Safari Club International - SCI

Safari Club International - SCI

Safari Club International is the leader in protecting the freedom to hunt and promoting conservation.

Safari Club International is the leader in protecting the freedom to hunt and promoting wildlife conservation worldwide.

Women Go Hunting: Why I Teach Other Women to Hunt - Safari Club 08/06/2024

Women Go Hunting: Why I Teach Other Women to Hunt

"Even though women are a very fast-growing demographic in the world of hunting, it is still a male dominated industry. However, there are women like me across the country who spend a huge amount of time mentoring new women hunters and encouraging them to embrace the sport in a safe, supportive environment." - Jennifer Piasecki-Dums

Women Go Hunting: Why I Teach Other Women to Hunt - Safari Club Even though women are a very fast-growing demographic in the world of hunting, it is still a male dominated industry. However, there are women like me


Celebrate This Father's Day Season With SCI!

Use coupon code "SCIDAD24" at checkout when you purchase, renew, upgrade, or gift a three-year SCI membership and you'll receive a $150 Kuiu gift card!

Use this link:


On May 22, Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN-09) introduced H.R. 8492, which would prohibit organizing, sponsoring, conducting, or participating in “wildlife killing contests” on federal lands, with certain exceptions.

The bill defines a “wildlife killing contest” as “an event in which participants kill wildlife for cash, prizes, or other inducements regardless of value.”

SCI opposes this emotionally driven bill that ignores science and exceeds federal authority to interfere with State led management objectives.


SCI State Advocacy, Wyoming:

SCI CEO Laird Hamberlin submitted comments in general support of the 2024 Wyoming wolf quota and hunting season and adding an additional option for reporting animals taken.

Read the letter here:

In The Shadow of Tipiliuke - Safari Club 05/06/2024

"In The Shadow of Tipiliuke", is a thrilling story of Patagonia Red Stag by John Geiger, Safari Magazine's Managing Editor. Read more below!

In The Shadow of Tipiliuke - Safari Club Story and Photos By John Geiger, Safari Managing editor Mera, Capuano and I crawled to the edge of a hill as the sun fought an overcast sky. Before we were at the top, we heard them. As we peaked over, we saw them. Scores of stags, perhaps hundreds of hinds in isolated herds spread across the valley...


SCI State Advocacy: Delaware

Last week, Gov. John Carney signed House Bill 271 into law and, in doing so, formally repealed the antiquated prohibition of hunting waterfowl and other game birds on Sundays in Delaware.

Delaware’s Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) will continue to maintain authority to establish and regulate season dates, bag limits, and enforcement for the hunting of game birds, including for hunting on Sundays.

This significant expansion of access and opportunities for hunters in the First State will allow for pursuit of waterfowl, turkeys, doves, quail, and other game birds on Sundays beginning this fall.


When we say, “Accurate in any condition,” we mean it.

When Scott Haugen’s Trijicon AccuPoint® rolled off the back of his truck, he wasn’t worried. Trijicon Hunt Trijicon, Inc.

Read the full story here:


Montana Update:

SCI CEO Laird Hamberlin submitted comments in general support of the 2024 Montana mountain lion quotas and mountain lion hunting.

SCI CEO Laird Hamberlin submitted comments in opposition to a proposed access reduction on the use of rifles at a fishing access site where hunting is also allowed and in support of No-Net-Loss of hunting access.

SCI CEO Laird Hamberlin submitted comments in support of the Tri-State Grizzly Bear Memorandum of Agreement and in support of hunting grizzly bears in the future.


Progress in Safari Club International Foundation Leopard Conservation Project

SCI Foundation is leading a study centered on the management of African leopards. We've been gathering crucial data in Botswana, aiming to provide accurate estimates of leopard density across the country by 2024.

Twelve regions have been surveyed so far with encouraging results. The Botswana project will wrap up by the end of 2024, but our work is not done yet. With the support from individuals like you, our goal is to move our efforts to a new country in 2025.

