Project 1:37

Project 1:37

Project 1:37 is a fundraising organization that creates events to benefit local charities.


I'll add some extra appreciation for the kind support from so many of you for five years of work with Project 1:37, and I'm so very grateful to call you all friends. Have a wonderful holiday weekend, and we'll catch up with you next week for four more stops on the Shindig Holiday Tour!

Monday - Christmas Jam at Boal City Brewing, featuring Roy Long, Alex Sterbenz, Joe Tombasco, and Scott McKenzie - 6 PM
Wednesday - Shindig at the Brew, with The Lovin' Brewful and many guests
Thursday - The Gabriel Herrera Quartet at Pine Grove Hall - 7 PM
Friday - The JR Mangan Band with Veronica Auger - 8 PM

Much love, everybody. Party on!


Friends, we have a late addition to the Shindig Holiday Tour! Pine Grove Hall is hosting the Gabriel Herrera Quartet on Thursday, December 28th, and will be collecting donations for Centre Safe and Centre Helps with us! Grab yourself some tickets and make your reservations for some excellent cuisine, magical beverages, and brilliant music!


Tonight, the JR Mangan Band featuring Veronica Auger are bringing the Shindig Holiday Tour to Cafe 210! Music starts at 9:30! Come enjoy some tunes and help raise money for Centre Safe and Centre Helps!!


From the desk of the director:

Howdy, friends! Here's the latest updated schedule for our Shindig Holiday Tour!

This holiday break, many bars and musicians around town are joining forces with Project 1:37 to host the Shindig Holiday Tour in support of Centre Safe and Centre Helps, and to mark the five-year anniversary of our Shindig fundraiser series. For the State College locals in town over the holidays, we'll be sharing a calendar of events hosted by various bars around town. Project 1:37 is encouraging folks to attend these events if you're looking for a bit of locals night style fun while the students are gone, and to support our local businesses, who are in turn doing their part to support our local nonprofits as well. Each bar will be collecting donations and/or making a contribution themselves, and at the end of the three week holiday break, we'll pool all of the donations from all over town and split them between Centre Safe and Centre Helps.

We'll be updating the calendar as more events are added and more bars join the fun, so please check back for more info. And don't forget to come out for our flagship event, The Shindig at the Brew, on Wednesday, December 27th, at the Brewery.

And as an added bonus and effort to spread the word, please share this post, and tag in the comments any friends you think might be interested in any of our events. On Monday, I'll randomly select someone from the comments, and I'll be giving away one of my paintings. Call it a sneak preview of some of the art and gifts that will be given away in our Shindig raffle!

Thanks for reading, thanks for the support, and I hope you all have a great weekend. Be excellent to each other!


Friends, the holidays are here, and with them come the first announcements of events for the Shindig Holiday Tour!

First up, and our first eager volunteers to offer their services for our fundraising, OverheaD will be playing at the Happy Valley Winery this Friday night!

Saturday night, JR and company will be ringing an end to the semester and a start to the holiday break at Cafe 210!

Next Thursday the 21st, Honey Pie will be entertaining the locals at Antifragile!

On Monday the 25th, Christmas night itself, Boal City will be hosting a Christmas Jam with Roy Long, Alex Sterbenz, and Scott McKenzie!

And of course, Wednesday the 27th, our flagship Shindig industry party returns to the Brewery to celebrate our fifth anniversary with house band The Lovin' Brewful, featuring an array of guests from the all stars of the State College music scene!

All of these events will be raising money towards a donation for both Centre Safe and Centre Helps, so add them to your calendar, and let's do our best to stop out and support local businesses and local charities over the holidays and into the new year. Stay tuned for more details for all of the events, as well as many more events soon to join the calendar!

Thank you for following along, and we look forward to a holiday break filled with great Locals Nights at many of the bars around town, and raising some money for Centre Safe and Centre Helps along the way!


This December marks the fifth anniversary of Project 1:37 and our first Shindig Fundraiser. The occasion seemed to call for more than just our normal Shindig, so we're taking the show on the road! Our traditional Shindig at the Brew will be held on Wednesday, December 27th. But we'll also be partnering with many other local bars to celebrate the holiday in true townie style all break long, supporting our local businesses and musician friends over the holidays, while they in turn help us support Centre Safe and Centre Helps! Stay tuned for announcements of nights of music and celebration all over town, and even out of town, for the entire winter holiday break for the first ever Shindig Holiday Tour!


