Hypnosis By Denise

Hypnosis By Denise

Hello! In 2022 I revamped my practice. Please see my new page for updated modalities @ Sacred Healing Contact me today for more details and a free consultation!

Hypnosis is a wonderful state of being that I feel and have experienced that our minds often long for. While it has it misconceptions, it really is just a state of relaxation. Its what you allow yourself to do in that state that really matters. You can simply relax and enjoy the physical, emotional and physiological benefits of just calming your body down for a short period of time. Or you can hel


Please be sure to follow my new page . Eventually this page will be archived. Also check out my event happening tomorrow night !!

Home 14/07/2022

Good afternoon all ! Please see my new website https://sacredhealingnow.com/

Along with my new fb page Sacred Healing be sure to like and follow!
Thank you!!

Home Sacred Healing Welcome!Sacred Healing is a place where you can look at areas in your life that you want to understand or improve. Our work here on this planet is not always easy and at times can leave us feeling stuck.At Sacred Healing you are able to visit these areas through different alternativ.....


Good Monday morning to everyone! Over the next few weeks I’m going to be revamping my page. I’ve got new, life changing and powerful tools to share with everyone and I am excited to bring them to all of you!
Until then …stay present and be amazing ! Spring is officially here! Put some spring in your step and let’s move forward together. We got this ! ☀️


Hi Moon lovers! Happy Virgo Full Moon! This Full Moon is holding a deep illumination and release.

Not only is it a Full Moon on the axis of divinity and human and pure love expressed through physical healing. But it is also the final Full Moon of this cycle.

It is the final Full Moon before the New Astrological Year/Chapter/Cycle begins. A Full Moon marking the end of a chapter in our lives. And the end of a chapter of ourselves.

Before we begin a new astrological year, we can use the cleansing energies of this Full Moon to reflect on the journey we have traveled over the last 12 months and to do away with things that we no longer wish to take with us into the new year.

Set intentions for release in order to gain and allow the Full Moon magic to show you the way. By working in harmony with the cycles of the Universe, you can find a greater ease in everything that you do.

In fact, creating your own connection with the Universe and using your own intuition to connect with the Virgo Full Moon is also highly supported thanks to the planet Neptune.

Neptune is the planet of spiritual growth and can help accelerate the development of our intuition and the opening of our third eye. Under this energy, our intuition is likely to be heightened to be sure to listen to any gut feelings or nagging tugs from your inner voice.

If it feels aligned, reach out to your guardian angels, spirit guides, or a loved one passed under this Full Moon. Know that Divine support is always just a call away, and be open to any signs that these beings wish to send your way.

Under this Virgo Full Moon energy, give yourself permission to disconnect from ideas of perfectionism, and reinstate your self-worth. Allow this to fuel a spiritual journey, one where you travel to dimensions beyond this time and place and gain the understanding that your soul has a plan and already knows the way.

Happy Virgo Full Moon, Moon lovers! 💖💫🌕


Good Morning Everyone!
From now until January 31 everyone who books a 1 hour session with me gets a FREE 15 minute reading ! This includes gift certificates!! Give yourself or someone you love the gift of healing and you BOTH get a free 15 minute reading!! AND as a gift to you first 5 people that share this post get a FREE 15 minute reading as well!! Contact me today to set up your appointments! HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO EVERYONE!!

Photos from Operation Gratitude's post 28/10/2021

First responders … today is your day!! The ones we look to in times of need. You run in when everyone else is running out. The ones who are calm through the storm and offer not only your expertise but sacrifice time and quite often your sleep! Protecting, serving and sacrifice is what you do and we couldn’t be more grateful!! We all have first responders in our lives - make sure you take a moment to thank them today!! We appreciate YOU!!


I have a question… when was the last time you were truly seen? Ive heard story after story from people who have found their lives are changing at a dramatic rate and while it’s tough at times, it is also a freeing and amazing feeling. There’s no doubt we are in challenging times. People keep telling me stories of how the universe is throwing hurdles at them (myself included!) however, the outcome is structured so you can show up and grow and take step becoming your more authentic self and maybe feeling happier, more connected and possibly more purposeful than ever before!! The universe seems to be pushing people in this direction and it always works to our highest good we just need to trust. So I challenge you today- allow yourself to be vulnerable-take a small step and allow yourself to be seen. Put your authentic self forward and allow yourself and the universe and those around you to benefit from all that is you! Even if it’s 1 small step!! You will thank yourself for taking the challenge… this I know! Have a great day!!


