Snaps 4 Grads

Snaps 4 Grads

Our project goal is to provide senior photos for homeless and low income h.s. seniors. No student should miss out on having memorable senior photos.


Provided several sessions for some very deserving seniors this past week! It's such a happy thing to offer something so fun. All seniors deserve to commemorate their hard work and have gorgeous photos to look back on!

Visitors to our site probably notice a lack of photos, when photos are what we "do." We try to afford the students we work with some privacy. We do provide sponsors with photos of the kiddos they helped provide photos for.

To sponsor a student - or students - send us a private message. We are working on a list of Phoenix/Talent students who were affected by the Almeda Fire and have some other schools who have inquired about our program, too!


Donations to cover fuel costs (especially right now), print products and other incidentals for session days!

Volunteer photographers. Please send a link to your work. We are trying to assure a level of quality for these amazing kids.

Volunteers to provide haircuts when needed.

Gift cards to help kids with outfits or, occasionally, shoes!


Super grateful to receive two sponsorships this past week to help provide senior photos for our hardworking students. We had been really hesitant to kick things off again after the sudden loss of our co-founder last year, but we had lots of kids reaching out about getting some help with senior photos and who can say no to kids who are tackling obstacles bigger than they should have to be facing?!

The folks at Grants Pass Heating & Air Conditioning are amazing community members who had some personal ties to the Almeda Fire tragedy and wanted to help our students. The donation by the owners of the company will help us serve at least ten students!

Our other sponsor is a beloved, successful community member who couch surfed as a kid and had their own senior photos donated. The Snaps4Grads project resonated with them and they wanted to pay it forward!


Our project has been on an extended break but we're saddling up and breathing some life back into this thing!

We have some students in need of senior photos who were affected by the devastating Almeda Fire two years ago. Our region, as a whole, has dealt with not only the pandemic but huge, regional fires that rendered so many local families homeless and displaced. When we launched this project a few years ago, our mission was to provide free senior photos for low income/ homeless high school seniors. We have more of those than ever before.

Over the past year-and-a-half, we've navigated the pandemic but also, unexpectedly, lost our beloved co-founder, Jennifer. Needless to say, we ended up on somewhat of a hiatus.

With Spring around the corner, we have had a lot of inquiries from local parents whose kids are in need. We use sponsorships to provide a gas stipend for our volunteers (to go shoot these sessions pro bono for local students) and to cover print costs and for incidental - like haircuts, etc. - that our students might need. YES, we still shoot for these kiddos without the sponsorships, on our own dime, BUT it's nice to make the sessions extra special and to cover some of our volunteer expenses!


SHARE our project page and spread the word about what we do!

DONATE! Message us to ask how to sponsor a student or contribute a partial sponsorship!

VOLUNTEER: If you possess skills in photography, makeup or hair, sign up to help!

This project means so much and has helped a lot of kiddos. Please help us keep it going!


Our page has been pretty quiet for the past 12 months. It was too sad to announce at the time, but our co-founder, Jennifer, passed away unexpectedly last year at the end of November.
Our remaining photographers hope to honor Jennifer's memory by relaunching our project at the start of the new year. If you have a senior who is in need of senior photos, please reach out and share their story. Jennifer was a longtime local photographer, known for her cowgirl boots and her gigantic laugh and willingness to help anyone in need. She was one of the two founding members of Snaps4Grads and worked tirelessly to make sure that no local senior ever had to do without the fun right of passage that is senior photos.
RIP, our dear friend.

