Mercy Gate

Mercy Gate

Mercy Gate is passionate about the Presence of God and sharing His love for all. "You're The Reason" Christ Came and Why We Are Here L.

Mercy Gate was birthed to perpetuate the great revival anointing movement that Chicago was experiencing in the early days of the Twentieth Century under the great ministry period of D. Moody and John Alexander Dowie. We are privileged to be a part of the global Church On The Rock International fellowship of pastors and churches.


THE LORD is allowing me to use this set of wheels to reach the lost . . .


FAITH - Is simply a matter of 'tense' and that from God's perspective.


WHAT IS the language of Heaven? Whatever it is, isn't God able to help us speak it here in the Earth?

Billy's Home Place 06/09/2024

OUR CURRENT ministry assignment . . . Mary Gaye manages this wonderful ministry and I counsel the pastors who request it.

Billy's Home Place God has not finished His work in you and through you. Stephen L. Thomas and Marilyn Thomas from Charlotte, North Carolina, along with well-known actor Kirk Cameron and Ruth Graham, daughter of Billy and Ruth Graham, have partnered together to offer the original family home of Billy and Ruth Graham i...

His Strength Is Perfect CeCe Winans 05/09/2024

FOR THAT ONE struggling, hurting, needing answers, this is for you!
(CCLI License # on File)

His Strength Is Perfect CeCe Winans


THE CHURCH isn't too bad at saying 'Come!' to the unchurched but we can improve on the 'Go.'


IT WAS great being wit Dr. Ron Martin, Bishop Jyothi & Dr. Shanti Reddi of India and the wonderful pastor and congregation at the Landmark Church of God in Salisbury tonight . . .


WHY WOULD I want to write a post on death? Several reasons, one of them being my familiarity with it seeing that I faced and fought it, personally, almost since birth.

I CAME near death more than once as a child. I've had sepsis three times, three heart-attacks, had my heart sac accidentally punctured and they 'lost me for awhile.' I have had three suncope' episodes where your heart just stops. Each time it occurred I was standing and my fall to the floor acted as a defibrillator each time.
In addition to my own issues with health, etc. I was raised with a Dad who was much older when I was born and grew up attending funerals with him beginning at an early age. However, It was the long, long hours in the hospital where death became so personal and I learned that it had no sting and the grave had lost its victory.

I LEARNED, early on, that for the Christian, death is the ultimate celebration after Salvation! THIS reality is our temporary post while Heaven, the Presence of the Lord, the Millennial Reign and then a New Heaven and a New Earth are the future for those who die in Christ or are a part of the Rapture. In any case, one must be released from the confines of this earth reality in order for his/her reoborn spirit to be set free to be with the Lord.

ONE OF the most comforting thoughts I have ever heard concerning death and have used it preaching many funerals is this. Death is not an ending but a beginning. It is not an exit but an entrance. Its not a goodbye but a hello. And, regarding other truths about death found in Scripture, the Apostle Pauls says we are to therefore, Comfort one another with these words!' In other words, in the very face of death, the truth and reality facing the Child of God ilicits comfort, hope and even joy at the realization of what death means to a Christian.

THIS DOES not erase the profound sorrow and sense of loss for the loved ones but it does mitigate their impact, weight and power as we remember, 'To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord!' What can be better than that?!


THE REAL Meaning of 'Church,' The 'Ecclesia.'
THE DICTIONARY renders the word translated 'church' as thus:

A political assembly of citizens of ancient Greek states
especially : the periodic meeting of the Athenian citizens for conducting public business and for considering affairs proposed by the council." However, for our grasp of its meaning, we follow the model of the Hebrews who also convened at the 'Gates' of their city to govern, rule, mete out justice, order, reforms, care for the widows, etc. It is THAT model for which the Church was named and it is governmental, jurisdictional and delegated authority from Heaven in earthly manifestation.

IT IS not a matter of popularity or politics or a matter of a few determining whom they think God called/sent rather than using carnal means to influence and shape outcomes based purely upon personal preference and agenda.
YOU CAN trace God's model all the way back to the 'Jethro Principle.' When you get a moment, read up on it.
ALL THE best to you and yours!


