #autismawareness #sensoryprocessingdisorder #spd #cognitivedevelopment #occupationaltherapy #behaviortherapy #abatherapy #uniqueabilities #SpecialNeeds #femaleempowerment #womensupportingwomen #autismmom #autism #autistic #specialneedsmom #caribbeangirls #browngirls


Do you ever find yourself wishing that your child didn't have "that diagnosis"? Do you pray for the symptoms and effects to go away...or that therapy will miraculously change every iota of the situation...
Hop on over to Facebook and join my private group (Embracing my Gift), exclusively for special needs moms, and let's talk about it.
Sending light and love as always.


Happy International Women's Day!
Today we acknowledge, respect, appreciate and stand with you!
Continue to shine and soar.
Sending light and love as always.

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Another successful #OccupationalTherapy Day. We love his therapist...she is truly amazing.*Shout out to all the Occupati...
