Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth

Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth

3,500 architects/engineers, 2,700 military call for a new investigation into the destruction of all 3 WTC skyscrapers on 9/11. 501(c)(3) educational nonprofit

The 24th Hour is coming! 03/09/2024

AE911Truth’s anniversary event, the 24th Hour, is coming next Saturday!

Featuring some of the most influential independent political commentators on the scene today, this free online broadcast will be our most ambitious 9/11 anniversary conference yet!

Invited guests include presidential candidate Jill Stein, comedian and podcaster Jimmy Dore, Google whistleblower Zach Vorhies, and many more. All speakers offer their own unique takes on the consequences of this world-changing event.

In this very special podcast, AE911Truth’s own Andy Steele and Craig McKee sit down to provide an in-depth look into the event and its exciting lineup.

The 24th Hour is coming! Steele & McKee preview the 24th Hour!


On Saturday, September 7th, AE911Truth presents the 24th Hour, an online conference featuring some of the most influential independent commentators on the scene today! This incredible lineup includes Dr. Jill Stein, Jimmy Dore, Whitney Webb, Zach Vorhies, Daniele Ganser, Alex Stein, Meryl Nass, Barrie Zwicker, Anthony Hall, and more!

To learn more about our free online broadcast, click the link below in the description! And we’ll see you there! 21/08/2024

Jill Stein and Jimmy Dore headline AE911Truth’s 2024 anniversary event!

Saturday, September 7, 2024 (Time to be announced)

Save The Date!

If we think of every year since September 11, 2001, as if it’s an hour in a day, then we’re on the verge of starting the 24th hour of our fight for truth and justice. What have we accomplished in the first 23 hours of our day, and what will the next one bring? As we embark on our 2024 anniversary event, 9/11 is gaining new attention and being questioned by some of the most influential independent commentators on the scene today. This is creating a new sense of hope that the truth about this massive deception will be exposed to all.

Today we are excited to announce that this September, AE911Truth will be bringing you our most illustrious online conference ever!

THE 24th HOUR — Brought to you by AE911Truth If we think of every year since September 11, 2001, as if it’s an hour in a day, then we’re on the verge of starting the 24th hour of our fight for truth and justice. What have we accomplished in the first 23 hours of our day, and what will the next one bring? As we embark on our 2024 anniversar...

Angle names 9/11 “persons of interest” 06/08/2024

Roland Angle, P.E., names 9/11 “persons of interest”

“The presentation will describe the process by which this colossal fraud has been foisted off on the public by using the leading engineering organizations to construct a false narrative that does not stand up to scientific inquiry. The details of this process will be clearly described and explained.”

Angle names 9/11 “persons of interest” Engineering the 9/11 Cover-Up

What caused flashes on the Twin Towers and WTC 7 as they came down? 06/08/2024

What ARE these flashes?

What caused flashes on the Twin Towers and WTC 7 as they came down? What ARE these flashes?

RFK Sr. suggested false flag against Cuba 02/08/2024

Free Fall panel looks at evidence of the plan, Trump shooting, and WTC flashes

Did you know that there’s a tape from the early 1960s in which Robert Kennedy suggests to the president that the U.S. stage a false flag attack against one of its own ships in Cuba?

In this episode 9/11 Free Fall you’re going to hear it!

RFK Sr. suggested false flag against Cuba Free Fall panel looks at evidence of the plan, Trump shooting, and WTC flashes

Is video allegedly implicating Saudi Arabia in 9/11 just another ‘red herring’? 17/07/2024

Almost a decade ago, we got the infamous “28 pages.”

These came from the report of the congressional “Joint Inquiry into Intelligence Community Activities Before and After the Terrorist Attacks of September 11” and appeared to implicate Saudi Arabia in the 9/11 “attacks.”

Some in the 9/11 Truth Movement saw this as an opening for a re-investigation of the event, while others saw it as a limited hangout – designed to reinforce the idea that al-Qaeda terrorists were really behind 9/11 as the official story contends.

