Altered Fitness

Altered Fitness

Online Personal Training Company Specializing In Fully Customized Training & Nutrition Programs!


“I woke up, and was up a pound! How did I gain weight over night!?”

Who has been here before?!

I’m here to put you at ease and tell you that what didn’t happen, is you gained a pound of fat.

There are many different things that can impact our weight, and small daily fluctuations are a normal thing!

Here’s a list of a few different things that could the reasoning as to what’s going on!

Your sleep / sleep cycles are suffering 🛌
You ate more sodium than normal 🧂
You drank more water than normal 💧
You didn’t p**p 💩
Your muscles are sore and fatigued 🦾
Your glycogen storage increase ⬆️
You ate a big meal last night 🍱

The list goes on and on, and as you can see there are tons of things that can change our weight overnight.

So next time you get on the scale, and up a pound after working so hard - DONT STOP!

Keep consistent, stay strong, and trust the process🔥


There’s something different about working toward a common goal with other people.

Whether it’s with a family member, your significant other, a team, the concept still stands strong and true to each.

One thing my wife and I do is set monthly goals together. We focus on 3 areas of our lives being health, wealth, and relationships.

We create individual goals for ourselves, and then collective goals we are going to accomplish together.

This is SO powerful!

Since implementing goal sessions into our lives the productivity, momentum, and just overall respect for one another and also ourselves has changed immensely!

So next time the weekend rolls around, try to start small. Make goals together for the week on Sunday focusing on the 3 different areas mentioned above!

Maybe it’s not a significant other, but a friend wanting to accomplish some similar goals. It could be something as simple as some fitness goals you create together, and ultimately hold each other accountable for in the long run!


𝐀𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐠𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐲𝐦, 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐚𝐬 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐚𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐚𝐭⁉️⁣

I get it, trust me😣⁣

To be honest that might be one of the most common struggles I see😫⁣

You are doing everything you can in the gym, hiit classes, cardio, weights, day in day out. 𝗪𝐇𝐘 𝐈𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝗪𝐎𝐑𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆⁉️⁣

Again, I get it😕⁣

It can be insanely frustrating..⁣

And to be honest, you deserve all of the results you are working towards and more‼️⁣

So I am going to give you the answer 🔑 ⁣

Right here, right now.. 👇⁣

And that is…… your 𝐍𝐮𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧!🍽🍔🥕🥩🍕⁣

Yes, I know you were probably expecting something bigger than that; but to tell you the truth, that’s the 𝐁𝐈𝐆𝐆𝐄𝐒𝐓 piece‼️⁣

To start, 𝐧𝐮𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝟕𝟎-𝟖𝟎% 𝐨𝐟 𝐢𝐭!⁣😳⁣
When looking at fat loss / weight loss you have really 2️⃣ options aside from doing absolutely nothing!⁣🙅‍♂️⁣
You can focus on nutrition only and actually get pretty decent results, or you can hit both pieces of nutrition and training to fully optimize everything! 2️⃣ = 🔐 ⁣

That way you can reach your goals at the fastest rate possible!⁣🔥⁣
While you may look at this and say, “okay so training is only be 25% of it” 🤷‍♂️⁣

While that number may seem low, including that 25% could be the difference between you having the body of your dreams vs not🙌⁣

*𝐄𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮’𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐝 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐜𝐥𝐞*🦾⁣
When we are just doing the nutrition piece, we will improve our health, while having decent energy however; you will have slower rate of fat loss as well.⁣ 🐢 ⁣
When adding in the training, you will increase your energy even more, while also building your muscles, overall improving the function of your body resulting in the healthiest option there!⁣⭐️ ⁣
So even if it’s going and lifting some weights 2-3 times a week, that will make a world of a difference.👌⁣
If you need help dialing in your nutrition; or hey maybe you have the nutrition figured out and you need help with your training, message me “transformation” or comment below👇🔥🦾⁣⁣


𝐑𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐨𝐟𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐚𝐭 𝐈 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐧𝐮𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝟕𝟎-𝟖𝟎% 𝐨𝐟 𝐢𝐭!⁣

When looking at fat loss / weight loss you have really 2 options aside from doing absolutely nothing!⁣

You can focus on nutrition only getting decent results, or you can hit both pieces of nutrition and training to fully optimize everything in order to accomplish your goals at the fastest rate possible!⁣

While training may only be 25% of it, including that 25% could be the difference in you having the body of your dreams vs not.⁣

