Wyoming Back Roads Photography

Wyoming Back Roads Photography

Quality scenic, nature and wildlife Photography

Offering Photography Tours of the Big Horn Mountains and Big Horn Basin... coming soon!

Quality scenic, nature and wildlife photography for sale in several formats. Coming Soon... informative and engaging off the beaten path photography tours of areas of Wyoming not covered by most tour companies. Tours will consist of mostly the northwestern slope of the Big Horn Mountains and Big Horn Basin on National Forest, Bureau of Land Management and National Park Service lands.


Dead or Dying, Lovell, Wyoming

I have wanted to post a picture of the cell phone tower here in Lovell that has for many years now been our Buzzard’s Roost. I’m not sure if the cell tower is dead or dying. 😂

Has any one but me felt like they were part of the walking dead or just on their way to being one?

No matter how advanced we think we are, the truth of the matter is we despite our modern conveniences are barely beyond Neanderthals at times when it comes to the basics of living. When we ignore those, I believe, that’s when we feel like we are dead or dying.

So my friends, turn the TV, cell phones and all the other gadgets off. Build a fire, look up at the sky or the stars with wonderment, hold your children tighter, kiss passionately, listen to the birds, crickets or cicada’s. Breathe deeply and just be as one with nature, even if it’s just your back yard. ❤️



Bewilderment, Lovell, Wyoming

Yesterday’s temperature was 105 ° F and today it is 65 °. I think Ole’ Ma Nature is off her meds again!

We can become bewildered by things that surround us, but that we have absolutely no control over. We will fret, complain, argue and get upset to no avail. As I was thinking about this, my spirit prompted me to look by the fireplace. Milo was just content to sit, watch the fire and soak up the heat. He wasn’t fretting, upset or anything… he just changed his sitting location.

Whenever we find ourselves in a situation we cannot do anything about, try not to be so bewildered that the solution avails you, try to cast all your burdens on Someone who can do something about it and change your perspective. ❤️


“Come and Thirst no more” Bighorn Mountains, Sheridan County

Last week my son and I decided to see where a man made stream came from that ran beside the campsite where we were at. The man made stream looked as such barren of rocks and boulders that would be in a mountain stream.

We didn’t have to travel very far when we came to a head gate and dammed up mountain stream. I am not sure why the stream was diverted but the stream still found its natural path even though it had been significantly diverted.

As I stood here befuddled, listening to the stream light hearted roar, I began to laugh. My son, like a confused puppy, cocked his head and said, “what’s up”? The roar sounded near laughter to me.

As we walked back, I was still baffled why the stream had been diverted. And then that still small voice began to speak and gave me several lines of enlightenment.

Man has always tried to steal the beauty He created for us to enjoy. But though they may divert it a little, its beauty will fall short because He works with a brush of centuries upon centuries.

We get too choose what we hear, the roar of laughter, the roar of defiance or the roar of terror.

Although man tried to divert the rushing streams of life, without hesitation He found a way to continue to bring living water to a dry and parched land and give living water for anyone and everything to drink and thirst no more! ❤️

Photos from Wyoming Back Roads Photography's post 27/07/2022

“Bitterroot to bittersweet”, Bighorn Mountains, Lovell, Wyoming

While on a ride, I found a place where Bitterroot wildflowers have started to grow profusely. This is an area I frequent and have never noticed them here before but many have bloomed but more have not yet.

As I sat here and pondered the flowers beauty as well as its beautiful view where it chose to grow. I pondered, how anything so beautiful could be bitter. Then it occurred to me how life itself is so beautiful and yet so many are so bitter and they just constantly cannot see it and are just completely miserable, angry and/or depressed.

To me it is so bittersweet! Because I, day in and day out, all I see is so many blessings and the beauty which saturates our lives.

My friends, each of us live such hectic lives in this world that pushes us to move at an even more frazzled pace. The emotions that this world wants us at is bitter to bittersweet. Please shuck off this world’s pace and emotions and slow down! Take time to stop and smell the flowers, slow down, soak up the beauty all around us! Close your eyes, feel the warmth of the sun, the breeze upon your skin, the fragrance of nature. Then slowly open your eyes slowly, take that deep breath and exhale slowly and begin to see your life and those within your life with new vision and be thankful for everything! 😊❤️😊


“Poured Out”
Burgess Jct, Wyoming

It appeared that Someone had poured out buckets of Asters on these hillsides below Riley Point!