Is video allegedly implicating Saudi Arabia in 9/11 just another ‘red herring’? Almost a decade ago, we got the infamous “28 pages.”

Roland Angle on what the Scientific Integrity Act will mean for our country 12/07/2024

On the last episode of 9/11 Free Fall, host Andy Steele was joined by AE911Truth board member Kamal Obeid to discuss the organization’s bold new initiative – the Scientific Integrity Act, which is legislation currently being drafted by AE911Truth that would require that scientific reports issued by the federal government be accurate and true (as well as giving standing to American citizens who wish to challenge inaccurate reports in court).

On this week’s show, AE chairman Roland Angle discusses not only the Act but also important instances of scientific dispute between professionals and the federal government that the legislation would impact, as well as the recent Chevron ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court curtailing the power of federal agencies.

The Scientific Integrity Act would remove legal loopholes that make it possible for agencies like the National Institute of Standards and Technology to deceive the American people with scientifically fraudulent reports. In fact, it is reports like the one NIST produced on the destruction of World Trade Center Building 7 that have been used to keep the 9/11 cover-up from being completely exposed.

Don’t this miss this important and informative episode as the head of our organization speaks to YOU about the critical work that lies ahead for AE and for all of us in the 9/11 Truth Movement as we attempt to bring integrity to our system.

Roland Angle on what the Scientific Integrity Act will mean for our country Science is never settled.

We deserve better 09/07/2024

For 17 years AE911Truth has compiled a mountain of evidence that clearly demonstrates that towers 1, 2, and 7 of the World Trade Center were brought down with explosives on September 11, 2001.

Along with that, we have shined a light on several glaring errors and omissions in the analyses performed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology in their official World Trade Center reports.

Rather than defend its conclusions, NIST has closed the book on its reports and now hides behind the legal claim that, ultimately, federal agencies are not accountable to the American people.

Sadly, the courts have backed NIST up, claiming that it has met its statutory requirements and that it cannot be compelled to issue accurate reports.

The U.S. Supreme Court has declined to hear our appeal of this erroneous logic.

As citizens of the United States, we deserve better than this.

We deserve better Integrity: doing the right thing when no one is watching

Candace Owens questions the 9/11 official story 05/07/2024

Political commentator cites Loose Change and the reality of false flag attacks on her podcast.

In only the ninth episode of her podcast, popular conservative commentator Candace Owens expressed doubts about the official narrative of what happened on September 11, 2001.

She cited the film Loose Change and mentioned the “dancing Israelis,” who were arrested in New York City after they were spotted celebrating and videotaping the destruction of the World Trade Center towers.

Sticking up for those who don’t believe the government’s narrative of the events, Owens said:

“Then, of course, there are those who believe that 9/11 was an inside job, a false flag event. And those people are deemed the craziest because, ‘How dare they? How dare they question that narrative? How dare you think that your government could be involved in a false flag attack at all?

“Well let me tell you something, sweetheart. You don’t have to believe that 9/11 was an inside job, but you better tether yourself to the understanding that false flag events are a reality. Not an imagination, not a conspiracy theory. It is a reality.”

While Owens didn’t specifically endorse the evidence that AE911Truth has been presenting for years – which demonstrates conclusively that WTC towers 1, 2, and 7 were brought down with explosives – her willingness to speak out about the subject marks another positive step for the cause. As more and more famous voices break their silence about 9/11, the taboo surrounding the issue fades a little more. This allows more space for a national dialogue to take place.

As we have done in the past when other high-profile voices have had the courage to speak out for 9/11 truth, we commend Candace Owens for being willing question the 9/11 official story. And we implore others who also have large platforms to do the same.

Candace Owens’ segment on 9/11 begins at 1:25 in the video in the article.

Candace Owens questions the 9/11 official story Sticking up for those who don’t believe the government’s narrative of the events.

AE911Truth’s Scientific Integrity Act would force government reports to be true 28/06/2024

How many Americans realize that their own government is allowed to publish scientific reports that are false? And how many know that this is the case even with scientific data that the government knows to be false.