Read more about the project with the link below!


The Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission adopted a regulatory proposal that bans canned mountain lion hunting and implements a 36-hour trap check restriction for mountain lions.

SCI had previously commented on the trap check provisions in opposition to a petition at the Commission.


Women Go Hunting - Mandy Starnes

"Two women by ourselves, Mom and I had quite a time loading it. Towing it out with the truck and rope was no problem, but I had to cut it in half to get it into the box. The front end was especially heavy, and we had to use the hand winch. I’m not sure about weight, but I have shot 350- and 400-pounders before. This felt a bit heavier.

I don’t have a scale at home, but I brought in 154 pounds of b***d and trimmed meat to the butcher and had already trimmed off 15 to 20 pounds of bloodshot, dirty meat and gristle. I was told it’s the largest one brought in to Chilako Meats to date.

Needless to say, I gave some meat to the meat donation program. I am fortunate to have gotten more than I needed and had lots of highly nutritious meat to share with others who can’t get out and can’t afford groceries."

Read the full story with the link below!


SCI Represents Sustainable Use at National Elk Refuge Stakeholders Group:

The National Elk Refuge in Wyoming is currently updating its Elk and Bison Management Plan and considering whether to continue, reduce, or phase out the supplemental winter feeding program.

SCI strongly opposes any option that would arbitrarily cut-off feeding without providing alternative forage or reopening migration corridors, given the likelihood of mass starvation, cratering of the Jackson elk herd, and increased human-wildlife conflicts.

SCI is currently engaged in litigation, along with the Wyoming Outfitters and Guides Association, to defend the adaptive phase-out of feeding against animal rights groups that seek to speed up the end of feeding.


House Bill 684, relative to bear hunting in the Pelican State, passed through the Senate during the week of May 22nd with little opposition.

The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries initially requested the bill in conjunction with the Notice of Intent recently adopted that would create a conservative and scientifically supported black bear hunting season.

SCI, SCIF and its Chapters have been strongly supportive of delisting the Louisiana black bear and enacting a limited hunting season and had previously commented in support of the bill.


Pennsylvania: Last week, legislation that would allow for the expansion of Sunday Hunting in the Keystone State was voted out of the House Game and Fisheries Committee.

This critical step now moves House Bill 2106 one step closer to becoming law which would increase the current number of Sundays available to hunt from 3 to all those included within the season frameworks set by the Pennsylvania Game Commission.

SCI previously submitted a letter of support for this bill and continues to encourage advocates to contact their House members using the HAAC.


Win A 5-Day Bezoar Ibex Hunt in Turkey!

Have you ever dreamt of hunting the Bezoar Ibex in the stunning landscapes of Turkey? Now is your chance!

Grab a sweepstake ticket to win a 5-day exclusive guided hunt for the Anatolian (Bezoar) Ibex with the globally recognized outfitter Kaan Karakaya from Shikar Safaris.

Each $20 sweepstake ticket is not just a gateway to an unforgettable adventure, but also a contribution to the SCI Foundation's wildlife conservation efforts. Safari Club International Foundation

Use the link below to purchase your ticket!


Today, we remember all of those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. We will never forget. 🇺🇸


30 organizations, including us at SCI, partnered together in letters to House and Senate Appropriations Committee leadership to express our support for funding the Department of the Interior (DOI) and the Department of Agriculture's (USDA) efforts to maintain, conserve, and enhance wildlife migration corridors and seasonal ranges, particularly for big game species.

"We want to highlight measures to conserve big game migration corridors and seasonal ranges that not only facilitate unobstructed movement for wildlife to access forage and other necessary resources, but also benefit countless other species while facilitating their ability to adapt to changing landscape conditions across a wide range of ecological systems. We look forward to working with you on a budget that supports the needs of wildlife"


Last week, Safari Club International participated in the Annual Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation (CSF) Congressional Clays Event. SCI is a proud sponsor of the event each year, which brings together bipartisan Members of Congress, staff, and other hunting, fishing, and conservation organizations. We want to extend a huge thank you to Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation for hosting another great event and can't wait for next year.


