Funnel Fixer-Upper

Funnel Fixer-Upper

Optimizing High-Converting Sales Funnels to Increase Daily Revenue What have you been pushing off lately? Whatever it is, that's what needs to get done first.

While I'd love to tell you that you'll get everything you need by looking at this page, both you & I know that's not true. I can scratch the surface of what you're wrestling with, though every one of my clients can attest: the real solutions are found by digging into the areas we've been avoiding. I have a very specific way (and unique to this industry) of finding what the root cause really is to

FB Group Coaching Sales Page – Funnel Fixer-Upper 24/06/2024

Yup, another post about ads coaching. ;)

Today, at 6pm EST, I'm going live in my private group to workshop some ads with my members.

They are open to ask ANY QUESTION about marketing, ads, funnels, sales, fulfillment; you name it.

Then, we do another workshop on Thursday's @ 11am EST.

All of these are recorded (tech pending) and are added back into the group as replays in case you missed it.

While I'm not giving away trial seats, I think spending $150 to get access to EIGHT workshops with replays could probably net you 10x - 20x back on your investment if you apply it properly to existing, winning offers.

Or you can cover 3 months upfront for $400 and get a private marketing session that dives deeper than the workshops will.

See more of what's available on the site:

(The group is small on purpose, so it's quite possible that you might even get a full workshop session EVERY TIME for yourself in the event existing members can't make the live session)

FB Group Coaching Sales Page – Funnel Fixer-Upper In the past 2+ decades of working with other people, I've noticed a trend that occurs. It's usually one where we find individuals that are like us, that operate like us, that like the same types of foods; a tribe-seeker, if you will. And, lately, "finding your tribe" has been one of those trendy thi...


Honored to be selected as a guest speaker at The Leading 3-Day Marketing Camp June 25th, 26th, and 27th!

I was chosen to host a discussion with integrity driven coaches, consultants, and course creators on 3 specific tips for profitable ads & marketing.

The host, and my good friend Tiffany Richard, is hosting her last event before maternity leave and she went ALL OUT.

Her focus and why I chose to say YES to speaking at this event is she’s focusing on personal power, confidence, and overcoming fear to grow our businesses.

What to Expect at this Event:

[Connections, Collaboration, Content + Offer Strategy, and hot seat Coaching ]

** Day #1) Claim Personal Power in Your Messaging
Learn how to gain visibility and authority by claiming who you serve and the solution you offer.

** Day #2) Clear and Compelling Offers that SELL
Create clear and concise offers that sell themselves (zero convincing).

**Day #3) Done-for-You Content Strategy
Tiff’s giving you her proven lead magnet funnel that works for any offer. It's GOLD.
==> This is when I'll be sharing 3 tips on profitable ads/marketing

Q&A with expert panelists and a chance for hot seat coaching!

When: June 25th, 26th, 27th
12 -1:15PM ET | 11AM-12:15 PM CT | 9AM-10:15AM PT

Tickets: minimum donation of $7 (to honor everyone’s budget)

If you're ready to step into your personal power to enroll ready-to-buy clients into your offers, claim your seat and join us

Boston Leigh Sommer
Beth Iaciofano
Kimberly Kasparian


[Facebook Ads Support & Marketing Q&A] starts on June 10th.

You in? Chat with me.

(Site is fighting me on checkout right now; tech is aware so it's all manual at this point)


Over the next 7 days with your Facebook ads, you can:

== Get Right With Your Reason For Ads ==
It's not enough to just want to make money; we aim for intentional & positive growth for people and I'll share how

== Pay Attention To Numbers That Matter ==
Views inside of Ads Manager can get overwhelming so let's only focus on the ones that tell us what our people are doing

== Track Your Data & Setup A Schedule ==
Using a simple Google spreadsheet, you can see a trend occurring with your ads and get on a schedule that works for you


I love AI (rather, machine learning).

At least, when you give it the proper set of instructions and are even more clear, yourself, with what you provide it.

