Understanding Your Medical Care

Understanding Your Medical Care

Understanding Your Medical Care with a personal patient advocate. We'll be there for your family when you are unable. Let us help!

We'll send you a summary of what was discussed. Dedicate yourself to understanding your health and medical needs!


I am trying to demonstrate that someone is always listening.
Su***de prevention we care

Please call a friend family or 1 800 273 8255

Colorado is the first state to cap skyrocketing insulin co-pays 07/11/2019

November is National Diabetes month.

There is great news for insulin users in Colorado. Thanks to our Legislature and Governor Polis, effective January 1, 2020, the cost of insulin will be limited to $100.00 per month! More than 400,000 Coloradans live with diabetes, the ADA said. There are more than 30 million Americans who have diabetes and 7.4 million of them rely on taking insulin daily to survive. 40,000 children are diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes each year. 1.4 million adults are diagnosed each year with Type 2 diabetes.

As noted in the media there are all types of medications and diets to help people control their diabetes. Not all treatments work for everyone. UYMC recommends coordinating your care with your primary care physician and a dietician to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Children with type 1 diabetes may have specific symptoms, including:
• Frequent urination
• Excessive thirst
• Feeling very tired
• Weakness
• Extreme hunger
• Blurred or decreased vision
• Unintentional weight loss
• Mood changes
• Irritability
• Bedwetting during the night (when they previously didn't)
The symptoms of type 1 diabetes typically develop quickly. If children are not diagnosed early, type 1 diabetes symptoms can quickly progress to nausea, vomiting, dehydration and severe illness. If a child has these symptoms, it's important they come to the hospital immediately.

Common symptoms of adult onset diabetes per the American Diabetes Association
• Urinating often.
• Feeling very thirsty.
• Feeling very hungry—even though you are eating.
• Extreme fatigue.
• Blurry vision.
• Cuts/bruises that are slow to heal.
• Weight loss—even though you are eating more (type 1)
• Tingling, pain, or numbness in the hands/feet (type 2)

1- https://www.cnn.com/2019/05/23/health/colorado-insulin-price-cap-trnd/index.html
2- https://beyondtype1.org/type-1-diabetes-statistics/
3- https://www.healthline.com/health/type-2-diabetes/statistics #1
4- https://www.childrenscolorado.org/conditions-and-advice/conditions-and-symptoms/conditions/type-1-diabetes/

Colorado is the first state to cap skyrocketing insulin co-pays The skyrocketing prices of insulin are a nationwide issue and Colorado has become the first state to pass legislation that tackles the problem.


“Three things in human life are important: the first is to be kind; the second is to be kind; and the third is to be kind.” Henry James

Abuse, be it verbal, physical or psychological is not acceptable. In preparing for this month’s awareness links I was overwhelmed by the number of agencies offering to help and the different types of abuses. Domestic partner abuse, child abuse, elder abuse, teen dating abuse, gender bias abuse, are just some of different types. Abuse is not limited to socioeconomic groups, race, religion or culture but a part of each of these groups. Also included in abuse is the bullying that continues at all age levels! As a society we need to be kind to one another in our actions, words and postings. If you need help, please contact one of the agencies or hotlines listed below. Help is available!

If you are in immediate danger, please:
• Call 911.
• Contact your local hotline. 855.978.2638
• Contact a national hotline: 800.799.7233 TTY 1 800 787 3224
• National Teen Dating Abuse hotline: 866.331.9474

o live chat at http://www.loveisrespect.org.
o Call the U.S. National Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-800-656-4673 (HOPE), which automatically connects you to a local U.S. r**e crisis program based on the area code of your phone number. Secure, online private chat is available at https://ohl.rainn.org/online/.


In this Su***de Prevention Month, let's end the stigma and talk about mental health 12/09/2019

On this page you will find links to articles that are related to the health issues that spark National Awareness Month. UYMC will present some of them with links for further discovery. September has several health issues that are near and dear to many of us.
With greater understanding we can make informed choices.

Kindness and patience are our words for the month of September.

National Su***de Prevention Week Sept. 8 - 14
Colorado ranks in the top 10 for su***des in the nation. Odds are you have personally been affected by someone unable to reach out for help. Kyle Clark at 9News had a good story about men in particular not admitting they need help. Please listen and share so we can take care of each other.

I've shared the link to the 9News article

Help is available - Colorado Crisis Services 1 – 844-493-8255
Text “Talk” to 38255
National Su***de Prevention Hotline 1 800 273 8255
Safe2Tell 1-877-542-7233


In this Su***de Prevention Month, let's end the stigma and talk about mental health "While there is no one cause for su***de, doing away with the stigma and having an open dialogue about mental health is one place to start prevention."


Understanding Your Medical Care is committed to helping you understand your diagnosis, treatment plan and options. A nurse will meet you at your appointment, ask questions, take notes and write up a summary for you and your family. We'll be available for follow up questions. We service Colorado's Front Range and Colorado Springs and our rates are dependent upon your expectations. Please call us or email us 303 578 6938 or [email protected]. Visit our website at UYMCAdvocate.com

UYMC will advocate for you and your family for quality medical care and an understanding of your medical needs and plan of care.

Unable to get off work to go to Mom or Dad’s appointment? We will meet them at their appointment, take notes, ask questions, make sure everyone understands the issues and then write up a summary. We can send that summary to you and Mom or Dad. We are available for follow up. Payment for services is dependent on each patient’s needs and expectations.