OUR NEWEST addition to our family and ministry . . . Harley Dyna Bo b purchased at our dear friends, Blue Collar Cycle Company in Salisbury.
I STOPPED by a local bar a couple of weeks back, rather close to our home, and introduced myself to the bartender - Linda. I told her that I was not only a bike rider (most of the customers here are bikers) but that I am also an ordained minister and credentialed Chaplain. I asked her if she would be interested in accepting some of my business cards and handing them out to any customer who might come in despondent on life and needed to know someone cared. She was very pleasantly surprised and gladly accepted my offer.
I EXPLAINED to her that when it came to an urgent need that I most likely could drop what I would be doing and be there to counsel with the seeker in just a few minutes.

SURGEONS pay thousands of dollars to obtain the training, certification and credentials in order to be able to operate and bring healing to the afflicted bodies. Our hands are far too clean. I'm sure we care but, maybe, we don't know 'how to' care. I'll be sharing some practical tips later. In any regard, our hands are pristine clean as wel stand in worship enjoying and engaging the Lord when the body assembles. However, what would be better would be a good number of the saints returning in muddied, blood-spattered smocks worn out in the harvest that is far too plenteous because the laborers are just too few.
REMEMBER, 2/3 of God's name is . . . G O . . .



Jesus said something quite emphatically: “’I’ WILL build My Church AND the Gates of Hell SHALL NOT prevail against it!” I have to ask the question, ‘Where IS THAT Church that should be razing Hell?!’

The Greek word that is translated ‘church’ is ‘ecclesia.’ Loosely translated it means ‘the called out ones.’ It is THAT interpretation that I grew up hearing as being the definition and meaning of the word ‘church.’ It was further interpreted as meaning ‘called out to be separate from the world and the ungodly.’ And, we did such a good job at keeping our distance that we developed a somewhat paranoid concept of ‘us’ and ‘them’ and we focused almost entirely on ‘us’ failing to relate with and connect with ‘them.’

In reality, ‘ecclesia’ does mean ‘called out ones’ but not to be separate. Ecclesia is the New Testament version of the Old Testament word for ‘Gates’ and, in the Old Testament, the Gates also
represented the seat of government for a city. In the Old Testament, the ‘Called Out Ones’ were the elders and sages that conducted the affairs of the city, meted out justice and maintained control and oversight of the city within the walls. Consequently, we have misunderstood what Jesus meant when He called us His Church and have missed the administration, jurisdiction and enforcement of His Kingdom over geographic areas.

Now we more fully understand what Jesus was saying when He said ‘I will build my Church (Gates) and the Gates of Hell shall not prevail against it!

THEREFORE, we WILL see the rise of ‘that’ which Jesus had in mind whereby the Gates of Hell shake, tremble and disintegrate before the presence of the Lord’s ‘Gates’ / Church.



THE HARMFUL, shameful thing about a 'Christian' harboring such feelings is that it elevates our 'offense' to a higher level than that of the Cross Christ had to carry and die on . . . THAT was an OFFENSE.

A GRUDGE IS defined as malice, spite, ill will held against another or others. A grudge is a feeling of resentment harbored because of some real or fancied wrong. Malice is the state of mind that delights in doing harm, inflicting some measure of pain through deeds, avoidance or words, whether expressing itself in an attempt seriously to injure or merely in sardonic humor: malice in watching someone's embarrassment; to tell lies about someone out of malice. Spite is petty, and often sudden, resentment that manifests itself usually in trifling retaliations: to reveal a secret out of spite.

IN WHATEVER fashion or degree, our unforgiveness is held up against the greatest display of forgiveness when Jesus overlooked, pardoned and forgave our sins by dying on the Cross. IF JESUS can forgive us so much, how is it that 'Christians' are so bent on holding onto a grudge in light of the Lord's display of forgiveness on the Cross?

IF WE can't forgive men/others their trespasses, NEITHER will our Heavenly Father forgive ours! It is so egregious that the Lord instructs us that if we are bringing a gift to the altar and remember just such a conflict with a brother/sister, GO and be reconciled FIRST and then present your gift to God.

A PERFECT illustration is seen in our relationship with Christ in the Vine and branches. The 'divine life' is made to flow unencumbered through the Vine to the branches. However, unforgiveness, bitterness, grudges crimp the flow and cut off the life-sustaining 'Sap' meant to produce life and that more abundantly.

HOLDING ONTO a grudge, unforgiveness in the Light of the Cross is such an offense to Christ that He won't hear our prayers until such a thing is resolved. AND, there is no need to pretend that such an environment doesn't exist when, as illustrated in the Book of Revelation and the message to the Church of Laodicea. Jesus said that He would rather that they be HOT OR COLD instead of LUKEWARM, for then He would spew them out of His mouth.