For instance, with this product "Facebook Ads for 30 Days", I've spent at least 7 years preparing it and 6 weeks putting together, what I think, is the most essential pieces for improvement over 30 days with FB Ads.

I decided to try out "Gemini", which is Google's AI take on Jasper, ChatGPT, and so forth.

With the exception of 1 thing I needed to adjust (a price difference by $1 from my draft to production), I think it's right on point.

"30 Days of Marketing with Funnel Fixer-Upper" is a guide to Facebook Ads structured as a 30-day email course. It offers a sneak peek of the first 7 days for free, after which it costs [$23] for the remaining 23 days. The guide aims to help users understand their Facebook Ads data and make informed decisions to improve their results.

The first 7 days focus on setting up tracking, understanding key metrics, and defining goals. The remaining emails delve deeper into testing headlines, copy, and media, as well as optimizing landing pages and sales funnels. The guide also covers topics like retargeting, custom audiences, and sales psychology.

The author emphasizes the importance of data-driven decisions and provides specific instructions on how to track and interpret key metrics. He also encourages users to experiment with different combinations of headlines, copy, and media to find what works best for their audience. Additionally, the guide offers tips on how to organize and manage Facebook Ads campaigns efficiently.

Overall, "30 Days of Marketing with Funnel Fixer-Upper" aims to empower users to take control of their Facebook Ads and achieve better results through a structured, data-driven approach.

Adapt with what is happening in the world, even if you don't fully like it or even enjoy it.

Even the "abnormal" pots can still hold the most beautiful flowers in the world.


Debated on releasing some prices, yet I have nothing to hide.

You're going to invest this money anyway.


You name it.

Why not be super clear on what the price is, right?

Because until I know 100% what you actually need...'s all $0. ;)

I know you have questions; let's cover some now.

---"What does the 20/80, 50/50, 80/20 mean?"----

It's the level of work that you and I will do.

If you see 20/80, that means 20% of the work falls to me, where 80% falls to you.
=> Perfect for those that like to do the ads/copywriting/media/audience work and just want someone to talk with about it.

When you see 50/50, we're doing the work together. That is, you put some copy together for the ad and I review/amend what is necessary for getting you to your cost per result.

----"What do you mean 'starting at'?"----

Straight-forward, I have no idea what you're really working on. I could easily just charge a regular rate and tell you that's just how it is.

I'm not like that; I meet you where you are.

If you see "starting at", then budget out to provide *at least* that price, not counting any ad spend.

(Remember my post not-too-long-ago about how much to put into your marketing, about 20% of your monthly revenue)

----"What kind of guarantees do you--"----

Gonna stop you right there; no guarantees over here.

I have *no idea* what will precisely happen when you run your ads, with only one exception.

You give Facebook your money and they give you data.

You may have been burned by agencies, private consultants, and freelance marketers before; maybe even someone like me.

I'd like to believe the good in everyone and state that it's probably because they gave you the best they had at that moment.

The only thing you can expect from me is I will use my 2 decades worth of Business Analysis experience to forecast what could potentially happen.

----"How do we get started?"----

Private message.

You don't need to comment and let the whole world know you want to do ads but are nervous about what could happen.

You don't need to engage on this post either.

Send a message and I'll send you the "list of services" in Google Doc.

Or I can just share whatever is stuck in your mind to help you move forward.

I love to help.

I only charge because our society demands that I make money to live.

The moment I don't need to charge, I won't.

Until then, let's get each other to where we'd like to be and impact with intention all those we're called to lead.

Let's chat.


Guarantees with Facebook Ads from marketing peeps that don't know your business won't work.

Because every person running paid marketing inside of Facebook will have different focuses and different agendas for their offer.

What if your offer is to help someone get beyond the depression they're feeling?
--- Would you promise inside of your ads that you will definitely help them?

Probably not.

What if your offer is to restore their lawn to a fresh, vibrant green again?
--- Would you promise inside of your ads that you can fix *any* type of landscape?

No because you don't know enough about the climate, soil, history of the land; you name it.

