

Vibrate-A-Way is a specialized vibrational program, designed to improve posture, mobility & pain


We are striving to break the Pain Matrix. We have to awaken to this reality, awaken others, and help each other escape. That's part of what our community is about, and why our book is titled, Escaping the Pain Matrix.

The sad truth is that most people do not realize the truth about the Industrial Healthcare Complex. Quoting Dr. Dan from a recent LIVE, regarding the Pain Matrix: "If you don't have a solution to a problem, reframe the problem so that you're the only one with the solution."

What have they done with the problem of chronic pain, dysfunction and the inability to move freely? They've reframed it so that only they (supposedly) have the solution, which is a chemical solution, generally (or surgery).

Have you ever found where Einstein or Tesla solved a physics problem with a chemical solution? No, that's impossible! Only physics solves physics problems!

Enter Vibrate-A-Way. We're reframing the reframed problem back to how it must be addressed: with the physics that can truly solve the problem of improper physics of the human body (posture and movement). And we actually DO have the only solution, but it's simple, non-invasive and with only the best side-effects imaginable!


Would your child (recommended ages 12-18) enjoy learning a new skill this summer--a skill they can earn income with, as well as help people to feel better, move better and live better? It's all with vibration, using your massager you probably have right at home!

We're introducing a "Summer Vibe" program for kids: they can officially certify in our vibrational technique at our first level (Core Certified Specialist), and--for the month of June--enroll for half off! Message me, and we can meet and see if this is right for your child, or even yourself! Shoot me a DM, and we can get any or all of you started!

The course is quiz-free and what they want to take from it, as long as they keep the technique pure. It takes a month or two to complete, so they'll be earning and helping people with plenty of summer yet to go!

Those who are interested in providing health and wellness can earn an excellent income over the summer and on weekends while school is on!

Parents can take advantage of being first in your state (or country), too, with over $1,000 of savings!


"A Vibrate-A-Way Story"

by Jessica Woodruff for Stroll Magazine

Greetings from the Vibrate-A-Way team! We’ve set off to change the world; would you help us?

Our story is much like many of your stories: passion became the impetus for creation and innovation. For some, the problem becomes the impetus, but—while that is true in a sense, too—it boils down to passion.

The creator of Vibrate-A-Way is Dr. Daniel Woodruff. He’s a really passionate guy. No, I mean really passionate. That’s why, when—after almost 15 years of practicing as a chiropractor—he became gravely disheartened by the fact that he could not effect lasting improvement for his patients. Dr. Dan believed in his mind and heart that the end of everyone’s story of pain and dysfunction should be told. Aren’t stories supposed to have a beginning, a middle, and a conclusion?

I wish you could have witnessed the hope and sparkle in Dan’s eyes! We were at a chiropractic convention for continuing education, and the first spark that began to rekindle Dan’s flame for his calling in healthcare was struck: a reference to the proprioceptive nervous system. A few months later was lit another spark: posture.

Not only is our Dr. Dan passionate, he is a ball of curiosity! For the rest of the story, I will cut to the chase: countless hours of research and development, and you have the Vibrate-A-Way System, which—as the Future of Pain Relief—finally provides that conclusion to infinite stories of musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction!

That’s how we want to change the world: the world is made up of lives—yours and your loved ones, included. If we can improve the lives of the world by offering a happy ending to pain stories with our vibrational program, we will have succeeded in our mission. By the way, Dr. Dan is still a really passionate guy.

Pictured: creating our Core Specialist certification course, about 18 months ago!


We are changing the world's system of healthcare, from the home to the hospital. Do you want true solutions? Let's join forces and make this change together!


Join us inside our Vibrate-A-Way™ Empowerment Community for The Buzz! Dr. Dan is LIVE at 6:30 EDT, and then immediately following in our premium Vibrate-A-Way Amplified [Members Only] group, get All the Buzz! We go deeper into our topic of the day!

Not subscribed? Message me for a good link, and you won't have miss out when the action happens! 😁


Nurture your garden and make it a beautiful place to enjoy!

