Ravens Alley

Ravens Alley

Currently online only. Welcome to Ravens Alley, we hope you find what you are looking for, and enjoy the content.

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I am always playing with stuff to make them better or something new!

Here I made a road opener liquid herb bath, but I was playing with a soap base I made as well, and found the perfect combo for road opener shower gel condensed!

So, Road opener liquid gel bath, it’ll last longer as you can lather up as a soap!

Being added soon to the website!

Photos from Mythical Ireland's post 16/08/2024
Stonehenge’s altar stone was brought all the way from Scotland 16/08/2024

Stonehenge’s altar stone was brought all the way from Scotland The nearest source of the altar stone at the centre of Stonehenge has finally been identified – and it is at least 750 kilometres away in north-east Scotland


Monthly Prosperity and Success Lamps $25, St. Lazarus Service $55, and Road Opener $189 or $225 with bath!

Road Opener $189 or $225 with bath!

Chose a Road Opener or Road Opener with bath in drop down menu!

The road opener will have fresh herbs, dirts and powders, in the lamp, and will be prayed over daily for the time it burns! The bath will be made with fresh herbs such as Abre Camino and Lemongrass, powders and oils.

Many people, especially spiritualist, forget their own maintenance and spiritual cleaning is important, as well spiritual people in general. Many people come on the first of the month seeking baths and road openers to be done.

Please have your petition emailed to me at [email protected] no later than Monday, August 5, 2024, at 8:00 P.M.EST!


St. Lazarus health and healing service $55

The health and healing service with St. Lazarus will start on Tuesday, August 6, 2024.

Each person gets their own lamp and petition, on top of the main oil lamp being made for the Saint.

Please have your petition emailed to [email protected], and payment in before 8:00 P.M. on Tuesday, August 6, 2024.


Prosperity and Success Lamps $25,

The lamps will be filled with roots, herbs, curios, oils, and money. Petition papers will also be included.

Please have your petition emailed to me at [email protected] no later than Thursday, August 8, 2024, at 8:00 P.M.EST!

The lamp will be prayed over and attended to daily for the month and refilled throughout the month.



Anubis, the god associated with mummification and burial rituals, attending to a mummy


Scotland in black & white: a Pictish symbol stone dating back to circa the 8th century. Brodie Castle, near Forres, in the Scottish Highlands

Ubasute: Is the Ancient Tradition of Dumping the Elderly in a Forest Encouraging Modern Murder? 28/07/2024

Ubasute: Is the Ancient Tradition of Dumping the Elderly in a Forest Encouraging Modern Murder? Ubasute is an ancient practice from Japanese folklore in which a sick or elderly relative is dumped in a remote place to die.


The Seal That Protected Tutankhamun's Tomb for 3,245 Years


Baba Yaga is a fearsome character from Russian folklore who lives in a hut that walks on chicken legs.

Photos from Ravens Alley's post 24/07/2024

A custom Prosperity amulet with a 2.783 Carat emerald, rooster and raven tail feathers for a client!

Photos from Ravens Alley's post 16/07/2024

This is an entry from my herbs, herbal remedies and uses book I’m still working on lol!



Meadow sweet, scientifically known as *Filipendula ulmaria*, is a perennial herb native to Europe and Western Asia. Revered for its sweet fragrance and impressive array of medicinal properties, this plant has held a place of honor in both ancient and modern herbal practices. Often found gracing meadows and damp woodlands, meadow sweet is not only a staple in traditional medicine but also a beloved ingredient in culinary and mystical traditions. In this post, we’ll explore the fascinating properties of meadow sweet and delve into its magical uses, revealing why this humble plant has captivated the hearts of herbalists and magic practitioners alike.

Botanical Properties of Meadow Sweet

Meadow sweet is a tall, herbaceous plant that can reach up to 1.5 meters in height. It features clusters of small, creamy-white flowers that bloom from late spring to early autumn. These blossoms emit a pleasant, almond-like fragrance, which makes meadow sweet a favorite among wildflower enthusiasts.