DID YOU KNOW that the same Greek word for 'INDIFFERENCE' is also translated 'HATE.' A 'CHRISTIAN' cannot be indifferent about the precious Body of Christ no matter how many grievances one might have against another.

I COUNSEL with folk OFTEN and have dealt with this issue again, recently. To be blunt, how dare a 'Christian' hold onto and elevate their offense to a level that they make it equal with Christ's and, therefore, something worthy of harboring, clinging to and blinding their darkened heart?

I PLEAD with anyone caught up in this snare (the Greek word for 'offense' is where we get our English word 'snare' or 'trap') to repent, repair the breach and be reconciled. Swallow your PRIDE and be healed. - In Jesus' Love


O I L R E J U V E N A T O R -

MY FIRST 'real job' was working at Burger Queen at the Beckley Plaza. I believe I was 15 when I started working there.

ONE OF my jobs was to run the rejuvenator to clean the oil used to cook the fries and fish patties. The oil would begin with a golden color, nice and clear, and would reach the point of rejuvenation when it had turned dark brown and murky. We were always quick to not let it get too dark before doing a rejuvenation.

YOU WOULD siphon the hot oil out of the fryer and it would flow into the rejuvenator where the oil was filtered and debris was caught and separated to be discarded. It was amazing to watch the transformation take place.

I MUST wonder if, at times, our mode, methods and means of ministry doesn't need a trip through 'The' Rejuvenator of the Holy Spirit to purge out any/all 'extras' caught or built up along the way and filter out the fleshy/carnal or even neglect that has caused a pure flow to become tainted, darkened.

PURE SPIRIT. Pure Power. Purged. Purified. Clean, clear and transparent. Maybe we need the Rejuvenator more than we need His Power right now.


A REGIONAL Men's Breakfast near you! You're invited!


AFTER WE sold our campus in Chicago and had some extra time on my hands, I decided to embark on a new ministry - driving for Uber and Lyft in Chicago. I could write a book!

ONE OF the most enlightening aspects of that effort was to gain insight into how far removed the Church is from the Harvest Field, and how we are so consumed with Church culture. Church Culture becomes our new reality, our new 'norm.'

CHURCH CULTURE is the new world that we enter into once we receive Christ as Savior and begin our new walk with Christ which, obviously includes attending church and embarking on the task of making new friends. The question was/is: What about our old friends.

MY FRIENDS were far to dear to my heart to completely abandon when I surrendered my life to Christ so I did the next most logical thing and began inviting them to come to church with me. My Sister often quips that we went from listening to the Bee Gees brothers to listening to the Easter Brothers! What a change.

A COUPLE of weeks before school ended, my principal bumped into me in the hallway during class. We stopped to talk and he said, 'You know, Freddie, you're not graduating, don't you?' My heart sank, broke a cold sweat and felt ill all at once! He went on to say, 'I'm getting rid of you. I won't have you around here another year. And, by-the-way, nobody makes the kind of drastic change that you have made, so I know you're up to something!' That was when I was able to share my testimony with him and explain how Jesus changed my life.

ATTENDING CHURCH SHOULD NOT be the sum of all of our 'doing' and 'works' for Christ. Attending church should be our 'Filling Station' so that we can depart from the church on Sundays and work to reconcile the world to Christ throughout the week. That should be natural!

THE LATE Reverend D. L. Moody of Chicago once said,, 'Evangelism is simply one beggar telling another beggar where he found bread.

WHILE DRIVING for Uber and Lyft, the Lord broke my heart for the City. I would weep and interceded for the lost soul just as I did for our suburbs of Palos Heights and Tinley Park.

LET'S START a new pandemic and become 'infected' with sharing the Gospel and pass it along to every Believer we meet.


DEAR FRIENDS! I'm quite excited to share that Mary Gaye and I have the rare pleasure and privilege to see and visit with Bishop Jyothi Kumar Reddi of Kakinada, India as he visits our region next month!

MARY GAYE and I were some of the first friends he met when he came to attend East Coast Bible College in Charlotte back in the 80's. Although a very humble man, the Lion roars as he preaches to his congregation and before tens of thousands throughout India.

I WILL post a link whereby you can read more about their wonderful ministry in India, one being 'Jyothi's Home for Children' where some 200 beautiful children are cared for, nurtured, and loved in a beautiful environment.