To see this many asters was simply breathtaking and I was in awe, at the beauty being side lit by the evening sun.

I was and am so overjoyed with the blessings in my life despite the obstacles, I was absolutely exuding it. I believe my spirit was giddy with my thankfulness!

As I continued to marvel at the cascade of yellow, it felt like the windows of heaven had been thrown open allowing this gold to escape, was for just me to see.

My friends, this world is tough and harsh all too much of the time. As the agony of day to day life tries to kick you down, remember there are so many blessings still being poured out upon us but to see it, sometimes we have to kick the negativity and struggles to the side and focus our eyes and our heart beyond our temporary situations to find those blessings meant just for us. ❤️


Where to start... Well let's start with Me and when, how and where my misadventures with Sarcoidosis has led me... I will try to keep it to the reader's digest version but this may end up very long!

July 2013 While at work my eyes began to burn, itch and become puffy. I have never really had an allergy but from those who do, it sounded just like what I was experiencing. My wife picked up some allergy eye drops and they seemed to help a little.However the next day my eyes were noticeably swollen and I began to get double vision. I went to my family Optometrist at the end of his day he stayed to take a look. He was very upfront in saying he did not know what was going on but he gave me some steroid eye drops and asked me to go to an adjacent town where his other office and partner was at the next day. I went and as he had me track a paddle in his hand with my eyes, he said something no patient ever wants to hear their eye doc say... "Whoa, that's not right!" I guess one eye tracked fairly well but the other one would track in a jerk and stop motion the entire time. He told us to wait in the waiting room while they made a few calls. He came out and said I needed to go to Billings, MT to see an Ophthalmologist. It was a Friday and by the time we got to Billings, it was going to be about 4pm. My grandson's first Birthday party was going to be at 1pm. I could not drive myself so my wife drove me. Both of us would be missing our grandson's very first birthday party... you cannot get those back. The Ophthalmologist did some checks, tests and measurements to discover my eyes were not just swelling but were also protruding as well and that my eyes were under incredible pressure. He said he was sending me over to get a MRI Scan. I looked at my watch and it was a few minutes after 5pm... on a Friday... He, continued and said he called in a few favors but if we don't get the swelling down your eyes may have permanent damage to loss of vision all together. This is truly when the panic set in on me. Through the MRI we discovered that it was my lachrymal glands that were swelling causing my eyes to be swollen and protruding. He put me on a pretty steep burst and taper of Prednisone a steroid that he felt would have the best chance in reducing the swelling quickly. It did and I had no vision change at all (Praise the Lord) but when I dropped below 30mg my eyes began swelling back up. He set up with a Eye Center in Salt Lake City for a Dr. there to take a look at my case but he told me then he believed I had Sarcoidosis. After several bouts of…Sarcoid what the heck osis, he gave me a rough description of what it was. My wife a long time RN had never heard of it and I most certainly had never. We did the thing that any sensible person would do and googled it. When we got to the point where WebMD said, "Usually the disease is not disabling; most people with sarcoidosis live normal lives. In fact, in the majority of cases, the disease appears only briefly and disappears on its own." We both had a huge sigh and thought OK this is no big deal. How amazingly wrong could we have been. What you miss when your read this is the "Ususally", "Most" and "Majority"... It does not say "Always", "In All" and "Every". The truth is that in many cases is true but not all. There is a rising percentage that have the chronic type which is debilitating, life altering and life threatening.

6 doctors later, enough blood tests to have fed a small colony of vampires, MRI's, CT's, a botched biopsy of my lachrymal gland (Dr missed the gland entirely), a specialized Eye Center the #2 Sarcoidosis Center in the nation at that time over 2 years of being on 30mg of steroids. So what did we find out? That an eye center really doesn't want to deal with you when it is a gland issue that is part of your lymph system. At the time the research and frankly the money for Sarcoidosis research revolved around lung issues which I have very little to none. Especially when your symptoms have been fairly to greatly suppressed by the Prednisone.

2 more Doctors and finally I had one whom took the information I compiled ran more tests and with determination and diligence, ruled out so many other possibilities and was left with one diagnosis of Sarcoidosis.

