Representative Andrew Collins

Representative Andrew Collins

Arkansas State Representative, District 73, Riverdale to West Little Rock.


Happy Easter! On this day of rebirth and hope, we also celebrate the resilience of our neighbors who have persevered and come so far from the tornado one year ago today, while holding their loss in our hearts. Easter is always a special day for its promise of salvation, and its extra significance this year doesn’t detract from the religious holiday, it highlights it. For me, seeing lives transformed into something better is like witnessing the earthly echo of divine promise.


Did you know Kingwood has a food pantry? Hunger often hides in plain sight, even where you wouldn’t expect it. I was glad to facilitate a donation from the Arkansas Hunger Relief Alliance to St. Paul United Methodist Church as they help feed our neighbors in need.


If you have no or slow internet at your home or business, please take note! Arkansas has a fund of over $1 billion to make broadband improvements. Those funds will be deployed in the next few years according to a state map that shows where customers are unserved or underserved. But right now, the map is imperfect. For example, it shows some places as adequately served when the people who live there tell us otherwise. Areas that are already shown on the state map as adequately served will not get the broadband investment they need.

That's where you come in. Starting today, there is a 30-day period where you can challenge the state map at You will need to provide some information and complete some speed tests regarding internet at your home or business. It's a bit of a process, but the potential benefit of high-speed broadband, not to mention enhanced property value, makes it well worth your time.

A couple of other notes:
- "Underserved" is considered a speed of 100 megabits per second for downloading content, and 20 megabits per second for uploading content. If you aren't sure whether you're underserved, no harm in taking the speed test to find out.
- This project deals with internet that comes through a wire to your home or business, like what you might get from AT&T Internet or Xfinity. It doesn't matter whether the device you're using is plugged in or connected wirelessly via Wifi. It also doesn't matter whether you use a desktop, laptop, tablet, or phone. However, we are not talking about cellular data networks, like what you might get from AT&T Mobility or Verizon.

Thanks for your help in connecting Arkansas!


As an AmeriCorps alum and proud representative of a House district that includes Pinnacle Mountain State Park, I was pleased to take part in today’s announcement of an MOU to formalize and expand AmeriCorps support for Arkansas State Parks. Arkansas will gain from these corps members’ contributions, and I know from my own experience that national service provides lifelong benefits for those who participate. Today’s announcement is a win-win.


This week, we reviewed the Governor’s proposed budget. I questioned officials about the high cost of vouchers, a dramatic increase in child incarceration, and a lack of new investment in workforce training. While I’m glad that this budget continues important programs, it also funds grave missteps like vouchers and excessive incarceration. Moreover, we need to make big strides forward in areas like education, safety, health care, infrastructure, and workforce to keep pace economically and make Arkansas a better place to live. When I compare this budget to what we need, I have to conclude it’s a missed opportunity.


Early voting starts tomorrow for our March 5 primary and judge elections. I'm particularly pleased that thanks to Act 263 of 2023 and the efforts of our County Clerk, Election Commission, and voting sites including CALS libraries, we will have consistent early voting hours at all sites. In prior elections, I got calls from frustrated voters who showed up, for example, to the library on Rahling Circle at 8 on the way to work, only to find out that that site didn't open until 10. Consistent hours will make voting just a bit easier. And I think that's a good thing. Thanks to everyone who helped make this happen!

You can see all early voting locations and Election Day voting information at While you're at it, thanks to Act 128 of 2021 and, again, our County Clerk who was ahead of the curve, check out your sample ballot at And please vote!

Pleasant Valley Country Club: Watershed Little Rock Land Deal Nears 65th Anniversary 30/01/2024

Fascinating history of Pleasant Valley, one of Little Rock's great neighborhoods!

Pleasant Valley Country Club: Watershed Little Rock Land Deal Nears 65th Anniversary A momentous land deal that launched a historic development in west Pulaski County is approaching its 65th anniversary this spring.


One consequence of last year's tornado that we shouldn't overlook is the devastation to our trees. Trees are important for shade, groundwater flow, pollution reduction, utility costs, play, property values, and more. And we lost some big, beautiful trees in neighborhoods that were justifiably proud of their lush canopy.

That's why I was happy to hear that a group has stepped up to help fill the void that we are seeing in impacted neighborhoods. If you lost a tree in the tornado, Central Arkansas Master Naturalists will provide a locally grown, native replacement, free of charge, as well as guidance on helping it grow to maturity. For more information and an application, contact Kate Spontak at [email protected].

And if you are interested in contributing to this project or taking on another, like replanting trees in Murray Park, also contact Kate. There's still lots of work to be done. Sometimes the scope seems daunting. But I have no doubt that our community will continue to do what it takes to support each other and rebuild.


New winter coats for kids at Brady Elementary today thanks to Little Rock Firefighters IAFF Local #34, Entergy Arkansas, and Operation Warm. I love seeing our community come together in a spirit of giving, especially around the holidays.


This week, the Legislature discussed my 2021 bill, now law, that prohibits camping out in the left lane. Bottom line, the law is a good start -- I obviously think so! -- but we've got work to do on enforcement and driver education. So please spread the word: The left lane is for passing only!

Left Lane Driving Laws Discussed in Committee

This week, the House Public Transportation Committee and the Senate Transportation, Technology, and Legislative Affairs Committee heard testimony from the Arkansas State Police and the Highway Police concerning the prevalent issue of driving in the left lane.

In 2021, the Arkansas General Assembly passed legislation aimed at addressing the challenges posed by inappropriate use of the left lane on multilane highways.

