Naturopathic School of Hawaii

Naturopathic School of Hawaii

Naturopathic School of Hawaii
* das Seminarportal für alternative Heilmethoden
* the address to le

Startseite 15/06/2019

Es gibt eine neue deutsche homepage
Sie enthält ein kostenloses webinar das ausführlich über meine Methode european-foot-reflexolgy informiert



Why don’t you heal yourself?

When I tell you that this is possible, would you believe me?
Well, I can tell you about the way it works when you receive
european foot reflexology.

But first let me give you some basics for understanding the healing mechanism.

In over 40 years of working with foot reflexology I came to understand that we not only have a physical body, but also an etheric energy body that contains our blueprint. The physical and the energy body seem to exchange information. This way self healing takes place. Picture when you cut yourself in the finger. What does your body do? It seals the wound and regrows finger tissue … not hair, not teeth .. just finger tissue. Where does your body get the information from? From the blueprint. Self healing takes place at every second in our lives. We only fall sick if the self healing system fails due to some overwhelming influence.

That is where foot reflexology comes into the play. When I assess the energy status on my clients feet, I can determine whether there is a hyper-energetic oder a hypo-energetic condition on the reflex zones on the feet. Where I find too much energy (hyper) I sedate, where I find not enough energy (hypo) I stimulte the zones. As soon as the energies are balanced I feel it as a reaction pulse. That indicates that self healing is re-established.

Do you believe me now? It’s really that easy. I have seen the most dramatic self healing actions - like benign cysts on ovaries emptying by themselves, or balance the whole hormone system without any medication, or restore continence after a robot surgery went wrong, etc….

If you want to learn more about my copyrighted wayof doing european foot reflexology come to facebook or instagram where I publish every mrning little bits of information

See you there


Getting ready with writing the script for the video we did last September - I'm excited to show you parts of it soon

Photos from Naturopathic School of Hawaii's post 16/02/2016

The Seminar on european foot reflexology was from Feb 12-14.2016. It is such a pleasure to share my knowledge

Timeline photos 26/12/2015


Ulla Meyerhof – der Traum von Gesundheit und Hawaii 23/10/2015

Ulla Meyerhof – der Traum von Gesundheit und Hawaii Wenn es um ein selbstbestimmtes Leben geht, ist die eigene Gesundheit die wichtigste Voraussetzung, um seine Träume und Vorstellungen auch umzusetzen. Auch und gerade weil Gesundheit etwas ist, dessen Wert einem erst dann bewusst wird, wenn sie fehlt, ist es wichtig, sich rechtzeitig mit dem Thema …


Ich habe in der Schweiz meinen Vortrag "Neue Aspekte der Reflexzonentherapie am Fuß" das erste Mal gehalten Ich werde den ins Netz stellen sobald ich ihn habe.


Ich habe mir ein Vertriebssystem für meine Seminare ausgedacht.
Was haltet Ihr davon?

Ich zahle jedem der mir ein european foot reflexology Seminar komplett organisiert - dh 4-6 Studenten findet und einen Raum organisiert - 30 % der Seminargebühren.

Das ist für den Organisator gut und für mich auch.

Rechenbeispiel :
4 Studenten:
Kursgebühr 4x1500 davon gehen 2000 an denjenigen der das Seminar für mich organisiert und 4000 an mich.
bei 6 Studenten 6x1500 bedeutet das 6000 an mich und 3000 an den Organisator.

Einzige Bedingung, weil ich ja vorher anreisen muss:
Das Geld muss 14 Tage vor Kursbeginn auf meinem Konto sein.


AHOLA,Gruezi Miteinander und Grüss Gott
Bin in der schönen Schweiz und gebe heute und morgen einen workshop an der Quinmedica Schule.

Am 11.-13. September ist ein Seminar in Pfronten geplant - es sind noch zwei Plätze frei und

am 26./27.9. versucht die Heilerschule San Esprit ein Semianr in Frabertsham bei Rosenheim auf die Beine zu stellen. In Honolulu soll am 6. November ein Semoanr stattfinden .... Es tut sich was :-))))


Aloha an alle die am überlegen sind was eine Ausbildung zum european foot reflexologyTherapeuten bringt:

Es gibt viele gute Gründe warum jede(r) european foot reflexology lernen sollte

european foot reflexology ist ein komplettes
Diagnose- und Behandlungs-Konzept

european foot reflexology kann auch von
medizinische Laien erlernt werden

Es gibt ganz wenige Kurse in denen Laien zur Ausbildung zugelassen werden. Meine Erfahrung mit Laienausbildung ist durchweg positiv. Eine meiner Studentinnen hat inzwischen sogar ihre eigenen Reflexzonenschule in Santa Cruz CA.

In meinen Seminaren erkläre ich zu jedem Lernabschnitt die entsprechende Anatomie und Physiologie (Aufbau und Wirkungsweise der Organe) und Pathophysiologie (Lehre über Krankheiten). In ständigen Wechsel von Theorie und Praxis lernen meine Studenten Schritt für Schritt wie sie european foot reflexology für Diagnose und Therapie einsetzen können.

Im Seminar gehe ich auch auf die rechtliche Situation von Laien, abhängig Beschäftigten und Selbständigen ein

In meinem Intensiv Seminar - Freitag abends, Samstag und Sonntag (20 Stunden) wird im Wechsel zwischen Theorie und Praxis meine Technik erklärt und sofort eingeübt. Damit jeder die Technik mit Reaktionspuls und Katalysatorenpunkten genau erlernt, habe ich sehr kleine Klassen - Minimum 4, Maximum 6 Teilnehmer.