This fact was confirmed in a recent court ruling in a 2023 lawsuit brought by Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth against the National Institute of Standards and Technology. The action concerned NIST’s report on the destruction of World Trade Center Building 7 on September 11, 2001.

AE911Truth sued NIST after the federal agency refused to correct false data and conclusions in its report. AE had raised the issue in the form of a “request for correction,” which NIST failed to respond to in any meaningful way.

Not surprisingly, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit sided with NIST, reaching the conclusion in its October 2023 ruling, which stated that as long as NIST’s report met “statutory requirements,” it did not have to be accurate or true. The U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear an appeal of the ruling.

AE911Truth’s Scientific Integrity Act would force government reports to be true How many Americans realize that their own government is allowed to publish scientific reports that are false? And how many know that this is the case even with scientific data that the government knows to be false.

AE911Truth undertakes a bold initiative 25/06/2024

AE911Truth undertakes a bold initiative:

The Scientific Integrity Act

In its ruling last year on AE911Truth’s case against the National Institute of Standards and Technology, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit decided that federal agencies are allowed to knowingly issue false scientific reports as long as they meet “statutory requirements.”

Their ruling also states that organizations like AE911Truth do not have standing to legally challenge such false reports.

In the United States, when the law doesn’t work on behalf of the people, it’s time for the people to change the law – or pass an entirely new one.

And that’s just what we’re doing with the Scientific Integrity Act!

AE911Truth undertakes a bold initiative In the United States, when the law doesn’t work on behalf of the people, it’s time for the people to change the law – or pass an entirely new one. And that’s just what we’re doing with the Scientific Integrity Act!

9/11 Truth: Part of Civilization's Advancement 07/06/2024

9/11 and Human Progress: Roland Angle on Unthinkable

Roland Angle considers this cause to be the greatest of the past century.

In addition to serving the engineering profession for more than 50 years, AE911Truth’s chairman has spent the past decade working to expose his fellow engineers across the U.S. to the scientific evidence that the World Trade Center towers were destroyed by explosives, not by plane impacts and the ensuing fires, on September 11, 2001.

Angle considers this approach to be the key to breaking down support for the official reports that the 9/11 official story depends on for its survival.

9/11 Truth: Part of Civilization's Advancement Roland Angle considers this cause to be the greatest of the past century.

Wecht’s position on WTC explosions a lasting legacy for 9/11 truth 07/06/2024

Wecht’s position on WTC explosions a lasting legacy for 9/11 Firefighters for 9-11 Truth

Cyril Wecht was not intimidated by power. He didn’t shy away from taking unpopular positions or challenging official narratives.

Wecht’s position on WTC explosions a lasting legacy for 9/11 truth Cyril Wecht was not intimidated by power. He didn't shy away from taking unpopular positions or challenging official narratives.

When a Mockingbird Sings 07/06/2024

Nothing New Under The Sun — I Created "Fake News" Many Decades Before It Ever Became A "Popularized" Talking Point For The Media In The Left/Right Bread & Circus Distraction, As It Had Been Done Decades Prior

When a Mockingbird Sings To Kill a 9/11 Mockingbird

Children of 9/11 07/06/2024

9/11’s Lasting Impact

In this week’s episode of Unthinkable, host Julia Piccici is joined by civil engineer, and Project Due Diligence volunteer, Eric Francis-Wright.

As a young boy living in Queens, New York, on September 11th, Eric lived through the aftermath of the World Trade Center disaster. As an engineer, he has had the courage to challenge the official story of the towers’ destruction despite being part of a profession that has mostly conformed to the official narrative of the event.

Children of 9/11 9/11 stuck with them forever. . .

Supreme Court decision against AE911Truth reveals true U.S. government agenda 07/06/2024

The federal government has surrendered any notion that it has legitimate authority over matters of scientific dispute.

Supreme Court decision against AE911Truth reveals true U.S. government agenda The federal government has surrendered any notion that it has legitimate authority over matters of scientific dispute.

