
Project RESPECT's new logo
Here is some soothing music for those feeling anxious or want something calming to listen to.
Project Respect would like to thank all the people who have helped us out in order to continue to help those in need of our services. We are very grateful and continue to reach out to new and long time clients. We hope you remain healthy during this difficult time.
It's National Human Trafficking Prevention Month, so this we're talking about human trafficking. If you think it's not happening where you live, you're probably wrong. Human trafficking has been reported in every single county in Wisconsin. We are so grateful to the groups who are working so hard to combat this problem. Thank you Project Respect and WE International Inc. for partnering with us on our anti-human trafficking event in July and the hard work you do throughout the year. Thank you also to Zeteo Community Homes, Every Daughter, and Collaboration Project for all that you do to make Madison a safer place. 💙

You deserve support. You deserve understanding. You deserve dignity. It is confidential as is all of our services. Or you can just come and listen.

Company Overview
Some of the services Project Respect provides are:

-Counseling/Case Management: Free for all who are trying to find a way to transition into a different type of life. Some of the things that you can get help with on the case management side is: Housing Assistance, Food, Clothing, Help finding a suitable job, help getting into school, help with SSI/SSDI, Help with organizing, movi

Piano Music Radio • Relax, Study, Sleep 25/03/2020

Here is some soothing music for those feeling anxious or want something calming to listen to.

Piano Music Radio • Relax, Study, Sleep Beautiful piano music 24/7 live stream featuring relaxing music by me, Peder B. Helland. Suitable as study music, sleep music, meditation music and backgroun...


Project Respect would like to thank all the people who have helped us out in order to continue to help those in need of our services. We are very grateful and continue to reach out to new and long time clients. We hope you remain healthy during this difficult time.

Timeline photos 04/07/2016
Pimp’s 97-year sentence marks turning point against s*x trafficking 25/04/2016

Pimp’s 97-year sentence marks turning point against s*x trafficking Before the guilty verdicts, before the hefty prison sentence, before what has been declared a landmark victory for San Francisco’s antitrafficking efforts, there was just a girl in a revealing dress, sitting in an interview room at the police station. When San Francisco police Sgt. Tony Flores met h…

Timeline photos 26/02/2016

YOU raised a MASSIVE SHOUT for FREEDOM yesterday and let the world know that slavery still exists. Awareness is doing the work, but it's only the beginning. Awareness must lead to ACTION. Together we can END IT! ❌

Timeline photos 24/02/2016

Join us for our National Honor Society's GAME NIGHT this Friday, February 26th from 6-9pm in the Cafenasium. $3 admission includes games and FREE PIZZA AND ICECREAM! Come play games like Spoons, Fifa, Futsal, Smash Brothers, Settlers of Catan and more. Win treats and giftcards at the famous cakewalk and raffle! Proceeds benefit Project Respect, an organization working to help victims of s*x trafficking in Madison.

Timeline photos 13/11/2015

.:: You're invited ::.
It's a lovely caring, connecting time.for all of project respect :)
.we will love to see you there.

Please call or check in for thoes outside of case management

Timeline photos 04/11/2015

: Today, FREEDOM came to 15 male survivors in South Africa! This is the largest group of male survivors we’ve assisted at one time.
These men endured terrible labor exploitation after falling prey to a trafficker’s false employment promise. At the hands of their withholders, they worked grueling hours and didn’t receive water or proper meals. With the help from amazing partners, we were able to assist these men in safe repatriation to their homes and families!
We are as we fight to bring freedom to all nations!


Some of my friends know how important it is to me to burst the bubble on Human trafficking This is a great example of what can happen.
It's slavery, pure and simple.


What Is Human Trafficking?

Human trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery. This crime occurs when a trafficker uses force, fraud or coercion to control another person for the purpose of engaging in commercial s*x acts or soliciting labor or services against his/her will.

8 Minutes - Resources - Exclusive 10/04/2015

8 Minutes - Resources - Exclusive Learn more about the resources used to help victims of human trafficking on 8 Minutes on A&E TV.

Timeline photos 23/03/2015

Sexual exploitation happens here right in our back yard. 90% of girls in the Dane County Juvenile Detention Center have been victims of commercial s*xual exploitation.
Check out ďżźthe Proclamation to End the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children, in collaboration with Project Respect, Madison PD, Dane County Sheriff's Dept., Madison Metropolitan School District, Dane County Coordinated Community Response to Sexual Assault, and many others!

End Demand Wisconsin 19/02/2015

"•Human trafficking is the crime of buying and selling of women, men and children to be exploited in the commercial s*x industry and other forms of forced labor.
•Human trafficking is the most severe form of human exploitation.
•Human trafficking is a gross violation of human rights.
•Human trafficking occurs in Wisconsin, the United States and world-wide.
•Human trafficking is fueled by demand."

Take the pledge today.

End Demand Wisconsin Pledge to End Demand in Wisconsin I UNDERSTAND THAT: * Human trafficking is the crime of buying and selling of women, men and children to be exploited in the commercial s*x industry and other forms of forced labor. * Human trafficking is the most severe form of human exploitation. * Human traffickin…

Mobile uploads 12/02/2015

Join or start a team at today & help bring Freedom to the 27 million.

This Might Be The Most Powerful Commercial Ever Created 12/02/2015


This Might Be The Most Powerful Commercial Ever Created When we think about Super Bowl commercials, they typically fit a certain mold. They’re funny and cute and clever. They feature adorable animals. They leave us feeling good about ourselves and a product we should go out and buy.

Mobile uploads 12/12/2014

I'm so excited to be presenting a preview of Propel Women during Christmasland in the Nokia Theatre LA tonight. It's going to be a powerful night of worship with Kari Jobe, Jenn Johnson & Hillsong ...

Timeline photos 12/12/2014

Give the gift of light this Christmas!

Mobile uploads 12/12/2014

I loved having a moment to share some of the Propel Women dream last night at Christmasland in the Nokia Theatre LA. "When God wanted JESUS to be birthed on earth he found a woman. Mary. There are some things only a woman can birth. God has filled you with potential & purpose, we want to help Propel you to destiny. As followers of Christ, we are called to lead others to him. Propel Is for women who lead. That's you" Join us today!

Mobile uploads 12/12/2014

This is my FAVORITE!!!! Have you joined us on Facebook yet? You are so welcome to be a part of Propel Women


Drop in group, tomorrow night and every Thursday night 6-8pm
hope to see you all there :)


Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!

-Audrey Hepburn

Timeline photos 02/05/2014

They should put this on every mirror!


Hope to see you all there Sunday
cookout with Jan's awesome Grillin!
Call for extra details

Blackhawk Church: Love Madison 02/05/2014

Blackhawk Church: Love Madison NO WORSHIP SERVICES ON MAY 4No regular Sunday services will be held at Blackhawk Brader Way, Blackhawk Downtown or Blackhawk Fitchburg on Sunday, May 4. Instead, we will be worshiping by serving our communities in tangible ways. Click here for information about Love Madison and a list of projects.