NOW, THESE many years later, Bishop Reddi is pastor to hundreds of churches and ministers in his state and the loving founder of the home for children bearing his name.

GO TO his FB page and view the pics and read about his wonderful work!


THE GLORY OF GOD - A Promise for The Last Days Church . . .

SCRIPTURE TELLS US that the Church Christ Returns for will be a GLORIOUS CHURCH. The Greek word is 'endoxa' the root of which is 'doxa' from where we get our English word doxology.

ENDOXA means 'in a state of the Glory (the manifested Presence) of God. Endoxa is the New Testament equivalent of the Old Testament word 'Kabod.'

‘Kabod’ (pronunciation: kavod) is an important Hebrew word that occurs 199 times in the Old Testament. This word is especially found in the prophets Isaiah and Ezekiel and in the books of Psalms and Proverbs. As a noun, ‘kabod’ has two aspects of meaning: First, ‘kabod’ can be translated as: weight, strength, power, ability.
Second, ‘kabod’ means honor, glory, magnificence, dignity, splendor.
In this second aspect of meaning, ‘kabod’ occurs mainly with regard to the Lord God Himself, his Divinity, Word, his name, works, sanctuary, and city.

HAVE WE witnessed the Kabod of God? It is a promise made to the Last Days Church, a church to be found IN this heavy, weighty, manifested Presence of God.

I HAD A DREAM while pastoring in Chicago about our church, in Charlotte. In the dream, it was a prayer service. No music/worship was taking place. However, there began, at the very rear of the sanctuary, God Presence and like a plumb line or curtain it progressed across the sanctuary moving forward and up to the altar. As His Presence moved, EVERYONE was moved, most by burying their faces in the pew or carpet stopped by the weightiness of the Holiness of God that seemed tangible.

I USED TO dream all of the time - prophetically. Most every major decision of ministry has been made on the heels of a prophetic dream that was as clear as a bell. I have learned to pay attention over the years. Therefore, when I had this dream about our Charlotte church, I knew it was prophetic and a picture of something God was going to do.

IN THE DREAM, word-of-mouth spread the news of the occasion and people from all kinds of churches and walks of life began coming to nightly prayer services just to sit in the Presence of God. There was no frills, thrills or anything concocted by man surrounding this. People came hungry and were filled with the love, Goodness, Mercy and Presence of God.

I HAVE HESITATED sharing this forever but felt at liberty to share this with you now. We want His Glory.

GLORY, explained, is the high, majestic, regal, holy mind and opinion of God that we hold made manifest. This is how/where Glory begins. Our 'glimpse' of Him in our innermost being that is enthralled at the mention of His name begins to manifest through our response such as: quietness; lifting hands; worship; praise; engaged; preoccupied with; enthralled by, etc.

LORD, SHOW US YOUR GLORY! Let your Presence FILL the 'temple' once again as we stand at the Altar that is covered by the Blood, guarded by the Cherubim and Your Glory descends in that Most Holy Place of Union and Communion.


Dear FB Friends, Many of you know Pastor Spurgeon from India and have corresponded with him over the years and many of you have been kind to give to his ministry. They are now a long distance from home enrolling their daughter, Monica, in college and are up against a financial need that is urgent. If you don't mind, could you navigate to his page and offer him your prayerful support and encouragement and, if the Lord leads you, an offering to help with this need. Thank you for letting me share this timely need with you. Love and Prayers.


THE LATE Rev. D. L. Moody said, about evangelism, that it is simply one beggar telling another beggar where he found bread. I fear that we are no longer hungry for 'Bread' but neither are we telling others that Bread is at hand and how/where to find it.

THE CHURCH in American is somewhat like a really dressed up reclamation center. However, everyone within the Church senses they are loved and belong here!



FOR YEARS, we carried out a rather significant street-side, hot meal ministry in three of Chicago's highest crime neighborhoods on Monday nights. Regardless the weather, whether a sweltering July night or a -22f Winter night in January, the people came. Some 15,000 meals + were served to those who ventured out and even relied upon our efforts.

WHAT WE never mentioned was that each month, Pam and Perry Stone underwrote this significant ministry with a generous gift that made it possible.

ON MANY, many nights, I would watch little children's eyes light up as they got near the serving table and wished our dear friends in Tennessee could see what we were seeing. Many, many times we would witness a feeble grandmother wait in the long line, never complain and never impatient, and then scurry to a quiet corner on the street so she could enjoy the meal then and there.