Chemical Components and Health Benefits

Meadow sweet is rich in salicylic acid, a precursor to aspirin, which accounts for its well-known pain-relieving properties. Additionally, it contains tannins, flavonoids, and essential oils, contributing to its anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and diuretic effects. Herbalists have traditionally used meadow sweet to treat a variety of ailments, including:

-Pain Relief: Particularly effective for headaches, muscle pain, and arthritis due to its natural salicylate content.

- Digestive Aid:Helps soothe the stomach and can be used to alleviate heartburn, gastritis, and ulcers.

- Anti-inflammatory: Reduces inflammation and can aid in the treatment of conditions like rheumatism and gout.

- Fever Reducer:Acts as a natural febrifuge, helping to lower fevers.

These properties make meadow sweet a versatile and valuable herb in natural medicine.

Magical and Mystical Properties

Meadow sweet has long been revered in folklore and magical traditions for its potent mystical properties. Known for its associations with love, protection, and purification, this herb has been a staple in the magical practices of various cultures. Let’s explore the enchanting world of meadow sweet and discover how it can be incorporated into modern magical rituals.

Historical Context in Folklore and Magic

In ancient times, meadow sweet was considered a sacred herb by the Druids, who used it in their religious ceremonies. It was often strewn on floors during celebrations to provide a pleasant aroma and was believed to bring good fortune. In medieval Europe, it was one of the herbs of the St. John’s Day festival, symbolizing joy and happiness.

Common Magical Uses
Meadow sweet is valued for its versatility in magical practices. Here are some of the most common ways it is used:

- Love Spells:Meadow sweet is believed to attract love and enhance romantic feelings. It can be included in love sachets, charms, or bath rituals to draw love and strengthen relationships.

- Protection:This herb is often used for protection against negative energies and harmful influences. Placing meadow sweet around the home or carrying it as a talisman can create a protective shield.

- Purification: Its purifying qualities make meadow sweet ideal for cleansing rituals. It can be burned as incense, sprinkled in holy water, or used in smudging ceremonies to clear negative energies and purify spaces.

- Prosperity and Success: Meadow sweet is also associated with prosperity and success. Incorporating it into money spells or carrying a small pouch of dried meadow sweet can attract abundance and good fortune.

Incorporating Meadow Sweet into Modern Magical Practices

Here are some practical tips for using meadow sweet in your magical work:

- Spell Jars and Sachets: Combine dried meadow sweet with other herbs and crystals in a small jar or sachet to create a charm for love, protection, or prosperity. Keep it on your person or place it in your home.

- Ritual Baths: Add meadow sweet to your bathwater for a ritual bath aimed at purification, love, or relaxation. As you soak, visualize your intentions being absorbed by the water.

- Altar Offerings: Place fresh or dried meadow sweet on your altar as an offering to deities or spirits. It can also be used to decorate your sacred space, enhancing the energy and ambiance.
- **Incense and Smudging:** Burn meadow sweet as incense or in a smudge stick to purify your environment. As the smoke rises, imagine it carrying away any negative energies and filling the space with positive vibrations.

By incorporating meadow sweet into your magical practices, you can harness its ancient power and bring a touch of enchantment into your daily life.

Culinary and Practical Uses

Meadow sweet's delightful aroma and beneficial properties extend beyond the medicinal realm into the kitchen and home. Its unique flavor and health benefits make it a versatile ingredient in various culinary and practical applications.

Culinary Uses

Meadow sweet has been used in traditional recipes for centuries. Its flavor, which is reminiscent of almonds and vanilla, can enhance a wide range of dishes and beverages.

- Flavoring Beverages: Meadow sweet was historically used to flavor mead, giving it its name. Today, it is still used in teas, wines, and beers. Adding a few sprigs to your favorite tea blend can provide a subtle, sweet flavor.