When we are just doing the nutrition piece, we will improve our health, while having decent energy however a slower rate of fat loss as well.⁣

When adding in the training, you will increase your energy even more, while also building your muscles, overall improving the function of your body resulting in the healthiest option there!⁣

Even if it’s going and lifting some weights 2-3 times a week, that will make a world of a difference. ⁣

Last but not least is adding in your mindset. I don’t have it listed above, but this is the final piece of the 3 to truly accomplish your goals as fast as possible!⁣

If you are struggling or need help optimizing these areas in your life comment below or message me “fat loss” 👇🔥🦾⁣

Photos from Altered Fitness's post 15/03/2022

Pan Roasted Chicken & Veggies!🥦🔥

Got another GREAT recipe for you all and it is super easy to make! 👌

This is one of my Go-To recipes when I need to make something quick, but still want it to be delicious🔑

Swipe left to see more detail with cooking instructions etc!👨‍🍳👩‍🍳

Drop some 🔥 emojis below if you’re going to try this recipe!👇


Have you been counting macros, hitting them consistently but still not reaching your goals!?

Well to start, I would say make sure your macro calculations are correct!

Then we would go through how you specifically are tracking your foods. Because most of the time, it is just a simple tracking error that is throwing you off!

The most common foods that I have seen untracked would be sauces, and liquids.

There are some great sauces out there 100%! But some of those sauces are LOADED with fat which is why it tastes so good.

1 thing of Chick-fil-A sauce is 13 grams of fat. Two of those would literally be half of some people’s day!?!?

Ranch, Canes, Barbecue etc the list goes on.


Hot Sauce 🥵
Pico De Gallo 🍅
Salsa 💃
Balsamic Vinegar🍷
Spices 🤧

Would be great low calorie options to add into your next meal! These are just a few of many options out there. When at the store look for ones that say calorie free as well!

Another error that could be happening would be how you measure your foods. For the most part, cups, tablespoons etc are a good options you can use. BUT, there are actually quit a few foods out there that do not.

They don’t work because the food density, is different from its weight. A great example of this would be Chex cereal! If you don’t know, check are square like shapes that are hollow with holes on the outside as well. So very airy. When putting it in a cup, because of how much space the food takes up compared the weight, the measurement will be off.

So a super simple solution to this, is to use a food scale. You can get one for under $15 at your local store! When measuring with a scale, weigh all things in grams, besides the ounces with meat. For liquid ml=grams as well.

These are just a few of the most common thing I see when people tell me they are hitting there macros, but not losing weight!

If this helped you, and one of these was your culprit- comment which one below!👇


Walking may be the EASIEST way to improve your health in multiple different ways!

I want to share with you 6 key benefits you can get from simply walking more throughout your day!👇

1️⃣ Great opportunity to catch up on audiobooks or podcasts 📖🎧

2️⃣ You'll burn calories without a lot of effort 🔥

3️⃣ Walking helps improve your cardiovascular system🫀

4️⃣ Helps relieve joint pain and stiffness🦿

5️⃣ Can help to give you a boost of energy 🏃‍♂️

6️⃣ A great way to unwind and disconnect🧠

These are just a few of the many benefits you can get from the simple action of walking!

So next time you get a chance, plug in your headphones - and go for a stroll!


Do you use cables in your workouts⁉️

Personally I am a huge fan of supplementing my workouts with cable movements throughout 🔥

I will start by saying this, free weights are definitely the kings of resistance training 👑

However, adding a new move/routine, or piece of equipment forces your body to adapt, move and grow in new ways 🔑

One of the main reasons I use cables is the ability to adjust the origin point of the movement, allowing you to work muscles from different angles. Cables allow you to move through multiple planes of motion.

Another main reason would be time under tension! The constant resistance of a cable means you’re under tension on the way forward, as well as on the way back 🦾

Much like lowering a bicep curl under tension, the cable teaches you to work your muscles throughout the lift.

Being able to perform an exercise under control, from any angle, is a great way to isolate muscles through a variety of different attachments, and movements! 📶

Another benefit of cables would be the safety is ensures compared to free weights like dumbbells, and barbells. ❌⭕️

So if you aren’t using cables, and looking for some variety to add in your training I 💯% recommend giving it a try!

If you enjoy cables, comment your favorite lift below!👇🔥🦾


My DREAMERS, where you at?! Raise your hand & comment some 🔥 emojis below if that’s you!👇

In all reality, every single one of you reading this should be raising your hand.