Was können meine Studenten wenn sie das Seminar absolviert haben?

Sie können den Energiestatus der Zonen am Fuß beurteilen
Sie können die Energien am Fuß ausgleichen

Dazu muss man wissen, dass Reflexzonentherapie am Fuss eine energetische Behandlungsweise ist.
Meine Studenten lernen die Füsse wie eine Fernbedienung zu nutzen mit der sich alles einstellen lässt.

Das Heilprinzip der Reflexzonentherapie am Fuss

Wir SIND Energie
Ist die Energie im Fluss, ist der Mensch gesund
und die Reflexzonen sind schmerzfrei

Jede gesundheitliche Störung zeigt sich
in den Reflexzonen als Schmerz

Schmerz ist der Schrei des Gewebes
nach Energie-Durchflutung.

Bringt man mit european foot reflexology die Energie wieder zum fließen heilt der Körper des Patienten von selbst und von innen heraus.

Hier nur ein paar kleine Beispiele von Kopf bis Fuß was mit european foot reflexology möglich ist

Sie lernen systematisch die Ursache für Schmerzen aufzudecken und befundgerecht zu behandeln.

mit regelmässigen Anwendungen von european foot reflexology gehen selbst chronische Kopfschmerzen ganz weg weil kausal (ursachenbezogen) behandelt wird. Den Migränepunkt gibt es übrigens nur in meiner Karte

Sie lernen die Statik zu beurteilen und wie die sog. Belastungsspirale mit european foot reflexology aufgelöst wird. Damit verschwinden die meisten Rückenschmerzen in kurzer Zeit

Hormonstörungen aller Art
Mit der Katalysatoren-Technik lernen Sie wie sie nachhaltig Hormonstörungen ausgleichen können
Sie lernen eine Technik mit der Sie gutartige Eierstock- und Brust-Zysten ausleeren können.

Störungen im Verdauungstrakt
Jede Störung im Verdauungstrakt,

sei es eine Hiatus-Hernie (die übrigens oft die wahre Ursache für Schlaf-Apnoe ist) , Schluckauf, Beschwerden im oberen oder unteren Magen,

sei es die Beurteilung von Nahrungsmittelunverträglichkeiten, das Ausleeren von Darm-Divertikeln oder eine effektive Hämorrhoiden-Behandlung

der gesamte Verdauungstrakt lässt sich mit
european foot reflexology hervorragend behandeln.

Systematische Organbehandlung bringt die Energie der Organe wieder in Fluss und sie funktionieren wieder besser. So können mit european foot reflexology Leber, Niere, Bauchspeicheldrüse und Darm in ihrer Entgiftungs- und Verdauungs-Arbeit gestärkt werden, das Immunsystem kann durch gezielte Arbeit an Lymphbahnen und Milz wieder besser auf die Herausforderungen von Bakterien und Viren reagieren. Sie lernen wie sie eine bakterielle Infektion von einer VirusInfektion über die Füsse unterscheiden. Sie können bei Problemen mit Herz und Kreislauf regulierend eingreifen
….und vieles mehr

Warum european foot reflexology ?
Meine Reflexzonenarbeit am Fuß weist im Unterschied zu anderen Reflexzonen-Behandlungen einige Besonderheiten auf.
Weil durch die Änderung der Technik eine völlig andere Behandlungsform entstanden ist, und weil ich sie in den USA lehre, habe ich sie
“european foot reflexology” genannt

Sie lernen exklusiv bei mir

… mit dem Reaktionspuls und mit Katalysatoren-Zonen zu
Das macht die Behandlung sicherer und nachhaltiger.

… Sie lernen Punkte und Zonen kennen die es weltweit auf keiner anderen Reflexzonen-Karte gibt wie zB Unterarm/Hände, Unterschenkel/Füße,
Herzklappen, Zahnleiste, Blasenschliessmuskel, Tränenkanal, Migränepunkt, usw

Sie lernen all das was ich mir in 40 Jahren erfolgreicher Praxis angeeignet habe.
Für die Mediziner unter meinen Studenten habe ich auch immer noch Tipps aus der Praxis parat.

Warum ist das european foot reflexology Seminar mit $ 1,500.- teurer als andere Reflexzonen-Seminare?

Weil Sie etwas lernen was sonst nirgends gibt. Sie bekommen neben einer fundierten Ausbildung auch mein Buch “Neue Aspekte der Reflexzonentherapie am Fuss” , die Reflexzonen-Karte und ein Zertifikat. Darüber hinaus dürfen Sie lebenslang als Gast an anderen european foot reflexology Seminaren zum Selbstkostenpreis von 50 Euro teilnehmen. Ich stehe überdies via skype und Whatsapp und mails jederzeit für Fachfragen zur Verfügung.Wenn Sie drei Jahre nachweislich mit european foot reflexology gearbeitet haben können Sie sich zum Trainer ausbilden lassen und selbst Seminare geben.

