Noah Klumpp Strength & Fitness Training

Noah Klumpp Strength & Fitness Training

Strength and conditioning
Personal training
Sports performance


New Year’s sales are great and all, but our goal is to build something that lasts after January passes. Take 25% off your first TWO months of a new strength and fitness plan designed to grow with you!

[email protected]


Whether you're growing into the best athlete you can be, or becoming the strongest version of yourself for everyday life, everyone benefits from maximizing their training time.

Do you have a young athlete who needs to learn the ins and outs of strength training in a safe, effective, and controlled environment?

Are you personally looking to become stronger and more fit?

Let's have a chat!

[email protected]


One more week to cash in on my Super Spooky Fall Sale! This applies to BOTH in-person and online training programs.

Let me know if you’re interested and let’s hammer out the details of your next chapter!

[email protected]


It’s no secret that the holiday season is right around the corner.

Give yourself a head start and get on a training plan that’s built for you!


Why is movement efficiency important in strength and fitness training?

This is yet another topic with a multitude of benefits, so I picked 2 main categories:

1) Safety
No one wants to get hurt, and protecting yourself when training involves many facets that must come together to achieve that goal. When you improve your efficiency in training movements, you also end up incorporating all the elements that help keep you safe!
For example: if you are immobile in the hips, you will be unable to safely do exercises such as deadlifting or squatting. In order to have an efficient deadlift or squat, you must first address that underlying issue in the hips so that your body can execute the movement in the best manner possible!

2) Progression
Not only does being efficient in your movements help protect from injury, but it also allows you to progress at an overall faster rate towards your goals!

Let’s use my recent clip from my current training block as an example. Here I’m using chains, which add more weight to the exercise as the links leave the floor, in order to make my body react in a more dynamic way to the load I’m lifting. This movement adaptation allows me to lift more weight because I will begin accelerating through the exercise, rather than just using the minimum amount of energy needed to complete the lift. I begin moving faster and more explosively, allowing greater amounts of work to be done over the course of my training; therefore, my body can adapt to much more stimulus than if I was less efficient and more “lazy” with my movements.
More work(done safety w/rest)= more progress.

I’m still offering a SPOOOOKY 20% off your first 6 weeks of training(it’s the same 20% as before except this time SPOOKY.) Let’s get you moving efficiently towards your goals!


Why are training cycles and programming important in your fitness journey?

There are a multitude of benefits to using them, so I picked out 3 important reasons for the sake of brevity:

If you stick to a consistent workout routine for long enough, you will eventually reach plateaus. These can last for weeks, months, or even years. Your body will reach a point where it, for one reason or another, is no longer adapting to your workouts. Being on a program helps to not only understand those plateaus, but to also push past them in a timely manner.

This point has many facets. Not only does being on a program help eliminate time spent lazing around during gym time, giving you some specific goals each time you walk in for a training session, but it also let’s you get the most out of that time by using more of your body’s full potential! This ties into our third point:

Just like a traditional athlete has a competitive season and an off-season, your body goes through periods of high performance and recovery or low performance. If you plot out your body’s performance on a detailed graph, ideally it will resemble a sine wave that steadily moves upwards, with times where you can handle the most and times where you cannot.

Let’s use my video example here for this point: I didn’t magically gain tons of strength between July and September this year. In the former clip, I was in a “valley” and my body was getting ready for “recover and rebuild” time. Whereas, in the second clip, i am approaching my next “peak” after a well-executed training cycle.

Because I know the many methods behind gaining strength, I knew better than to force extra work out of myself when it wasn’t a smart time to do so, even though “I know I can deadlift this way more than 3 times.” I was able to stay confident and avoid a silly injury and frustration.

Work WITH your body, not AGAINST it! I’m still offering 25% off your first 2 months of training with me. Let’s get on a program that works for YOU!


Whether you're looking to improve your raw strength or gearing up to fight off the fall/winter 15lbs, the best time to start is always "now."
I'm offering 20% off for the first 6 weeks of any new client program and giving you a running start on what lies ahead. Let's build a customized, understandable program that works for your specific goals and needs!
[email protected]


Nothing magically changes once the holidays pass and Jan 1st is upon us. If you’re not making plans and taking action in the moment, you’re already falling behind in the new year. Get moving!


A little is great to get you going, but make sure you’re building the discipline you need for when that motivation inevitably runs out!


This goes both ways. If you’re in the habit of dreading adversity and avoiding opportunities to grow, it will remain your natural “go-to” attitude.

Likewise, if you tackle each day with purpose and are open to growth, every bump in the road will be more manageable and you will create your own success.

Let’s get it!

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