RFK Jr. confronted AGAIN about WTC 7 14/05/2024

RFK Jr. confronted AGAIN about WTC 7

‘The Crew’ discusses RJK Jr. being confronted over WTC 7
Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. was put on the spot by NewsNation host Chris Cuomo concerning Kennedy’s comments about WTC 7 on Peter Bergen’s podcast. It seems that for Cuomo – and just about every mainstream journalist – questioning any aspect of 9/11 is a step too far for any political candidate.

In this episode of 9/11 Free Fall, host Andy Steele is joined by a panel of outspoken 9/11 researchers – Craig McKee, Adam Syed, and Jeff Long – to examine the implications of this latest confrontation.

RFK Jr. confronted AGAIN about WTC 7 ‘The Crew’ discusses RJK Jr. being confronted over WTC 7

AE911Truth’s Supreme Court Petition Passes Initial Steps Without Challenge! 14/05/2024

Earlier this year, AE911Truth’s attorneys submitted a petition to the United States Supreme Court. Among the challenges included within it is a decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia in our case against NIST which claimed that, provided federal agency reports meet statutory requirements, the federal government is allowed to issue false reports, even when solid evidence proves their conclusions to be wrong!

AE911Truth’s Supreme Court Petition Passes Initial Steps Without Challenge! The Justices are considering our case…

Andy Steele Unfiltered: Shares All on #Unthinkable 14/05/2024

Free Fall guy cursed out by WABC reporter!

Hosted by 9/11 Researcher Julia Picicci.

Andy Steele is AE911Truth’s director of operations as well as the producer and host of 9/11 Free Fall. For over a decade he has brought you interviews with nearly every researcher, scholar, and activist in the 9/11 Truth Movement.

In this week’s episode of Unthinkable, the tables are turned as host Julia Picicci sits down with Andy to discuss his work over the years for the cause. This includes the C-SPAN campaign that brought AE911Truth’s evidence to millions, his own street activism, and his graphic novel Born on 9/11, which was released around the 20th anniversary of September 11.

You may know about some of these things, but you don’t know the stories behind them.

Andy Steele Unfiltered: Shares All on #Unthinkable Free Fall guy cursed out by WABC reporter!

She Delivers The Unthinkable Truth... 14/05/2024

AE911Truth is Proud to Introduce the Newest Addition to our Podcast Family...


Hosted by 9/11 Researcher Julia Picicci.

Bringing her fresh perspective to the 9/11 issue, Julia Picicci tackles the most important controversy of our century through interviews with leading voices in the 9/11 truth movement, sharing her insight along the way to create an experience for viewers that is both hard-hitting and uplifting.

This weekend, Julia sat down with AE911Truth Board member and structural engineer, Kamal Obeid to discuss the very matter that sits at the heart of our mission: the controlled demolitions of the Twin Towers and World Trade Center 7 on September 11, 2001, and the ongoing fight to help the world see the truth about what really happened on 9/11, even as forces within our society pressure individuals to remain silent.

She Delivers The Unthinkable Truth... Hosted by 9/11 Researcher Julia Picicci.


Engineering Professor Zdeněk P. Bažant's Fraudulent theory exposed! The mathematics he used to explain the Twin Towers Collapse is WRONG!

Errors Revealed in Bažant's Calculations Further Bury the Official Story as ASCE and NIST Continue to Stonewall Calls for a New WTC Investigation.

Just two days after the tragedy of September 11, 2001, engineering Professor, Zdeněk P. Bažant of Northwestern University submitted a paper to the ASCE's Journal of Engineering Mechanics attempting to explain why, following the airplane impacts, the Twin Towers collapsed.

His theory was later adopted by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and incorporated into their final report on the destruction of the Twin Towers.

While Bažant's analysis has been criticized and challenged by AE911Truth and other researchers over the years for ignoring certain fundamental laws of physics, a new problem with his analysis has been discovered — the mathematical equation that Bažant devised to justify his theory contained glaring errors and inaccurate assumptions.

