Open Door Family Medical Center

Open Door Family Medical Center

As a Federally Qualified Health Center, Open Door provides top-notch health care to those who are hardest to reach, regardless of their ability to pay.

Since our beginning in the basement of the First Baptist Church in 1972, our aim has remained constant: to provide high-quality health care that’s affordable, accessible, and efficient. Often we serve patients who may not otherwise have access to care – including low-income families and individuals without insurance.

Photos from Open Door Family Medical Center's post 07/09/2024

Open Door Family Medical Center is excited to partner with Project Mover!

E-Bikeshare is coming to the Village of Ossining! Borrowing an e-bike will give Ossining residents and visitors another way to get around, whether you don’t want to drive or just want a quick and easy way to get where you need to go! The Project MOVER 2024 pilot will feature 50 bikes and 11 docking stations in key locations throughout the Village. Priced at $1 to unlock a bike and 12 cents a minute, riders will be able to borrow bikes using both reloadable cash cards or credit cards. Visit and download the app to learn more.

¡Open Door Family Medical Center se complace en ser socio de Project Mover!

E-Bikeshare llegará al pueblo de Ossining. Tomar prestada una e-bike dará a los residentes y visitantes de Ossining otra forma de transportarse, tanto si no quiere conducir como si sólo quiere una forma rápida y fácil de llegar a donde necesita ir. El proyecto piloto MOVER 2024 contará con 50 bicicletas y 11 estaciones de acoplamiento en lugares clave de todo el pueblo. A un precio de 1 $ para acceder a una bicicleta y 12 centavos por minuto, los usuarios podrán tomar prestadas las bicicletas utilizando tarjetas recargables en efectivo o tarjetas de crédito. Visite y descargue la aplicación para obtener más información.


If you or a family member are currently enrolled in Medicaid, Child Health Plus, or the Essential Plan, it’s important to stay up to date with renewals. NY State of Health will be sending notices to inform you of when it’s time to renew your health insurance. Learn more:

Si usted o un familiar están actualmente inscritos en Medicaid, Child Health Plus o Essential Plan es importante que estén actualizados con las renovaciones. NY State of Health les informará cuándo deberán renovar el seguro médico. Más información en:


**Thank You to Our Sponsor!**

A big thank you to Ossining Open Door for supporting this year's Hispanic Cultural Festival! 🎉 Your generosity helps us celebrate our vibrant heritage and bring the community together. We couldn't do it without you!

Ossining Padres Hispanos Inc. agradece a Open Door Family Medical Center por ser parte de los Sponsors del Festival Hispano en Ossining y por colaborar con nuestro Resource Center


Happy Labor Day from Open Door Family Medical Center. Please note that we will be closed today, September 2, and will reopen during normal business hours tomorrow, Tuesday, September 3. Thank you and have a safe holiday.

Feliz Día del Labor de parte de Open Door Family Medical Center. Por favor, tenga en cuenta que estaremos cerrados hoy, 2 de septiembre, y volveremos a abrir en horario normal mañana, martes, 3 de septiembre. Gracias y que tengan unas buenas fiestas.


Open Door was pleased to be part of the 35th Annual Port Chester Day Celebration in Lyon Park on Saturday, August 24. Our team connected with those who visited our table, and we shared valuable information on our wide variety of services and programs. We thank We thank the Village of Port Chester, New York Recreation for hosting a successful community event!

Open Door tuvo el placer de formar parte de la 35a Celebración Anual del Día de Port Chester en Lyon Park el sábado 24 de agosto. Nuestro equipo se conectó con aquellos que visitaron nuestra mesa, y compartimos información valiosa sobre nuestra amplia variedad de servicios y programas. ¡Agradecemos el departamento de Recreación de Port Chester por organizar un exitoso evento comunitario!


The U.S. National Weather Service (NWS) has issued a Heat Advisory in Westchester County for Wednesday, August 28 from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. During this period, heat and humidity are expected to combine to make outdoor temperatures feel close to 101 degrees.

With heat, humidity and air quality in mind, the Westchester County Department of Health reminds residents that these conditions pose significant health risks. To counter the effects, drink plenty of water, avoid strenuous outdoor activities, and check on vulnerable family members and neighbors.

Read more here:

Photos from Open Door Family Medical Center's post 26/08/2024

Community Health Education Specialist Open Door’s Community Health Education Specialist is here to answer your questions about health, COVID-19 and vaccinations. For assistance, please call 914-488-6318.

El especialista en educación de salud comunitaria de Open Door está aquí para responder a sus preguntas sobre su salud, COVID-19 y vacunas. Para obtener ayuda, llame al 914-488-6318.