Für diejenigen, die european foot reflexology in der Praxis nutzen möchten, gibt es auch noch die attraktive Möglichkeit die Ausbildung mit einer Reise nach Hawaii zu verbinden und die Kosten von der Steuer abzusetzen. Mein european foot reflexology Seminar ist eine gute Investition in Ihre Zukunft. Wenn Sie european foot reflexology in ihrer Praxis einsetzen hat sich Ihre Investition nach 20 Behandlungen bereits amortisiert.
Ich freue mich Sie in meinem nächsten Seminar am 11/12/13.September in Pfronten begrüssen zu dürfen
Anmeldung bei Manuela Dreier 08362-927513

Love and light ULLA MEYERHOF

Siva Natara Verlag - Gesundheit, die fast nichts kostet 03/08/2015

Gute Nachricht für alle, die darauf gewartet haben, dass mein Buch NEUE ASPEKTE DER REFLEXZONENTHERAPIE AM FUSS, in dem ich jeden Behandlungsschritt genau beschreibe, endlich rauskommt. Es kann ab sofort direkt über den Verlag
portofrei bestellt werden.

Siva Natara Verlag - Gesundheit, die fast nichts kostet Siva Natara Verlag, Buchverlag, Herstellung von Büchern in allen Stückzahlen, Book on Demand

Home - Naturopathic School of Hawaii 27/05/2015

Free European Foot Reflexology Workshop
June 21, 2015

This free workshop will be on June 21, 2015, from 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM in Mililani, HI. This 1.5 hour workshop will be followed by questions and answers. Please bring food to share for a potluck following the workshop. Please register soon. Space available for up to 20 people.

Ulla Meyerhof has worked all her professional life as a Germany-licensed Naturopath mainly with European Foot Reflexology. She developed a complete new technique with many exciting new points and zones. She made foot reflexology a valuable tool for everyone, laymen and professionals alike. Ulla wrote a very detailed handbook on her findings. As a volunteer for the Naturopathic School of Hawaii, she offers intensive weekend seminars. Come and share 40 years of her experience.

For more information, directions, and to register, please call Robyn Meyer at (808) 454-7602
or [email protected]

Ulla's Contact information:
Phone number (808) 206-5207
Email address: [email protected]
Facebook Naturopathic School of Hawaii

Home - Naturopathic School of Hawaii Describing the advantages of ancient and modern naturopathic healing methods. Information about the German Naturopathic School of Hawaii. Lots of info how to help yourself on various conditions.


This time I think it is time to share something from my practice in germany. It's called Spynamics and I think it is much more effective than all the other spine and joint treatment that I know. I was daydreaming that I could teach it in the US, but I was told that I may not teach what I am not allowed to use in practice here .... well but there is still the freedom of speech, is it?

The idea of SPYNAMICS is based on an ancient Bavarian bone-adjustment procedure, that was done by laymen und was handed down from one generation to the next. My thanks go to Dieter Dorn, a very dedicated layman, who made this method accesible to laymen and professionals alike. For people like me, who worked in Chiropractic care for more than 20 years, this method is a revolution. I will explain the details and differences in the course oe seminar.
After I worked with this method for some years, I refined it and systemized it and adapted it to the requirements of my naturopathic practice. By doing so, I found, that this is a new and self contained method. As I have been giving seminars in the US on other topics since 1991, I gave it a name, that can be used in Europe and in English speaking countries as well. SPYNAMICS comes from SP(ine) and (d)YNAMICS as it has to do with the dynamic A on the spine.
Before I inform about SPYNAMICS in detail, I want to explain the anatomy and physiology of the bones, muscles and tendons.
The healthy spine
The concept of the healthy spine includes protection of the spine marrow as well as it‘s ability to work as a S-shaped shock absorber for the brain. All moving vertebrae are separated with discs.
The spine consists of 7 cervical vertebrae, 12 thoracic vertebrae and 5 lumbar vertebrae. It is positioned in a vertical manner on the sacrum. Together with the p***c bone and the two iliac bones it forms the so called pelvic belt. The coccyx is a relict of ancient times. Some scientists believe that these are rudiments of a tail that has been lost in transition from the monkey body to the human body.
A healthy spine is always free of pain - even when under extreme stress and when carrying heavy loads.
The healthy joints
annexed to the spine are shoulder belt and pelvic belt, arms with hands and legs with feet. The shoulder belt consists of collarbones, acromiums and shoulder blades. The joints are either real joints like ball and socket joints (hip, shoulder) or saddle joints (thumbs), rotary joints (between ulna and radial bone) or hinge joints (elbow, knee, hand and ankle) or so called pseudo joints, flat joints or sutures at the sternum or the sacrum-iliac-joint.
Due to their specialized movements vertebra-joints have their own range of tasks. Atlas and Axis enable the head to rotate to the right and left and to move the head up and down.
Static (see Stress Spiral acc. to Froneberg) in the seminar booklet)
If both legs are of equal length and if the pelvic is in the right position the static is correct.
What happens if.....there is only a small deviation? The whole static is affected. The muscles try to maintain the body in an upright position and create wrong postures to make up for the deviation.
Let’s assume that - given the rare fact - that one leg is indeed longer than the other. That happens mainly after bone fractures or other accidents. Then - logically - the pelvic is out of line. The spine, that is designed to come with 90 degree from the pelvic belt upwards, has to bulge to one side to maintain the upright position. This will result in the forming of so called stress spirals, that cause characteristic hard muscle sections on the back. If the static is out of line for a longer period, pain is the result. Pain comes from the fact, that from the little shift in the vetebrae the foramina get smaller, the nerves come under pressure and send pain signals. In case this remains untreated there is a chance that organ lesions in the respective segment will follow.
Now there are many causes that can alter the static.
Failure in statics
What happens if the foot bones show a reduced arch
Flat Feet
Flat feet lack a firm grip in the longitudinal arch. The foot tilts to the inner side, stresses the knee joint (medial) and the hip joint (lateral). That makes the sacro iliac joint shift ventral and causes a hyper-lordosis. That means the natural lordosis is enhanced, the lower spine comes under pressure and compensates by a hyper-kyphosis to make up for it.
Hallux valgus makes a similar pattern.
Splayfeet lack the grip in the transversal arch of the feet, at the basal joints of the toes. The feet tilt to the outside, stresses the knee-joint (lateral) and the whole hip joint. That causes the sacro-iliac joint to shift backwards thus forming a hypo-lordosis. Typical posture of Karl Valentin (see picture in the seminar booklet) The curve of the lower back is missing and the upper back bends forward to compensate for this condition.
Joint sub-luxation
What is a sub-luxation? All ball and socket joints and all saddle joints permit a flection of 0-180 degrees. When flexing a joint to less than 90 degrees it comes to a physiologic correct sub-luxation. This means, the ball is naturally dislocated from the socket (or the saddle from the counterpart) to make this movement possible. If the joint is re-positioned to 180 degrees, healthy tendons pul the ball (or saddle) back into their original position. If this does not happen in a very precise way, the sub-luxation becomes permanent. If this sub-luxation - as often found in the legs - is unilateral, it causes a wry state of pelvic. This failure in static is transmitted upwards via the stress spiral and causes eventually headaches or other disturbances.
What happens if a joint : the ankle, knee or hip is sub-luxated?
then the leg with the sub-luxated joint seems to be longer than the other, even though both legs are of equal length. With Spynamics the “longer” leg gets „shortened“ - which means, the ball is set back into the socket correctly. Another comparing of leg lengths shows - as it could be exspected - no difference any more