In other words, it's wrong.

The discovery was made by AE911Truth Chairman, Roland Angle, working with mechanical engineer Tony Szamboti. The two have written a paper outlining their findings. (See below)

On March 4, 2024, Angle and Szamboti submitted their paper via email to Professor Bažant, offering him the chance to respond by April 1 before the results of their findings were made public.

Despite having the opportunity to defend his calculations, as yet, Bažant has remained silent.


Building 7 Evidence Delivered to the Next Generation of Truth Advocates

John Schuler is a civil engineer and a dedicated member of Project Due Diligence, which has been bringing the World Trade Center evidence to the grassroots of the engineering community through presentations all over the country.

Recently he has given two presentations about Building 7 to the ASCE student branches of Old Dominion University and Liberty University.

In this episode of 9/11 Free Fall, John joins host, Andy Steele to talk about his experiences at these recent presentations, along with the importance of sharing the WTC evidence with the segment of the population who needs to hear it the most — the youth, who are inheriting the ill effects of our post-9/11 society.

This discussion highlights why the work of AE911Truth is just as important today as it ever was.

In a world that continues to change, one thing remains the same.

We were lied to about 9/11, and that lie changed everything.
So will the truth.

COINTELPRO and Cognitive Infiltration 01/04/2024

Technocratic despotism — discussing government infiltration of movements in the United States

COINTELPRO was a secret FBI program aimed at surveilling, infiltrating, discrediting, and disrupting several movements that were peacefully working for change in the United States.

After it was exposed in 1971, the U.S. government claimed that the program ended, but many believe that it did not as there have been several documented cases of government infiltration of activist groups over the last several decades.

In this episode of 9/11 Free Fall, writer Craig McKee joins host Andy Steele to discuss his latest article for AE911Truth, titled, "Under any other name… COINTELPRO is alive and well in 2024," which delves into the history of government infiltration of movements in the United States. He lays out some of the methods that were employed within the 9/11 Truth Movement to derail its efforts, including the tactic of "cognitive infiltration" that Obama's former information czar, Cass Sunstein, described in the 2008 paper that he co-authored, titled "Conspiracy Theories."

McKee's article and this interview describe what cognitive infiltration is and how it may be employed. Steele also explains some of the known cases of COINTELPRO subversion from the past as outlined in the film Cointelpro 101, which can viewed at the link in the article.

This episode is an introduction to a very important topic not only for members of the 9/11 truth movement but for activist members of any movement that challenges establishment agendas.

COINTELPRO and Cognitive Infiltration The black hats won't like this one....

He escaped... 12/03/2024 now he won’t be silenced.

Allaaeldin Abuasaker is the CEO and founder of Palestine Charity Team. He was one of the many Gazans trapped in the middle of the current conflict, and while we tried to interview him in a previous episode of 9/11 Free Fall, his power was cut after only a few minutes and his voice was silenced.

Having now escaped the devastation, he returns with Palestine Charity Team Vice President, Kelly David, to share his story and to speak more about the organization he founded.

People are attempting to escape the devastation in Gaza. While Allaaeldin is now safe, his family remains stranded in the occupied land.

He escaped... YOU can still help them

Our Fight is Everyone’s Fight 09/03/2024

Spread the Word About our Supreme Court Challenge

This week our attorneys submitted our petition to the United States Supreme Court, challenging the rulings of lower courts in our case against .

Among the challenges under review is a decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia that set a dangerous standard for our nation.

The court has claimed that, provided federal agency reports meet statutory requirements, they are not required to be scientifically accurate, even when solid evidence proves their conclusions to be demonstrably false, and do not give rise to informational standing.

This ruling is a direct challenge to the constitutional right of American citizens of access to the courts, and severely hinders the ability of the judicial branch to perform its constitutional and critical role of oversight of federal agency abuses of power.

The erroneous logic of the court not only affects our critical mission at AE911Truth regarding the destruction of the three World Trade Center towers in New York on September 11, 2001, but any issue in which the scientific conclusions of the federal government are in question.

