

Wellness lab testing. Fitnescity offers wellness and performance and testing that empowers you to make informed decisions about your body.

The assessments use lab-quality equipment and protocol, and range from blood biomarkers to body composition analysis, metabolic testing and performance analysis.


Great video from our partners at Southern Miss Athletics about new testing technology and how Fitnescity facilitates testing for the broader community. via WDAM 7
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Health-Related Fitness Tests Help You Optimize Exercise | Well+Good 21/06/2022

Our Founder and CEO is featured on Well and Good discussing our Fitness and Wellness testing!

Health-Related Fitness Tests Help You Optimize Exercise | Well+Good The growing availability of health related fitness tests allow any fitness enthusiast to optimize their workouts for their physiology.

Fitnescity CEO Laila Zemrani on Democratizing Wellness Lab Testing 27/05/2022

Our CEO and Founder Laila Zemrani is featured on F**t Insider today! Read more about how Fitnescity is helping democratize wellness lab testing.

Fitnescity CEO Laila Zemrani on Democratizing Wellness Lab Testing Democratizing health & wellness diagnostics.

The Importance of Monitoring Wellness From an Early Age | Fitnescity: Fitness Lab Testing. Body Composition Assessments. 31/03/2022

Wellness matters at every age. But arguably, it matters more for children and young adults. That’s because when young people build healthy habits early, they set a strong foundation for the rest of their lives.

Read more below!

The Importance of Monitoring Wellness From an Early Age | Fitnescity: Fitness Lab Testing. Body Composition Assessments. Healthy isn’t just an adjective - it’s a lifestyle! But too many adults wait until their health starts sliding before they make it a priority. As the old saying goes, if we don’t make time for our wellness, we’ll be forced to make time for our illness.

Strength Training Is Changing the Norms of Body Weight | Fitnescity: Fitness Lab Testing. Body Composition Assessments. 25/02/2022

See how our understanding of health and weight is changing with our DEXA scan and analysis with NFL player Devon Kennard!

Strength Training Is Changing the Norms of Body Weight | Fitnescity: Fitness Lab Testing. Body Composition Assessments. At 260lbs, Devon Kennard’s body fat percentage tells a different story than his BMI. Is it time to stop relying on weight as a sign of being a healthy weight?


"His maturity level, it's probably being generous to [say it's on par with] a 10-year-old."
This past Monday, Kiwi Michael Venus lost to Australian Nick Kyrgios in a doubles match at the Australian Open. While the above quote by Venus could be written off as a salty comment from a beaten opponent, Venus is not just referring to Kyrgios's maturity as a person, but as an athlete.

During the match, Kyrgios was encouraging chanting from fans while Venus was serving and also at one point slammed a ball into the crowd. Kyrgios is a big personality in a sport which is traditionally more tempered down. While Kyrgios does not exercise emotional restraint on the court, he is undoubtedly talented.

Venus went on to say that Kyrgios "tennis IQ on the court, it is amazing and he's definitely (on that side of things) one of the best players in the world."

At the age of 26, Kyrgios certainly has spiced up his talent with an element of unpredictability, with his professional ranking and thoughts about retirement seeming to be as volatile as his on-court behavior. So as he hints towards the end of his career, has his temperament allowed him to achieve as much as he could have? Venus thinks not:

"From the maturity side of things, you can see why he's never fulfilled his potential, and probably never will."

While this seems like a harsh opinion, there's no question that how athletes approach their craft has a significant effect on their careers. Last year, we had noted that while natural talent and hard-earned skills can take a player into the professional arena, it is the continuous application of diligence and drive that usually creates long-standing, successful careers.

When we look at sports legends such as Tom Brady and Shaun White, they have continued to develop their training regimens, diets, and cross-training programs so that they can continue to compete with the rising talent and athletic ability of athletes nearly half their age.

While there is a noticeable pattern of maturity creating longer careers, perhaps Kyrgios will again disrupt the norm and continue to blaze his own path for years to come.

Are you staying on top of your game? Measure it so you can track it.


On the way to our workout class this weekend, we saw something on the subway that truly piqued our interest (usually the things we see on the subway send us running). There was a man in his thirties, knitting.

While this isn't the first time that we've seen someone knitting or crocheting on the subway, our curiosity was piqued.

How does one get into knitting? Did he learn this during lockdown? Will the sweater be v-neck or crew neck? What kind of yarn is best?

So many questions.

We chose not not to interrupt his cable stitch (okay we researched for that term) in order to ask about his personal knitting journey, and instead were inspired to do a deep dive into knitting (and crocheting) culture in the US.