August is Summer Sun Safety Month. During the summer, people spend more time outdoors, so it is important to be aware of how to protect your skin from too much sun exposure.

• Shade: When possible, reduce your risk of sun damage and skin cancer by being in shade.
• Sunscreen: You should use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF (sun protection factor) of at least 15 (higher SPF numbers offer better protection).
• Hats: A wide-brimmed hat helps protect your face, ears, head, and neck.
• Sunglasses: Sunglasses that block both UVA and UVB rays offer the best protection.

Learn more:

Agosto es el Mes de la Seguridad Solar en verano. Durante el verano, la gente pasa más tiempo al aire libre, por lo que es importante ser consciente de cómo proteger la piel de una exposición excesiva al sol.

• A la sombra: Cuando sea posible, reduzca el riesgo de sufrir daños solares y cáncer de piel poniéndose a la sombra.
• Protector solar: Debe utilizar un protector solar de amplio espectro con un FPS (factor de protección solar) de al menos 15 (los números de FPS más altos ofrecen mejor protección).
• Sombreros: un sombrero de ala ancha ayuda a proteger la cara, las orejas, la cabeza y el cuello.
• Gafas de sol: Las gafas de sol que bloquean tanto los rayos UVA como los UVB ofrecen la mejor protección.

Más información:

Photos from Open Door Family Medical Center's post 23/08/2024

August is National Immunization Awareness Month, an annual observance highlighting the importance of getting recommended vaccines at various life stages. Vaccines protect against serious diseases. Speak with your health care provider to find out if you are up to date on your vaccinations.

Agosto es el Mes Nacional de Concienciación sobre la Inmunización, una celebración anual que destaca la importancia de recibir las vacunas recomendadas en las distintas etapas de la vida. Las vacunas protegen contra enfermedades graves. Hable con su médico para saber si está al día con sus vacunas.


August is National Eye Exam Month. Receiving routine eye exams can help protect your vision from cataracts and other eye diseases. Open Door offers vision care at our Ossining and Port Chester locations. To schedule an appointment, call 914-OD-CARES (914-632-2737).

Agosto es el mes nacional del examen ocular. Recibir exámenes oculares de rutina puede ayudar a proteger su visión de cataratas y otras enfermedades oculares. Open Door ofrece cuidado de la vista en nuestras ubicaciones de Ossining y Port Chester. Para programar una cita, llame al 914-OD-CARES (914-632-2737).


On Monday, August 19, the team from the New York School-Based Health Foundation (NYSBHF) visited Open Door’s Ossining School-Based Health Centers. To learn more about our School-Based Health Centers, please visit

El lunes 19 de agosto, el equipo de la New York School-Based Health Foundation (NYSBHF) visitó los Centros de Salud Escolares de Open Door en Ossining. Para obtener más información sobre nuestros centros de salud escolares, visite


From August 4 through 10, 2024, Open Door celebrated National Health Center Week (NHCW), an annual observance that recognizes the hard work of health centers across the counter. We are proud to be featured on Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)'s National Health Center Week photo gallery, highlighting IEA’s Acting RA CAPT Dr. Chandak Ghosh’s recent visit to our Ossining site.

Del 4 al 10 de agosto de 2024, Open Door celebró la Semana Nacional de los Centros de Salud (NHCW), una celebración anual que reconoce el arduo trabajo de los centros de salud en todo el mostrador. Estamos orgullosos de aparecer en la galería de fotos de la Semana Nacional de los Centros de Salud de la HRSA, destacando la reciente visita del Dr. Chandak Ghosh a nuestro centro de Ossining.

Photos from Open Door Family Medical Center's post 20/08/2024

Girtman Memorial Church of the Living God celebrated their community health and wellness fair on Saturday, August 17 in Port Chester. Open Door was pleased to participate and provide information on our programs and services to those in attendance. We thank Lady D. Girtman and the Women’s Ministry for inviting us.

Girtman Memorial Church of the Living God celebró su feria comunitaria de salud y bienestar el sábado 17 de agosto en Port Chester. Open Door tuvo el placer de participar y ofrecer información sobre nuestros programas y servicios a los asistentes. Agradecemos a Lady D. Girtman y al Ministerio de la Mujer por invitarnos.

Photos from Open Door Family Medical Center's post 19/08/2024

Breast milk is the best source of nutrition for most babies and can help protect babies against certain illnesses.

La leche materna es la mejor fuente de nutrición para la mayoría de los bebés y puede ayudar a proteger a los bebés contra ciertas enfermedades.