Tuesday night we'll be gathering at the Brewery for a Shindig to celebrate that our homes away from home aren't going anywhere. We will have a house band of absurdly talented musicians hosting many guests on the stage. We'll also have Rockey, Shooter, and Craig taking care of you all at the bar, all of our friends from Music Mart coming down to join the tunes, and some pizza from the folks at Canyon to keep you fueled for the night. We won't be collecting cover, and we won't have the usual Shindig raffle this time, but we'll be collecting voluntary donations at the door for Housing Transitions, because this community loves and supports each other, and all of these fine people would like to do what they can to pay forward all of the kind support you've shown them over the last few weeks. Thanks for reading, thanks for the love, and we'll see you Tuesday. 🤘

Edit: If any of you can't make it, but would like to throw a few bucks to the charity, or to a random tip for the bartenders, hit my venmo or PayPal and I'll see that it gets where you want it to go.


This message is addressed to me, but it really belongs to all of you. Thank you for once again helping me to rally support for our invaluable local organizations and their important work for the people of our community.


Howdy folks! The Shindig is two weeks from today!!

I'll be out and about this week collecting some prizes for the raffle. The offerings are already coming in, with crafts, tickets to shows, gift cards, and paintings starting to show up for us to give away! If you've got anything you'd like to contribute, please reach out, and we'll add you to the pickup list!

Also, many thanks to the gentlemen who will be holding down the stage as our house band for the night, Erek Kapusta, Sam Christensen, Greg Folsom, and Matt Floravit. I'll be joining them for the opening lineup, which I have hereby named... Brew's Clues. We'll kick the music off around 9:30, and by 10:30 the stage will be open to any and all of our super cool musician friends who'd like to tag in throughout the rest of the night. 🤘🤘

Thanks for the support, all you wonderful peoples. Feel free to share the event and invite your friends. The more the merrier, and the more we can raise money for the Jana Marie Foundation!

Be excellent to each other, and party on, dudes!


Howdy folks! Due to a miscommunication screwup on the part of your humble host, we've got an update to the band lineup for the night! The great Chris McGuire will be playing drums to start off the house band, and encyclopedia musica himself Greg Folsom will be handling the slapping of the bass! They might bring an extra surprise or two to the night as well. Hopefully Adam and Bonesy will still be able to join us for a few songs, and their continued support for all things Project 1:37 is appreciated! Dang, this town is full of lots of wonderful helpful people!
Have a great day, everybody, and don't forget to love each other!

Project 1:37

Think of how often you see people in need reaching out for help. One of your friends just shared a gofundme page for a family member with medical bills. Another has been trying to get assistance in finding affordable childcare. Another has been going through some tough times and can’t seem to get their heart and mind straight and just needs somebody to connect with them. All around us are people in need. But somehow we only ever react after the help is needed. We’ll donate to the gofundme page, and make a donation to the Santa ringing a bell at Christmastime. When things get really bad, we might attend a benefit to help somebody who’s sick. And when we do these things, we feel a sense of pride in having done something to help others. We enjoy connecting with those around us. It’s an essential part of the human experience. But we don’t need to wait for the hardships to rear up and force us to reach out. Every one of us has the ability to do something to make our community better. Instead of waiting for a tragedy to bring us together and saying “It’s good to see you, but I wish it were under better circumstances,” we can actively create those better circumstances right now. I created this organization because I realized that anything I can do to bring people together with a sense of kindness and compassion is a win. I don’t need to have some large plan to fix the world’s problems. Every small action I can take is a step in the right direction. I can organize small fundraising events for local charities. I can help bring resources to people who want to brighten up their town with some new artwork. And by reaching out myself, I can encourage others to do the same, through things as simple as handing out flowers to people on the street, or offering to sit and chat with a stranger over lunch. Every step taken towards bringing people together is a step in the right direction. And it doesn’t take money, or power, or skills, or organization, or grand ideas. It doesn’t require the perfect place or time. All it takes is the willingness to take that step. Just go ahead and take the step, because everywhere is the perfect place, and now is an excellent time.

Videos (show all)

Spirits Speak on the Pandemic
Nebula  5
Searching for Nothing
Bang It Out
Keller Texas
Tim Worley
Folsom Prison Blues

