Stephanie Mead Creative

Stephanie Mead Creative

Trauma-Sensitive Marketing Consulting and Coaching


The other day I was pondering life and wondering why it is that I understand digital marketing and audiences so well.

Besides the obvious (masters degree and work experience).

Where did this start?

After all every thing starts somewhere.

For me it started when I moved to Washington from Montana as a teen. It was a hard move for me. I left behind everything I've ever know.

Being a shy kid it was hard to make new friends.

I literally sat outside by myself eating lunch until the weather wouldn't allow it and I had to muster up the courage to ask to sit with people inside.

Lucky for me around this time the chatting and meeting friends online was taking off.

For a shy person talking to faceless people just seemed easier.

I made tons of friends through chatrooms, online diary sites and then places like Myspace.

It was easy to build friendships and connect with people through words. (that's all we had)

Looking back on all that now...I can see it played a pivotal role in what I do now.

I help businesses fine tune their digital marketing messages and figure out the best way to reach the people they want to connect with.

All because I was a shy kid who liked the internet world better than the real world! 😄

Oh and to those who thought I was wasting my time....🤷‍♀️ Guess it worked out.


👉You want to grow your social media presence?

Follow these 3 Tips!

⭐1. Shareable Content - If you want to grow your presence it is important to create content that resonates with your audience and is something they will want to share or save.

*It should still be on brand for you. Content that is made only for getting views and shares that doesn't fit your brand WILL bring in the wrong audience. If this happens you're going to see low engagement and low conversions.

⭐2. Post With Purpose -
Sure funny Reels with trending music will grow your presence. But if it doesn't fit your brand you will be attracting the wrong audience. This means you're not getting quality leads.

Posting just to post content won't work either. If you want to grow your presence and make content that is shareable there has to be a purpose behind it.

⭐3. Actively Connect With Others - You've likely heard this one a million times but you have to be social on social media.

This means going through your feed and your stories and talking with your current followers AND finding accounts that are in your niche to comment and start conversations with.

Please don't seek out accounts and simply pitch them your services.


This will help grow your presence and show people who come across your content that you aren't all about the sale.

These tips work for any social media platform. (Minus the Reels bit)

👉Be sure to Follow for more tips, tricks and advice on social media!

👉Need help with your social media presence? Head over to my website and lets talk about how I can help your business!


Imagine tossing a pebble into a pond and watching the ripples extend outward, then somehow, those ripples find their way back to you with messages from the water.

Feedback loops are all about sending out messages (your marketing efforts), observing the reactions (how your audience responds), and then using those insights to refine and improve future messages.

It's a cycle of learning and growth that hinges on two key actions: listening and adapting.


Listening can be direct feedback or indirect. It might be comments or emails that come directly to your business.

It is also important to listen to what people are saying to your competition. The information you can gain is incredibly valuable. It can help you learn what to do and what not to do.

What's the most insightful feedback you've received from your audience? Share below!


Marketing that is the most successful, whether from a small business or a huge corporation, always understands the audience they are trying to reach with their messaging.

This understanding isn't just a one-time insight; it's a continuous journey.

As the world changes, so do the lives, preferences, and needs of our audience.

Successful marketing adapts, evolves, and grows with its audience, ensuring that the message not only resonates today but continues to engage and inspire tomorrow.


Are you building trust in your marketing?


Let's have fun! Tell me something that adult you does that teenage you would laugh at. (We all have those moments)


A reminder of the impact our words have. Each sentence we craft in our marketing efforts carries the potential to resonate deeply with someone's experiences, beliefs, and emotions.

This means stepping into our audience's shoes, understanding their needs, fears, and dreams, and speaking to them with genuine care and respect.

It means moving beyond transactional interactions to build genuine relationships, where trust and empathy are the foundations upon which we build our brands.

You know what happens when you build genuine relationships? Your audience sticks around, they buy from you, they trust you and they tell everyone else about you too!


It's no secret that certain marketing tactics can feel intrusive, overwhelming, or just plain annoying.

But which ones are truly the biggest turn-offs?

Let's get the conversation started!

Let me know below which marketing tactic you find the least appealing.