Our research revealed that back in 2016, even before the pandemic made it cool, an already estimated 28.8 million Americans were indulging in this hobby. But, why?

The Craft Yarn Council surveyed over 3,000 knitters and crocheters to see what motivated them to take part in the activity. The results were uplifting, with the 3 most popular answers being:

1.) It provided them a creative outlet.

2.) They enjoy making things for others.

3.) It provided them with a sense of accomplishment.

In fact, a couple of the benefits most often reported in the survey were reduced stress, improved mood, and an increase in confidence.

While knitters and crocheters seem to commonly experience emotional perks from the hobby, there are more tangible benefits that have been observed as well:

-Fine motor skills - not only can those with arthritis help keep hands dexterous by knitting regularly, but some schools actually use knitting to help develop fine motor skills in children.
-Cognitive anchoring - some people tend to be more successful learners while doing another activity, such as doodling or knitting. They are better able to focus on the subject while keeping their hands otherwise occupied.
-Memory - studies have found that craft activities, such as knitting, decrease the likelihood of mild cognitive impairment, or MCI.

So how do we get hooked into the knitting world? Well, lucky for us, it couldn't be much easier. Websites like We Are Knitters and Stitch & Story sell beginners kits that can put us on the path to textile greatness.

Be well and be knitting.

Your Partners in Accountability


NFL player and Fitnescity Investor Devon Kennard has a game plan for his health and wellness testing in 2022. What’s your game plan?


Set yourself up for a strong 2022! Knowing your numbers is an important part of tracking your wellness journey. A DEXA scan measures your body fat %, totally and segmented, your lean mass, and your total bone density. Fitnescity takes those results and creates your personalized digital dashboard, so that your numbers are understandable, actionable, and ideal for tracking over time. Head over to to find your location and get started today!


The year of 2022 is upon us - and although January 1st is not much unlike that of December 31st (minus the hangover and empty champagne bottles), there's a wonderful feeling about starting the year afresh.

The person who spent heaps of money in December? Ate and drank to her heart's content? Forgot to exercise? We don't know her! It's 2022 that was all very 2021.

This carte blanche feeling is what makes us inclined to set New Years Resolutions. While resolutions are loved by some and loathed by many, resolutions are essentially just setting goals for the year and we love a To Do List.

So how do we set resolutions and stick to them as the year ticks forward?

1. Be specific - make a resolution that is measurable. Instead of stating that you will read more in 2022, decide a specific number of books you would like to read by year's end.

2. Be realistic - if you've struggled to finish a novel in all of 2021, it's unlikely you'll manage to finish a book every week this year. Instead, set a reasonable goal such as reading 1 book each month.

3. Be passionate - set goals that you really want to accomplish. You have to drive your own success, so your goal needs to be meaningful to you.

Now we have our resolutions, how do we make sure we're going to celebrating big at the end of 2022?

1. Break it down - a yearly goal of reading 26 books can sound overwhelming (eek). However, reading a book every 2 weeks feels achievable (phew).

2. Make it a habit - build your goal into your routine. Researchers have found that a great method for developing a new habit, is to add it on to an existing habit. Always sipping on camomile tea before bed? Make that your designated time to crack open a book.

3. Track it - as we said, we love a To-Do list. The best part? Ticking off our successes of course. Find a place to track your daily, weekly, and monthly targets. Whether it's an app, like Habit, a designated Planner or a space set aside in your notebook, feel the power of checking off your good behavior.

4. Have resolve - a resolution requires resolve! A whopping 365 days provides ample opportunity to try, try, and try again. If you struggle in January, go at it again in February. It's not over until the 2023 ball drops.

While the 'new year, new me' attitude might be calling for too grand of an overall change, we all have space to make positive changes in our lives. Anything is possible with a plan.

Be well and be accountable.

Your Partners in Accountability


As you gather with kin and kith to celebrate the holidays, what activities regularly make it onto your group schedule?

Whether your family is tackling puzzles (edges first!), hitting the board games or watching football, it's nice to have some activities to break-up the eating and drinking.

However, not all families manage to work exercise on to the docket. While your aunt might do yoga in the living room, and your cousins sneak out for an afternoon HIIT class, it can be difficult to find a physical activity that the majority of the group can engage in.

So, let us remind you of the wonders of walking.

Walking in wintertime might intrigue you less, as you'll need more layers than grandma's jell-o, but it has many benefits over those summertime strolls.