My eyes started me on this journey but I haven't mentioned all the other things I was unprepared to be hit with. The exhaustion which is hard to describe other than it is like having your entire body encased in cement. The weight, the cumbersomeness is unfathomable. There are times when I have to debate myself on if it is worth the effort to get up and even use the bathroom. The stabbing Chest pains, the liver pain where it feels like a knife being twisted off in your side, constant bouts of hoarseness, night sweats to the point you can wring sweat out of the bed sheets. How about trying to walk on feet, ankles and knees that feel as if the bones are broken. Or the nephropathy is so bad it is like standing on two sticks that are your legs that you really cannot feel. How about having red painful welts raise up on your legs or elbows. Or a hundreds of water like blister looking pinpoints that come up on your finger joints, elbows and feet that itch worse than any poison Ivy or oak I have ever had. Or maybe the fun part of having a red angry inflamed blister raise up that is half as long as your forearm that itches but if you touch it feels like a thousand wasps stinging you at the same time. Or how any little illness or infection causes my body to over react and attack not only the illness or infection but it attacks and damages itself. How it invites its other autoimmune and inflammatory disease buddies to come party at their house which is your body. My heart breaks for those who have lung involvement as they struggle for each breath.

The worst thing of all is this is for the most part a hidden disease. It eats away at the inside of us while leaving the outside looking mostly like it always did. You might ask why is this the worst part. It kills our self esteem our relationships with many of the closest family members. As I said earlier I missed my Grandson's first birthday but I was the cause for my wife to miss her grandson's first birthday. The countless other family events and outings where if I know if I go will be the cause of them slowing down avoiding doing certain things they want to because of their worry for me but in the end it was me that caused them to miss out. Or me just not going and them being mad at me because I didn't go but they enjoyed everything they wanted to do and yet twisting every emotion in me because I want to be there. The countless people, family and friends who say, "but you don't look sick". In the end, the constant feeling of betrayal of our body that is been eaten away but we don't look sick.

So my friends, This has been my life the past 10 years. My life because of this disease is frustrating, But I am alive! I can see! I can feel and I can love. Because of this disease it makes me "SEE" more clearly than I ever did before. It is the path I have been given and I will and have kept my focus on the positive. I will put the smile on my face even when I don't want to because each of us have trials and tribulations. Thank you for hanging out learning the down and dirty, readers digest version of how this monster inside of me and how it has affected my life both for the worse and for the better! 💜



The best is yet to come, Bighorn Mountains

As I awoke this morning, I found a smile upon my face. I was dreaming of this mountain lake.

Historically, March is our snowiest month here in Wyoming. But as we slowly warm up, it taunts us with memories of past summers with sunshine, blue skies, refreshing cool water lapping at the lake shore and laughter along with the scent of pine drifting in the breeze. May we awake with smiles upon our faces and sweet memories in our thoughts. Most of all may we see the blessings we are granted, past present and future! 😊


Musing from the infusion chair, Lovell, Wyoming.

Taking a break from my view out the window on this nice but overcast day. My son took this picture on Monday as we traveled through the Pryor Gap on our way home from Billings, MT. If I would have taken my camera I think more detail like the sun dog around the sun was a easy to see rainbow as the glorious sun rays seemed to reach out in an attempt to touch the brilliant encircling ring.

The past week with sub-zero to mid 60 degree daytime fluctuations and seemingly endless array of fronts rolling through. I fell back into my typical answer of “I’m Okay” if anyone asked. When we are not at our best that is exactly when we should be reaching for those family and friends that encircles us. When we do, it is amazing how much true colors they shine while bringing out the glorious warmth of love and seems to make us shine more brilliantly than ever before! ❤️

Photos from Wyoming Back Roads Photography's post 31/01/2022

Hi Everyone!
I know I have not posted anything new in quite some time. Here is one of the things that has taken up some of my time. I feel like it has taken forever to complete this too.

“Rust, Dust & Scraps” Lovell, Wyoming

I saw a bench made out of an old bed frame a few years ago and thought, I have an old bed frame in my garage collecting dust and making rust. I have some scrap lumber. I could do something like that! As I felt able, I went into my shop and tinkered with this build. Gus, our kitty that was orphaned and bottle raised has found enjoyment in going to the shop with me. Once completed, I am proud of the way it turned out.

As I began to post this, my spirit shook me and led me to these thoughts. I am just like this bench.

