Religious Education

Religious Education

What is it you really believe and what's that belief based on?


I’ve been saying this for years. I’ll happily admit I was wrong if the thing would just show up and prove its existence. I actually don’t mind being proven wrong cos I’m not a lil bish.
I can’t say I’d worship it though. I’d have a lot of questions to put to it before I even considered any level of respect let alone worship.
Don’t get me wrong, if it was proven that this thing created Glencoe, it definitely deserves props for that. But on the flip side, I have to also consider the possibility that it created childhood cancer and cot death and politicians. So that would give me pause.

Timeline photos 10/06/2024

13 Fascinating Facts About Bible Stories That Made Us Say 'Really?' -




Have you read "How Jesus Became God"?


This makes it look pretty "simple" - - Just don't get educated and you'll stay (be) a good Christian (I guess)?

A lot of irony and dysfunctionality going on in all these messages 🙈


Largest Religions In The World (1900-2100) #shorts 07/05/2024

Largest Religions In The World (1900-2100) #shorts The Largest Religions In The World By Total Numbers Of Followers/Worshipers, From 1900 To 2100. Christianity vs Buddhism vs Judaism vs Islam vs Hinduism vs F...


It's hard to realize that beliefs like this still exist in our evolved world of today.

Less PC and More JC! ❤️


'Thou shalt not kill, with a few exceptions '


People are free to believe in gods if they find it helpful, but there is no need for gods in order to live a good life.

Morality doesn’t mean "obeying gods". Morality means "liberating yourself and others from suffering".

Noam Chomsky Interview Used in Documentary "Manufacturing Consent", February 1, 1990 12/04/2024

Noam Chomsky Interview Used in Documentary "Manufacturing Consent", February 1, 1990 Parts of this video were used in the documentary, "Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media"


Paul only ever received visions of Jesus. that's just a fact.

edit: Previously announced a call-show, but show is now over so it's edited to reflect this.



Oh but I’m sure he’s coming back for real this time…


"In one of the Upanishads it says, when the glow of a sunset holds you and you say 'Aha', that is the recognition of the divinity. And when you say ‘Aha’ to an art object, that is a recognition of divinity. And what divinity is it? It is your divinity, which is the only divinity there is. We are all phenomenal manifestations of a divine will to live, and that will and the consciousness of life is one in all of us, and that is what artwork expresses."
-Joseph Campbell

From The Mythic Dimension

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The narcissism of this theology is astronomical.

Bart Ehrman: Revelations about Revelation... and more 23/11/2023

Interesting Fact: Jesus and his followers didn't believe he (Jesus) was Divine since they all believed the end of the world was near. It wasn't till years later that Christian sects began writing that Jesus was Divine (equal to god) which then made him Divine because it said so in a book they wrote. (Listen to scholars Bart Ehrman and Lawrence Krauss discuss this fact and more:

Bart Ehrman: Revelations about Revelation... and more Subscribe for exclusive content at more and support the foundation at message from Law...

Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth | Ep. 1: 'The Hero’s Adventure' 22/11/2023

Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth | Ep. 1: 'The Hero’s Adventure' Joseph Campbell encourages the audience to discover what excites them, and to make that the basis for their personal journeys.Watch Episode 2: https://youtu...


Oh I'm sure yours is the special one that is really real.

