Olga Kravets, CH

Olga Kravets, CH

Certified Hypnotist, NLP & Energy Psychology Practitioner, ATM® Teacher 8+ years & PA-C 12+ years

Please, visit my website www.tranceformation.info for more information


What kind of miracles are you aware of in your life right now?


Wishing you lots of LIGHT & MIRACLES!!!💖


Today I really felt discouraged and disappointed with several things not going the way I expected…

In the past, I would continue feeling disappointed for days, maybe get lucky to vent to a friend, but most likely keep my problems to myself without doing much about it other than getting busy with other things, or if I had some down time then I would numb myself on social media or watching another show.

Using the skills that I learned over the years helps me to process those disappointments much faster and in a more constructive way, and I keep refining those skills as life keeps bringing on more different challenging situations.

I also realized the value of support from other practitioners/coaches and the structure that comes with it, and it’s absolutely indispensable and helps me to make huge leaps and way less time…

And, that’s why I want to support YOU.

I have certifications in Hypnosis, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Feldenkrais Method® and Energy Psychology (including EFT/“tapping”). I’ve been practicing those complementary methods for 8+ years and worked as a Physician Associate for over 12 years.

Now, I help sensitive women in helping professions who experience burnout, overwhelm, exhaustion, anxiety, irritability, pains & aches to reconnect to joy, passion & purpose in their life, get rid of pain and extra weight and start living the life they LOVE.

Let’s talk!
Drop the word “NOW” below and I’ll send you a DM.


If you’re a sensitive women in helping profession who is looking to stop burnout and reconnect to joy, passion and meaning in your life, I’m offering you a FREE “From Burnout to Bliss During the Holidays” Strategy Session (I'll wave a regular fee), but I’ve only got a few spots left.

This is the last time I’ll be opening up spots for a while.

Drop the word JOY below and I’ll send you next steps.


I’m looking for a few 'sensitive women who take care of others' to work with closely who want to feel connected to their own needs & passion for life in the next 3-4 months.

You’ll also gain the skills to

💜better deal with difficult people,

💜find ways to manage your tasks on time and with less effort,

💜get rid of habits that don’t support you (including those habits that might contribute to weight gain),

💜be comfortable in your body (including pain reduction through somatic practices)

💜& reconnect to your compassion in a healthy way with ongoing support.

So if you...

🎯Are really ready to RECONNECT to JOY & HEALTH in YOUR LIFE�


🎯Are 100% committed to doing the work �
And you are coachable (reasonably open-minded)… �

Then this might be for you.

💓Drop the word JOY below and I’ll send you the next steps.


Best wishes! Have a joyful day and an amazing meal!

PS: “Attitude of gratitude brings opportunities”


The most valuable thing I learned was, "Never give from the depths of your well, but from your overflow," as Sufi poet Rumi said.

This profoundly resonated with me when I realized that, like many of my friends and colleagues, I was making the same mistake—giving despite no longer having the energy to do so, feeling not just exhausted and hungry, but in desperate need of a break.

Frequently, we suppress these needs and continue giving from our wells until completely depleted. When we give from that inner well of energy rather than from overflow, we borrow energy from our own cells needed for healthy living. This eventually leads to the manifestation of diseases.

The quality of our giving also inevitably decreases, leading us to engage in less effective actions that cause more things to go wrong, contributing to the "Feeling of inefficacy"—a sense of helplessness or hopelessness about our work and a feeling of failure to reach our personal work-related goals, which is a part of burnout.

If you find yourself in a cycle of giving your time and energy despite being depleted, it's time to pause and reassess your situation before it's too late.

If you're tired of dealing with burnout, exhaustion, irritability, and anxiety, and you're ready to FEEL BETTER and reconnect to JOY in your life… Let's talk!

Drop the word "NOW" below, and I'll send you a DM.


I’ve got a one page document that gives simple & very effective instructions to reconnect with CALM & PRESENCE when you need it the most.

It calls “3 HACKS to reduce feeling anxious/overwhelmed in 3 minutes or less"

Who wants a copy?

Get a Free Gift: "3 HACKS to reduce feeling anxious/overwhelmed in 3 minutes or less" 08/11/2023

I am SO EXCITED! I just finished my FREE GIFT project!

You might be thinking, "REALLY? What's so exciting about all these marketing projects? They just clutter social media and compete for attention, and probably require lots of time and effort."

But, I'm thrilled that I can share a concise one-page document with extremely valuable information that can be learned and used in just a few minutes to change one's mental state in a critical moment.

If this information is used consistently, it has the potential to significantly improve a person's life.

I am wholeheartedly committed to helping sensitive women in helping professions (many of them are busy moms) to stop burnout, overwhelm, anxiety, and exhaustion and rediscover joy and meaning in their lives.

The feedback has been amazing—simple breathing techniques that can be used on the go are already making many busy women feel CALM & PRESENT.

Check it out here: https://healing-tranceformation-now.com/free-gift-3hacks-stop-overwhelm

Get a Free Gift: "3 HACKS to reduce feeling anxious/overwhelmed in 3 minutes or less" Stop Frantic Moments & Overwhelm BE CALM & PRESENT, so you can feel and act as your best self Here's what you'll discover... >>How to switch your mental state on the go while using your breath. >>Secrets to make your breathing for stress reduction more effective. >>How to activate your vagus nerve i...


