Whispering Path Yoga

Whispering Path Yoga

Tami Killam is a Yoga Teacher who is 500 RYT certified by Yoga Alliance and Reiki Master Teacher. Contact me to explore ways to incorporate yoga into your life.

Contact me to explore ways to incorporate Yoga, Reiki & Meditation into your life. Tami Killam is a yoga instructor 500 RYT certified by Yoga Alliance.


It’s time to put yourself on the calendar every month. You work hard and your body, mind & soul needs rejuvenation. Highly recommend becoming a member at Whispering Path Holistic Massage and let Yogini Tami inspire, motivate and take care of your energy every month so you can feel your best while you work hard in life. Let Whispering Path be your sanctuary from the demands of life to elevate your energy for your highest good and best possible outcome. We all need reminders to take the best care of our selves. Schedule your monthly session @ www.whisperingpathmassage.com


Please follow Whispering Path Holistic Massage on Instagram and Facebook. New massage business in Seekonk, MA. 😊 www.whisperingpathmassage.com


I am beyond the moon happy… my business sign is up at the base of the stairs going up to my energy space. I got all the feels! I am open! This is real! My dream is manifested! Schedule a massage at www.whisperingpathmassage.com 😊


I am so excited to officially tell you Whispering Path Holistic Massage is open in Seekonk, MA. It’s time to schedule a massage and feel amazing at www.whisperingpathmassage.com


So excited to receive my massage license. I am officially a Licensed Massage Therapist. Now on to applying for the solo establishment license. Whispering Path Holistic Massage opening in May 2024. 🕉😊 www.whisperingpathmassage.com


Wow! Reflecting on the journey and excited to see what’s to come! Whispering Path Holistic Massage Coming Soon 😊 www.whisperingpathmassage.com


How do you love all over yourself? How do you manifest peace in your mind? ❤️🕉 www.whisperingpathmassage.com


What seeds are you planting with the new moon energy? 🌙 www.whisperingpathmassage.com


We plant lots of seeds on our journey. Some seeds sprout and others do not. Some sprouts grow roots. Some roots grow deep. The roots that grow deep represent what we put our energy into and show up for in life. What we make a priority and put energy towards impacts those deep roots because we believe, trust, love and care for everything those roots represent. Life sometimes sends you a curve ball and the thoughts in the mind got your soul feeling lost and confused. What once felt like a strong foundational root system, now has all the feels of fear and uncertainty which leave you vulnerable and scared of what’s to come. Remember you only have control over how you show up, behave and what you put your energy into. Show up in a way that values your own self worth while respecting all involved. When you feel lost, find your roots. Look at those deep roots and remember your why. Those roots did not grow deep without love, care and lots of value and prioritization for what’s in your life. When things get a little rough, don’t cut off the oxygen supply to your deep roots. During this time give more oxygen to help those roots you worked so hard to grow survive. The mind will tell you to walk away but your soul knows better. Your soul has an intimate connection with the roots you have grown. Those deep roots know you on a deep level and know what your heart desires. Those deep roots are strong and when you reconnect with them, they will help you be strong and show up with love, care, trust and belief that all for you will show up with a back and forth energetic pour. It all begins with you showing up with an open soul to receive with understanding and willingness to rebuild trust and give love and receive love. Don’t give up on what’s important to you on your journey. Treasure all of these moments because these moments also impact the growth of deep roots and your deep foundational root system.❤️ 🌱 www.whisperingpathmassage.com


You Feel Me? Happy Full Moon! Just let it go… 🌝 www.whisperingpathmassage.com


When did it become a bad thing to ask for help or extra support while going through a challenging time? When did people start looking at that as a sign of weakness. It is very challenging to admit to the self that the struggle is so real that extra support is needed to move through the challenge. It takes a lot of strength and vulnerability to admit help is needed and to ask for that help. After many bad experiences with asking for help, I learned that I could only rely on my self. I have had to do a lot of soul work to conquer that limiting belief, and try again to gain courage to ask for support and extra help during my times of need. In my experience asking for help is not always met with an open soul and willingness to show up by others. I have to understand and accept that all people are not like me. If someone asks me for help, I do everything I can to show up even if I have so much going on in my own life. My hope for myself is that I keep an open soul and continue to find the strength I need to admit I need help and ask for it. And I hope my asking for help will be met with compassion, love and the authenticity to want to show up for me and my challenging time of need. Let’s cultivate an environment where people feel heard, seen and loved by the support of showing up for one another in all of life’s weather. Today I focus on the fact that sometimes you need extra support… and that’s okay. ❤️ www.whisperingpathmassage.com


