Health benefits of caring for yourself

Health benefits of caring for yourself

Commitment to provide health information and links to help yourself and share with friends. Questions to ask your Doctor. We must advocate for ourselves.

Medical Benefits issues we must be proactive at.


Tell : We Need Supreme Court Term Limits Now
The Supreme Court is increasingly disconnected from the will of the American people. Nine unelected officials are handing down decisions on abortion rights, LGBT rights, and gun control that are widely unpopular and are at odds with both precedent and public sentiment. It’s a symptom of a broken system.

No one should have this much power for this long. There is a clear solution: term limits.

The United States stands virtually alone in giving justices a lifetime job. Rhode Island is the only state with life tenure for its state supreme court. Every other major democracy in the world has term or age limits for its high courts. Justices today accrue far more power than anyone in the founding era would have anticipated.

We need real accountability for an extremist Court. Send a message to your representatives and senators demanding term limits for Supreme Court justices now.

[SIGN OUR PETITION]: IT'S TIME FOR SCOTUS TERM NOW No one should have power for a lifetime — especially the justices on the Supreme Court. Join us in calling for term limits now.

RSVP for Free Tickets >> 06/04/2024

Mass The Faile Experiment United States the prison system

RSVP for Free Tickets >> April 17: The Failed Experiment of Mass Incarceration

Dozens of nations were involved in the slave trade. How should they compensate descendants? 24/01/2024

Dozens of nations were involved in the slave trade. How should they compensate descendants? The call for reparations is being sounded beyond the U.S., with activists and political leaders demanding accountability for slavery and colonization of their


Today we celebrate the life and legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. Voting is the most basic right in our democracy, but too many people are locked out of the process. The Brennan Center will not stop fighting until every eligible person can cast a ballot.


Will you help us rebuild our democracy? Investing in the fight against antidemocratic forces and election deniers will make a real difference in 2023.

All gifts made by 12/31 will be doubled:


Here’s what you need to know.