Wrong posture and ailment of the spine

The hyper lordosis
is often a consequence of a wrong posture of the foot bones. Flat feet cause hyper lordosis. After adjusting the feet and educating how to adjust them by oneself it is important to wear in-soles and to do foot gymnastic on a daily basis.
The scoliosis
is a torque of the spine around its own axis. There are several degrees of twisting in terms of severeness. Sometimes the scoliosis stems from a wrong posture of the feet. With European Foot Reflexology and Spynamics less severe cases can be healed out completely, Severe cases with hump forming can be eased considerably. In most cases the scoliosis is symptom free as long as it is treated.
is a blockage of back muscles with a typical (pain relieving) posture, very intense pain and an inability to move. Lumbago always results from a wrong posture and weak muscles alongside the spine. After the spine is re-positioned it is recommended to add some special gymnastics to the daily routine.
Morbus Scheuermann and Morbus Bechterew
are illnesses connected to rheumatic diseases. There are inflammation spells that lead to ossifications alongside the spine. If this ailment remains untreated for years it leads to complete stiffness. Regular, life-long applications of Spynamics will alleviate the symptoms and slow down the whole process.
Cause for wrong postures
Unilateral working position
due to the work of ergonomic advisors and office furniture designers who draw our attention to the importance of correct ergonomic working processes and sitting postures, the situation has improved dramatically.
Typical problems of right- handers
a steady stress of one side only can lead to epicondylitis (so called tennis elbow, even when the person has never touched a tennis racket), myogelosis in the trapezius and alongside the cervical spine and a permanent tilted posture of the head. A tilted cervical spine has its effects on the thoracic spine, the lumbar spine and the pelvic belt. That is why the question, whether a hallux valgus is cause or consequence of a tilted neck, cannot be answered unambiguously. Left handers can be regarded the same way.
Stress Spiral acc. to Froneberg (see sketch in the seminar booklet)
Every unilateral stress on the spine has as consequence a stress spiral. If found and treated in time there a no permanent damages. If left untreated for a long time it can cause organ-dysfunctions or organ damage in the respective segment. There is a whole list of illnesses that can come from wrong postures of vertebrae.
In the following is shown what to expect from the every single vertebra, when it is in a wrong positio (see pictures in the seminar booklet)
Stress on the cervical Spine
We always react to disturbances with body mind and soul.
The following list gives some hints what vertebra can be looked at when the following symptoms are found.
If the Atlas is dislocated either from an accident or as a consequence of a stress spiral, it may cause headache, nervousness, insomnia, high blood pressure, loss of memory, chronic fatigue and vertigo
C1 relates to the Crown Chakra. It‘s dislocation provokes lack of oversight, problems with the creator. A person with problems at C1 tries to solve everything with the intellect
If the axis is not in a correct position it stresses the sensory organs. It can cause sinusitis, allergies, squint, deafness, eye-ailments, ear aches, fainting or the rare blindness that comes from the spine (see the success story of Palmers)
C2 relates to the Forehead Chakra. Lack of foresight. A person with problems at C2 does not want to see things as they are, has problems with the eyes
If the position of the third cervical vertebra is not correct it affects the facial nerves. This could provoke trigeminus neuralgia, neuritis, but also acne and eczema
C3/C4 Does not want to listen. Lacks a firm point of view, changes mind and moods, looses grip, feels always guilty
The fourth cervical vertebra has a special relation to nose an ears. If this vertebra is dislocated it can cause hay fever, rhinitis, deafness and adenoids.
C3/C4 Does not want to listen. Lacks a firm point of view, changes mind and moods, looses grip, feels always guilty
The fifth cervical vertebra stands for the neural supply of the throat area. If dislocated it can cause laryngitis, coarseness and sore throat
C5/6 relates to the Throat Chakra. Cannot speak up, cannot bite oneself through, globus hystericus syndrome