The confusing and opaque marketing is over.

Audiences crave clarity, sincerity, and respect.

Do you agree?

Let me know below!


The digital space is saturated with messages clamoring for attention, we must make sure our messages are clear and respectful.

This means taking into consideration the diverse stories behind every person who reads your message.

This isn't just about making sure the words are understood; it's about valuing the time, emotions, and experiences of our audience. '

It's about knowing our messages can touch a heart, spark a thought, or soothe a wound.

Because at its core, marketing is about connection.

I dive deep into the essence of clarity and respect in my latest blog post and I invite you to read it for further insight into this topic.


I like having options.

And I know that I am not alone in that.

So here is what I am doing.

Marketing Clarity™ is expanding. This is my marketing framework program that helps people build their marketing for long-term success.

And I believe SO strongly in this that I wanted to be inclusive about learning environments.

Here are the options -

Group Program - Starts March 20, for those who want to learn in a community setting with weekly meetings.

1:1 Coaching - For those who learn better in a one-to-one setting. This option is available as soon as you want to start. (Space is limited)

Self-Paced Course - This is for those who want to take things at their own pace. You will walk through the same topics that I do in the other two options but at your pace. (Information List is open and I will announce the open date through emails).

This isn't how the "experts" tell you how to do this. But that shouldn't surprise anyone that I don't do what the "experts" tell me.

Because we don't all fit into the same box and there should be options for those who want them.

Details will be in the c o m m e n t s

Photos from Stephanie Mead Creative's post 06/03/2024

📣 Customer experience matters!

Customers choose you and or your business because it resonates with them.

Think about people who are raving fans of big brands like Subaru, Nike, etc.

These brands understand their customer and the customer journey.

It's just as important if not more important for small businesses to understand the customer journey.

Need help mapping out your customer journey?

Join me on March 20 inside Marketing Clarity™ a coaching program that walks you through this and other important aspects of marketing your business.

Not into groups? I also offer this 1:1.

🔗 In comments.


Let me help turn your marketing into a HECK yes for your audience!!


The truth is most entrepreneurs find marketing difficult.

And the even bigger truth is, if you don't create a solid foundation for marketing your business, it won't get any easier.

But I want it to be easier for you.

I want you to not h a t e marketing your business.

This is why I've started up my Marketing Clarity™ Coaching program again.

And if you have any questions my DM's are always open.


Have you ever wondered why some small businesses seem to just get it when it comes to marketing, while others struggle to make a splash?

Well, it’s all about strategy. Yep, you heard right. A solid marketing strategy is the secret sauce for small businesses looking to stand out in today’s fast-paced and highly competitive market.

Check out my newest blog post 🔗 in comments.


Kinda sorta marketing your business... isn't actually helping.


Are you making the shift?

Photos from Stephanie Mead Creative's post 12/02/2024

Facebook has a new option for creating content! This option is only available on mobile apps.

When you create a post you will be able to have AI help you if you desire.

And of course as always remember to add that human touch to any AI you use so that you don't sound like a robot.

(P.S...didn't use AI for this post).


I've been having some great conversation around this idea and thought why not see what LinkedIn thinks?

What were talking about is using psychological marketing tactics that evoke shame in the person receiving the marketing.

My marketing philosophy is "do no harm" and that clearly doesn't leave space for making someone feel shameful.

But I'm fully aware that there are entire industries (health and fitness come to mind) who solely market on making people feel shame or unhappy about how they look/feel.

I would love to challenge some companies using this marketing method to test out changing the message and tone to attract people to their businesses with kindness and compassion.


I've noticed that everyone's marketing is starting looks, sound and feel the same.

This is absolutely dangerous for small businesses.

When your marketing looks like everyone else's marketing you become part of the noise.

You're unremembered and that isn't going to sell services.

There is value in finding your real voice and sharing that.

Ready to embrace REAL marketing?

Slide into my DM or visit my 🔗 to learn about my coaching or management services.


The last few years have been a test in working on personal growth and professional growth.

Building a business, working on myself, homeschooling and being a wife, mother and friend has been wonderful but it's also been hard.