If we can so emphatically mention this when we're just in discussion, what would make you/I believe that the next agency ad out there will guarantee us the clients we're looking for...
..when they have ZERO. CLUE. WHO. WE. HELP.

Paid ads inside of Facebook are not a blanket statement to solve all the problems with a business.

The true, winning ads require time, attention, and money.

Yup, the big "M" word.

The only, and I mean *ONLY*, guarantee I've witnessed these past 6 years of running ads?

That money I'm giving to the platform to find my people is coming back as data.

(If you think I'm making that up, check out some of their recommendations in your campaign...estimates going back to 2021?!)

So what, right?

What is the point of me bringing this up?


I must be willing to never see that money again.

If we expect this system to just churn out revenue like a printing press, we're setting ourselves up for failure.

We spend the money to find out if our message is clear.
We invest the money to see if how we're helping is actually working.
We "say goodbye" to the money with the knowledge that the numbers we get back will actually give us hope.

Hope that we are on the right path.
Hope that we are help people.
Hope that we are who we say we are.

Approach the paid Facebook (tm) ads side with a focus of, "I'm going to find out more today so I can impact the people I'm meant to work with."

By doing that, you'll always be excited for what you find out.

*Rant over*


Contrary to popular thought, this is *NOT* what running Paid Facebook Ads look like. lol

Not quite as many sounds.
Not a lot of dopamine hits.

But maybe the same amount of frustration of feeling *so close*...
..only to realize you're so far away.

Running Paid Facebook Ads is a long game play.

Sure, you can have those *one-off* moments and make some big sales/conversions.

Yet the true power that lies into this type of marketing is a simple one:

Consistent Impact.

When we run them as much as we can (even as little as $5/day), we're able to influence audiences at a grander scale.

We may not *see* the returns right away...though we are getting into an arena that my fellow "banker backgrounds" will appreciate...

Compound. Interest.

Imagine for a moment that you run a paid Facebook Ad that is to deliver an eBook to help someone change how they talk about themselves.

Each time someone gives you their email address, Facebook is tracking that (in a GOOD way) to see how much YOU spent to get that person the eBook.

And for every 100 people that see your ad, 5 people say, "Sure, I like this and will give it a shot."

(Those are *really good* odds, by the way)

While that's a simple start, it gets better.

You can setup an audience that is for all the people that engage on your ad, even if they didn't sign up.

(For this, it would be 95 people that at least saw it and clicked but didn't give their email address)

Then, you can tell Facebook to create an audience of people that are LIKE those that engage on your stuff (called a Lookalike Audience) THOSE people are more likely to act on it.

It now becomes something like, for every 100 people that see your ad, 7 people say, "Sure, I like this and will give it a shot."

What happens to the original setup that is based on people engaging on your ad?

That audience setup just gets stronger.

And then what happens to your "like" audience of people?

It becomes for every 100 people, 9 people want your book.

Then 13 people; then 17 people.

NOW, imagine this on an even GRANDER scale...

THAT is why people run paid Facebook Ads.

It's not just to make the quick sale (yes, it can happen) and then bounce off the platform.

They see the value of creating a solid foundation and system based off a program that is inherently designed to make money.

(Not just for Facebook, but for you also)

And, not to scare you, with this year being an election year, you'll want to get those ads running WELL before October hits.

October - November, they'll limit how much we can send out.
November - December, typical retail time.

That may get you a solid 5ish months for some strong marketing to build your email list.

So while others might be struggling to get new leads...

You're working the ones you got from today because you saw that making a CONSISTENT IMPACT is more important than "just a sale".

The longer you wait, the more you get to complain.

The faster you move, the more you'll be too busy to complain by all the conversations and email replies you'll be having.

Complain because I waited?
Too busy to complain because I'm serving?

The choice is yours.

(And yours alone. Good luck!)

**I have 2 private 1:1 ads management spots right now that I opened up at the end of last week; I know they'll go fast**


I'm not the best fit for everyone in the full-service digital marketing space.

