Bonita Burney Simmons -The Artist

Bonita Burney Simmons -The Artist

LATEST NEWS: Bonita Burney Simmons has released a new single, "Breakthrough", which is Now Available I have learned much through the things I have suffered.

As long as I can remember, my only aspiration was to be a Gospel Music Superstar. So, I ask God to give me a song. Not a CD, not a record deal, but a song that reflected the hearts of the tired, downtrodden, outcast, and the dreamers whose dream has yet to become reality. Instead of seeking fame, in recent years I have sought the Kingdom. God has assured me that He will alwa


Posted a new song: "Bonita Burney Simmons Only God - Radio Edit-1"

America Bless God Official Video 04/07/2023

America Bless God Official Video , , #2020 - Inspired by the unprecedented events of 2020, written under the leading of the Holy Spirit, instrumentat...


Posted a new song: "Bonita Burney Simmons Only God - Radio Edit-1"


Choirs, groups, soloists, and Music Departments,
Helping a worthy cause, while enhancing what you know, gaining more confidence to do what you've been called too, and honoring God by serving!
Register NOW!
Cash App: $TriedByFireInc, Venmo, PayPal, or you may reserve your space and pay on May 12th.
If you wish to get your t-shirt for the event, (The uniform for the Workshop Choir) please call or inbox your size and pay NOW!
F.M.I. Call (252) 637-2339


Rejoice America Radio Recording Artist Charlene Gooding from North Carolina Minister/Singer-songwriter & Gospel Recording Artist, Charlene Chenae Gooding was born on December 17th Born and raised in Greenville, NC to Doris and Charles Gooding. Charlene […] Learn More


Merry Christmas!

Photos from WITHOUT LIMITS CHRISTIAN CENTER's post 16/07/2022

Thanking God for Pastor James and Lady McIver believing in the vision of My Sister's House and wanting to be a blessing to the community of Duffyfield by serving those who stopped by today!
God said It! God Is Doing It, and God Did It!
Thanks WLCC family!

Photos from TRIED BY FIRE INC.'s post 10/05/2022

Help support the "My Sister's House" construction project.
Building with our sisters in mind!
My Sister's House is a transitional home for women reentering the community from prison.
Come to the concert, be inspired while making a difference in someone's life!


Posted a new song: "God's People Arise"

Celebrate an Afternoon of “House Music” To Benefit My Sister’s House 09/11/2021

Celebrate an Afternoon of “House Music” To Benefit My Sister’s House Celebrate an Afternoon of “House Music” To Benefit My Sister’s House


It's the season, it's the time, and you have a better reason to donate to Tried By Fire Inc.
Look at what we're going to build for the women who will be released from prison!
You can now donate through cash app $TriedByFireInc and we have a GoFundMe page.
Help us, we are half-way there!
Join in being the change you want to see........

America Bless God Lyric Video 06/06/2021

America Bless God Lyric Video Bringing lyrics to the music that God has given is creativity with the extraordinary skills and anointing that the Holy Spirit shares for a purpose!The purpo...


So grateful for a new partnership with a local manufacturer to give 2nd chances of employment to our sisters when they are released. Thank you Dradura and Shona Midgette for an informative tour!
Combating the barriers (housing and employment)faced for reentry gives our organization a strong foundation to stand on as we serve.
Working together to be the difference we want to see!
Member of our Advisory Board, Shannon Adcock and I preparing for a tour!

America Bless God Lyric Video 09/05/2021


America Bless God Lyric Video God has blessed America! Now it's TIME FOR A TURNAROUND!America, Bless God!Bonita Burney Simmons gives a clarion call on behalf of America to the only wise G...

Please Support Ms. Bonita to finish this house before Summer 2021 - Tried by Fire Female Housing 12/03/2021

Please Support Ms. Bonita to finish this house before Summer 2021 - Tried by Fire Female Housing Please, be 1 of the 1000 to donate $100 to the fundraising campaign that Ms. Bonita Simmons "Tried by Fire" Female Transitional Housing. visit thier site to ...


