Healthy Pine Bush

Healthy Pine Bush

Transforming Lives to Healthier Ones. I just didn't want that for them, nor did they deserve it. I Hope you have a Happier and Healthier Day Tomorrow!

Yes, my experience of working in a chemical company, driving tractor trailers across our country hauling food, being a Master Gardener for 15 years growing vegetables and some fruits in Zone 8, 6, 5 and then learning about nutrition has put my "Healthy Puzzle" together for me. I was a sick person with sore throats, upper respiratory infections, chronic bronchitis, high fevers, high cholesterol to

About Ticks and Tickborne Disease 13/07/2024

Hi Everyone,
We are in Summer time and this brings on "TICKS", so I thought I would put some information here for you! Keep yourself SAFE, PLEASE! (Copy & Paste a few of these PDF files in your browser.) #





Please read and print off if you would like. Keep on your Refrigeration door for knowledge. Know what diseases can do to you and know the symptoms. Doctors don't always catch this first but if you've been outside and are not feeling good, think "Tick" and check for rashes or a tick on you!

Thank you, Please Keep Safe! Yes, this is from Ohio, most of it but still is the same for most areas. Check with your Coop in your state for the type of "Ticks" in your state!

Keeping you Safe!

About Ticks and Tickborne Disease General information on diseases spread by ticks and signs and symptoms of tickborne disease.


Check out my friend's earrings called: Clay & Sea by Angela Tyler!
I love what she does and I have a few of my own!


Think Positive and see what that brings your way!



Master Gardening Classes are open to Everyone in any US State through your Agriculture University that is in that State. Call and ask about them. All your counties in your State has access to them, most of the time. You will pay for them, a few hundred dollars ($200 to $500, depending on the University), for a class that goes about 6 months, 1 day per week with homework and an easy test at the end if you pay attention. It is SO IMPORTANT if you can learn to grow your own food! Or even some of it is so beneficial for ALL! It is so worth every penny, My husband & I have been growing our gardens now for 34 years and all the food we've grown has paid back my fee for the class many times over!

I'm just putting it out there so everyone knows there is a program that teaches us to grow our own food and understand how to grow it too! You don't need a big area to grow food and it can also be done in containers too!

There are also community gardens you can join and use their land for your garden. A very small fee for that, like one by me is about $25 to $40 fee for the Whole Summer of Growing! You are only paying for that plot to grow your own food on it for 1 summer. You can extent it every year. Look for Farmer's Markets, CSA Farms etc. are out there too!

Please try to grow some of your food because the Benefits are more than you will ever know! Plus it will save you a lot of money on your food bill!


Cicadas are Coming!!
in May 2024!
Billions of Them!


Now this "SPEAKS TO ME"! I never thought of this before!


Please donate your unwanted clothes to nursing homes before you donate to goodwill. Some folks don’t have family members who provide clothing and they dont have money or physical abilities to buy their own clothing. It’s so sad helping dress people in the same 3 outfits that have rips and holes, missing buttons in them. send them to some one who could use them and not have to wear the same things over and over until they are worn. COPY AND PASTE. KEEP IT GOING❣️🤲🏻☺️

Thank you!


2 Generations of "Cicadas" are coming out in May 2024!! LOTS & LOTS of them!


We Had An Earthquake Here!

Grupo Bimbo - Wikipedia 29/03/2024,Exchange%2520with%2520the%2520ticker%2520BIMBO.&ved=2ahUKEwiBxu6rrpqFAxV2L1kFHXG2C1UQFnoECAUQBQ&usg=AOvVaw2o24sBOQWaxysjmC7mzViN

BIMBO Company just took over All Your Name Brand Bakeries! They originated in Mexico in 1945.
Freiofer, Sara Lee, Entenmann, Thomas, etc., etc., etc.,. Check your bakeries and see if they have been bought by Bimbo Company!
They are worth 15 Billion Dollars!
They are in Mexico, US, Asia, Africa from what I can see!
Your bake goods are Original Any More!!

Grupo Bimbo - Wikipedia Grupo Bimbo, S.A.B. de C.V. (also known simply as Bimbo) is a Mexican multinational food company with a presence in over 33 countries located in the Americas, Europe, Asia and Africa.[1] It has an annual sales volume of 15 billion dollars[2] and is listed on the Mexican Stock Exchange with the ticke...


I only have $6 dollars! How about the rest of you? Place a $ for everything you have NOT DONE!!! Just for fun! Someone please play along!