The nerves that come from the area of the sixth vertebra go to the neck, upper arm, throat and bronchi. So if this vertebra is out of position it can be the reason for a stiff neck, pain in the upper arms, elbow pain that extends into the hands, tonsillitis and whooping cough.
C5/6 relates to the Throat Chakra. Cannot speak up, cannot bite oneself through, globus hystericus syndrom
If the seventh vertebra - the so-called „prominens“ - is not located in the right position it affects the thyroid gland. Sometimes the relocation of C7 prevents early symptoms of a common cold.
The „hormone hump“
If the C5-6-7 and Th 1-2 form a hump, according to common opinion, this person has a hormon hump, widow‘s hump or old-wives hump. Indeed this deviation is found much more often in women than in men. Women past menopause seem to be more prone to it. Regular application of Spynamics and daily exercises can prevent this formation and even reverse it, once it occurred. To look up the negative effect of the dislocation of the vertebrae see the section for C5, C6, C7, Th1, Th2
A person with problems at C7 is easy to humiliate, feels tyrannized, suffers silently, never fights back.
Stress on the thoracic spine
The first thoracic vertebra is related to the upper bronchi and to the distal parts of the arms (hands, wrists) After relocating the Th1 asthma, cough, shortness of breath and pains in the lower arm and hands can be improved or made to disappear.
People with problems on Th1 tend to overstress themselves, put all loads on their shoulders, do everything by themselves and trust nobody
The nerves at Th2 supply the upper chest. Functional heart problems and mastopathia (problems with the breast) get better when Th2 is relocated
Th2 relates to the heart chakra. Can’t behave lovingly, closes ones heart, stubborn and lacking joy
The nerves from the third thoracic vertebra also govern the supply of the chest. For bronchitis, pleuritis, pneumonia and the flu the re-location of Th3 brings instant relief.
People with problems on Th3 want nothing for themselves, always put themselves back, cannot breathe freely, are not able to express their own opinion
The nerves from the fourth thoracic vertebra supply the lower chest down to the end of the rib cage. This segment influences gall bladder dysfunctions, jaundice and even herpes zoster.
People with problems on Th4 suffer from an inner wrath, don‘t let emotions come out, are very determined, bitter, and hard with themselves.
The nerves from the fifth thoracic vertebra govern liver and spleen. All liver diseases, fever (for it‘s relation to the spleen), low blood pressure, anemia, circulation problems and even arthritis can be influenced by relocating this vertebra.
People with problems on Th5 always fel sorry for others. They have problems with their „inner child“, neglect their own vital interests, are always sad and cry a lot
The sixth thoracic vertebra relates to the stomach. Chronic stomach ailments are always in combination with dislocated 6th and 7th vertebra. I have seen chronic stomach aches disappear after the re-location of the respective vertebra. The pain did not come back. This is also valid for heartburn and other problems of the upper stomach.
People with problems on Th 6/7 have to „swallow“ a lot, keep everything inside, feel an inner rebellion, are an easy addict to food and beverage.
Where the 6th thoracic vertebra influences the upper stomach, the 7th relates more to the lower stomach and the duodenum. Ulcers can heal out easier, when the 7th thoracic vertebra is in place.
People with problems on Th 6/7 have to „swallow“ a lot, keep everything inside, feel an inner rebellion, are an easy addict to food and beverage.
The eighth thoracic vertebra stands for the spleen segment. It should always be checked and relocated if there are allergies and immune deficits.
Th8 relates to the Energy Chakra. People with problems on Th 8 are always in mourning, are inflexible and don‘t allow their energy to flow
Another idea, for treating allergies is to look at the 9th thoracic vertebra. It‘s relation to the adrenal glands could influence the immune system from there.
People with problems on Th 9 suppress their own aggressiveness, tend to accusations, pick up allergies easily.
The 10th thoracic vertebra is related to the kidneys. So, kidney problems, arteriosclerosis, chronic fatigue, pyeli