Our May Board Meeting solidified a 5 percent increase in the size of SCI’s chapter network this year. This was celebrated as the board voted to incorporate three brand new chapters:
1. The SCI Coastal Empire Chapter: A regional chapter in the Savannah, Georgia and Bluffton, South Carolina area with Mr. Tom Potere as the inaugural President.
2. The SCI Mid-South Chapter: A new chapter representing the Memphis, Tennessee area with Mr. Brent Marcum as the inaugural President.
3. The SCI Lubbock Sportsman’s Club: A chapter based out of Lubbock, Texas with Mr. Roger Key as the inaugural President.


Taking a united stand for our deer population! 🦌 Our Iberian chapter, under the leadership of José Maria Losa, has joined forces with Fundacion Artemisan, led by José Luis Lopez-Schummer, to intensify research efforts against Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease. Combining forces to combat a disease that has not stopped expanding in recent years.

The study will include monitoring in pilot reserves, application of experimental measures in these reserves, collection and analysis of animal samples and the development of a predictive model of disease progression that facilitates decision-making and appropriate prevention and action measures.


Game on, Pennsylvania hunters! 🦌 Your Sundays could soon be filled with hunting adventures. The House Game and Fish Committee is casting their votes tomorrow! Bill 2106 could change the game, literally! Let's not watch from the sidelines! 💪 Make your voices heard!


Women Go Hunting: Tell Us Your Stories!

"Now it was time to recover the Cape buffalo; only problem was the other two bulls didn’t leave with the herd and were standing guard over the downed bull. After about an hour they finally left, and I got to experience the animal they call the Black Death up close. I couldn’t believe how beautiful, massive, and powerful he was.

I had amazing support on this hunt, my husband being my biggest fan. I’ve learned so much by becoming a hunter, conservation being the biggest lesson. I became a member of SCI five years ago. I’m proud to be a lifetime member now, and I’m proud of everything SCI stands for." – Bonnie Justice

Ladies, tell us your hunting stories with the link below!

Photos from Safari Club International - SCI's post 17/05/2024

Only 251 days until 2025, but who's counting?


Safari Club International (SCI) and the Professional Hunter’s Association of South Africa (PHASA) are pleased to announce a landmark collaborative agreement between the organizations.

“We are thrilled about this monumental partnership with PHASA and the new conservation headquarters we will have in Johannesburg,” said W. Laird Hamberlin, CEO of Safari Club International. “PHASA, which has been widely recognized as ‘the voice for the South African professional hunting industry,’ will be a tremendous asset to SCI’s conservation efforts and the ongoing fight against threats to hunting not only in Africa but also around the world.”

Read more about our new partnership:


Safari Club International (SCI), Sportsmen’s Alliance Foundation, and Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation moved to intervene in two cases where anti-hunting groups are challenging the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s (FWS) decision to deny petitions to return gray wolves in the Northern Rocky Mountains States to the Endangered Species Act (ESA) lists.

If these groups succeed, gray wolves in these states will return to federal control. Legal, regulated hunting will be shut down and wolf populations will be allowed to increase and expand their range unchecked. Such expansion will decimate elk, deer, and what little moose populations remain in these areas.

SCI, Sportsmen’s Alliance Foundation, and Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation are committed to defending the FWS’ decision on behalf of their members and hunters in multiple states.


Happy Mother's Day to all of the moms out there, especially the ones who love to hunt or support their family hunting!

Celebrate this Mother's Day with SCI's Women Go Hunting Initiative by joining, upgrading, or renewing your SCI membership today.

Link below!

Women Go Hunting: A Heart-Racing, Deer-Chasing, Night of Endless Celebration - Safari Club 11/05/2024

Women Go Hunting, Sara Pasterski.