GOD BLESS Pam and Perry for their incognito kindness and caring that made a profound difference and impact on so, so many in America's third largest city.

Bible Text Commentaries by Jamieson, Fausset & Brown 17/06/2024

Whether you are a seasoned Bible teacher or someone who loves studying God's Word, here is a link to an awesome grammatical commentary I have used for forty years. Its online and free. I own the volumes and count them a treasure.

Bible Text Commentaries by Jamieson, Fausset & Brown Jamieson, Fausset & Brown


I know what you saw, heard and experienced . . . 'in the name of the Lord.' I also cringed. I have also seen the authentic and there
really is no comparison.

WHEN NEW WINE is poured into 'old wine skins,' BOTH are RUINED. However, Christians' carnality and immaturity are NOT any reflection on the Perfect Christ.

I AM THANKFUL to God that in my early, early years I got the boozing, drugs, etc. out of the way. It was so childish of me. So, I warn you now, there is nothing but a heartache in that bottle or any other temptation you are giving in to.

IT IS heartbreaking and even embarrassing to watch you get giddy over the 'liberty' and the 'freedom' to enjoy your mixed drinks! Really?! After knowing all you know and seeing all you've seen of the Goodness of the Lord, you can count an alcoholic drink as a means of celebrating your new version of Christianity.

I UNDERSTAND you - more than you can imagine. I've been there, done that and spent too much time in what really should be called the Pigs' Pen.

COME HOME! Bring your family with you! Your children deserve having handed down to them a living faith - not a rebellious temper tantrum.


21 Tests of Effective Leadership -- by Larry Kreider
1. The Calling Test: An effective leader will discover his calling and trust God to manifest it.
2. The Humility Test: Effective leaders give credit to others.
3. The Teamwork Test: An effective leader finds a way for his team to win.
4. The Releasing Test: An effective leader knows how to empower others.
5. The Priorities Test: An effective leader determines what his priorities are in life.
6. The Transition Test: An effective leader understands and leads the process of change.
7. The Criticism Test: An effective leader accepts criticism and grows in the process.
8. The Dependency Test: An effective leader depends on help from God.
9. The Conflict Test: An effective leader embraces healthy confrontation.
10. The Vision Test: Effective leaders inspire and articulate a vision and bring others



You just don't mess with family. You might be able to harangue someone and they will let it slide but go messing with their family and you've got a whole new game on your hands.

I WONDER if such a thing hasn't originated in the heart of God and is a reflection of how He feels about His family even prodigals.

TO PLAY it safe, I just wouldn't mess with God's family and especially His prodigals. Remember the extravagance and all-out celebrating that occurred and is recorded in Scripture when the prodigal returned home?

EVEN MORE specifically, you best not give prodigals a reason to stay away from home. While they are on their 'journey' the last thing they need is for the extended family (the church, believers) to criticize and gossip about them. Word gets around and travels fast as well. Here's the crux of the matter . . .

RULE #1: Love Them Back Into Restoration and Fellowship. Doing so may look like you are compromising but its not compromising - its strategizing. Its almost like the board game, chess whereby a good player has several advanced moves in mind as the game goes on.

I WAS a prodigal for awhile. Thankfully, I had friends who were in the church and ministry who loved me 'where I was.'

ONE HUGE obstacle hindering ministry to the prodigals is the label that is attached to their departure/struggle/sin. The church isn't always good at 'touching' the 'lepers' (speaking of spiritual leprosy). Too often we tend to shun the very ones who are in need of our embrace, handshake, inquiry into their well-being.

DON'T MESS with God's prodigals! He's already planned a feast in their honor!


JUST BECAUSE something has been abused does not mean it should be abandoned. In this case I am speaking of the prophetic.

FIRST OF ALL, the prophetic is NOT about drawing attention to any individual and highlighting them with undue interest or notoriety (Remember Balaam's mule . . .)

THE PURPOSE of the prophetic is to glorify God, advance His Kingdom and point others to Christ. Period. The benefits of the prophetic goes beyond that but suffice it to say that the prophetic exists for the reasons stated above.

THE PROPHETIC will show you things to come, will provide knowledge and understanding outside human capabilities and edifies the Body and exalts Christ.

OUR MOVE to Chicago many years ago took place because of prophetic dreams - God speaking to our hearts while we were asleep. I did NOT want to move to Chicago and prayed the door would close. However, the dreams were too poignant and inspirational that they couldn't be ignored.