tis and a tendency to form kidney stones could be provoked when this vertebra is dislocated.
People with problems on Th 10 have problems with their parents, partners, kids, colleagues, neighbors and all fellow citizens
The eleventh thoracic vertebra has a strong relation to skin diseases. Acne, pimples, eczema, chronic boils respond well to a re-location of Th11.
People with problems on Th 11 have problems to make contact, are insecure, see only their own failures, are fearful, and afraid of relationships
The 12th thoracic vertebra reaches with its nerves into the pelvic area. That’s why it is a good way to influence rheumatic diseases, bloating and even spine-caused infertility by just putting Th12 back into its place.
People with problems on Th 12/L1 have problems to start over, they are fearful, can‘t let loose on their realtions to people, animals, posessions etc
Stress on the lumbar spine
The re-location of the first lumbar vertebra has influence to the function of the intestinal tract and should be checked for colitis, constipation, and diarrhea
People with problems on Th 12/L1 have problems to start over, they are fearful, can‘t let loose on their realtions to people, animals, posessions etc
If the 2nd lumbar vertebra is disfunctional, there may occur Morbus Roemheld, cramps in the tummy and difficulties to breathe. Re-location may help solve this problem. There is also a good chance that varicose veins react well to the re-location of L1 and L2
People with problems on L2 tend to tense up and fall into panic
The third lumbar vertebra relates to the lower abdomen. That is why menstrual cramps, bladder ailments, tendency to have miscarriages, bed-wetting, impotence, menopause problems and last not least knee joint problems can be influenced from there.
L3/4/5 relate to the sexual Chakra. People with problems on L3/4/5 tend to have problems with sexuality, tend to have constipation, lack the feeling of being safe, feel always guilty.
The 4th lumbar vertebra relates to the kidneys again, Anything that relates to the function of the kidney, like sciatic nerve problems, lumbago, frequent and painful urinating and dull back pain can be alleviated from there.
There is a strong relation between the nerve supply of the legs and the right position of the 5th lumbar vertebra. If the calves have a bad circulation, swollen ankles, weak foot arches and ankles, weak and cold feet or cramps in the calves - it is always worth a try to re-locate L5.
The sacro-iliac joint
the Os Sacrum and the Sacro-Iliac-Joint is of vital importance for the whole static. That’s why it is a must to check and, if found deviated, to re-locate the main axis.
People with problems on the Os Sacrum show that they have problems with carrying the load that has been put on from life. Bad posture habits. Loves to sit with one leg crossed over the other
If the coccyx is displaced by a wrought pelvic of after an accident, it can result in heavy pain while sitting. Another idea: When hemorrhoids seem to be resistant to all therapies one might think of trying to relocate the coccyx.
People with problems on the coccyx lack the relation to Mother Earth. They don‘t feel grounded (in a positive sense)

Body language and the Spine

Luise Hayes was not the first to state that mind problems can be expressed via the body. A lot of symptoms are described in our language. Just listen:

Can‘t see it anymore.... eye problems
To digest on something.. digestion problems
Don‘t want to swallow this any more... Throat problems
When joints are stiff we often find a certain inflexibility in thinking in this person
Hip problems often have their origin in the parental relationship
If the lower spine is stiff and painfull it tells that the person has problems finding his/her stand
Lumbago sometime also shows an inflexibility in thinking patterns
Many women with the double load of household and job have problems with the upper spine. It‘s the „load they are carrying on their shoulders“
A person who wants to be everybody‘s baby always tilts the neck - this manifests somtimes in a torticollis rheumaticus
If a person has one illness after the other, it could be, that this one is the „wounded bird“ in a family of „caretakers“ A psycho-therapy acc. to Hellinger could bring light into this problem and dissolve it.

Spynamics and Chiropractic
Spynamics is not Chiropractic. Spynamics is easy on the spine and on the joints. With Spynamics even slipped discs sometiomes slip back into place when Spynamics is done consequently.
Since 1976 I have worked as a Naturopath. Back then Chiropractic was the only way to influence health via the spine. Chiropractic has a lot of limitations because it stresses joints and tendons. I always tried to make up for the applied stress by a good preparation with foot reflexology or infra red sauna. But the adjustment itself always was stress to the system and often enough not at all successful, because the stress pattern would pull the spine back to its old and unhealthy position.
What makes Spynamics so different?

The examination
In Spynamics the method to examine the spine is very different from Chiropractic. Both methods compare the length of the legs, but the difference lies in the technique and evaluation of the findings. As everyone knows, there is the phenomenon of different length of legs - for example after accidents. But in most cases it is a pseudo-difference, based on a sub-luxation of one of the joints (hip, knee or ankle) or a wrong posture of the pelvis, that makes one leg appear to be longer than the other.
The examination is almost the same.
In Chiropractic the Chiropractor makes his patient lay down, pulls both legs and compares at the inner ankle to see whether both legs are of equal length.
But then the Chiropractor tries to pull the seemingly shorter leg to achieve equal lengths of both legs. The only effect of this procedure: Now there are two legs sub-luxated….
Spynamics requires two different kinds of testing. First the same is done as in Chiropractic, the person lays down, the legs are pulled and the length is compared. But then the person‘s legs are pulled upward to a 90 degree angle in the hip. When the person wears flat shoes through this procedure the difference of the length of the legs shows clearly. The technique for this testing requires vocational training in the seminar. Only the upward pulling shows, whether there is a real difference in the length of the legs. If there is for instance a difference only in the first testing (when laying on the back) and the the „upward“ testing shows no difference, it is a clear sign that it is only the pelvic or the spine, that is causing this difference.
Where Chiropractic often with force pulls joints out of the socket (in the hope that Mother Nature helps itself) Spynamics pushes gently the balls of all joints back into the socket and thus „shortens“ the longer leg. Guess what method creates a more stable position of the joints
How do you do that?
The subluxations, that have led to the pseudo-difference are re-located. I have seen up to 2 inches in difference which have been equalized in only one application of Spynamics. Sometimes both legs seemed to be of equal length and only when working on all joints of one leg, it showed that there were sub-luxations indeed. Of course the other leg has to be re-positioned as well to get a stable static.
How does sub-luxation occur?
Nature has it, that always, when a ball-and-socket joint or a saddle joint is bent to less than 90 degrees, there is a physiologically correct sub-luxation. If stretched back to 180 degrees , healthy tendons pull the ball back into the socket. Only on dysfunctional tendons (eg caused by permanent wrong postures or failures in the metabolism) it is not possible to pull the joint back to the original position. If it remains subluxated it can alter the static. The whole system, trying to make up for it, develops a stress pattern in the muscles. With Spynamics the sub-luxation is reversed and the client is educated how to help prevent new sub-luxations.