More on this topic tomorrow evening in our Vibrate-A-Way™ Empowerment Community! Join us here:

Vibrate-A-Way: A Quick Understanding 17/06/2024

Do you know what Vibrate-A-Way is? In (very) short, we are the solution to chronic pain and limited movement. This 10-minute video (please do watch it all, as it's important from beginning to end!) is key to understanding that there is hope, and what was once impossible IS now a reality!

Send me a message if I can help you. We specialize in very difficult cases, where everyone else has given up hope. Let's change your life together!

Vibrate-A-Way: A Quick Understanding So, what is Vibrate-A-Way? Is this another machine? Vibration Plate? Red light? How is it different? And why should I care?This video is the answer to those ...


I have a message that many are not yet ready to receive.

Some of you reading this have received what I have to offer, already, and I am beyond grateful!

Some others of you are "early adapters" and are ready to receive my message.

Others, still, are not yet ready, but I am busy planting seeds, watering, nurturing, with hope and faith that your time will come.

Lastly, there are those of you who will not awaken, who will remain trapped, despite my best efforts to help you escape. For this, I am sad, but I have to accept this truth.

If you desire to be free of your pain, I can help. It requires openness because what was not possible before, now is. Will you accept this new truth, this new answer?

My truth will break through the Matrix, in time. I am changing the world, making my impact one seed at a time.

Let me know if you're ready: message me and tell me. I need people like you, who will help me spread my message of hope! :)


Introducing a one-of-a-kind vibrational system, designed to restore posture and proper movement, while relieving your chronic pain, all in the comfort of your own home with your own massager!

Book your "House-call" with Dr. Daniel Woodruff here:

Once you've booked your appointment, we'll email you the rest! It's as easy as that!

We're offering this introductory bundle to save you nearly 50% off the individual cost, to help you achieve the results you want!

Dr. Woodruff has been in practice for over 25 years, specializing these last 10+ years in giving hope to the hopeless, those on which the standard healthcare system has given up. While this is a consultation only, he can review any testing or prior diagnoses with you and offer you a unique perspective--a new lens through which to view your problem, in order to find new solutions.

During your call, he can also analyze your posture and gait: this allows him to personalize your experience and guide your partner in applying the Vibrate-A-Way Technique especially for your needs, to resolve your individual dysfunction or pain.


Join our community to these hope-full talks! Saturdays and Wednesdays!


This applies almost infinitely when you think about it!

Where my mind instantly goes is the to conditioning of Industrial Healthcare--the Pain Matrix. They don't have a solution to chronic pain or improper movement (let alone inability to move), so what have they done? They've reframed this problem in a way that makes us believe that only they have the solution. Their solution? Chemicals, mostly, because those are the chief money-makers.

In reality, open your mind to realizing that they don't have a solution at all. We have to look back at the problem and view it through a totally new lens to understand that it's all about body physics. Proper posture leads to proper movement (both physics), which means an absence--and absence!--of dysfunction and pain!

This means that all we need to do is restore ideal physics to our bodies: the right angles, the right muscles doing the jobs they're supposed to, so other muscles aren't overworking and hurting. How?

By applying vibration as input to the brain--code, if you will--in a specific sequence. It's as simple as that.

Would you like the code? It's our technique, and you can apply it for your friends and family at home! Our book, "Escaping the Pain Matrix" has the technique right inside:

Next week, we'll launch our companion guide video to our book, which will be called "Vibrate-A-Way At Home." Keep a lookout for it, because many people find that watching the technique being performed really helps to learn how to do it correctly, themselves! :)

We can also help you virtually through "House-calls." DM me if you'd like to set up an appointment with Dr. Dan to consult with you about any previous diagnoses and help your partner perform the technique specifically for your case. He offers quite a different perspective than you've ever heard before!

If this stuff interests you, I invite you to join our Vibrate-A-Way™ Empowerment Community! Click that name and join us today for an abundance of support and knowledge about vibrational health!


👇Join us! 6:30pm EDT: "Resonance: the Big Picture" & in Amplified, "Energy Exchange & How to Protect Yours"


"Osteoarthritis: Facts, Myths, Hope"
Catch the replay in our Vibrate-A-Way™ Empowerment Community! 👇

Our Newest Vibrate-A-Way Certified Specialist -- In Action! 07/06/2024

Check out our newest Vibrate-A-Way Certified Specialist, Amy Bollman, in action!