X - I choose not to sell to everyone, even if I know it would make bank.
X - I choose not to say something that's not true, even if I need to make a quick dollar (or thousand lol).
X - I choose not to give guarantees that create loops for people to jump through that are not explained from the beginning.

(And if you're the type of person that is willing to do these things, there is *zero* shade from me to you; just not my cup to pour from)

What I do differently:

When I make a mistake or I misunderstand something, I'll own up to it and do my best to make it right.
=> There was a client in the past that trusted me with a specific spending amount for their campaign.
=> I accidentally duplicated their setup (that part was okay) and *did not adjust the budget* to remove what was already spent.
=> We went over budget and instead of saying, "Stuff like this happens", I paid my client the different in spend.

I know that seems like it should be standard, though I've been around long enough to's not.

When I offer to work through an account and set up the tech, I might miss a thing or two that disrupts the user experience.
=> A previous client and I ran into this issue when we were introduced through a shared friend relationship.
=> The client heard me say one thing when I said another thing.
=> The client informed me that I was sounding like I back-peddled on what we agreed on.
=> I thanked them for telling me and requested the chance to make it better with them.
=> I worked additional time with them to try and make things right, based on our initial conversation.

I'm sharing all this with you because my work is not's a progress.

Progress to make sure I'm living at my highest standard.
Progress to give you the chance to live at your highest standard.
Progress to see both our business endeavors grow together, no matter what that speed looks like.

If you want a perfect full-service digital marketing consultant, I'm not your guy.

If you want a full-service digital marketing consultant that will own his choices (good or not good) and lift each other up...
..then we owe it to each other to chat and see what can be done to get you to the next stage of your career.

(I may not dress up to cheer you on, but I can still do a semi-decent Toe Touch 🙃 )


When I put this together, I was thinking of the people that run their own Paid Facebook Ads and looking to try something different.

Little did I know that some "big league hitters" were using a story similar to my own to try and sell their own product.

My story is not truly "unique" to everyone, though it is a specific one for me.

When I say I spent $2000 to make a $97 sale (really, only $37 because it was an affiliate sale), I mean it.

When I say I found out some of the inner workings of the data because of the $2000 spend (and how to use those past choices to enhance my future decisions), I mean it.

When I share that I can't promise or guarantee an outcome because each person is different when it comes to the marketing side, I mean it.

And that's a good thing: being unique here means that you can have a similar win but have it be all your own.

++ Your own voice (using specific frameworks that others have seen success with).
++ Your own offer (applying methods of learning/creation from those who have made it work).


This guide is but one of many that I put together to not only help you see the wins in your own life.

But to remind myself that I *do* know what I'm doing and I'm not dealing with a pretender over here.

(Also, it doesn't hurt when you reach out and are like, "I'm not sure if I need help on my ads, but...") ;)

And if you *know* you need some assistance but not sure if it's getting more leads or automation to keep clients in your world, then I would encourage you to head to my main site.

On there, I have two options for you and when you pick one of them, you can fill out a form to see if you REALLY need to help (or you're just dragging your feet, not making a decision).

Either way, it's a bona fide way to make sense of what your next step would be.

Enjoy your Saturday!


Business owners, let me help you with your marketing NOW so you can enjoy a *real* Summer Vacation.


Facebook Ads: Your Engagement campaigns can be used to test audience & copy to help with your Conversions.


Sometimes it's not the ad that needs work; it's our messaging and how we're helping our people.


Business Peeps: When Facebook was down, did you panic or shift gears?


Creating a spreadsheet and putting your ideas in them is a great way to sort what is important for you to get done.


"I'm just wasting money away."

Sure can feel like that, when we follow the guides & teachings of the "greats" that make Facebook Ads work.

X - Guarantee upon guarantee
X - DFY ads & templates
X - 90 days to your best clients

You name it; I've heard it or have been behind the scenes to build it (not always proud of that one).

Yet the very truth of the matter is this...

Facebook Ads work (if you are willing to *flow* with it)

And for the over 400 people that I've been grateful to coach in group settings & 1:1 over the past 4 years...

~ 85% of them have seen an increase in results from their ads.