I'm sitting here, feeling a bit overwhelmed by the amount of work I want to tackle after a weekend of learning at a 3-day business development event. It was exhilarating and filled with essential information and insights. Yay! Happy Monday...

In the past, I would have thought that my plate was already overflowing, and I couldn't consider adding or removing even one small task from my to-do list without increasing my feelings of overwhelm and distress.

I would have found ways to distract myself from these emotions by doing household chores, scrolling through social media, or watching a show. Later, I would probably have felt even more anxious, overwhelmed, and guilty.

But today, I've shifted into action mode to make the necessary adjustments in my work and life to achieve my goals.

If you're currently experiencing burnout, overwhelm, anxiety, or irritability, I can help.

I hold certifications in Hypnosis, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, the Feldenkrais Method®, and Energy Psychology (including "tapping"). I've been practicing these complementary methods for over 8 years and have worked as a Physician Associate for more than 12 years.

Feel free to send me a direct message and let me know what you're going through. I would love to help you.💜

Photos from Olga Kravets, CH's post 31/10/2023

Happy Halloween!


If you are someone deeply affected by recent world events and wish to maintain a clear mind while navigating the numerous nuances and controversies of this evolving situation, all while caring for your own life and family, keep watching…

I want to share a technique with you that can be easily used to help yourself when you're experiencing negative and traumatic emotions


To honor all those wonderful people who have chosen to work as PAs during PA week, I'm excited to announce a special gift.

If you're a PA looking to stop burnout and reconnect with joy, passion, and meaning in your life, I'm offering you a "From Burnout to Full of Life" Strategy Session, but I only have a few spots left.

I have allocated three spots specifically for PAs during this week, and I will waive my regular fee if you are a PA who signs up for a "From Burnout to Full of Life" Strategy Session during PA week.

Drop the word "PA" below, and I'll send you the next steps.


Happy PA week to all amazing Physician Associates (Assistants) out there!


I used to glaze over when I heard talks about self-care & changing your mindset in order to manifest amazing health & life because I thought that I knew better as a trained health care provider.

But after feeling anxious, overwhelmed, exhausted and even having body pains without any definitive diagnosis or meaningful help from the regular health care system… (what I understood later was that I was experiencing burnout…), I changed how I prioritize my self-care and make it important to notice thoughts, moods and attitudes that are present for me in the moment.

I now care so deeply about helping women health care providers in their 30s &40s to stop burnout and experience joy and passion for work and life.

If you’re suffering from burnout, feeling anxious, overwhelmed, exhausted and even having body pains, I want you to know that you’re not alone.

If there is anything I could do to support you to get through this, please LMK.


People sometimes ask me how I got into this work of taking professional women from having chronic pains/aches, feeling anxious, irritable, overwhelmed, exhausted to experiencing more ease, feel more productive and still have energy left for enjoying their life...

To be a bit vulnerable with you...

The reason I got into this work is because there was a time when it was me who struggled with body pains & aches, feeling anxious, overwhelmed & exhausted that got me sucked out of life every day.

Eventually, I was faced with a choice:

Get support to be pain-free, have energy to live my life with ease and comfort. Or give up, and eventually get some chronic disease and potentially significantly affect my family because I couldn’t be any longer present for them.

I chose to get support to feel healthy again. Unfortunately, conventional health care system didn’t have much to offer me so I started to look at complementary and alternative approaches.

After studying Hypnosis, NLP, Feldenkrais Method® I am able to manage my pain even when it comes up for me and in this moment I feel pain free.

I feel much healthier, energetic and joyful. And I’ve gone on to study more complementary methods like energy psychology/“tapping” to enhance my results and be better prepared to help others.

Even though I’ve come a LONG way, I’m still so present to the struggle that so many professional women wrestle with every day.

And, that’s why I do the work I do... because I don’t want anyone to have to struggle with chronic pains & aches, feeling anxious, overwhelmed & exhausted…

I want them to have to experience more ease, feel more calm & productive and have energy to enjoying their life...

My schedule is quite booked these days, but I’m really passionate about getting my work out in a bigger way.

So I’ve decided to open up a few spots for a ‘From Burnout to Full of Life Strategy’ Session this week. 🤩

You can schedule a session right here:

So what happens in this ‘From Burnout to Full of Life Strategy’ Session?

In this private 60 minutes session, we'll look at 3 main areas:

1. What are your challenges now that are associated with feeling anxious, overwhelmed, exhausted & experiencing body pains/aches?

2. What your life would be like without these challenges?

3. I’ll give you my best recommendations to help you get from chronic pains/aches, feeling anxious, irritable, overwhelmed & exhausted to to experience more ease, calm, being productive and still have energy left for enjoying your life..

These recommendations have worked for many of my clients and I promise that you’ll get a ton of value from our short time together.

We’ll also get to take a few minutes to explore whether we would be a good fit to continue to work together. No pressure, no strings attached... just a great conversation with someone who listens deeply, sees your magnificence, and believes that you can transform those pains, feelings of anxiety, irritability/anger, overwhelm & exhaustion into to experiences of ease, calm & joy of living.

P.S. If you’re not interested in getting rid of pain, anxiety, irritability, overwhelm & exhaustion (symptoms of progressive burnout), feel free to forward this to a friend who does. I recommend encouraging them to contact me right away, so I can fit them in as soon as possible.💜


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If you are someone deeply affected by recent world events and wish to maintain a clear mind while navigating the numerou...