Amy's performing a portion of our vibrational technique. What she's actually doing is applying stimuli in a specific sequence to my proprioceptive nervous system. My brain is making corrections to my posture and movement immediately; so when she's finished, I am standing straight, and I can walk with perfect symmetry and an ideal gait. I feel like I'm moving effortlessly--floating, almost! Any pain I may have felt is gone. I look better, too! I even have more energy to do all the things I want to do, without my body having to waste energy on moving improperly!

Remember, everyone: Proper Posture leads to Proper Movement, which means an absence of pain, dysfunction and degeneration. All we have to do is bring that posture back to how it should be, using the brain to do it! Because your brain is a computer, we use vibration as input, and our sequence is the code!

Would you like to learn? Let me know! We're offering promotions for everyone who's the first in their state to enroll in our certification program! 😎

Our Newest Vibrate-A-Way Certified Specialist -- In Action! Watch Amy performing a portion of the Lower and Post Protocols to correct my posture and body motion, making me feel like it's effortless to move--like I'm f...


Please join me in congratulating Amy Bollman on her achievement! 🥳

She is now a Certified Specialist, providing the Vibrate-A-Way Technique in Wixom and areas of northern Michigan!

She doesn't have a FB account but can see your accolades in this public post, so pour the love on her!

Those reading this in the Wixom, MI area and also in the Lewiston/Grayling, MI area, Amy is in need of a location to receive clients. She's decided not to operate from her home in either area; so, if anyone has a space she can safely use, please contact me! Any help would be greatly appreciated, as her heart is to really make an enormous impact in these areas!

Message me directly also to receive Amy's contact information to set up your first appointment! If you don't know what she offers, it's revolutionary: the Future of Pain Relief! The Vibrate-A-Way family is Leading the Way in Vibrational Health!

Fitness enthusiasts and athletes, take your passion to new heights.

Parents, growing pains aren't normal.

Virtually everyone on the planet can benefit incredibly from receiving this vibrational technique!

Don't hesitate to take advantage of this opportunity to change your life. Contact Amy today! 😁


Would your child (recommended ages 12-18) enjoy learning a new skill this summer--a skill they can earn income with, as well as help people to feel better, move better and live better? It's all with vibration, using your massager you probably have right at home!

We're introducing a "Summer Vibe" program for kids: they can officially certify in our vibrational technique at our first level (Core Certified Specialist), and--for the month of June--enroll for half off! Message me, and we can meet and see if this is right for your child, or even yourself!

The course is quiz-free and what they want to take from it, as long as they keep the technique pure. It takes a month or two to complete, so they'll be earning and helping people with plenty of summer yet to go!

Those who are interested in providing health and wellness can earn an excellent income over the summer and on weekends while school is on!

Parents can take advantage of being first in your state (or country), too, with over $1,000 of savings!


The tiny differences we make each day accumulate, just as grains of sand do to create a beautiful beach! Never diminish your worth and value to the world as a whole: without you, the All wouldn't be the same! 😊

If you're searching for a special way to make your difference, message me: I may have just what you've been searching for, that very few others are yet doing!


🇺🇸 Today is the last day of our half-off Memorial Day special! Details in the comments! 🇺🇸


Dr. Dan's LIVEs this week:
Wednesday 6:30pm EDT: Explaining Vibrate-A-Way
Snack-time Saturday 12pm EDT: The Healing Mechanism


To honor my sweet friend, Marine Cpl. Michael Lindemuth, I've decided to make this very generous offer for 1) all of whom are serving in the US military, 2) veterans of service, as well as 3) immediate family members who have also sacrificed greatly from the loss of their loved one. This loss isn't always on the battlefield: sometimes, it's years later, such as in the case of Vietnam veterans whose lives were cut short by the effects of Agent Orange.

This offer will extend from this moment through Saturday, June 1st, at 11:59pm.

Mike was a very special friend to me, and I feel him with me often. We grew up together but weren't close until I was in high school, and our friendship extended well into our early adulthood.

