An Eye 4 Beauty

An Eye 4 Beauty

Metaphysical teachings and services such as Reiki, Angel Card Readings, Numerology and Yoga Nidra No judgement ever! End result?

An Eye 4 Beauty is a sacred, safe space where you can connect to your higher self, embracing your inner and outer beauty, and show up as your most authentic self. Services include:

** Reiki healing which helps to remove energetic stagnation and get you back in "flow".

**Angel card readings which guide you to gain clarity as you are on your journey and provide information for your highest good


An interesting time right now. I felt very odd yesterday, and then saw this. When looking at my chart, noticed my Chiron (the wounds) is in Aries. No wonder I felt off! If you have never done your astrological chart, I would highly recommend it because it helps to make things that don’t make sense at first, make A LOT of sense. Holding the light means tuning in when the darkness creeps up, and having the courage to feel in to it and work through it at your own pace. Human beings must stop being surface individuals, we were not meant to be this way.


A great explanation 😇


The Yearly Soul Forecast with the Archangel for the month is always mind blowing, but when I pulled out mine to review it, I was wowed once again. Yes, I am an intuitive with psychic abilities, but the angels and spirit guides are the driving force behind this. What happened on Saturday has really affected my energy and I can feel such a heaviness in our collective. But to read this, wow. If you have not done a yearly forecast I highly recommend you schedule one for entering 2025, and of course if you do it don’t forget to make your appointment in November or December.


‼️Sometimes there is a misconception of Reiki that seems to be that after a session or two, the hands on healing magically heals you. That is not the case. Reiki is the catalyst to open you up to the inner healing. You still must make a commitment to yourself to do the work, or make the changes necessary to begin the healing process. Would you go once or twice for PT and expect your physical wound to be healed? Would you go once or twice for Therapy and expect your mental woundings to heal? The same is true of Reiki AND the truth is Reiki will take you as surface or as deep as you would like and your free will allows. Reiki is truly a gift. So, if you are like many souls right now who are ascending higher, allow it to do for you what it has done for many.

Photos from An Eye 4 Beauty's post 05/06/2024

With the Angelic Body Guard


Stand in your power. Let go of the programming that is so false, the beliefs that are NOT serving you at all!



We have had some gigantic energies coming in this month. We have had Pluto going into Aquarius, we had the big eclipse energy, don’t forget the full moon that happened the end of March, and Jupiter and Uranus conjunct. All of that may not even make sense to you, as to what it actually means, but don’t worry because the general message to share with you is that it’s big shake up kinds of energies. These energies can be expansive, and help you to grow out of all of the limits that have been holding you back. That could include major healing through wounds and traumas that you thought were healed or you thought you put to rest, but in fact, are coming up to shake it up even more to really help you to fully heal. And, it is all happening, so that each and every human consciousness, can step more further deeply into tuning in to truly loving themselves. And when you love yourself, and you deeply fully love yourself, and do all the things necessary to show yourself that love, you help the whole collective. Please take time today to allow this message to resonate with you, please reread it over and over again until it resonates, and above all start to show up more and more in each and everything you do in love 💗


Ready to share the beautiful gift of Reiki. If you’ve ever thought about learning this healing modality, reach out to be a part of the next class.


In honor of my milestone birthday, I am offering to you for the month of April a very special offer. You may request this in person or virtual or even prerecorded to watch at your leisure. You decide! April will be very important to the collective growth, and every individual who takes the time to tune in and gain clarity is helping the collective as well.


This is Schumann Resonance. For the last few weeks I have been talking about the invisible and unbelievable white light entering the Earth, most do not believe in. And yet, right there in this, you can see the heavy amount of white Christ light entering the Earth, on the day HE IS RISEN! There are no coincidences, ever. The color is normally blues and greens. So if you are experiencing any aches and pains, just know you are being cleared, purified, refreshed and renewed!


March 26-March 30th 😇😇


The challenges are on your path because you’re meant to be more, expand and grow to the limitless being that you are beautiful souls! For that reason, to support you this week, sessions will be $99.


Sometimes, the cards will be redundant in order to get the point across. If you’ve had a session with me, you know how funny this is because it always happens! So for today, you are being asked, what action do you need to take? And before you get all in your masculine energy- that does NOT mean doing all the things. Taking action could mean holding better boundaries or being less reactive or being more loving, or dare I say tuning in to your feelings?! Today, if you’re seeing this, take an action that you have been meaning to take and stop shoving it to the back burner 😇


Thank you to each of you that have opened yourself to believe, realize and know that energy healing is an important part of your life path and the angels will always speak through me to support and guide you. May you share this reality so others can be inspired to tune in to it as well. On a 3D linear earthly level this is a small business and thank you BUT this is way more than that. On a 5D higher perspective this is a movement to show all how to connect to their own light and the energy that lies within.