“I am a Phoenix and I shall Rise.” Yogini Tami 🔥 Very thankful today for my Bestie reminding me that I am a Phoenix. This became my mantra today. I am just like all of you who have challenges and stuff to move through. I appreciated my Bestie listening to my words but also listening to my unspoken word and could feel my vibe today. Thank you for showing up for me and encouraging me to rise again. Yes, I embody Phoenix energy and when I crash and burn I always get back up stronger. Some days are challenging and I am truly thankful for all the support that encourages me to spread my wings and rise again. As another amazing person told me this week “We Rise Together”. And I felt that… Flames & Wings Baby 🔥🪽 www.whisperingpathmassage.com


It’s time to take care of your cellular needs and schedule a foot bath for cellular cleansing. Release toxins so the cells of your body can return to homeostasis and work for your highest and best. The body is suppose to be able to heal itself but toxins and lifestyle choices make it difficult. Your body needs the right environment and tools to heal. Experience a detox foot bath and make your body, mind & soul happy. FEBRUARY 2024 SPECIAL… BOOK A FOOT BATH AND GET A FREE FOOT MASSAGE. 🕉❤️ Go to www.whisperingpath.yoga to schedule your foot bath in February. If you are a monthly member, you get special membership pricing. www.whisperingpathmassage.com


At Whispering Path Holistic Massage you get to do your practice first and then settle in for a relaxing rejuvenating massage. When you do your practice first, everything else falls into place. Make your practice & self care a priority. 🕉 www.whisperingpathmassage.com


Exciting News… I have completed my course of study with Optimum Energetics Systems and I am now certified as a foot bath practitioner. Whispering Path Yoga soon to be Whispering Path Holistic Massage is now offering Copper Ionic Detox Foot baths. Give your body the gift of cellular cleansing and rejuvenation. 🕉 www.whisperingpathmassage.com


All posts will soon be transitioning to only the Whispering Path Holistic Massage Instagram & pages. Please follow so you can continue to receive great content about taking the best care of you! www.whisperingpathmassage.com .


This beautiful sun room is the home to Whispering Path Yoga and soon to be Whispering Path Holistic Massage. This sacred energy space is where Yogini Tami takes the best care of beautiful souls through yoga, reiki, meditation, polarity therapy, lomi lomi bodywork and coming soon massage. Yogini Tami specializes in seeing private clients and supporting the soul wellness of amazing human beings. Let’s all manifest body, mind & soul balance creating harmony within that flows to all areas of life. Reach out if your soul is asking for amazing energy care & self care. 🕉 www.whisperingpathmassage.com


I am committed to my soul wellness and I continue to choose to do all that encourages body, mind & soul harmony within myself. Every day I work hard to choose to flow from the soul and embody Phoenix Fire energy. I try to have santosha for what is and gratitude for everything that happens to me on my soul’s journey. Life does get challenging especially when dancing with chronic illness but I am determined to dance my best dance. And today I realize how important the little things have become in my life. I know it sounds silly but today I am just riding a high vibration because I treated myself to some new funky overalls. It’s little but today that little thing was huge in elevating my vibration. I know overalls are just a material thing and I typically focus on soulful connections and interactions with others but today I am honoring all of it. My connection with others, my connection with myself and all the bells and whistles that I get to experience in life. I am grateful for all the little things, big things and experiences in my life because all of this has allowed me to discover my true authentic self and live my best life. Here I am rising up again sharing my journey so we can all feel heard and rise up together. You feel me? ❤️ www.whisperingpathmassage.com


The crash and burn is where you gather the strength to spread your wings and rise once again. Set your mindset to always embody the energy of the Phoenix and rise up again and again. This fiery bird always rises up no matter what. You feel me? Let’s take flight together! Flames & Wings Baby! 🔥🪽 www.whisperingpathmassage.com


When you show up on your mat, your practice will meet you where you are. 2023 was a very challenging medical year for me and I had to accept my body just could not do what my mind wanted to do on my mat. I had to have a lot of patience with myself and accept where I was in the moment. As I continue to heal my body from a huge set back I am seeing the healing & Phoenix energy rising. I can feel my body getting stronger as well as my practice. It is with great joy in my soul I am working on my inversions again in my practice. Loving my body for continuing to rise up and show up for my practice. I am feeling goofy happy to be upside down again. I am so grateful for my practice and it’s ever changing flow to meet all my needs. 🕉 www.whisperingpathmassage.com