With all my mistakes, bad choices and many just sheer stupid choices. I was in a dark and foreboding place gathering dust, falling apart and remnant scraps of what I should have been.

Some how, He looked at me and thought, I can make something beautiful with these shards of what should have been. With trust and a mustard seed of faith I submitted myself to the Master Builder. It took Him some time and design and although I am still not perfect with a few rough edges, I received approval from some unlikely sources, He dressed me in some bright and fine fabrics and some day soon, I will be out front on display for every passerby to see He is truly proud of His creation! 😊❤️😊


“Large & small” Lovell, Wyoming

I watched this tiny chipmunk forage then get to this place where at his/her path would to most seemed like an impassable rock wall. It was 4 or more feet tall, but with a quiver or two and a tail slap, this tiny little squirrel cleared the obstacle and was happily on its way!

As I smiled at this feat, I thought of you! Throughout this last year you have helped me overcome so many obstacles. Some times it was the biggest and boldest people who helped me. However at other times it was those who simply left a tiny heart or care icon.

I posted this three years ago and I pray this blessing upon each of you even more so today!

Happy New Year!

Despite my situation I am beyond blessed. I thank each of you for being in my life no matter how large or small. I have never shied away from my faith. I want to share this with you to start this year!

Aaron’s blessing in Numbers 6:24-26, when you break it down to what each section of the verse means, just makes my soul smile. So to each of you who take the time read this…

The Lord Bless and keep you:
(May He bestow divine favor on you and protect from harm and give you good health.)

The Lord make His face shine on you.
(May He smile upon you giving you favor in your travels.)

And be gracious to you:
(May He be merciful, compassionate, and lavish upon you His benevolence.)

The Lord lift up His countenance on you.
(May His Spirit rise up in you and give you encouragement and approve of you.)

And give you peace.
(May he keep you safe and give you Harmony in every situation.)

This is the blessing I wish for each of you today and throughout the new year!


Musing from the infusion chair ; North Big Horn Hospital District

“The Flower Quickly Fading”
Bighorn Mountains
Lovell, Wyoming

The Firew**d is a bold, hardy and vibrant wildflower. This one bloomed right up until frost hit it hard!

The old adage “What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger” comes to mind. However those that are afflicted by hidden diseases, like me,
It’s more like what is killing us makes us stronger. Like the flower quickly fading, we realize our time here on this celestial ball is like a v***r in the wind. Although we know this and it would be so easy to be angry, from my own experience and so many of my fellow suffers. The opposite is more true. Though we suffer, we see the amazing value of each day. We live and see the beauty around and in us as we struggle along!

My friends, time is so fleeting, live out loud be the reason someone smiles and be like the Firew**d, bold, hardy and vibrant! ❤️


“Dance” Bighorn Mountains,
Lovell, Wyoming, USA

As I was walking in the last few blooms of wildflowers and w**ds, I noticed thes Clouded Sulfur Butterflies dancing around this particular bloom. I watched them for quite some time and they brought a smile to my face, a tear to my eye and my soul was as giddy as a child in a candy store.

On average a Clouded Sulfur Butterfly only lives 2 to 3 days in the wild. The longest documented life 3 weeks… and yet they dance! They see the beauty and sweetness of all blooms no matter if they are a highly acclaimed flower or a w**d.

So in watching these, I smiled and enjoyed their beauty and their culminating dance while in the air. When I read how short their life is, it made me very sad for a moment for their beauty is truly momentary. We say life is short and yet we are so afraid to live and we act as if tomorrow is promised.

Yet these tiny little Butterflies take time to perform aerial acrobatics (dancing) to the casual onlooker for no apparent reason. They treat each flower with equal levity and vigor. They value the lowliest w**d as much as the acclaimed class flower. To which my soul shook effervescent joy when I finally understood.

My friends, fear not! Yes this world is a scary place. But life is a limited time deal, for some of us it will probably be shorter than for others. I am doing my best not to be so fearful that I forget to live. I strive to treat every person with the respect, grace and mercy I hope to be treated with. And whatever you do… remember to dance! ❤️


“Between Dreams and Reality”
Lovell, Wyoming, USA

I haven’t posted in quite some time, so this may be a lengthy one.