When starting with Spynamics it is highly recommended to examine and eventually re-position every joint. Always work from the feet toward the head. There is no scruple whether it might be overdone (like e.g. in Chiropractic) because a joint can‘t be more like sitting well in its socket.

How to re-position the ankles
The exact procedure requires vocational training. The heel gets fixed and the foot is re-positioned by circular motions into the joint. There is also a exercise that the client should learn. One foot should step forward and then, with an inward and outward circular motion the ankle is in its correct position.
Just to get an idea, which joint led to the leg difference, the comparison should be done after every re-positioning.
So, let‘s assume that the ankle were ok and there is still this difference...

The knee gets re-positioned
For this procedure the client lies on his/her back, the helper raises the lower leg until the hip and the knee are in an angle of 90 degrees. Then the helper‘s hand grip above and below the joint and while stretching the knee to 180 degrees the joint is softly pushed into position. Of course this procedure has to be practiced over and over again in a seminar. The method for the client to do it at home is likewise: He/she stands with one step forward The knee bent to 90 degrees (for people with less flexibility it is easier to put the foot on a step) one hand below, and the other hand above the joint. Then while stretching the knee to 180 degrees the joint is pushed back in.
Another check shows whether it was the knee joint, that was responsible for the different length

If there is still a difference in the length of the legs the hip has to be re-positioned. I have seen in more than a decade of doing Spynamics, is that it is in 75 % to 80 % of all cases one hip that causes the pseudo-difference of length in the legs.

Re-position the hip joint
To re-position the hip the client lays on his back. The hip is angled to 90 degree. The client or the helper fixates the sit-bone. Then the client drops the leg without using muscle force. The same exercise can be done while standing. Standing on one leg, the other bent in the hip to 90 degrees. The hand underneath the sit bone fixates the position on the hip and then the leg is dropped without strength. Sometimes a clicking sound is heard when the hip „jumps“ back into its socket. The client should be educated to repeat this exercise every time the hip is bent to less than 90 degrees.

in every first examination it is very important to do all joints, because it is the only way to find hidden sub-luxations. For instance you may find the same length of legs. Then you do one side and – oops - there is a difference now, because one of the joints (or two or all three of them) has been sub-luxated. The so re-positioned leg seems to be shorter now, if the other leg has also sub-luxations. So the other leg is re-positioned as well and then we have stable conditions and no difference in length any more.
Basis for a successful alignment of the spine is always a correct setting of all leg joints and the pelvis. Only when the legs are equally long the pelvis can sit 90 degree horizontal. And only if legs and pelvis are correct the spine can be straight.
Examination of the pelvis
The client stands in front of the helper. The best would be if he/she had something to hold on to, like wall bars, or door k***s. The helper puts the thumbs horizontally on the iliac rest The position of the thumbs shows already whether there is a balance or not.
Re-Positioning of the pelvis
If the pelvis is found not exactly horizontal, it is equalized like this: The helper embraces with both underarms the higher iliac rest. While the client is swinging the leg of the opposite side in a perpendicular motion back and forth the helper pulls down and lightly rotates the iliac rest. After that the static is checked again. This procedure is only done with the higher side.
Examination of the sacro-iliac joint
The examination is either done by means of European Foot Reflexology or like the pelvis examination. The shifted sacro-iliac joint shows a little hump on the narrowed side. On the feet the inner heel shows on the reflex-zone of the sacro iliac joint whether the joint is too narrow or too wide
Re-Positioning of the Sacro-Iliac-Joint
Assumed, the sacro-iliac joint seems to be shifted more to the right the helpers hand holds firm on the sacro-iliac joint and pushes softly while the client swings his/her leg on the opposite side. This can also be done by the client himself (herself)
When corrected with European Foot Reflexology, the client lays down The heel is fixed in one hand of the helper and the fore-foot is gently bent inwards (to the middle) when it is required to open the sacro iliac joint. If the sacro iliac joint is too wide, then the fore-foot is bent to the outside to close the gap.
Examination of the spine
The helper palpates with the thumbs right and left of the processus spinosus. On a healthy spine all vertebrae and with this all processi spinosi are in one line. The processi transversi are hardly palpable on a healthy spine. If the spine is in a wrong posture the positions of the processi spinosi and of the processi transversi change dramatically. The helper feels that as a convex or concave divergence of the spine. In the beginning it might be helpful to mark to highest point of the processi spinosi. That makes the deviation much better visible.
Now the client is instructed to swing the leg opposite to the side that needs to be re-set. The helper attempts to shift the vertebra back into its physiologically correct position using gentle pressure by his thumb or elbow over the transverse processes.The skin should be well oiled and the resetting should be done with gentle but firm strokes alongside the transverse processes. The first strokes always go upwards. Systematically both sides are done in the same way. It is recommended to start with the inner curve of the convex divergence. A subsequent check up, with the client standing, indicates, how far the vertebrae have been adjusted. The re-positioning of the lower spine can be considered finished, when the spinal processes lay in one direction and the transverse processes are no longer protruding and palpable.
To get an adjustment of the upper spine the client is sitting on a stool. The client is advised to swing the arm opposite to side of the (thoracic) spine that has to be re-set. The helper again does the same procedure as described for the lower spine. After both sides are done, another technique for the Th1-10 applies. The client is advised to dangle the arms (like marching) while the helper starts with both thumbs at the Th1 and slides down to the end of the trapezius. This is also a daily recommended exercise to get rid of the „hormone hump“. The technique can be easily shown to family members.
The cervical spine needs another technique. The helpers flat hands fixate the end of the transversal processes in a line. When the client shakes his/her head in a light no-no motion the fixation makes the vertebrae shift back into line. The same technique can be used as a homework for the client. He/she puts the flat right hand to the left side of the transverse processes and shakes the head slowly. Then the opposite side is worked on likewise.
The shoulder gets re-set
by abducting it to 90 degree and rotate it back into the joint
Same goes for elbow and wrist.
To reset a joint: It is always first a 90 degree motion (sub-luxation) and then a pushing back while going back to 180 degrees in a strechted out position
Doing Spynamics correctly it is vital to first check on the correct length of the legs, the correct setting of the pelvis and the sacro iliac joints. Then the spine is adjusted in that dynamic way that makes the Spynamics so unique.
This method is so efficient, that even pronounced scoliosis may be straightened out.
In opposite to Chiropractic, where it is a common known problem that old stress pattern draw back the muscles into their old (unhealthy) positions, this hardly ever happens with Spynamics.
In most cases it makes sense to show the client some homework to re-adjust the joints and the spine. The homework also makes the client take more responsibility for his/her own body.