"I never hunted for myself until I was 34 years old, even though as a child, I walked along with my dad and sat with him when he bowhunted near our home. In 2010, my husband, Peter, got the idea that we should take up bowhunting together to learn something new and engage in a hobby as a couple. I have been hunting for 14 years now.

I’ve only come to discover SCI this year due to Jim Shockey’s posts in Nashville. An organization like SCI is more important than ever as our culture is rapidly changing and seems to be moving away from the founding values of this country. I love that SCI also has a division focusing on women hunting. It hasn’t been easy finding organizations with like-minded women." – Sara Pasterski

Women Go Hunting: A Heart-Racing, Deer-Chasing, Night of Endless Celebration - Safari Club I never hunted for myself until I was 34 years old, even though as a child, I walked along with my dad and sat with him when he bowhunted near our home.

Photos from Safari Club International - SCI's post 09/05/2024

Today, SCI members and staff met with over 100 Congressional offices advancing and protecting hunters’ rights!

Photos from Safari Club International - SCI's post 05/05/2024

This week is SCI LOBBY WEEK!

When you join SCI, you become part of an unstoppable force of hunters on Capitol Hill who work tirelessly to promote the freedom to hunt and sustainable-use conservation worldwide.

During SCI’s annual Lobby Day, SCI members join Executives, Legal and Political Staff in meetings with members of Congress in Washington, D.C. SCI coordinates meetings directly with key decision makers and advocates for key messages impacting hunters, so that these policy makers can best support and advance the freedom to hunt.

Learn more with the link below!


Women Go Hunting: Share Your Stories!

"I was first exposed to hunting at a very young age. I was lucky enough that my father was a part of a Safari Club chapter where there were several youth initiatives.

My favorite hunting story is when I decided to go to Botswana by myself at 28 years old to meet up with an outfitter that I barely knew and camp in the middle of the Kalahari Desert to hunt leopard and elephant! That adventure taught me a lot about myself. I am also so lucky to call that outfitter one of my closest friends now! I never thought I would go hunting internationally by myself, but I’m so happy I did! It gave me time and permission to push myself to the limits.

SCI is important to me because its advocacy work allow other women to experience the amazing opportunities that I have! I believe it is so important to get back to our individual SCI chapters. In fact, I have served as my chapter’s president and now I currently serve as our fundraising coordinator.

International hunting is so important to me. I work really hard and put in several long hours at work so that I can have the opportunity to travel the globe and live out my passion!" - Ashley Frederick

Ladies, share your hunting stories with the link below!

Videos (show all)

"This collaboration agreement with SCI embodies our commitment to defending hunting and the critical role it plays in co...
Today, SCI’s Jim Hammill testified before the House Subcommittee on Waters, Wildlfie, and Fisheries to explain the failu...
@ramseyrussellgetducks had to stop by SCI’s “Hunters’ Embassy” on Capitol Hill! #FirstForHunters
@repwesterman talks about proper wildlife management on the First For Hunters Podcast. Link in bio! #FirstForHunters
Learn more about SCI’s Record Book below!
Scheels, a proud Sponsor of SCI, has started its Spring Shooting Sale! Use the link below to shop today. #FirstForHunter...
On Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, the Safari Club International Hunters’ Embassy is a nexus for the strategic defense o...
Watch our full podcast with Congressman Bruce Westerman with the link below!
Congressman Bruce Westerman’s America’s Wildlife Habitat Conservation Act (AWHCA) empowers states to make sound wildlife...
Don't let these small critters fool you. Rabbit Hunting IS NOT easy! Watch "First For Hunters" Podcast here: https://you...
Charles Rodney may be a rabbit hunting legend, but he explains the importance of being involved with all hunting organiz...
Go watch the latest episode of the “First For Hunters” Podcast presented by Safari Club International! This week we trav...