Happy ! On this day, Open Door would like to recognize all the volunteers, staff, supporters, and partners for the positive impact that they continue to provide to the community. Together, we have built a network of dedicated individuals that boost Open Door’s mission to provide quality, affordable health care, regardless of one’s ability to pay. Thank you all for the work you have done, and continue to do for Open Door!


Don't miss important updates from NY State of Health, including when to renew your health insurance! Text START to 1-866-988-0327 to opt-in for text notifications.

¡No deje pasar importantes novedades de NY State of Health incluyendo cuándo renovar su seguro médico! Envíe INICIAR en un mensaje de texto al 1-866-9880327 para suscribirse y recibir notificaciones de texto

Photos from Down to Earth Markets's post 14/08/2024
Photos from Open Door Family Medical Center's post 14/08/2024

Golden Door es un programa gratis para todos los residentes del estado de Nueva York, sin importar su estatus de inmigración. El tiempo que pasan juntos en grupo tiene como objetivo darle la bienvenida a la comunidad y ofrecerle la oportunidad de hacer amigos y conexiones en su nuevo hogar. Para registrarse o conseguir más información, contacto Paolo Rodriguez, MS, LCAT, ATR-BC en [email protected] o 914-918-4264.

Golden Door is a free program for all New York State residents regardless of immigration status. The group time is intended to welcome you to the community and offer an opportunity to make friends and connections in your new home. For registration or more information, contact Paolo Rodriguez, MS, LCAT, ATR-BC at [email protected] or 914-918-4264.

Photos from Open Door Family Medical Center's post 13/08/2024

Open Door and WIC (Women, Infants and Children) concluded our World Breastfeeding Week celebrations in Mount Kisco on August 7. Participating moms received education on breastfeeding their babies, and received valuable resources while enjoying refreshments and gift bags. This year’s theme was “Closing the Gap: Breastfeeding Support for All", which focused on ensuring everyone has meaningful access to breastfeeding support and opportunities.

We extend our gratitude towards our host site, Neighbors Link,
and our partners from MVP Health Care, Northern Westchester Hospital, Family Services of Westchester, and Mount Kisco Interfaith Food Pantry.

Photos by: Nickolas Cooper

Open Door y WIC (Mujeres, Bebés y Niños) concluyeron nuestras celebraciones de la Semana Mundial de la Lactancia Materna en Mount Kisco el 7 de agosto. Las madres participantes recibieron formación sobre la lactancia de sus bebés y valiosos recursos mientras disfrutaban de refrescos y bolsas de regalo. El tema de este año fue "Cerrar la brecha: apoyo a la lactancia materna para todos", que se centró en asegurar que todos tengan un acceso significativo al apoyo y las oportunidades de la lactancia materna.

Extendemos nuestra gratitud hacia nuestro sitio anfitrión, Neighbors Link, y nuestros socios de MVP Health Care, Northern Westchester Hospital, Family Services of Westchester, Mount Kisco Interfaith Food Pantry.

Fotos por: Nickolas Cooper

Open Door Gets Help To Help Women Get Essential Mammograms 13/08/2024

Open Door Gets Help To Help Women Get Essential Mammograms The grant will bolster the group's mission to provide patient-centered breast health care and case management for underserved communities.

Photos from Open Door Family Medical Center's post 12/08/2024

During National Health Center Week, Open Door celebrated Patient Appreciation Day at our Ossining location and provided backpacks to our young patients. We were happy to welcome Dr. Chandak Ghosh, Acting Regional Administrator at HHS/HRSA, and thank him for joining us on a site tour.

The mission of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HSS) is to enhance the health and well-being of all Americans, by providing for effective health and human services and by fostering sound, sustained advances in the sciences underlying medicine, public health, and social services.

Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) provides equitable health care to the nation’s highest-need communities. Their programs support people with low incomes, people with HIV, pregnant people, children, parents, rural communities, transplant patients, and the health workforce.

Durante la Semana Nacional de los Centros de Salud, Open Door celebró el día de agradecimiento a los pacientes en nuestro centro de Ossining y entregó mochilas a nuestros jóvenes pacientes. Nos alegró dar la bienvenida al Dr. Chandak Ghosh, Administrador Regional en funciones de HHS/HRSA, y agradecerle que nos acompañara en una visita por el centro.

La misión del Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos de los EE.UU. (HHS) es mejorar la salud y el bienestar de todos los estadounidenses, proporcionando servicios de salud y humanos eficaces y fomentando avances sólidos y sostenidos en las ciencias subyacentes a la medicina, la salud pública y los servicios sociales.

La Administración de Recursos y Servicios de Salud (HRSA) proporciona asistencia de salud equitativa a las comunidades más necesitadas del país. Sus programas apoyan a personas con bajos ingresos, personas con VIH, mujeres embarazadas, niños, padres, comunidades rurales, pacientes trasplantados y personal de salud.