- Desserts: The sweet and slightly spicy notes of meadow sweet make it an excellent addition to desserts. It can be used to infuse creams, custards, and syrups, adding a unique twist to your sweets.

- Salads and Soups: Fresh meadow sweet leaves can be added to salads for a hint of sweetness or used to garnish soups, imparting a delicate flavor and aroma.

Practical Applications

Beyond the kitchen, meadow sweet's properties make it useful in a variety of practical applications, particularly in natural skincare and home remedies.

- Skincare: The anti-inflammatory and astringent properties of meadow sweet make it a valuable ingredient in skincare products. It can be used in homemade facial toners, creams, and bath soaks to soothe and rejuvenate the skin.

- Home Remedies: Meadow sweet can be made into infusions or tinctures to relieve minor aches and pains, reduce fever, and aid digestion. A simple meadow sweet tea can provide comfort and relief for various ailments.

- Aromatic Uses: The fragrant flowers can be dried and added to potpourri or sachets, filling your home with their pleasant scent. They can also be used in herbal pillows to promote relaxation and restful sleep.

With its wide range of uses, meadow sweet proves to be a versatile herb that enhances both culinary creations and practical remedies.


Meadow sweet is a remarkable herb that bridges the gap between the practical and the mystical. With its rich history in traditional medicine, culinary arts, and magical practices, it offers a wealth of benefits and possibilities. Whether you’re brewing a soothing tea, creating a protective charm, or simply enjoying its sweet fragrance, meadow sweet invites you to connect with nature’s wisdom and embrace the magic of the everyday.

Incorporate meadow sweet into your life and experience its transformative properties for yourself. Let its gentle energy inspire love, protection, and abundance in all that you do.


The Rougarou, also known as the loup-garou, is Louisiana's bayou-dwelling werewolf and a prominent figure in Cajun folklore. It is most often described as having a human body with the head of a wolf or dog, glowing red eyes, and razor-sharp teeth. Variations also associate it with animals such as pigs, cows, and chickens, as wolves are not often seen in the area.
The Rougarou is often also associated with the Skunk Ape or the Honey Island Swamp Monster, likely due to another variation of the myth which states the creature is a shapeshifter that can change forms between human and animal at will, sometimes making it seem more like a swamp Sasquatch than a werewolf.
Local stories say the Rougarou roams the streets at night, antagonizing people to attack it. When the first drop of blood is drawn, they return to human form and tell the attacker who they are. If this witness tells anyone about this encounter within a year and a day, they will become a Rougarou themselves. Other variations say a Rougarou can turn their victims merely by eye contact.
The Rougarou has a varied history, though all variations trace it back to the French. Some sources claim the myth originated in medieval France when belief in werewolves would have been far more prevalent. A version from the 16th century paints it as being seen as something similar to a genetic disorder rather than the curse most other versions of the myth portray the Rougarou as being. In this version, the Rougarou would live as an average person until an event triggered their condition. Their body would then transform, and they would crave meat. Their transformation into their Rougarou form would be completed once they had their first bite of human flesh.
The story of the Rougarou supposedly changed once French immigrants—or possibly French Canadian immigrants—came to live in the area now Louisiana. Across French Louisiana, it is a widespread legend, and most Louisiana natives are very familiar with at least the name if nothing else.
The Rougarou is also thought to be nothing more than a bogeyman story to scare children or Catholics into obedience. Children are told by their elders to behave, or the Rougarou will get them. Catholics are told it will hunt down and kill them if they disobey Lent. And speaking of scaring Catholics, one French Catholic myth claims that for someone to turn into a Rougarou, they must break Lent seven years in a row. But as someone who lives in Louisiana and knows many Catholics who break Lent, I'm not so sure about this myth's validity.
More supernatural explanations exist for the origins of the Rougarou. Some versions of the myth involve witchcraft, wherein a witch can curse someone to be a Rougarou. The unfortunate person is under the spell for 101 days. The curse is transferred when it draws another human's blood.
There is also a Native American story of the "Rugaru." This version varies from being a Bigfoot legend to resembling something more like a Wendigo. There has been some dispute about whether or not this myth is related to the French Louisiana Rougarou legend.
Despite the Rougarou legend seemingly beginning as a way to scare Catholics and children, many locals maintain its existence and have their own stories, especially among the older generation. A story in The Daily Comet titled "Tales of The Rougarou Still Haunt Local Memories" states, "In the past, rumors about strange or eccentric neighbors would float through small bayou communities, labeling various people as the dreaded rougarou." This suggests an explanation for the abundance of stories from locals about seeing a Rougarou for themselves.
A story in The Nicholls Worth, a local college paper titled "Rougarou Remains Strong Figure in Cajun Folklore," recounts a story from a woman about an experience in her youth. She says a local boy was being followed by a dog when he decided to cut it with his pocketknife. The boy saw the dog turn into a man and then ran home to tell his family. The woman said, "The next day, a prominent physician appeared in town with his right arm cut and in a sling. I remember when the physician shot himself here in Lockport. A year later, the boy killed himself and left a letter that the family turned over to the sheriff. Even today, he refuses to let anyone see it."
The Rougarou has also been linked to the story of the Deridder Roadkill. In 1996, a woman named Barbara Mullins discovered a supposedly unidentifiable carcass on the side of the road.
Some have claimed it to be the body of a Rougarou, though others have speculated it might be a Chupacabra or Devil Monkey. However, many people also believe it's just a dog.
- Darci Nadel