I am preparing for 365 days of practice in 2024. What are you preparing in order to elevate your soul wellness for 2024? I have many practices I engage in to elevate my soul wellness. I am confident I will practice for at least 30 minutes daily and choose the practices that best serve in the moment. Hope others will join me in 365 Days Of Practice in 2024. Share how you will elevate your soul wellness in 2024 in the comments. Peace, Love & Namaste ☮️❤️🕉 www.whisperingpathmassage.com


Beginning my gym workout with a yoga practices feeds my body, mind & soul goodness. Remind yourself of your why. Why do you put energy into your soul wellness and feeling your best? I take the best care of my body, mind and soul so I can move through this life feeling amazing. If I have to dance with chronic illness, I want it to be the best dance. I want to be the best massage athlete so I can take the best care of beautiful souls. When I give my body, mind & soul what it needs, I am my best for myself and others. Make 2024 your year to take the best care of you. Make your soul wellness a priority. Let Yogini Tami guide you and motivate you to practice. 🕉 www.whisperingpathmassage.com


What does your holiday practice look like? I am foam rolling and doing yoga in my holiday pajamas today. Practice every day does a soul good. Peace, Love & Namaste ✌️❤️🙏🕉 www.whisperingoathmassage.com


Every day connection with beautiful souls is the best gift on my soul’s journey. Words cannot express how thankful I am when beautiful souls choose to connect with me. Thank you for wanting me in your life and gifting me your time and love. I love the unconditional love and forgiveness vibe and embracing all the parts of each other. Show up as your true authentic self and the magic of real connection happens. ❤️ www.whisperingpathmassage.com


Thank you for all your support during the transformation of Whispering Path Yoga to Whispering Path Holistic Massage coming in 2024. Happy Holidays from our family to yours. Peace, Love & Namaste ✌️❤️🙏🕉 www.whisperingpathmassage.com


When you embody the vibration of love, you move through the world with the best of intentions. However, sometimes your best of intentions does not get received well and you are misunderstood. The ho’oponopono practice is amazing for clearing energy between 2 beautiful souls and gaining better understanding of the energy and thoughts behind the actions that were misunderstood. This practice allows both souls to show up in the vibration of love and accept all the parts of each other and bring the practice of forgiveness into their relationship. The ho’oponopono practice is powerful and embodies the vibration of love. ❤️🕉 www.whisperingpathmassage.com ’oponopono


Happy Winter Solstice ❄️ www.whisperingpathmassage.com


I may have crashed and burned a million times this year but my secret is when I am down I am building strength and Shakti power. I embody the energy of a phoenix and nothing is going to keep me down. It’s time to rise back up again like the Phoenix. You feel my energy? Flames & Wings Baby! I am learning and growing and transforming into my best authentic self every day! I love connecting with others to support their soul wellness. Let’s share our stories and rise. 🔥🪽❤️🌊 www.whisperingpathmassage.com

Our Story

Tami Killam is a yoga instructor certified by Yoga Alliance and a Reiki Master. Contact me to explore ways to incorporate Yoga and Reiki into your life.

Videos (show all)

Spread the word… Whispering Path Holistic Massage is open in Seekonk, MA. Check out www.whisperingpathmassage.com Schedu...
It’s time for you to take the best care of you! Yogini Tami at Whispering Path Holistic Massage is ready to take the bes...
It’s OFFICIAL! Whispering Path Holistic Massage LLC is OPEN  for business in Seekonk, MA. It’s time to take care of your...
How can you choose to move pass your perceived blocks? What if this time was different? Get connected with your energy a...
What practices are going to be your jumper cables? 🔥🕉 www.whisperingpathmassage.com #yoga #massage #reiki #polaritythera...
Are your thoughts, actions & words throwing road blocks up for what is in true soul alignment for you? ❤️ www.whispering...
So thankful for my clients. I feel alive! 🔥 www.whisperingpathmassage.com #soulonfire
Checking in to see how you are feeling? Are you taking the best care of yourself? Peace, Love & Namaste ✌️❤️🕉 www.whispe...
Copper Ionic Detox Foot Baths are now available at Whispering Path Yoga in Seekonk MA. $65 Member $58. Soon Whispering P...
In order for me to feel my best and be the best healer for others I must do my practices consistently. Motivating myself...
Love all over yourself! ❤️ www.whisperingoath.yoga #soulwellness #selfcare
