Huggable Hippo Designs

Huggable Hippo Designs

Sewing With Sass!! Huggable Hippo Designs was founded in 2014 after making many items as gifts or requests from friends and family.

I love creating and sewing things that are fun but also useful. Huggable Hippo Designs specializes in items for the home and least for now! So far this adventure is more of a hobby business that I do during my kiddo's naps/some evenings but I will be expanding in the future. I always love finding new patterns or ideas so feel free to suggest an item you would like and I will try my best to make it happen!!


Baby Busy Blankee

Soft Sided Storage Bins

Crayon and Marker Roll-ups

Calculator and pen/pencil folding holder

Utensil Holding Placemats

Fabric Napkins