Walking in the cold burns more calories, helps to fight infections, reduces stress and helps you sleep better. Also, colder temperatures give you the energy boost needed to gesticulate madly during charades.

Another benefit? It's something that most of your family members (dogs included) can join in for. So gather the crew for a walk, get some fresh air, and of course vote for who has the best holiday decorations in your neighborhood.

Be well and be winter-walking.

Your Partners in Accountability


As the dreidel spins, the bells jingle and the egg nog pours, we are knee deep in the holiday season. While it is undeniably one of the most enjoyable times of year, it is also a time when we tend to ignore the subtleties of our bodies.

Whether we're in the office or have our OOO emails set, our bodies are constantly working. The nervous system and the endocrine system are the big talkers of the body, processing the 5 senses (sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste) and also feelings of sleep, hunger and thirst.

Tuning into our senses can be a huge advantage. For individuals who have diminished, or completely lost, use of one of their senses it has been shown that their remaining senses are heightened, often giving them a unique advantage.

Take for example the all-deaf California football team who lost in the championship final after an impressive 12-0 winning streak. While the Cubs are the only deaf team in a hearing league, the team's wide receiver, Valencia, explains they have some advantages over the hearing teams. "Our visual acuity is more alert than our hearing opponents. We use that as an advantage," he said.

So while "listening to your body" may not officially make the "five senses" list, paying attention to where we are at, and what we truly need, can help us to feel less crazy around food, feel more pleasure, less pain and even to trust ourselves more.

WebMD reports that adults tend to gain at least a pound during the holiday season. While that may not sound like much, it can send us in the opposite direction of our goals.

So, as that holiday cookie plate makes its rounds, our cocktail-dulled selves may be inclined to ignore our body's chatter wanting to indulge for indulgence's sake. While we fully support enjoying the holiday season and letting loose, we are sure that a happy medium can be found, and perhaps found by simply checking in with ourselves.

I think it's fair to say that if the wildly impressive Cubs can be so in tune with their bodies' communication systems to dominate their season, we can listen when ours tell us that we should still do some exercise, take some time for ourselves, and maybe not accept every treat that floats into our orbit.

Want to hold yourself accountable this season? Use the code HOLIDAYS2021 off a pack of any two assessments.


Why do we like the idea of the New Year so much? It feels like the ultimate clean slate. When we slip out of our workout routine or struggle to keep on an eating regimen, we often find ourselves saying that we will start fresh tomorrow, next week or even next month.

While it feels oh-so-nice to have a chance at a perfect score, this inherently sets us up to fail. The chance of pitching a perfect game is almost impossible, but that doesn't mean the Cubbies will storm off the field in the second inning.

Just because it's not perfect, does not mean it has failed. Instead, what if we gave ourselves more opportunities to succeed? Imagine you sleep through your workout class, spill an entire mug of coffee and then miss your first meeting. There's an overwhelming desire to say something like 'today is just not my day.'

However, what if we instead broke the day up into quarters?

In the disastrous morning just described, we could simply see ourselves as down in the first quarter, but with 3 to go.

Not only does that create the opportunity for the day to be a W, it also makes small failures less daunting. Another reason to love 4-quarter days is that it allocates time for non-work activities.

After a tough day at work, it can be difficult to motivate ourselves to reach for our goals outside of the office. However if we look at that 7pm-11pm time and see that we neglected the gym, our hobbies, or making a home-cooked meal, we might see that we're missing an important opportunity.

Don't get us wrong, having days entirely carte blanche are important (the holidays are almost here!). But if tough mornings have translated into bad days, it might help to divvy up your waking hours.

Be well and fail small, so you can win big.


"Who the hell is Nims Purja?"

If Netflix hasn't already put you on to '14 Peaks: Nothing Is Impossible," allow us to push it to the top of your must-watch list. This documentary follows previously unknown Nepali climber, Nims Purja, as he sets out to scale the 14 highest peaks in the world.

These 14 mountains are also described as the "eight-thousanders," as each peak is above 8,000 metres. Allow us to convert that to imperial units - a whopping 26,000 feet. This of course includes the more famous peaks, such as Everest and K2.

SPOILER ALERT: Nims not only accomplishes his goal, but does it in incredible time.

Nims is not the first person to scale all 14 peaks, however he is by far the fastest. The first person to complete this immense challenge, Reinhold Messner, did so over the course of 16 years. Then South Korean climber, Kim Chang-Ho, managed to complete the challenge in a speedy 8 years (done without bottled oxygen).

