Shea Erdos Hair

Shea Erdos Hair

Specializing in Balayage, Blondes, and Lived in Color


Mimi was once sold to a cannibal… but her story didn’t end there!

While in Africa, Demi and I had to chance to meet sweet Mimi. If you have a few moments, please read her story…

“We were beaten, tortured, and men would use us in ways that were not human. I saw so many ladies die because they had been tortured, kidnapped, and dismembered by the men. People who needed human sacrifices for their witchcraft would come and steal women off of the streets, and take them to the witch doctor because they knew no one cared. Once I was sold to a cannibal. I didn’t even know until I reached his house and saw all of his weapons. I was so scared. I escaped and slept in a banana plantation as he searched for me that night. We weren’t considered to be human beings.”

Now, Mimi is a part of a loving family at the Tebow Okoa Philippi Campus in Uganda. She is a leader, an encourager, a mentor and caretaker at the Campus. She’s doing such an amazing job ministering to all of the survivors and even graduated from Bible school. Mimi also serves at the local Okoa Refuge Night to Shine to do hair and makeup for the Kings & Queens! Most importantly—her soul is at rest, she is safe, and she has an eternal home in heaven waiting for her because of your generosity!

But, there are millions of women just like Mimi who don’t have this hope yet. When I met Mimi, one of the first things I shared with her as tears welled in my eyes— “I’m sorry, all of us should have done more to get to you sooner. I’m truly truly sorry that you had to wait.”

Facebook fam, I don’t want them to wait any longer than they have to.

I’m asking you today— will you help us go further and faster?

Visit: #!/donation/checkout

Will you help us care for the women who call the Tebow Okoa Philippi campus home?

Will you be the community and family of hope, love and care for them?

Will you stand in the gap for the men, women, boys, and girls we haven’t got to yet?

We truly do need all of us in this fight against what I believe is one of the darkest of evils prevalent on this earth right now, human trafficking and child sexual exploitation. Please join our Rescue Team today as a Defender of God’s precious children: #!/donation/checkout

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