Chakram Wine Bar

Chakram Wine Bar

Self-serve wine? Yes please! Boutique wines, loungy & cozy atmosphere, no pressure to know anything

Why Am I Doing This?

The idea for a self-serve wine bar originated when I came across a self-serve wine bar while visiting the Grand Cayman Islands. The atmosphere was very different to that of a traditional wine bar in that, with the self-serve option, there was less intimidation. Customers did not have to know what wine they wanted; instead they were encouraged to sample a variety of different wines to determine for themselves what they liked. There was no complex wine menu to choose from, and no pressure from wait staff to select from that menu.

When I returned home to Minnesota, I searched for a local self-serve wine bar to visit and discovered that there was none. I further discovered that the self-pour machines were not legal in the state at the time, though that law has since changed. The idea to open my own self-serve wine bar stemmed from this new opportunity now being presented in Minnesota. It also stemmed from my passion for wine, and belief that a self-serve wine bar, with the right theme and setup, could potentially change the way people experience and appreciate wine. Wine comes across to many people as complicated and intimidating. A large number of people do not try to learn more about wine or even experiment with wine in the first place because of the overwhelming complexity associated with the beverage. Simply put, they don’t know where to start. If an atmosphere is created to promote learning about wine in a fun and inviting way, it will open the door for more people to experience wine and to have a chance to enjoy and explore it with interest and curiosity. In Minnesota, this is already seen more often at a pub or brewery for these very reasons. Minnesota learned how to make beer fun, new, and exciting. It is time for Minnesota to do the same with wine.