We spent a bit of time together at Christmas of '04, just before he was deployed to Baghdad and killed there.

Less than a week after his funeral, my daughter Mikayla was born, 3 weeks early. I already had her name chosen, without realizing that her name is the feminine of his until years later! It was actually my mom (who adored Mike and got such a kick out of him) who suggested her name, and I wonder if it was simply intention none of us realized but were following what was meant to be.

Mike was enthusiastic and supportive, positive as could be, and very generous with an awesome sense of humor. A very kind, compassionate, loving, deep and tender-hearted soul who--quite honestly--didn't seem to have many lessons to learn during this human experience. I think he helped to set a fine example of what being a good human is all about, for everyone else.

In his honor, would you appreciate a very generous 50% off enrollment into our Vibrate-A-Way certification program? Message me, and we'll skip the application and go right to meeting together. It's a super-easy process, and I'm sure you'd be a wonderful addition to our family. I'm eager to listen to your story!

If you're not sure what Vibrate-A-Way is about, here's a quick 10-minute overview of who we are:

The income potential is enormous, just by working from home and helping people in a way that no one else can! If you enjoy being a part of a mission and cause that is greater than yourself, that is changing the world and putting healthcare back into the hands of the people, by the people and for the people, this is an incredible opportunity at half investment cost with very low, interest-free payment options, if helpful, of around $75/month. No payments for 30 days!

If you'd like to learn more, join our community: the Vibrate-A-Way™ Empowerment Community 🙂

Bless you for your service and Bless those our fallen has left behind.


"Inside the Earth, there are energies of joy, peace, and love that are expressed for example through a flower that grows from the Earth, food that comes out of it and everything that makes it our home. I’ve spent years looking for ways that this energy could influence people. The beauty and aroma of roses can be used as a medicine and the sun’s rays as food. Life has an infinite number of forms, and the duty of scientists is to find them. All I do is look for them. I will not give up.

The Universe is alive in all its manifestations. The stone is a sensitive being, such as plants, animals, and people. A star that shines asks to be seen, and if we were not self-absorbed, we would understand its language and its message. The breath, the eyes and the ears of a human being have to fulfill the breath, the eyes and the ears of the Universe."

~ Nikola Tesla


Dr. Dan's LIVE: a formal introduction to our community! 〽️ In Amp'd, he'll give a more in-depth look at his earlier research!


You may consider the Vibrate-A-Way Technique to be the untold solution to chronic pain, but did you know it's also a personal trainer's dream to fully optimize your client's posture and movement and prevent injury, allowing you to safely bring them higher and higher to new levels of fitness? Listen to Ahdi Dasuqi, an appreciator of the brain-body connection and giving the best to his trusting clients!

Do you want what Ahdi has? Let's talk! DM Jessica Woodruff to apply.

P.S.: Thank you, Ahdi, for this candid and hope-giving interview!

Videos (show all)

You may consider the Vibrate-A-Way Technique to be the untold solution to chronic pain, but did you know it's also a per...
Wise words about the current state of musculoskeletal care!
The ethos of Vibrate-A-Way from Day 1 has been one of standing up to poor standards and raising them. Do not settle, whe...
The Vibrate-A-Way take on Wrists, Hands, Carpal Tunnel & Tension!
Tune in! "The Future of Pain Relief" by Dr. Daniel Woodruff
What is Vibrate-A-Way? All You Need To Know
Experience Vibrate-A-Way: Feel Lighter, Move Freer, Look Better! The Vibrate-A-Way Technique offers a holistic and lasti...
More life-changing testimonials regarding Vibrate-A-Way's ability to bring pain relief by addressing the brain's role in...
Vibrate-A-Way's positive worldwide impact continues to grow!
An entertaining and eye-opening story about 5 monkeys, and how it relates to humans in healthcare & beyond! Give it a wa...
It's time for us to revolutionize healthcare throughout the world! Woodruff Chiropractic closes next Friday, to allow Dr...
Less than 3 days remaining to join our Beta Neuromuscular Resonance Technique (NMRT) Specialist Certification Program at...