Our Fight is Everyone’s Fight Spread the Word About our Supreme Court Challenge

Deception Rules the World 09/03/2024

Deception Rules the World

Did 9/11 really CHANGE everything?

Barrie Zwicker has been a prolific journalist and media critic for over fifty years and was one of the first journalists on television to courageously bring the 9/11 truth evidence to his audience.

In this episode of 9/11 Free Fall, Barrie sits down with host Andy Steele to not only discuss the great deception the world experienced on 9/11 but current events as well, including the still unfolding tragedy in the Middle East.

The two also discuss the sociological changes taking place in the world that are making the current power interests more desperate. Thus, creating more false flag attacks and the greater potential for wars.

This interview is an opportunity to listen to a fascinating talk with a long-time veteran of the 9/11 cause, who has covered world events with an honest and insightful perspective for half a century.

Deception Rules the World Did 9/11 really CHANGE everything?


How far will they go to cover it up?

Public safety is up for $ale. . "Just doing my job."

ASCE 76-23 . . . Laundering an Official Lie

The explanations given to us by NIST for the destruction of the three World Trade Center towers that fell on September 11, 2001, are not only wrong, but their erroneous conclusions have had a lasting impact on our nation.

Because of the cover-up of the true nature of the 9/11 crime, not only have our civil liberties and our government’s geopolitical decisions been affected, but the engineering industry is being impacted as well.

In this episode of The Focus, AE911Truth Chairman Roland Angle, civil engineer and former U.S. Army Special Forces, where he was trained in the use of explosives, along with fellow engineers Dick Lowman and Mike Herzig discuss ASCE 76-23, a building code built on the muddy foundation of the false official story of WTC 7’s collapse.

The Campbell Family is NOT Backing Down, and Neither Should We 24/02/2024

The Solicitor General for England and Wales, acting on behalf of the Attorney General, has once again denied the Campbell family’s application for a new inquest into the death Geoff Campbell at the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001.

Without addressing any of the evidence that clearly demonstrates that the Twin Towers were brought down in controlled demolitions, the Solicitor General’s decision relied solely on obtuse bias and the hollow authority of the reports, robbing Geoff, as well as thousands of other victims at the World Trade Center, the justice they deserve.

It’s clear now that the system is stonewalling and that the hope is that the Campbells will give up.

But they AREN’T, and WE and our army of supporters are standing with them!

In this special episode of 9/11 Free Fall, host Andy Steele is joined by Matt Campbell, the brother of Geoff, who has taken the lead in pushing for a new inquest into Geoff’s death.

The Campbells are demanding a judicial review.

But they need YOUR help to make it happen.

With Geoff’s case now facing a critical deadline, Matt dismantles the Solicitor General’s irresponsible ruling and lays out the battle plan for the next chapter of his family’s historic fight.

The Campbell Family is NOT Backing Down, and Neither Should We It’s clear now that the system is stonewalling, hoping the Campbells give up.

Our Story

3,000+ architects and engineers demand a new WTC investigation.

Videos (show all)

Refuting NIST's "Why the Building (WTC7) Fell"
Project Due Diligence: The Fire Rises
9/11 and the Scientific Method | Part 2: Temperature | Jonathan Cole, PE
9/11 and the Scientific Method | Part 1: Motion | Jonathan Cole, PE
Unscientific Method: How NIST Sidestepped the Evidence of Building 7’s Demolition | Ted Walter
Critical Decisions that Derailed the World Trade Center Building 7 Investigation | Roland Angle, PE
AE911Truth Remembers Ed Asner
North Tower spire falls straight down
A Critique of the NIST WTC Reports and the Progressive Collapse Theory | Seth McVey | 8/10/2022
Tell Me With a Straight Face This Is NOT a Controlled Demolition
Global Failure: A Structural Reevaluation of the Collapse of WTC 7 | Seth McVey | August 3, 2022
North Tower: Collapse or Explosions?