Photos from Ravens Alley's post 08/07/2024

Road opener starts in a few hours folks

Photos from Ravens Alley's post 08/07/2024

Newest review!

Photos from Ravens Alley's post 03/07/2024

We finally got verified, if you see Ravens Alley on Facebook or Insta without the little blue check mark, then it’s not us! Our only pages are verified with the blue check mark!

Photos from Ravens Alley's post 02/07/2024

Monthly Prosperity and Success Lamps $25, St. Lazarus Service $55, and Road Opener $189 or $225 with bath!

Road Opener $189 or $225 with bath!

Chose a Road Opener or Road Opener with bath in drop down menu!

The road opener will have fresh herbs, dirts and powders, in the lamp, and will be prayed over daily for the time it burns! The bath will be made with fresh herbs such as Abre Camino and Lemongrass, powders and oils.

Many people, especially spiritualist, forget their own maintenance and spiritual cleaning is important, as well spiritual people in general. Many people come on the first of the month seeking baths and road openers to be done.

Please have your petition emailed to me at [email protected] no later than Monday, July 8, 2024, at 8:00 P.M.EST!


St. Lazarus health and healing service $55

The health and healing service with St. Lazarus will start on Tuesday, July 9, 2024.

Each person gets their own lamp and petition, on top of the main oil lamp being made for the Saint.

Please have your petition emailed to [email protected], and payment in before 8:00 P.M. on Tuesday, July 9, 2024.


Prosperity and Success Lamps $25,

The lamps will be filled with roots, herbs, curios, oils, and money. Petition papers will also be included.

Please have your petition emailed to me at [email protected] no later than Thursday, July 11, 2024, at 8:00 P.M.EST!

The lamp will be prayed over and attended to daily for the month and refilled throughout the month.



Each and every spiritual bath is hand made to order, to the needs of each person, and what spirit recommends for use!


Blessed St Peter, Rock of Faith, with your prayers interceded on our behalf. Amen.

Videos (show all)

Monthly reminder to cleanse your space and home spiritually, and work area as well, do your road openers, prosperity wor...
First of the month, don’t forget to cleanse your spiritual space and home spiritually, blow cinnamon in your front door ...
Comment what you’d like to see in short instructional, how to, and informational videos!
Hi everyone! 🌟 You can support me by sending Stars - they help me earn money to keep making content you love.Whenever yo...
Cement version of new skull on website
Crows foot talisman
When the spirits respond…
Video of client road opener