It is NEVER too late to start dreaming.

Has there ever been a hobby you wanted to start, but life got in the way?

A job you wanted to work?

A service or good you wanted to provide?

Maybe you say, “I used to be a dreamer, but those things are out of the picture now.”

I’m here to ask you why?

There’s no reason you can’t start back at that dream, or create new ones!

We have so much potential as human beings, and I see so much of it being wasted.

I see people getting caught up in the system. 9-5. Working for the man. Reliving the same day over and over, no goals, no dreams, no growth, and no life. Next thing you know 10 years have gone by like that.

If you’re reading this, and you can relate - this is your sign. You are worth so much more.

This is your sign.

To step up, to stand strong, and to go into your dreams head on giving it everything you got.

“But what if I fail?!”

So what?! Try again, or try something new!

Would you rather fail, knowing you gave it your all. Or forever wonder what if?!

This is your time to step up, and start dreaming again!

But this time, let’s turn those dreams into your reality!🔑

That all starts with you, and living life at your fullest potential.

At Altered Fitness, we will help transform you there so you can start making your dreams truly become your reality🔥🧬


I see it time and time again, people get so fixated on the scale and think it is what equals progress and success. That is so far from the truth!

Progress comes in many different ways and it is so important to remember that on your fitness journey!

The scale is just one of the many tools we can use to measure our data and progress to ensure we stay on track to our goals (but again - it’s ONE tool!)

If you don’t think you’re getting results, I have a few questions to ask ya..

Are you working out consistently? 🦾

Are you sleeping better? 🛌

Are you more productive? 📈

Are you generally in a better mood? 😃

Do you have more positive self talk? 🗣

Are your clothes fitting differently? 👕👚

Are you learning something new? 🧠

Are you drinking more water? 💧

Are you cooking & prepping your meals? 🥘

Are you eating healthier foods? 🍎

Are you active and on your feet more? 👟

Guess what?

If you answered YES, to literally any of those questions - you are getting results and THAT is progress!!!

Recognizing your growth is so important in keeping you consistent and motivated, so next time you’re questioning if you’re getting results & progress.

Come back to this post and reassess!

After that - trust the process🦾

If you are struggling in your journey, or not seeing the results you want - and are ready to change that - message me “I’m in!” Or comment below!👇🔥



Protein is 𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐀𝐋 and a necessity when it comes to your daily diet.⁣

*Diet I use as a vague term meaning how you eat*⁣

Proteins are the building blocks of life!⁣

The basic structure of a protein is a chain of amino acids. (Those things you drink during your workout called BCAAs or EAAs) ⁣

Think of it like a giant chain. The entire chain is the protein, and each link is an amino acid!⁣

Protein is the main source in repairing your cells to make new one. This results in muscle recovery and development. Aside from working out protein is so important in the development of your general body.⁣

There are also more than 10,000 types ⁣
of proteins found in everything from your organs to your muscles and tissues to your bones, skin, and hair. ⁣

Protein is also the main source that fuels your energy and carries oxygen throughout your body into your blood.⁣

SO, as you can see it is 𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐀𝐋!⁣

Some great ways to get in protein would consist of…⁣

Chicken 🐓 ⁣
Greek Yogurt ⁣
Egg Whites 🥚 ⁣
Tuna 🍣 ⁣
Eggs 🍳 ⁣
Shrimp 🍤 ⁣
Protein Bar⁣
Turkey 🦃 ⁣
Protein Shake🥤⁣
Beef Steak 🥩 ⁣
Cottage Cheese 🧀 ⁣
Edamame 🌱⁣
Milk (Fairlife Milk is Double the protein)⁣
Light Cheese Sticks ⁣
Pork 🐖 ⁣
Fish 🐟 ⁣

These are just a few of the many types of proteins you can incorporate into your diet starting 𝐓𝐎𝐃𝐀𝐘! ⁣

Save this post if you need to refer back to this list later on! 🔑 ⁣

A good rule of thumb Is trying to add some type of protein In each time you eat some food!⁣

This will ensure you are staying anabolic (in a muscle building state) throughout the day!⁣

So next time you go to grab that snack, check on the protein and make sure you add some in!🔥🦾🧬⁣


Today I want to look at things from a different angle!

I talk a lot about doing your fitness journey for you! And why YOU, should be the number 1 reason why you are doing what you’re doing. Do it for yourself - not for others (as that will not last long term)

And that is definitely the truth. You need to do it for you, and find your internal vision and why. But others can certainly be big driving factors as well.