America Bless God Crusade

2 Chronicles 7:14
English Standard Version
14 if my people who are called by my name humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.
As Christ transitioned from mortal to immortality, He uttered, it is finished! He had completed His assignment given to Him by His Father and now there was nothing else for Him to do but give up the ghost (John 19:30). Think about this, while being falsely accused, spat on, mocked, beaten, and crucified, Jesus said nothing because He knew it wasn’t over. Jesus while on the cross did something for us that we will never do; gave His life for many who would not serve Him. Sacrificed His reputation so that we would be able to always hold our head up. Healed us so that sin could never kill us (Isaiah 53:5). Everything that has been discussed in this America Bless God Crusade appeal has been provided on this platform for one purpose: HEALING! If our land is going to be healed, we must Humble ourselves and admit we’ve made a mess as individuals and as a country. We must pray and ask God to forgive us for being selfish, unforgiving, haughty, sexual perverted, you fill it in. We must seek God’s face not just once but throughout the rest of our lives. Seek Him while He may be found. Talk to Him ask Him what He wants from you in your life now. It may be different. But seek Him! Whatever God tells us while we’re seeking Him, we must obey. Repenting is an every second, minute, hour, day, week, month, and year thing. You and I won’t get any awards by just repenting once and that’s it. One and done might work in the basketball world but not in the blueprint of our salvation. After we have done and continue to do, then God will hear us, forgive us, and ultimately heal us and heal our land. Is there any sick among you? If so, let them call for the elders of the church (James 5:14). The problem with sickness is that it is diverse just like America. Sickness can be physical like a heart condition. It can be mental like schizophrenia. It can be emotional like anger. It can be spiritual like unforgiveness. But then there’s a sickness that you will never be able to go to a medical physician for. He/she will be unable to provide a prescription for your symptoms. But Jesus had the prescription and the cure when He died on the cross and before doing said, it is finished. Christ died so that we never have to. Being sin sick or spiritually unhealthy can be eradicated if we only be honest with ourselves. Many people that I know have been in church, served the church, their charities, and communities but they are LOST! If the truth be told, I was in the same boat until like the prodigal son, I came to myself (Luke 15:11-32). From the time, I was about three (my parents said) I began singing. It wasn’t until I was ten that I begin to hone my craft and take it seriously. From the age of ten almost up until my mid-twenties, all I wanted was to be a Gospel Music Star! I mean I wanted the stages, the awards, the glitz, the glamor, and I was on my way to getting that but at the cost of loosing Christ. What has amazed me on my journey is one never knows the cost that a person pays for their success on any level. I literally was becoming emotionally sick and spiritually dead because I wanted what I wanted! I thought that God gave me this gift to make money and to help people. True to a certain extinct. He gave the gift so that He could be lifted. He doesn’t care if we have money, just don’t let the money have us. He doesn’t care about our occupations or professions promoting us to a level of wealth and prestige, but don’t make those idols! We, America, work so hard to make “IT” when we make “IT” there’s no one there to share “IT” with. Or no one likes being around you. Or you don’t trust anyone! That’s not why Jesus was humiliated on that cross and died. He died that we might have life and have it more abundantly (John 10:10). The abundant life is working and sharing. The abundant life is knowing you’ll live forever but telling someone else they can too. The abundant life is having choices and yes even with where you’ll spend eternity you have a choice. As I close, I promise this is not a ploy to start anything new (organized religion or denomination). I was just compelled by the Holy Spirit to give voice to AMERICA BLESS GOD. Not just a Singer, but a Singer with a message this is who God called me to be.


America Bless God Crusade
The How Part 3b

2 Chronicles 7:14
English Standard Version
14 if my people who are called by my name humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.
Have you ever had someone to do you wrong? For example, lie on you. Or steal from you. Betray your trust? Do you remember what that felt like? Now, let me ask you the million-dollar question-did you forgive them? Have you ever done someone wrong? Let me ask the same questions. Have you ever lied on someone? Stolen from someone. Betrayed someone’s trust? Did you ask them to forgive you? Doesn’t it look different when we are the one that has done the trespassing? Forgive-to stop feeling angry or resentful toward (someone) for an offense, flaw, or mistake. (Google) We have an extremely awesome relationship with our Heavenly Father that allows us to ask for forgiveness and because of our advocate Jesus Christ can be forgiven simply by asking. The bonus of this forgiveness is that God places our sin into the sea of forgetfulness and remembers no more. That’s likened to having memory loss! I mean thank God this is the way He chooses to forgive us because we, on the other hand, forgive but we don’t forget. Now, I know we that are saved and profess and confess the Lord Jesus as our Savior forgive. But many forgive with the wrong that has been done to them neatly placed in the (I’m gonna get you compartment of their mind) If the person that has wronged them say something or do something out of the way, they bring it up! Remember that time when you lied to me? Remember that time when you said you were going to the movies and went somewhere else? Remember when you promised that you would forsake all others, but you didn’t? It is almost like being on trial repeatedly. Isn’t there something called double jeopardy. I’m no lawyer, but I am extremely grateful that God is God! That Jesus is my advocate and my big brother! I am thankful that Jesus gave us a way to pray that forgive us, as well as forgive others. And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. (Matthew 6:12) God made a conscious decision to forgive us because He sees us through the perfect sacrifice, Jesus. None of us I pray want to willfully hurt someone by lying, stealing, betraying trust, showing discord, etc. But if we do today or tomorrow all we have to do is ask God to forgive us and His Word says He is faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1John 1:9). It is so simple. Wherever you are while you’re reading this, let’s do this together. (Read aloud) Lord Jesus, come into my heart. Forgive me for sinning against you. I have made a lot of mistakes, mainly thinking I could live outside of you. I believe that God raised you from the dead. I ask you now to be my Lord and my Savior. Since you have forgiven me, please help me to forgive others. Save me now to begin a fresh start with you today, Amen. I believe if you prayed that prayer you my friend are Saved and a part of a royal family. (Romans 10:9) If you and I are going to bring healing to our nation, we first must allow God to heal our hearts and cleanse us from the things of the world that do not look like Him! Remember God is love and if we say we love him whom we have not seen and hate our neighbor, or people that we see we are liars. (1 John 4:20) America, because God through Jesus Christ has forgiven you and I of our sins, let’s do something now for Him forgive others and BLESS GOD, BLESS GOD, BLESS GOD, AMERICA, BLESS GOD!

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Gospel-Fest 2022 from the Coast to the Capital
America Bless God CrusadeThe What Part 2c.2 Chronicles 7:14English Standard Version14 if my people who are called by my ...
America Bless God CrusadeThe Who Part 1.2 Chronicles 7:14English Standard Version14 if my people who are called by my na...
America Bless God CrusadeThe What Part 2a.2 Chronicles 7:14English Standard Version14 if my people who are called by my ...
America Bless God CrusadeThe What Part 2b.2 Chronicles 7:14English Standard Version14 if my people who are called by my ... (Download America Bless God single)Video, Video, Video, Video, Video America Bless God tonig...