That is until 2019, when Nims smashed the record - climbing all 14 eight-thousanders in just 6 months and 6 days. The reason why this speedy time is so incredible is not just the rate at which Nims climbed the mountains, but the rate at which he prepared and recovered.

Climbers usually expect a climbing trip to take a couple months, as they build in time to acclimatize to the local weather and altitude before the climb. After the climb, there is much needed recovery, as spending time above 8,000m - also called the "death zone" - takes a major toll on the body.

So how did Nims do it?

Nims has always been fit, but his trainer also noted that his VO2 max results are off the charts, claiming to "never to have seen the likes of before."

While we could not find Nims actual VO2 max results, it does make sense that his heart and lungs were better equipped to survive and recover from the infamous "death zone."

Paired with his passion and also supported by a great team, Nims has done what would have been through to be impossible.

Curious if you've got a VO2 that's off the charts? Click here and remember to use code HOLIDAYS2021 when purchasing a package of any 2 tests.

Helping people understand and track their health 03/12/2021

Fitnescity is excited to be featured in Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) News! Not only is MIT a leader in education and innovation, it is also the alma mater of our Co-Founder & CEO, Laila Zemrani.

Helping people understand and track their health Fitnescity, co-founded by MIT alumna Laila Zemrani MBA ’13 and former MIT CSAIL visiting researcher Çağatay Demiralp, makes monitoring personal health and wellness more manageable with a platform that helps users schedule tests and interpret results.


"That's just lazy."

Not a comment you would expect to hear about an NFL quarterback, or any professional athlete for that matter. However, this was overheard as coaches of the Pittsburgh Steelers discussed one of their quarterbacks warming up for last Sunday's game.

Dwayne Haskins, 24, is the third-team quarterback for the Steelers. He previously played for the Washington Redskins, and before that, Ohio State.

There are about 1,700 active players in the NFL. Considering that there are over 70,000 players in NCAA football, and over a million teens playing high school ball - it's safe to say that reaching the NFL is a major accomplishment. It requires more than natural skill, but great dedication to the game.

However, just like in any line of work, there are those who rise in the ranks, and those that struggle to do so.

Tom Brady's superpower is that he is still working like an intern desperate for a job at the end of summer. And, while Brady is accepted to be the king of diligence, if he can continue to level up, so can we.

Our work ethic and discipline are characteristics that tend to bleed into all aspects of our lives, and sometimes, we need to recalibrate.

Whether feeling burnt out at work, demotivated by our workout routine, or uninspired in general, we should regularly check-in with ourselves to see how we can reengage.

The act of flipping on "cruise control" can taint a history of hard work, as Dwayne Haskins may be learning, as well as jeopardizing the future. After all, potential isn't success unless we live up to it.

Want to challenge your status quo? Use wellness lab testing to check your baseline, set goals, and measure progress.


When was the last time you stretched out on the massage table, or settled into a chair for a pedicure?

If you have to think about it, it has probably been too long.

Whether you like being soothed by a massage, feeling fresh from a facial or adore an after-workout sauna session - there are many benefits from a bit of personal pampering.

While specific activities have different benefits, what most pamper sessions have in common is that they increase relaxation and reduce stress, which has a profound effect on the mind and body.

Love a massage? It's a great way to increase blood circulation, flexibility and also help recover from workouts or even injury.

Prefer to sweat it out with a steam? Turning up the heat can not only loosen stiff joints but even sweat out toxins and clear sinuses.

On top of the specific benefits, activities such as getting a haircut, or having your nails done, can give your confidence a boost and increase feelings of happiness.

So why don't we pamper ourselves more often?

Aside from the constant balancing of responsibilities and commitments, people often feel guilty indulging in these types of self-care. However, we shouldn't confuse self-care with being selfish.

Appreciating your own self worth can mean setting aside time to do something just for you.

Cost is another reason we sometimes opt out. We aren't all made of money and indulging in self-care can feel wasteful, especially for the responsible adult our parents taught us to be. But, don't overlook the physical (mental and emotional) benefits when looking at the fiscal cost.

While top stylists can charge a pretty penny, there are ways to indulge for less:

ClassPass or Groupon - small businesses offer amazing deals to meet new customers and fill open spots.

Non-traditional Gifts - sometimes we forget that gifts don't need to be tangible! Put a pampering service on your Christmas list.

DIY - the at-home wellness game has reached all new levels since the pandemic. With a little more effort, an amazing bubble bath, face mask and manicure can give you the fresh feeling you need.
Be well and be pampered.