HE WILL 'show you things to come' - for different reasons.

AS A teenage evangelist, I was leaving the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia to go preach in Virginia Beach. My car was packed and I was ready to pull out but was pulled back and felt that I was to anoint my car with oil and have everyone pray over it. We did so and I was on my way. The next day I was heading away from Virginia Beach on a four-lane highway and topped a slight knoll and had to hit my brakes hard and lock them up in order to keep from rear-ending a car stopped in front of me. This happened at the convergence of two other highways. As I was screeching to a halt, the car behind me hadn't realized what was going on, at first,
and came so close to rear-ending me. In addition to these two near misses, two cars were converging into the split from a four-lane headed for each side of my car. Somehow, all near-misses were avoided and I believe it was because of the prophetic.

WATCH YOUR words - they carry weight. They can either be creative and miraculous or boring and unfulfilling. Simply say what God says. Don't permit bitter water to flow out of your verbal fountain.

LASTLY, the prophetic 'Calls those things that be not . . ." The Greek word translated 'calls' is a word that is used when a child is born and the parents have a thorough right to call the baby anything they wish due to their 'ownership' of that exquisite Grace. The prophetic is the same.

THE PROPHETIC understands that we engage the unseen first and we engage it by placing our ownership to it.

I WILL admit that so much 'show' occurs around the Gifts of The Spirit and seems to serve as an opportunity to glorify the flesh and bring carnal attention to the one being used. And, IF these are the Last Days, then one must remember the words of the Lord, etc. and occupy until He comes.



TYPE THE word 'Faith' in the subject line and no one will say a word. Type the word 'Word' in the subject line and the topic will probably be read by some believers. Type the words together and, all of a sudden, you have stirred the pot and made some enemies. Why is that?

FIRST OF all, I am NOT a 'Word of Faith' preacher. However, I am 1,000% Word AND Faith preacher and defender of FAITH. Consequently, it troubles my heart when I hear both messages either seldom preached or handled as if preaching about either or both at the same time is just taboo. Why? Excesses.

I GREW up grabbing one of the hymnals in the pew pocket in front of me and following along with and joining in occasionally with the song leader as we sang about: 'There's Power In The Blood;' 'I'll Fly Away!' 'How Beautiful Heaven Must Be' was another we often sang.

SOMETHING CAME ALONG in the early 1960s called the Charismatic Renewal that affected most every denomination, including the Catholic Church, but not the traditional Pentecostal Church as a whole.
ALONG WITH this move of the Spirit and renewal came anointed praise and worship music that didn't even include a hymnal. And the thought of singing from words on the wall was absolutely insulting to a church so steeped in routine, tradition.

AS TIME went by, our resistance melted and we began including some of these anointed songs of praise and worship birthed by the Holy Spirit to glorify God. At the same time, although we began to move forward slowly, no one ever went back to try to repair the damage our resistance and rejection of other churches had caused.

ONE OF the saddest things I've witnessed was last week on YouTube. I saw a beautiful, large church hosting their midweek service with an amazing band, praise team, etc. They were doing and excellent job and were anointed. The camera panned around and showed a sparse, few people gathered in this fine sanctuary motionless, detached, uninvolved and unresponsive to the gestures directing the hearers to lift, laud and magnify the Lord of Glory. IT BROKE my heart!

IT REMINDED me of the large elephant tethered to a small post driven into the ground that he could easily dislodge with the slightest effort and ease. Why doesn't he? He's conditioned to bo***ge. When the elephant was small, the stob and tether were huge obstacles to him and he eventually gave in and lived many more years passing at age 91. The point?

MANY CHURCHES are tethered to a post and line that are meant to hold us in the past while God, Who is always moving, says He and God live in the great now, the I Am that I Am!

THE DIFFERENCE between the two forms I just described is 'Which audience are we playing to? The God of our grandparents or I Am?

So, if I advertised that my message was going to be on Word of Faith, so many would rally and be supportive and many others would just quit. At the same time, I could advertise my message relating to Faith and Works and no one would dare balk at it - for instance. The solution?

CHASE GOD! Apostle Paul said that we must 'apprehend' Him for that which I was apprehended of God. The word translated 'apprehend' would remind you of 'hailing' a cab driver from NYC.

GOD BLESS you all!

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Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday 09:00 - 17:00