Adopted my soldier last week and can’t wait to send his care package out. Keeping in mind there are still so many brave men and women out there sacrificing for our freedom. If you want to find a great organization to help, From Home To Hero’s is definitely one of them! Take a look! ♥️

From Home To Heroes From Home To Heroes matches families to soldiers overseas in effort to provide support and comfort to

Cory Muscara on TikTok 09/10/2021

Motivational thought of the day …

Cory Muscara on TikTok

Photos from Hypnosis By Denise's post 06/10/2021

Really great New Moon Ceremony this morning with the sunrise. So powerful 💫💫💫🌅


Just need to take a moment to say … anyone struggling extra this year… people are praying for you. When the calendar changes to September and your anxiety increases, the nightmares are clearer and you can’t even escape in social media because of the posts and pictures please know that there are people to talk to. Call. Text. Whatever you need. Reach out to someone. Anyone. We are here for you always. You are not alone. In the meantime prayers are on the way. 🙏🏻


Looking forward to my New Moon Ceremony tonight. It’s a powerful one for sure. Great time to up the vibe, clear out old stuff and manifest!! 💫💫💫

The Virgo New Moon peaks today. New Moons always represent the start of a new lunar cycle. They are a time where energy draws inward. We can use this inward flow of energy to retreat within, to reflect, but to also think about what we wish to manifest into our lives.

Take a moment to close your eyes and imagine fresh lunar energy flowing into your being. Feel this new lunar current guiding you to take the journey inward, so you can feel in to where you are and where you wish to go.

Under a New Moon, the sky is dark, which symbolizes two things. 1) The unknowing of what’s to come and being ok during a period of darkness and uncertainty. 2) A symbol for potential. It is a blank canvas, an open slate just waiting to be filled by your desires and inspirations.

When the night is dark and the sky is moonless, we have the power to create and plant our seeds of intention for the cycle that is to come.

Falling in the sign of Virgo, staying grounded and connected to the earth is going to be our tonic under this September New Moon.

There is this sense of adventure surrounding this New Moon, but there is also a deeper energy at play, guiding us to connect with our inner child and to think about our generational or ancestral wounds.

These are the wounds that are not of this life but inherited from both our earth family and soul family. These wounds can also be connected to the land that we choose to reside on.

This energy is deep and the work is not easy, it is triggered by the asteroid Nessus, which is very active this New Moon. With Nessus involved, we are called to break generational cycles that may not have been our doing, but that we have the power to end.

It takes a lot of deep awareness to identify ancestral wounds. But if you feel called to do the work, this New Moon creates some ease and allows the healing process to feel a little more natural and organic.

Remember the grounding force of Virgo energy that holds this New Moon. So, sink your feet into the Earth. Allow yourself to feel connected to the Source energy within and all around you. Allow this connection to trigger your innate power. Happy Virgo New Moon, Moon lovers! 💖✨🌑


One thought can change your life !

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CLICK HERE facebook.com/groups/johnteshmotivation





Tonight we welcome an Aquarius Full Moon. Full Moons light up the night sky, illuminating all that is dark. They can be a symbol for the illumination of a higher and greater truth that allows us to find closure and free ourselves from all that is no longer necessary.

Falling in the sign of Aquarius, there is the potential to amplify change, activate our desire for greater freedom, or shine a spotlight on all that needs to be revolutionized in our lives.

With the Sun also wrapping up its journey in the sign of Leo, there is an added boost of creative and courageous energy on offer to us, which can be used to help any new visions take flight.

While Full Moons typically represent completion points, know that there are creative energies on offer to help take any endings and morph them into new potentials.

Jupiter is currently retrograde making its energy very active. Jupiter expands what it touches, so it’s likely that whatever is manifesting for us under this Full Moon will be loud, bold, and clear to see.

There is no guesswork with this August Full Moon, it will deliver what it needs to deliver and will take what it needs to take.

Take some comfort in knowing that if you do need to make a decision, there is energy on your side that brings clarity, allowing you to make a clear-cut decision.

Trust your instincts and try not to second guess yourself. The energies are strong and courageous, so connect with that place and forge ahead in whatever direction feels right to you.

All is not lost. There is wisdom in the air. There is an energy dancing in the breeze of all who have traveled on this land before us and who will travel this land after us.

So many things have transpired on this Earth. Good things, bad things, tragic things, heroic things; so many lives and stories have graced the surface of this planet, and all of that energy is carried through.

There are strong cosmic currents linked to this Full Moon. It is a time to remember that all your past triumphs and successes exist as energy. They surround you and support you, and are there to be used by you. Tune in with that energy and use it to surrender to all that has gone, and open to all that is new.

