Supreem Embassador of EARTH (real timeless)

Supreem Embassador of EARTH (real timeless)

I destroy what threatens Earth.



Message from a friend:
January 14, 2012
you alive?

Keith Michael Berryhill
yes... I miss times with my brothers, I want to go have a beer with you.
You're going to have to come a long way for a beer. I'm up in north dakota now
Keith Michael Berryhill
I'm going through a lot! Barely alive. I've had a computer program put into my brain using nano, through another dimension, and I can communicate with them. I keep feeling myself getting murdered, and I can actually see what is happening in those dimensions when I close my eyes. I have not been doing good for 7 months now of attacks! Straight from the top and apparently the future! The experiences are way more intense and insane than it even sounds!!! I die somewhere at least a few times an hour. Sometimes it hurts so bad I cry and can't leave my house for days. Today I had Nanos in 200 dimensions devour my brain cerebellum and then whole body all in a few minutes. I could see my skeletal system. I imagine the only comparison was dieing of cancer: brain, bone... accelerated into about a 30 minute episode X 200. I don't even care anymore how crazy I sound this is absolutely horrible!!! I've been attacked in so many different ways, nonstop, consecutive, often at the same time. Sometimes spirit world, sometimes matrixes, sometimes other dimensional. I've stopped an alien invasion. not playing. I don't know what to do, when ever anything good happens, something else immediately starts, there was some downtime of sorts. but this nano thing is BY FAR the scariest thing I have ever experienced, and painful. wish those who know what is going on would do something. I AM NOT HAVING ANY FUN. I came back from Nicaragua on top of the world. They have made a power move to dethrone. It is hard to stay positive.
Keith Michael Berryhill
Just re-read this for the first time since I wrote it, still dealing with it! Tracked down some timemachiner programmers of phone networks and ripped into them. Also traced telepathically to find that old guy who played the scientist in AI, whom staged his own death at the beginning and directed Will Smith to "investigate". Turns out he also is the creator of Resident Evil... In Carpenteria, Cali he walked right up to me and sat down at my picnic table he had an assistant with him, who didn't say a word... I didn't know how to react. I recognized him as a scientist but couldn't remember him from AI the movie till later. He just debated me on the understanding of the structure of the Universe. Only "famous" person I met in over a year in California. How are you?
Keith Michael Berryhill
ALIVE! Doing much better, more efficient at counter attacking and defenses, though the Creator of Venom Movie has a thousand fat suits on me that destroys my muscle underneath... other than that major hick-up doing pretty good! Very much ALIVE!🤙🏻




If I could send a message to the past, I'd teach the warriors & peace makers of non-asian descent about Dark Energy Laser Writer Cannons resulting from Extreme Oppressions enduring by asian, females' Role in Proboscis male Kidnap Reproductive History, late history Uniformity Conversion of white & black stripes, early heroisms of the mono monkey & beta gorilla' jerk-offs' eyes & ears on how the Proboscis (shrew) Barks her* into submissions..

*second generation non-rape reproduction as King Kong's daughter, rape-reproduced as that same 3wk old for 1 million years.. *Second Generation Alpha female of Chimpanzee to have love mated with the Alpha male Gorilla for his Zero Fear Aggressions rerouted toward R**e Reproductive Alphas of Chimpanzees. *vag-shape shifter, Venom spawn\Starfish, Starlight~Goddess, níer of MAN, Grand-daughter of Carol Danvers, sister of Natasha Henstridge of Species.


I Fake' the US National Debt to China*

*as a Laser Olympics///Bill Pullman\\\Bill Proboscis+Cunton "POTUS SWITCH REMNANT"


My tweet for today. How much can be said in one tweet? Follow Keith to whittness World Records get Broken!




UNDO Wolf-in-Stien & other 卐experimentations in Lasering Mind frames in Reverse, through Popular White People.


One my S***m is listed "WEAPON X".


I'm told by KAI: my average lifespan was 35yrs*!
*human/great ape, past lives, age at death, averaged out...