(Even if they didn't make direct sales, they understood what to do next)

That's the true power behind educating Facebook Ads in a healthy & profitable way.

If the ads aren't making sales yet, they're giving us feedback to forecast when and what we can do in the meantime.

In my course being released March/April, my dedication is to fill in the gaps of those "expected" steps with Facebook Ads.

Then also give some insight into the inner workings of ads in a paid sense.

From *Beginner Friendly* thru *Seasoned Marketer*, what I'm sharing makes the path pretty clear.

All you have to do is be willing to walk it.

(And maybe stop getting a StarBUX every day & put it towards ads)

Pre-order now for $27:

The only difference if you wait?

It'll go up in price.

So if you've been wanting to uncover what all that gobble-de-goop is inside Facebook Ads...

*This* is the place to be.

Hit me with those questions. I'm here for you.


If you are reading this, I believe in your abilities today. *This* is the time you were called for.


"Packed full of knowledge"; student knows me already. :)

The difference in this program: I'm giving you *only* what you need to set up the ad, watch what happens, and make decisions from the data.

There will be *more* for you to learn and look at, though it won't be necessary to see results.

(The extra stuff is really the key to doing more with less in the paid FB ads space)

Pre-order is open:

Inside this program, I'm structuring it like this:
+ Easy to pick up for beginners; enough material for even seasoned marketers to improve their ads
+ Showing you which ads work well without all the tech (ie, Instant Forms) and which ads use your existing sales funnels best
+ Roadmap options to help answer the "What if I'm at this stage?" and sharing *only* what I would recommend to watch (& act on) to move you to the next stage

Questions? Send a message.

ETA Launch: March-April 2024


Pre-order's are live; program to be finished/delivered between March & April 2024.

Curriculum list is being put together right now & is including the following (plus more, as my brain compiles all there is to get into the 2x - 3x minimum Return on Ad Spend consistently):

+ Best Practices - Custom Audience
+ Best Practices - Lookalike Audience
+ Best Practices - Conversion Campaign for Events
+ Copywriting 101: The Flow of an Ad
+ Copywriting 102: The Who of the Ad
+ Copywriting 103: The What of the Ad
+ Copywriting 104: The How of the Ad
+ *Copywriting - Combinations of Headlines, Primary Text, Micro Ad Headlines, and Descriptions
+ Using the Targeting with Ad Sets - Advantage+
+ Using the Targeting with Ad Sets - Interests
+ Using the Targeting with Ad Sets - Behaviors
+ Using the Targeting with Ad Sets - Demographics
+ Setting up the Ad Sets - 1 Ad per Ad Set
+ Setting up the Ad Sets - Multiple Ads per Ad Set
+ Ad Configuration - Create Ad
+ Ad Configuration - Existing Post
+ Setting up the Ad Sets - Dynamic Creative
+ Campaign Configuration - Naming Structures
+ Campaign Configuration - Split Testing
+ Campaign Configuration - CBO
+ *Ad Account - Using Personal vs Business Accounts

*Indicates a summary of additional concepts & topics throughout

The average watch time of each video will be short; 5 - 10 minutes.

The "workshop" videos where I walkthrough how to do something (and do it in the video) will be as long as needed to get the topic finished.

My goal for you: have healthy, profitable ads running so you stay compliant and stop worrying about where interested people are coming from so you can serve them better.

Pre-order cost is $27.

When it's live, cost will be $47 and the $27 will no longer be available.

Buy now:

Origin (and How It Effects You)

In 2017, a bank worker had a revelation that would move people to be intentional in their industries.

"What if we could take Business Analysis and make it readily available for online business owners?"

The goal was to allow all owners from all walks of life see their online presence give them a chance to live the life of their dreams.

Whether it would be for a blogger to increase the reach and replicate the efforts.

Videos (show all)

Grab your FREE (yup, no cost!) Sales Funnel Review by phone today. Let me know with a "YES"!#funnelfixerupper


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 16:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 16:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 16:00
Thursday 09:00 - 16:00
Friday 09:00 - 16:00