One HUGE driving force for me is my wife, family, and clients. Yes I do this for me, and that is the core to why I do what I do. But they are all massive factors as well.

I want to be healthy so I can live a long life with my wife - truly enjoying it for as long as I can live. Not losing mobility and having limitations before I can even retire. I want to travel the world, and live past a 100 years old with my wife and family; and having a health lifestyle will create just that.

I want to be able to run around, and play sports with my kids giving them memories that will be with them forever - remembering their parents as active, healthy, happy people!

Aside from that I don’t want to have my memories with my kids be of me being out of breathe the entire time when playing with them. I see this so much, and it has created a scare that drives me each and every day!

Last but not least my clients. It is so important for me to be a role model for my clients and for others to look up to in their health and fitness journey!

It is my responsibility to educate and provide correctly knowledge and information to educate and display what real health is and how to create it in your life too.

So while you’re main driving force for your fitness journey should be you, having others that help propel that forward will only help get you where you want to go (as long as YOU, are the number 1 force)

Comment below someone who pushes you to be healthier each and every day👇❤️


I see it time and time again, people get so fixated on the scale and think it is what equals progress and success. That is so far from the truth!

Progress comes in many different ways and it is so important to remember that on your fitness journey!

The scale is just one of the many tools we can use to measure our data and progress to ensure we stay on track to our goals (but again - it’s ONE tool!)

If you don’t think you’re getting results, I have a few questions to ask ya..

Are you working out consistently? 🦾

Are you sleeping better? 🛌

Are you more productive? 📈

Are you generally in a better mood? 😃

Do you have more positive self talk? 🗣

Are your clothes fitting differently? 👕👚

Are you learning something new? 🧠

Are you drinking more water? 💧

Are you cooking & prepping your meals? 🥘

Are you eating healthier foods? 🍎

Are you active and on your feet more? 👟

Guess what?

If you answered YES, to literally any of those questions - you are getting results and THAT is progress!!!

Recognizing this is so important in keeping you consistent and motivated so next time you’re questioning if you’re getting results & progress. Come back to this post and read this list!


Today I want to breakdown 𝐌𝐀𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐒 & the role each one plays!⁣⁣⁣
Before we get into it, let’s differentiate 𝐌𝐀𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐒 & 𝐌𝐈𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐒.⁣⁣⁣
𝐌𝐀𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐒 are the big pieces, think ‘large’! These are our Carbs, Fats, & Proteins! They control what you know as ‘weight loss’ or ‘body comp’. ⁣⁣⁣
𝐌𝐈𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐒 are the small pieces. These consist of vitamins, minerals, etc. They help more so the functioning of your body - liver function, immune system, etc!⁣⁣⁣
So when looking at weight loss, like I said the main focus is going to be the Macros! ⁣⁣⁣
But, it is important to make sure we still get our micros. Two cars can make it the same destination, but one with better oil & gears will make it faster & more efficiently. The same goes for our bodies with macros & micros. ⁣⁣⁣
But this is about macros! So weight loss, lean muscle mass growth, losing body fat - All are mainly controlled by macro consumption & calorie balance. ⁣⁣⁣
So what roles do each one play?⁣⁣⁣
The protein is the main source of muscle growth. Protein is essential in repairing broken down muscle fibers, to build them back up bigger & stronger!⁣⁣⁣
The carbohydrates are the source of fuel for our body. They provide glycogen to give us energy & physical activity!⁣⁣⁣
The fats are our main hormone regulators. Fat also plays a large role in the absorption of nutrients, providing essential fatty acids!⁣⁣⁣
Each of these Macros play a very important role in the fat loss/muscle growth/body comp area of our health & fitness!⁣⁣⁣
Looking at calories - our macros make up our calories. In 1 gram of protein there’s 4 calories. In 1 gram or carb theres 4. In 1 gram of fat there are 9!⁣⁣⁣
As you can see there are more than twice the number of calories in a gram of fat, than protein or carbs⁣⁣⁣
This is why specific ratios of carbs, fats, & proteins are important; rather than counting general calories in full. As we could get too much - or too little of whatever we need!⁣⁣⁣
Swipe left & take a look at the chart above to see some good food examples broken down between carbs, fats, & proteins! ⁣⁣⁣
If you need help finding your macros & the correct amounts you need to reach your goals message me “MACROS” or comment below!🔥🚀🧬👇⁣⁣⁣