Your Partners in Accountability

Arizona Cardinals Linebacker Devon Kennard Uses the Wellness Tracker Fitnescity to Stay Fit, Wants You to Do the Same 10/11/2021

Thank you SportTechie for covering our story! We're excited to welcome Devon as an investor and ambassador.

Arizona Cardinals Linebacker Devon Kennard Uses the Wellness Tracker Fitnescity to Stay Fit, Wants You to Do the Same Arizona Cardinals linebacker Devon Kennard consolidates his health data and gets lifestyle advice through Fitnescity.


We're excited to announce that NFL linebacker and wellness enthusiast, Devon Kennard, is an investor in Fitnescity. Read about Devon's path from Fitnescity customer to investor >>


It's that time of year. After a summer of basking in sunlight and enjoying late sunsets, the end of Daylights Savings Time is fast approaching. With the clocks set to fall back an hour this Sunday, we have been pondering how the limited daylight changes our wellness routines.

If you're like us, you dread the end of DST - it's already getting cold, must darkness be added to the equation as well? It makes getting out of bed harder, and staying out past 8pm seem heroic. The winter not only puts a damper on our social lives, but can impact our fitness and diet.

During the winter, we tend to get less sunshine, a major provider of Vitamin D and a serotonin booster. Without it, not only can we lose that pep in our step, but also find ourselves experiencing more fatigue.

Feel like you need more sleep in the winter? Don't worry, you're not alone.

It's not just that it's harder to get out of your warm bed - winter tiredness is real! Just as sunlight lets the brain know that it's time to be awake, when it's dark, the brain releases melatonin to promote sleep. This can cause drowsiness throughout the day making actually falling asleep at night more difficult - a lose-lose situation.

Winter also has us craving our comfort foods. We ditch the salads and ceviche, opting for heavier (and warmer) meals during wintertime. As we take comfort in fattier foods and more sugar, this translates to lower-energy and further disrupted sleep.

It's always a struggle to stay as active in the winter months but, this year, we have a few ideas to keep us moving:

• Hot Yoga - what could warm up our bones more than a toasty class? Raising your body temperature also helps you burn calories as your body works to cool you back down.
• Sun simulator lamp - attempting to provide the same benefits without the harmful UV rays? We'll give it a shot.
• Soups + Stews a plenty - it can be easy to get into poor diet habits during winter, however soups + stews can be healthy, hydrating, meet our comfort food need while also being plenty filling.
• Scheduling DEXAs for the start and end of the winter season will help us stay accountable and hopefully make the transition back to our beach body easier.

For some people, the move to the darker seasons can have a big impact on mental health. Seasonal Affective Disorder is a type of depression brought on by the change of seasons. Previously dismissed as the 'winter blues,' but now known to affect at least 5% of the population, it is recommended that those who believe they may be suffering from seasonal depression seek help from a doctor or specialist.


We know that music can evoke strong emotions. A tune from your childhood taking you back in time, a romantic song that reminds you of your significant other, or a pop hit that makes you feel like you're back in college. Some songs have the power to affect your mood instantly.

In fact, music can have some seriously awesome side effects:

• Reduce stress
• Increase memory
• Ease pain
• Decrease fatigue (hello better workouts!)
• Lighten depression

But just as music can have a powerful elevating effect - motivating us through workouts or acting as the soundtrack to memorable nights out with friends - it can also do the opposite.

With Adele already releasing singles from her upcoming album, we're ready to get deep into our feels; a good cry is good thing from time to time.

However, listen to Adele, Lana and Taylor wisely. Studies have shown that, rather than leaning into those brooding and melancholic melodies when feeling sentimental, or sad, indulging in light-hearted tunes can improve our mood in less than two weeks.

Here are a few of our recommendations for upbeat and also inspiring songs:

♫ 'Happy' by Pharrell (really nailed the assignment on that one)
♫ 'Smile' by Lil Duval feat. Snoop Dogg
♫ 'Walking on Sunshine' by Katrina & The Waves (a classic)
♫ 'Wake Me Up' by Avicii
♫ 'I Gotta Feeling' by the Black Eyed Peas

Be well and be tuned in.

Your Partners in Accountability


"Walk it off."

Every athlete has heard it before. Whether we'd just collided mid-air heading the ball, been checked hard into the boards, taken a fast ball to the body or a line drive to the shin - the first thing we'd hear from our coach were those infamous words, "walk it off."

While usually the sting of a fresh battle wound subsided soon enough, there was always pressure to ignore any pain and to push through, but why?