Act 1090 puts clear restrictions on driving in the left lane, permitting it only under specific circumstances:

1. When overtaking and passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direction.

2. When all other lanes traveling in the same direction are closed for construction or repair.

3. When all other lanes for traveling in the same direction are in disrepair or are in an otherwise undrivable or unsafe condition.

4. When a vehicle is preparing to exit the multilane highway on the left.

Since the enactment of this legislation, the Arkansas State Police have issued over 400 citations and delivered more than 3,600 warnings to drivers found impeding traffic in the left lane.

The rationale behind this enforcement aims to address a significant safety concern. When drivers choose to block the left lane, whether intentionally or not, they compromise road safety and efficiency for everyone on the road.

According to the National Motorist Association, refraining from obstructing other drivers not only reduces the likelihood of accidents but also brings additional benefits. Smoother traffic flow leads to less tailgating, reduced weaving in and out of lanes, and ultimately fewer accidents.

Furthermore, the ripple effect of yielding faster traffic results in faster overall travel times. Reduced congestion and a smoother traffic flow allow highway capacity to be utilized to its fullest extent, translating to quicker journeys for all drivers.

As you travel this holiday season, we encourage you to be mindful of the law regarding the use of the left lane so all Arkansans can get to their destination faster and safer.


I’d put the Little Rock side of the Arkansas River up against anywhere in the state, and most places beyond, for natural beauty and outdoor recreation potential. Today, we cut the ribbon on a new visitors’ center for Pinnacle Mountain State Park. Beautiful, inviting, and full of pleasant surprises, it’s worthy of our Pinnacle.


For this year's VIPS Jane Mendel Reading Day, I was assigned to Annie's class. We kept it a surprise until I walked in. Pretty great day.


The candidate filing period has closed, and I didn't draw an opponent. I'm humbled by the responsibility conferred by your trust and support. I'll keep working hard, and I stand at your service. Please reach out any time at (501) 650-2233 or [email protected] if I can help with any issue, or you have an idea, or you just want to share your thoughts about something. Thank you!


I was honored to receive a Friend of UAMS award today for the legislative support I’ve provided. A thriving UAMS is essential to Arkansas’s health and economy. Thanks to Jon Wickliffe for the photo!


Today, I filed for re-election as State Representative, five years to the day after I was first elected. I still believe in a better Arkansas, and I’m still excited to work for it. It’s the honor of a lifetime to have the opportunity to serve. I hope to continue to earn your support and fight for Arkansas families.


We have lost too many wonderful people lately. Friends and mentors. People who lived full lives and people whose lives were tragically cut short. Give an extra hug to the people you love.


Great time at the Arkansas State Fair meeting kids from all over the state showing their award-winning livestock. Impressive animals and even more impressive kids!


I'm happy to announce that I'm running for re-election as State Representative. Our work to build a better Arkansas matters -- yours, mine, and that of so many Arkansans who believe we can do better. We have had setbacks, but also successes that give me hope. Arkansas is worth fighting for. Thank you for staying in the fight.

If you'd like to help us get this campaign started, you can contribute at


Our special session is over. I opposed this week’s assault on the Freedom of Information Act, which is critical for government transparency. The amended bill, while not as bad as the original, is still too broad in keeping records secret that the public should be able to know about. So I voted no.


What a day to be outside in Little Rock’s beautiful backyard!


Proud to stand with Arkansas unions. Just like they stand for the working people of our state. Happy Labor Day.


Met with representatives from Farm Bureau who told us about the pride Arkansas farmers take in feeding our state. They presented a $10,000 donation to the Arkansas Foodbank for tornado relief. We appreciate the generosity from our friends elsewhere in the state and should reciprocate when they need us. Urban, rural, or in between, we are all Arkansans and in this together.


Love to see rebuilding milestones post-tornado, like this new sign. Proud of Little Rock’s resilience and grit.


There will be a public meeting today from 4-7 pm at the Pankey Community Center regarding the upcoming widening of Highway 10 (Cantrell) from Taylor Loop to Pleasant Ridge. It's a drop-in type meeting where you can see the plans and ask questions. Additional info is at


Back to school! And the first year for little sister. Wishing everybody a great year.


Committees occasionally meet in the interim to discuss certain issues and obtain public input. We spent yesterday afternoon in Rogers digging into the implications of crypto mining. It was the thorough discussion this issue deserves, and it came after citizens spoke up with concerns. It’s another example of how important your feedback is in the legislative process.


Individual grants are available for Little Rock residents impacted by the March tornado. Please share, and if you were affected, apply!

For those impacted by the tornado. Please share with anyone who you think might be eligible.


I've been named to the Pulaski County Broadband Committee, which will make recommendations regarding using some of Arkansas's federal infrastructure allocation to improve broadband access. "Access" means connection to fiber lines but also affordability and digital skills. I would love to hear from you regarding access issues you face or that you are aware of, particularly within our county. With Arkansas receiving over $1 billion in federal funds, this is an ideal moment to connect people with broadband. But we need your help to identify the gaps that need to be filled so that funds are spent wisely and effectively. Please send me a message or call anytime.


Whether it's a big group or an individual wanting a tour, I am always honored to help connect you to your Capitol. The more that people are engaged with government, the better government we get.


Happy Fourth of July!

Videos (show all)

Solid turnout so far. You have until 7:30. Come out and vote!
We’re out this weekend encouraging people to go vote!
Voting was a breeze! No lines at 501 W. Markham, which is open 8-6 weekdays and 10-5 Saturdays for the next two weeks.
Public schools are the foundation of our community. As your State Representative, I've worked hard to strengthen our sch...
10,000 Doors