Over the years I have found that most people do a pretty good job about gaining width in their back through movements such as lat pull downs, pull ups, etc.⁣

But one of the areas I see lack the most is the thickness of the back especially on the inside!⁣

Today I want to share with you how to build a bigger back!⁣

The #1 Tip I can give you is to incorporate PULLS!!!!!!⁣

Deadlift is going to be the BEST movement to help grow a bigger back. ⁣

After that free weight movements such as barbell bent row, single arm dumbbell row, barbell or dumbbell shrugs, & rear delt dumbbell flys.⁣

The single-arm dumbbell row targets the same muscle groups as the bent-over row. These movements enable you to target each side of your back with moderate weight. ⁣

Shrugs specifically target the trapezius & rear deltoid muscles to give you a thicker upper back as well.⁣

Rear delt dumbbell flyes also target the upper back & can really improve the aesthetic of what you are working on!⁣

Moving onto cables & machines we can see the lat pull-down, low-pulley seated row, & rear delt machine fly are machine movements that target the lats, traps, rhomboids, & rear delts. ⁣

If you are looking to increase the overall width of your back then using a wider bar will be ideal! When using a narrow grip, you can increase your vertical range of motion, which will lead to overall thickness of the entire muscle centers.⁣

The beauty of using lat pull-down & row machines, is that it enables you to focus all of your attention on increasing muscle size in one area at a time. ⁣

Now a few things that can hinder this progress would be… ⁣

1. Using too much weight ⁣
2. Not using wrist straps⁣
3. Incomplete ROM (Range-of-motion)⁣
4. Low muscle contraction (muscle to mind)⁣
5. Incorrect core positioning ⁣
6. One dimensional training⁣

So if you are looking to increase size on your back make sure you are implementing all of the steps above, along with keeping an eye on the potential blocks here below!

I hope this helps you in your journey and if you ever need any help please don’t hesitate to reach out!🔥🦾


Have you ever been on track with your weight loss goals and then wake up in the morning to be up 2 pounds?!

Trust me you are not alone!

Now while this may throw you off mentally, it is a very normal thing & what DIDNT happen was gaining 2 pounds of fat….

So before you get in your head, look at this list below of reasons why your weight can fluctuate overnight!

1. You didn’t go to the bathroom yet
2. You are dehydrated
3. You ate extra sodium
4. You had a hard workout
5. You had a high carb meal
6. You didn’t sleep well
7. You weighed in at a different time
8. You are stressed
9. You used a different scale
10. You drank water before weighing

The list goes on and on!

So keep consistent, trust the process & know you are on track to changing your life for the better!

Aside from this - weight loss is one simple tool we can use to measure results, as they come in many many ways!

Photos from Altered Fitness's post 22/01/2022

Emily is down 14 pounds creating the life of her dreams on track to making this the best year of her life!

When Emily came to me she was looking for a few different things expressing it all to me.

After being an athlete her entire life, she was always looking for ways to improve her strength, but was struggling with the transition from training for sport to general health & fitness in adulthood.

Her biggest struggle was taking care of her diet, & more specifically controlling it in social situations (drinking, going out to eat, etc)

We talked about these struggles, then dove into her goals & what she wanted to accomplish.

She was looking to lean out; start eating healthy while actually enjoying the process, to gain more confidence & improve overall health / mindset.

After expressing these things, we built Emily a custom program that was specific to her life, schedule, goals, training preferences & more.

Next we built out a custom meal plan giving her perfect guidance on exactly what to eat! & heres the kicker-we did it using foods she enjoys!

Right away this created consistency & sustainability. As we continued, we kept working on macro education & how to incorporate it into her life!

Through this education, she gained confidence in her nutrition & is now able to go out casually, enjoying life, KNOWING she is still on track to accomplishing her goals!

“ I have been working out consistently for 10 years. I have always felt strong but could never truly achieve the results I wanted.

With the structure and support that Altered Fitness has given me, I am down weight and squatting weight that I haven’t done since I was an athlete. I have had so much fun transitioning out of working out for sport & more for myself as an adult.

The physical results are great, but what is really impressive is the mental progress Zach is able to achieve with his clients. Through mindfulness & positive affirmations, my mental health has dramatically improved and my relationship are benefiting from it.

I am so thankful I took the leap of faith and dove into Altered Fitness!”

-Emily Smith / Altered Fitness Member

I am so proud of you Emily!🔥🦾🧬


How do you use food?!