Been divorced
Been to Disney World
Been to Canada
Ridden in an ambulance
Been to Hawaii
Been to Las Vegas
Been to Texas
Visited Mexico
Been to the Bahamas $
Seen the Grand Canyon in person
Been on a ferry
Sung in the rain
Been to California
Been to New York
Played in band/schools
Sang in the school choir
Church Choir $
Sang karaoke
Laughed so much you cried
Caught a snowflake on your tongue
Had/Have/ children
Had/Have a pet
Been skiing/sledding on a big hill
Rode on a motorcycle
Been to a drive-in movie
Rode an elephant or camel $
Rode a Horse
Been on TV
Stayed in the hospital
Donated blood or plasma $
Gotten a piercing
Driven a stick shift vehicle
Gotten a speeding ticket
Gotten stitches or staple
Traveled alone
Been zip lining $
Been to another country
Shot a gun
Gotten a tattoo $

Now YOU copy and paste, then place the $ by anything that you have NOT experienced and see how many $ you end up with.


Did you know there are 56 names to Sugar???


February Showers bring March Flowers or should it be:
April Showers bring May Flowers?????

Why Salt Matters 21/02/2024

This is a webinar that is on tonight at 8:00 pm EST time. As you get over 50 years old, unfortunately this is something we all should watch out for. I've heard this Dr. Daggy before and he explains it very simple. There is "Always" two sides to everything! Even Salt!
He is going to be talking about:

Sodium: An Essential Yet Not Risk-Free Nutrient
Explore sodium's vital role in maintaining body functions versus its potential health hazards when consumed in large amounts. Learn about when sodium intake is critical versus harmful.

Uncovering the Heart Health-Sodium Connection
Dive into the link between common table salt and cardiovascular risks. Understand why even a little excess can have a big impact on your heart.

Find Your Inner Coach
Learn how to work with your doctor and what you can do at home to help keep your blood pressure in the normal range naturally.

Spotting Hidden Sodium in Your Diet
Gain practical skills to identify and reduce hidden sodium in everyday foods. Learn how to make smarter food choices that contribute to better heart health.

Plus, much more!

Click on the link below and register for tonight. It will come to you by an email so watch your email and a confirmation. If you don't get the link within 1/2 before 8:00pm EST, message me here in FB page and I will help you!
This should be a very good one! Do you want to know about Salt and where you actually find it and never knew?

Why Salt Matters Navigating the line between sodium's necessity and excess for optimal health.


Even though your body grows, your eyes will remain about the same size your whole life.


A kiwi fruit has twice the vitamin C of an orange.


Figs have as much calcium as milk.


A snowflake can take up to an hour to fall from a cloud to the ground.


Half the bones in your body are in your hands and feet.


Get some fresh air! Your brain uses 20% of all the oxygen you breathe.


Your nose cleans the air that you breathe by trapping dust and bacteria in a sticky mucus.


In the Arctic, people use refrigerators to stop their food from freezing.


When buying a new computer, phone or tablet, make sure they stay all within the same company or line of tech!!
What do I mean, if you have an "Apple" phone, you want to buy an Apple computer and iPad. All the Apps and everything about that company will work great for you but if you mix and match your Apple with an Android you will always have some problems with Apps and other tech things with it.
I realized this when I had a Zoom meeting with different computers and phones on it and things did not work well.
So, to save you a hassle and frustration, Keep This In Mind when buying any Tech!
They (Tech Companies) don't tell you this and only when you start to have problems do you realize it! Now the exception is those people that are Really Tech Savvy and can figure things out, where I didn't at the beginning. I know now!

Hope my "TIP FOR THE DAY" helps some people not be FRUSTRATED and Less STRESSED!
Have a Happy Healthy Day to All!


About 71% of the Earth’s surface is covered with water.


I'm already! Water in bathtub for power outages for toilets. Extra water bottles filled, gallons to drink so you don't have to open refrig if power is out.
Fireplace ready to start in case of power outage!
Cozy couch, crocheting and afghan and ready to relax! AND,
Snow Blower ready to go!!




Now I always thought a bear looked for a cave or something to hide in but this was a surprise to me!
So you could just be taking a walk in the woods and come upon a bear and maybe even a few of them.
This bear doesn't seem to be too sound asleep! Something is bothering him because he keeps tossing and turning.
PS: He needs his sleep too and plenty of it!


Does anyone know what type of catapillar this is? It is on a Milkweed and eating it!
There are 11 of them on this one leaf.


Saratoga Race track! Winning & Losing but having Fun.
New hat from Big Bear Lake, CA!
They are being hit with the western hurricane, please keep them all in your prayers!