Today, let your faith outweigh your fear.


Welcoming in March!


This is a conversation continued from today’s weekly… so if you haven’t watched it yet, I suggest you do that first. There is ALOT of the collective feeling this lately. For one reason or another. Each person’s experience is going to be different and yes some may be similar as well. Let’s address a GIGANTIC ELEPHANT, though. You can’t just pop a pillll and think it will miraculously go away, because it won’t. You may take the edge off, you may feel a bit better for a little bit, but if you do not address the emotional, mental or spiritual reason as to why you have it to begin with, it will most likely resurface. We are living in a time of mass awakening and the collective has to realize (if you haven’t yet) that society has been manipulated into thinking everything is just physical. It’s not. So, if you are feeling this, find your anchor (and that’s not a drugggg). Take an inventory of your life, heal something that is out of balance, work on making a change. Make a pledge to take any step in a positive direction that will serve you, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically


Everything is Energy.

Energies can be deceiving if you’re out of alignment. Where can you work on yourself-what addictive tendencies might you be still holding on to? Here are some things that are showing up in the collective currently (there are many, this is a small list):
-“needing” alcohol and drug consumption (especially in the teen/young adult age group) in order to have fun
-An overload of electronics usage
-Blaming another for the choices you have made
-Having the perfect ____ (selfie, relationship, vacation, you fill in the blank)
-Ego: Not the kind of ego that you need to wake up in the morning, that supports you, but the one that is SO loud it is creating self fulfilling prophecies. Another words, a continuous loop of anxiety of worse case scenarios.

This list could go on, but instead, let’s take some advice from the angels on this. Where can you surrender? Where can you accept that you’re in fact in a tendency that you’re so attached to you can’t imagine stopping the pattern? Is this controlling you? Is this overwhelming you?

The advice is this: tune in and become aware of it. Do not judge yourself, but instead give yourself grace (or mercy if necessary) and be proud to know that you’re mindful of it and that alone is an excellent step forward. Surround yourself in gentle people, situations and environments, and if necessary, find support (personal or professional) to guide you along. Be at peace in this process as best as you can be, and offer up loving energy to yourself while you work through it. REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE. No criticizing. You were created from love. You are love and add in some loving, gentle energy in each and every day as you go on the journey of healing the addiction. You’ve got this, and will overcome the challenge.


Are you attuned to Reiki 1 and 2? Not many will take this next step into Reiki 3 Master Practitioner, but you are needed if this feels right for you. SO, if your ego is loudly stepping in the way, know that the world needs your helping healing hands on an energetic level 🙏.


This is the year to tune in and embrace your spiritual gifts. Are you ready to learn Reiki?


Schedule for your guide to 2024 with the archangels 😇


Hello 2024! Now more than ever are more people realizing the importance of the spiritual work and feeling the emotions that are rising up, rather then ignoring them. What do you feel when you enter a room? A job? A restaurant? A relationship? Don’t ignore those red flags, don’t hide from them. Your body is talking, make this the year you truly listen!


Step into 2024 right and schedule your 2024 forecast session! Find out which archangel will be with you in each month and additional information to guide you through the month 😇😇


2024 is upon us. It’s an “8” year in numerology which is all about raising the vibration of yourself and the collective- think of the infinity ♾️symbol.

😇Do yourself a solid and start your new year off right with a healing session😇
Part of raising your vibration is clearing your energy field, your aura and your mind space. Talking with spirit and the angels through an angel card reading and a healing session will do this for you.


Today’s full moon is in Cancer and is our last full moon of 2023. Triggers and wounds from the past are coming in in full force, and the more awake and aware you are, the more you will feel these emotions. ALLOW THEM IN. You do yourself no good if you distract yourself completely from them. They are coming in to serve you, not hurt you. When they flow through you, and you feel them, they clear out the energetic clutter, the emotional clutter, and the mind clutter that has been taking up space for far too long. Divinely timed the day after Christmas, to give you the opportunity for the suffering to show up and then put it to rest. Tip: don’t let any suffering, anyone or anything take away your power. Stand in your power, speak or write out your peace and move forward fearlessly !

Happy Winter Solstice 22/12/2023

Happy Winter Solstice Today, December 21, 2023 is the Winter Solstice in the northern hemisphere. This is the shortest day of the year. I invite you to call in the light to any area of your life, or any part of your body and release what i...



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This holiday season, give the best gift… of Healing! #aneye4beauty #reikihealing #reiki #angelcards #divinehealing #spir...
Weekly Energy Update with the Angels for 8/6/2023
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Fairies have a message for us today 🌸
#forgiveness #spiritualawakening #selfcare
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When you schedule you will receive :Your WORD (theme) for the year.A monthly snapshot of your year, with the archangel y...
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