There is no healer -
the healing always comes from within!!!!!!

Consecutive Spynamics
It is very important to see the client at least once a week until he/she is free of symptoms, so that no other stress patterns can arise.
Possible side effects
as with every natural healing method, Spynamics also has its side effects. One is a possible healing crisis. This means: things first get worse before they get better. Sore muscles show that lactic acid is now removed from the muscle tissue. As a prevention one may take Rhus tox. in an X 200 (5 pellets). To ease the pain it is also a good remedy to take a warm bath with 1 pound of sea salt and 20 drops of lavender oil.
Advantages of Spynamics over Chiropractic
1. No overstretching of tendons and joints
2. No setting of new sub-luxations
3. The client is actively working on his/her own healing
4. The client learns a new healthy posture
Do‘s and don‘ts after having Spynamics
After being re-set with Spynamics any uni-lateral movements should be avoided for some days. Heavy loads should be taken alternatively right and left. Dedicated right-handers should sometimes try to work more with the left hand (and lefthanders with the right hand) Every joint that has been found sub-luxated should be consequently pushed back into its socket with Spynamics once it has been bent to more than 90 degrees.
As any natural healing method Spynamics also has its limits in application.
No Spynamics should be done when
1. there is a acute spell of rheumatic disease
2. acute gout
3. slipped disc when there is already loss of sensivity (surgery!)
4. severe case of osteoporosis
5. acute lacerations and inflammations

Homework for the client
Even when the client has been perfectly adjusted it still can happen that the old stress pattern in the back is pulling the muscles back into the old position. This makes it necessary that the client does some homework to maintain the success.
When the legs were found on some joints sub-luxated, this means, that the client should re-adjust all joints every day. In the case of the sub-luxated hip it means that every time the hip is bent to less than 90 degrees (e.g. while driving a car) it has to be re-adjusted. The client should also be advised which motion patterns he/she should avoid.

Self-Treatment of the ankles
Standing: The previously longer leg is placed somewhat forward. Then the knee is moved forward until it is directly above the ankle joint. While the heel is firmly pressed to the floor, the ankle joint is rolled inwards and outwards until the joint is in the right position.

Self Treatment of the knee joint
The foot of the longer leg gets set upon something elevated (step or low stool) the knee joint at an angle of 90 degree. The same-side hand now clasps closely above the knee-cap. The other hand, being placed beneath the knee joint with thumb spread out like a fork, passes the knee joint from the calf lightly upwards. Now the knee joint is brought into extension through a gentle pressure downward on the upper thigh and upward from below the knee joint. With this motion the knee is reset.

Self Treatment of the hip joint
The re-positioning of the hip joint can be shown to the client while lying down or while standing. The procedure is all the same. The leg makes an 90 degree angle with the hip. The same-side hand is placed firmly under the sit bone. Now the sit bone gets pushed upwards, while the legs is dropped.

Self treatment of the lower spine
The client learns to lean on a corner with the convex bent side of the spine. The opposite leg should be swung back and forth (like left side on the spine means the right leg swings) until leaning this way causes no further unpleasant sensations.

Self treatment of the upper spine
the client does basically the same except that instead of the leg now the opposite arm is swinging

Self treatment of the cervical spine
The client reaches with the opposite hand (right neck with left hand) giving firm counter pressure to the end of transverse processes. While shaking the head in a no-no motion the resistance of the hand is re-positioning the vertebrae in the cervical spine.

It is very important, to educate the client that this self re-adjustment always has to be done softly in order not to cause stress or pain.

Through the dynamics of Spynamics it is extremely rare for the muscles - impressed by a stress pattern - to again pull the adjusted vertebrae into their old and wrong position. The homework assignments which empower the client to adapt to the new, correct position, additionally effect that the client is taking responsibility for him/her-self

Hope you enjoyed this excursion Love and light ULLA