On Tuesday, Atlanta Braves pitcher Charlie Morton took a ground ball to the shin while on the mound. Likely traveling at close to 100 mph, the ball ricocheted off of Morton's leg (way to use your body, Charlie!) to the first baseman for an out, and Morton was left limping back to the pitcher's mound.

While Morton managed to pitch the rest of the 2nd inning, as well as some of 3rd, he was eventually helped off the mound as the ball had actually broken his fibula. While the fibula is not a weight-bearing bone, Morton was certainly in pain and aware that he was injured.

So why did he try to ignore it?

Major events such as the World Series can be the pinnacle of an athlete's career, which is undoubtedly hard to cut short for any reason. It is this same drive and ambition it took to reach a professional play-off series, national championships or Olympics, that also convinces these athletes that they can indeed "play through the pain."

While professional athletes are unlikely to bow out from a championship, unless forced to, we certainly do not want young athletes, or even us, as weekend warriors, trying to emulate our heroes in this regard.

Knowing your limitations, and respecting them, especially as you age, is key to having a healthy longterm relationship with fitness and sport.

While 37-year-old Morton is being hailed as a legend for his impressive performance, we shouldn't expect the same heroic performances at high school football or baseball games.

Want to be proactive about your bone health? DEXA scans for body composition also provide a total bone density measurement. Schedule yours now.


Vampire, witch, vampire, witch, the incredible hulk.

Growing up, our Halloween costumes weren't always SUPER creative, but what can we say? The classics are never out of style! 🧙‍♀️🧛

Not only were we excited for the candy, but for the chance to dress up as our favorite characters and escape into another world for an evening. Just like the classic costumes, dressing up is always in style. Dressing up is great for our children, it "encourages creative thinking and communication skills," supporting language skills as they dive into their imagination to embody every part of their character.

As we got older, the candy bars got smaller, and for many of us, so did the effort we put into selecting the perfect Halloween costume. But, those adults who have held fast to the tradition might be on to something.

Here are a few reasons you might want to consider dusting off your fangs and your broom this Halloween:

1. It's a mini vacation (to Transylvania) - leaving our own persona behind to once again dress up as a vampire can be an escape from the stress of our own lives.

2. We can loosen up - Halloween is a socially sanctioned day for people to indulge in pretend and silliness, which is great for our imaginations and connecting with others.

3. Exercise our creative side - a lot of us do not have regular outlets for creativity. Making a costume or indulging in a character's personality allows us to flex a different part of our brains.

4. Enjoy not having a curfew - finally, we can stay up as late as we want! Younger us would be kicking us for not enjoying Halloween when we don't have to worry about our carriage turning into a pumpkin.

Not sure what to dress up as? Here's a few novel ideas we're sure to see this year:

Squid Game - we're expecting to see A LOT of references from the most watched show of the year.

Kim K at the Met Gala - the world loves recreating Kim's more extreme looks.

Billionaire in Space - there's sure to be an Elon, Richard and Besos in orbit this all hallow's eve.

Be well and be costumed.

Your Partners in Accountability

Our Story

Fitnescity was founded to give people access to the information they need to optimize their fitness, nutrition and overall health. Never has this mission been more important.

A simple lab test —coupled with an analysis of the results— can provide highly valuable insights. At Fitnescity, we make lab testing accessible to everyone.

Fitnescity partners with leading labs, hospitals and local clinics nationwide to offer consumer-facing tests for fitness, nutrition and performance —both at home and in person throughout all 50 states.

Fitnescity customers range from individuals at the beginning of their fitness journey to world-class professional athletes.

Videos (show all)

Great video from our partners at Southern Miss Athletics about new testing technology and how Fitnescity facilitates tes...
NFL player and Fitnescity Investor Devon Kennard has a game plan for his health and wellness testing in 2022. What’s you...
Excited to lead a workshop on direct-to-consumer testing next week at #Stanford Medicine X 2019 | Change. If you’re arou...
- Fitnescity form: “Were you referred by a trainer?”- Customer: “No really, but I’m twice Olympian, national champion, w...
From our team lunch! ❤#FitnescityTeam #startuplife #nyc #nycstartup @christophe_garon This IG account misses you 😂
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What did professional boxer Peter Quillin do for good luck when he first started his career? The answer will surprise yo...
What does it take to become a world champion boxer?
CLIENT STORIES: Catching up with a Fitnescity Client at the Gym : Angela Shurina x Laila Zemrani
New 🎉The Fitnescity Dietary Assessment
CLIENT STORY: Katherine's Inspiring Story About Turning Her Health Around