I know weird question right?

Most of us don’t think much of it, we use food for energy and satisfaction and that’s about it!

But food is so much more than that!

It is medicine that can be used in so many different ways!

Check out this list of foods, and the areas they help in our bodies!

Carrots 🥕- The Eyes 👁
Tomatoes 🍅 - The Heart 🫀
Walnuts 🌰 - The Brain 🧠
Ginger - The Stomach
Kidney Beans - The Kidneys
Sweet Potatoes 🍠 - The Pancreas
Avocados 🥑 - The Uterus
Citrus - The Breasts

The list goes on and on! This isn’t a replacement for actual medication from a doctor, but an aid to help alongside any specific treatment.

However, incorporating these into your diet can 100% help in the function of these specific areas!


No Gym?! 𝐍𝐎 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐁𝐋𝐄𝐌! ⁣

Here’s a 𝐐𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐤 & 𝐄𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 hiit session you can do right in the comfort of your own home!⁣

So make sure to 𝐒𝐀𝐕𝐄 this one for later!⁣

Don’t forget to always start with a warm up. If it’s nice out - or ok running in the cold🤣 I recommend starting with a 5 minute jog! If not start with ⁣

30 light high knees⁣
30 light butt kicks⁣
15 exploding squat jumps⁣
15 lunges each side⁣
20 arm circles both ways⁣
10 steps in duck walk down and back⁣

Now before we get into the workout, let’s understand what hiit actually mean. That is; high intensity interval training. This means hitting movements with a 95%+ exertion rate with short rest periods throughout!⁣

Hiit workouts are great for effectively burning calories in a short amount of time!⁣

The other plus is you can do a lot of them anywhere at all, even in your own home!⁣

Now that we understand what hiit means let’s get into it!⁣

We are going to have 3 different sets, of 3 different movements, hitting the entire set of 3 - 5 times through!⁣

𝐒𝐞𝐭 𝟏⁣
20 Push-ups ⁣
20 Jump squats ⁣
30 Russian Twists⁣

*Rest 30 Seconds*⁣

𝐒𝐞𝐭 𝟐 ⁣
20 Mountain Climbers ⁣
30 Bicycles⁣
30 sec plank he ⁣

*Rest 30 Seconds*⁣

𝐒𝐞𝐭 𝟑⁣
20 Jump lunges⁣
20 Tricep dips⁣
30 Jumping Jacks⁣

*Rest 1 minute⁣

Repeat 𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐑𝐄 flow 𝟓 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡!🔥🦾⁣

Next time you want to hit a workout, but can’t make it to the gym, remember to use HIIT; and pair any movement at full intensity, to a 30 second rest, and repeat!💥⁣


Are you working hard but not getting the results you want?!

I am here help you break through to get the body you want! If you are working hard but not seeing results, it is most likely because you are not in a caloric deficit.

Let’s start with the base of weight loss and how it work. It is all about energy balance! Think of it like a teeter totter. If one side is heavier than the other then it will sway that way.

Same goes for our body and nutritional intake. If you are eating more food than you are burning, then you are going to gain weight. If you are eating the same amount of calories that you are burning in a day, then you will stay the same. If you are burning more calories than you are eating then you will lose weight. It is simple math, and energy balance.

We can separate these into 3 different categories with the first being called a caloric surplus, the second a caloric maintenance; and last but not least would be our deficit, when you are burning more calories than you are consuming in the day.

The only way you are going to lose weight is if you are in a caloric deficit. Now this doesn’t mean to hardly eat and do a ton of cardio, as there is a sweet spot. We want to be 500 calories under our maintenance ensuring a pound drop per week.

When you hardly eat and do a ton of cardio your body doesn’t have anything to use for energy. So what it does is break down our muscle for energy, saving any food you eat as fat to store for later (as it’s scarcity not knowing when it will be fed next)

So now that we have the base of weight loss figured out. The next is to ensure you are truly in a deficit.

Now you may say, “zach; I am already in a calorie deficit” but are you really? Or is it too low of one?!

There are a lot of hidden items you may have never even realized that keep us out of our deficit.

Cream in your coffee.
Overeating “Healthy” foods
Drinking calorie packed sugary beverages
Forgetting about oils and condiments
Tracking foods inaccurately
Small “bite” snacking consistently through the day

These are just a few of those things & important pieces to pay attention too!

If you need help finding your calorie deficit then message us “deficit” today!🔥🦾🧬

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