As I lay here in between dreams and reality where many times the fatigue of my disease has had me lately. My loved ones struggle to understand misinterpret and believe I am angry. Which I am not. How can you be angry at someone who simply cannot fathom how it feels?

I believe many diseases leave us feeling like a bag of grain in the feed room floor of a barn. Where either a nasty rat or several have chewed into the vessel in an inconspicuous spot leaving the outside looking as it should to those passing by and yet leaving us more and more emptied out with less and less to seemingly give.

Those rats go by many incurable names like mine or by many names that end with the title of cancer or many under the over encompassing name of mental illness.

These rats steal our integrity, our hope, and our lives. As they live far and happy on the lives they destroy they leave us feeling alone.

I am here to tell you… YOU ARE NOT ALONE!

There are centers , physical groups, online support groups made up of people just like me and just like you!

There are churches and other organizations that really want to help. I truly believe He has a plan for your life just as He has for me. I may not understand His plan but I have seen Him make beauty from the ashes all too often.

So my friends reach out to others and it blesses more than you know or can understand. It’s like the deer in a field of plenty it leaves them in awe and at times with their expression, a gasped and food falling from their face as they never understood before. 💜


Musing from the infusion chair
NBHH Infusion Center
Lovell, Wyoming

The mountains 15 miles away are still hidden behind a curtain of smoke. So, I will speak of my newest little ferocious beast.

This is Gus who came to us via one of the local factories in August. He was orphaned and left to die. He only had one eye half open when we were blessed with his precious presence to adopt into our family and see if we could save him.

As I write this I could illustrate a similar life I had as I was adopted by the amazing mercy and grace into the family of the great I Am.

However, I feel it is more important to share something else as Gus came into our life.

I was so sick the evening he came into our family and the next 16 days.

So what is the measure and value of a person came into my thoughts as I took this picture this week.

Is it how popular they are, or what they do while in the spot light? Perhaps it is what and how they take care of themselves when adverse situations are dropped on their door step or perhaps it is what they do while not in the spotlight.

I believe there is some value in all or most of these things. However I truly believe your value, measure and purpose is revealed when we do something, anything for someone or something that can never truly repay us and more so when we are barely able to help themselves!

I was having coughing fits to the verge of passing out. The pain and fatigue was exponentially severe to say the least. Nevertheless Gus’ situation was in immediate need.

Gus has now almost tripled his weight and out Veterinarian says he looks and acts better than some kittens with their moma cat taking care of them.

Gus is a ferocious beast when it comes to eating, playing and anything other than sleeping. He lives like I do on a good day ferociously, living life to the maximum of his ability.

So my friends, no matter what your situation is, reach out and touch lives especially when you do not expect anything whatsoever in return. It is truly an eye opening thing and will help you to find that little soul shaking thing that lives deep within us that allows us to live life… ferociously! ❤️💜❤️


❤️ Thank you all so much! For the prayers, positive thoughts and simply keeping me in your thoughts at any and all levels!

The pain is now back to a very manageable level. I still have been a bit fatigued and lethargic but that too saw great strides in the right direction.

Although saying these words never seems to be enough to adequately explain how much I care, keep you in my heart and awe so thankful I can call you my friends. ❤️


“Like the withering flower”, Bighorn Mountains, Burgess Junction, Wyoming

This may be short or long. Since I am unsure of where it is going quite yet. However let me set the scene for you my friends.

Last weekend I went to camp but never left it because I started into a bad flare. But before we began to head home, I noticed numerous butterflies dancing above the field and flowers. Several weeks earlier these were detestable worms but now lofty flying miracles of beauty. Life is a lot like the flowers that bloom and wither away awe so quickly.

I usually do not post when in agony because it can often distort into something ugly and negative. But I felt the need to post this.

Today I feel quite like the flower withering away. I am struggling to keep my thoughts together as the pain washes over me until the pain has pain. As I lay here in bed unable to seemingly to move I look back over my life and see how I was like if not lower than those detestable worms of yesterday. Yet I am like David, a man with a repentant heart. So despite my current anguish and situations He still blesses me and keeps me in His favor.

For even if I am like the rose trampled on the ground or the flower fading. The beauty of their existence is still honored by the dance of beautiful beating wings of lofty creatures both small and great. And despite it all I will bear witness with a smile of His mercy and grace 💖

I am scheduled for my infusion on Thursday. However If you have a moment to spare, any prayers you could utter with me within them would be ever so appreciated.