I'm not complaining, I've chosen these things (except for Lyme Disease that chose me).

The work I've done has made me a better business owner, better wife, mom and person in general and I'm darn proud.

You might be wondering how I'm going to tie this all into some marketing lesson.

I'm not...

This isn't a marketing lesson, this is a lesson on doing the things you need to do so that you can live the life you imagine.


The urge to use ! and 😂😊 and lol in all my emails.


In a world that’s always speaking, the act of listening becomes revolutionary.

Especially in marketing.

Listening to your audience is at the heart of gentle marketing.

It's about understanding their needs, fears, and dreams.

It’s about creating solutions that truly resonate.

Use surveys, social media interactions, and feedback mechanisms to hear what your audience is saying.

Then, create your strategies to align with their needs.

This is marketing that cares, marketing that makes a difference.

Listen more, and your strategy will be not only successful but meaningful.


Stories have the power to move hearts and minds.

In your marketing, storytelling is not just a tool; it's an art.

Incorporating personal stories, client journeys, and transformative experiences into your content does more than just sell a creates a bond.

Every story you tell should resonate with your audience's experiences and aspirations.

It's about showing them the possibilities and guiding them gently towards the outcome you would like them to take.

Which could be signing up for a program, grabbing a freebie, or simply commenting.

Embrace storytelling, and watch your brand narrative evolve and connect on a deeper level.


In a world where aggressive marketing tactics are common, I stand for something different something I like to call Gentle Marketing. It's not just a strategy; it's a philosophy.

Gentle marketing is about connection, not coercion. It's about understanding your audience deeply and speaking to them with empathy and authenticity.

It doesn't mean you can't still be fierce or funny. It just means that you consider the people you're trying to reach when crafting your marketing.

Why gentle marketing? Because trust and relationships are everything in building a business.

My goal is to make your audience feel understood, supported, and valued - not just another number in a sales funnel.


My response to a question asked about "What can businesses learn from Stanley."

The biggest take away for me is being willing and able to see the big picture.

Did anyone at Stanley think they would go viral years ago.. probably not.

But as they saw the rise of this they were able to make shifts and changes as needed to ride the wave and for now keep that momentum going.

I've seen businesses (smaller ones) go viral but never actually use that as momentum for more sales or more whatever they need in their business.

For whatever reason (resources, knowledge) they don't know how to make it work for them and keep it going.

The big take away is being able to strategize and turn the views into something.


Most small businesses focus on filling the funnel but fail to get people to the next levels.

For those that are unaware your customers go through a journey (the funnel).

The top of the funnel or first stage is filling the funnel.

You're probably really good at this. This looks like getting people to follow you on socials and growing there.

But this is also where a lot of people get stuck.

🤔 Wondering why these people aren't getting on the email list or even going beyond that and becoming a paying customer.

The answer to this is complex and really requires a deep look at the entire funnel, messaging and more.

But you want a simple answer...

So here is what I want you to do.

 • check to see if you've got a strong message(is it clear to your audience)
 • are you using a call to action?
 • do you have an opt-in that entices people to sign up for your email list?
 • are you using your email list to nurture the people on it? (not just boring newsletters)
 • do your offers make sense for your audience (pricing & do people need/want it).

Hope this helps.

For more marketing tips

Creating Connections

Our world is so incredibly interconnected, we can talk to someone on the opposite side of the world instantly. With these amazing abilities to connect with others, we have also become disconnected.

Digital marketing helps you connect with your audience! Customers can connect with your business through email, social media, Pinterest, websites, videos not to mention traditional means such as print ads, radio ads , etc. There are a lot of methods for you to “talk” to your audience, but are they hearing you?

Are you super frusterated and don’t know where to turn when it comes to marketing your business online? No worries, it’s my job to take those frustrations away and help you reach your customers online. I do this by developing a marketing plan, managing that plan and helping YOU get more customers.

Grow your business online, by creating a solid foundation. Develop the know, like, trust factor through strategic branding and marketing.

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Opening Hours

Monday 09:30 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:30 - 19:00
Wednesday 09:30 - 19:00
Thursday 09:30 - 19:00
Friday 09:30 - 19:00