Photos from Open Door Family Medical Center's post 11/08/2024

Open Door and WIC (Women, Infants and Children) celebrated World Breastfeeding Week with mothers and their babies and educated attendees on the importance of breastfeeding. This year’s theme was “Closing the Gap: Breastfeeding Support for All", which focused on ensuring everyone has meaningful access to breastfeeding support and opportunities.

We thank our host site, Warner Library, and our partners from MVP Health Care and Phelps Hospital for joining us.

Photos by: Nickolas Cooper

Open Door y WIC (Women, Infants and Children) celebraron la Semana Mundial de la Lactancia Materna con las madres y sus bebés y educaron a los asistentes sobre la importancia de la lactancia materna. Tema de este año "Cerrar la brecha: Apoyo a la lactancia materna para todos, centró en asegurar que todos tengan un acceso significativo al apoyo a la lactancia materna y oportunidades.

Nos gustaría dar las gracias a nuestro sitio anfitrión Warner Biblioteca, y nuestros socios de MVP Health Care y el Phelps Hospital Northwell Health para unirse a nosotros.

Fotos por: Nickolas Cooper

Photos from Open Door Family Medical Center's post 10/08/2024

As part of National Health Center Week, Open Door celebrated Patient Appreciation Day on August 7, offering free haircuts, face painting and backpacks for children at our Port Chester site and on August 8, we distributed backpacks at our Ossining site.

Con motivo de la Semana Nacional de los Centros de Salud, Open Door celebró el Día de Agradecimiento al Paciente el 7 de agosto ofreciendo cortes de pelo gratuitos, pintura de caras y mochilas para los niños en nuestra centro de Port Chester y el 8 de agosto, mochilas para nuestros niños en nuestro centro de Ossining.

Photos from Open Door Family Medical Center's post 10/08/2024

On Children’s Health Day during , we highlight the importance of engaging children and families in health and wellness, empowering them to make informed health decisions.

En el Día de la Salud Infantil durante , destacamos la importancia de involucrar a los niños y las familias en la salud y el bienestar, empoderándolos para tomar decisiones de salud informadas.

Photos from Open Door Family Medical Center's post 09/08/2024

Open Door and WIC (Women, Infants and Children) celebrated World Breastfeeding Week with mothers and their babies and educated attendees on the importance of breastfeeding. We recognized this year’s theme of “Closing the Gap: Breastfeeding Support for All", which focused on ensuring everyone has meaningful access to breastfeeding support and opportunities.

We would like to thank our host site, The Brewster Public Library, and our partners from Maternal Infant Services Network, and Putnam Hospital for joining us.

Photos by: Nickolas Cooper

Open Door y WIC (Women, Infants and Children) celebraron la Semana Mundial de la Lactancia Materna con las madres y sus bebés y educaron a los asistentes sobre la importancia de la lactancia materna. Reconocimos el tema de este año de "Cerrar la brecha: Apoyo a la lactancia materna para todos, que se centró en asegurar que todos tengan un acceso significativo al apoyo a la lactancia materna y oportunidades.

Nos gustaría dar las gracias a nuestro sitio anfitrión Brewster Biblioteca, y nuestros socios de MiSN y el Hospital Putnam para unirse a nosotros.

Fotos por: Nickolas Cooper

Videos (show all)

Patient Experience Week is a time to recognize health care staff who have positively impacted patients. Open Door patien...
#WorldHealthDay2024 #WorldHealthDay #MyHealthMyRight
Patricia M., patient at Open Door shares her thoughts about the Women and Heart Health Event on February 14.   Patricia ...
U.S. Antibiotic Awareness Week raises awareness of the threat of antibiotic resistance and the importance of appropriate...
Thank you to George Latimer, Westchester County Executive, for speaking at Healthier Mamaroneck!
PrEP is individualized to support your sexual health and HIV prevention needs. PrEP is very safe, and most people have f...
PrEP is a safe, affordable, and highly effective way to make sure you stay HIV negative. With or without insurance, PrEP...
PrEP is a safe, affordable, and highly effective way to make sure you stay HIV negative. With or without insurance, PrEP...
PrEP is a safe, affordable, and highly effective way to make sure you stay HIV negative. With or without insurance, PrEP...
PrEP is a safe, affordable, and highly effective way to make sure you stay HIV negative. With or without insurance, PrEP...


Opening Hours

Monday 08:30 - 19:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 19:00
Wednesday 08:30 - 19:00
Thursday 08:30 - 19:00
Friday 08:30 - 17:00
Saturday 09:00 - 14:00