Musing from the Infusion Chair, Lovell, WY

As I sit here looking at the smoke hidden mountains on this very bright and very warm summer day. Contentment comes to my mind.

I could be full of frustration and complaints over it being too hot, to bright or smoky. Face it, we don’t have control over any of those at this point! So I am content with my environment, my life and the situations within it. I didn’t choose to have this stupid disease or the treatment that lowers my immune system, making me susceptible to every thing. But just like the smoke, temperature and brightness. I have no say in the situations at alll! But what do I have the choice over?

I can choose;

To be Happy, sad or angry.
To be Grateful for the heat because in a few months it could be freezing.
To thankful for the bright sunshine because it sure could be dark and dreary.
To be glad in who I am. No my choices have lead me down some awfully dark and painful pathed but the have culminated those things both beautiful and ugly to make me whom I am.
To love me as me, even if others disagree or disapprove or are disappointed.
To allow myself to own the choices I make even if they seem ridiculous or unwise in the eyes of others.
To live the best I can, continuing to move forward despite other people thoughts.

So my friends I wish you contentment on this gorgeous day filled with all sorts of possibilities! 😎


10 years ago I posted what is primarily written below however I feel the need to change it a little.

Happy Independence Day! May God bless and keep you safe today. May His mercy and grace cover your family and friends this holiday.

If you are lucky enough to see a person in uniform, thank them for their service which is a part of the foundation of country.

Father please help this nation that was founded in your Name. Begin to move in your wayward children and please God, once again Bless America! ❤️🙏🏻❤️


“Saturated and covering the whole face”
YNP, Wyoming

It had been an amazing day in the park and as we headed back towards the East gate, I stopped to capture the whole face of this hill running with water from the saturation of the snow run off.

Have you ever surprised yourself? So many things & situations seemingly not going right and yet you are saturated with joy, busting at the seams with a happiness that makes no sense to anyone? So much so that it pours out from ear to ear covering your whole face smile?

If you haven’t, my friends, I hope that you experience this first hand soon! It truly is a life altering experience that takes you out of the darkness into the glorious light. 😁


“poppin’!” YNP, Wyoming

At the Artist Paint Pots, for whatever reason the popping sounds reminded me of the old weirdly upbeat instrumental song called “The Popcorn Song” that just made me smile!

Am I simply weird? This happens to me often. A sound, a word, a situation just overtakes me with a song from my memory. But as I left the paint pots the song stayed with me. It kinda have me a pop to my steps even though I was getting a bit tired. Just then it occurred to me that some of my tension and stress wasn’t there any longer… the tension… pop, the stress…pop, the anxiety… pop and gone.

So here my friends is a poppin’ good time I want to share with you! If you haven’t heard the Popcorn Song look it up on YouTube and most of all, I hope the things, those situations just pop and disappear so that you too can enjoy your day in this amazing life we are given to live to the fullest! 🥰


“What a Hot Mess”, Yellowstone National Park

As the slight breeze changed around the mineral pool blowing the hot, pungent sulfur smell across the boardwalk. It was laughable to hear the comments of the stench, heat, will the acid fog eat my skin, etc… To me the smell is of home. The heat reminds me of how cool the breeze is. The sight of beauty that each pool brings reminds me that beautiful things are all around us and no it won’t eat your face off

As I continued to listen to the negativity, I bowed my head and gave thanks for such an amazing thing that could touch every one of our senses.

Then I had a friend post how her disease that affected only her inside physical yet was devastating her mental and emotional well being. People believed she was faking how she felt. She was beginning to feel like a burden and failure to those that meant the most to her and simply just a hot mess in every facet.

I thought of this mineral pool and the comments while I was there. Then I began to think, I know exactly how my friend does. However I believe with or without a disease at times we all feel this way albeit a heavier burden with a hidden disease. Others will think we simply stink or our ideas do. Some will think we are just overly heated and/or our presence will make their skin fall off.

So my friends, I will simply bow my head and give thanks for you being in my life. In someone else’s eyes you may be a hot mess but in my eyes I see the beauty you truly bring to the table! 😊

Videos (show all)

“Come and Thirst no more” Bighorn Mountains, Sheridan County Last week my son and I decided to see where a man made stre...
