Brooklyn Park Nature Preschool Videos

Videos by Brooklyn Park Nature Preschool. A nature-based preschool in Brooklyn Park, MN. Our children learn through child-led and hands-on ex

Today is the day for rain suits and no one puts them to the test better than our teachers!

Other Brooklyn Park Nature Preschool videos

Today is the day for rain suits and no one puts them to the test better than our teachers!

Living her best life!

A bit of a gloomy day but we are happy to be together!

Who do you think will get more bird seed, Ms. Sheri or the birds? She’s still finding seeds in her hood, pockets, etc. but she’s always a good sport! Such a great activity for our students to get to help with and help us keep an eye on when it’s getting empty.

First fire of the season! And a great opportunity to talk about safe risks.

Ms. Sheri showing the kids how it’s done!

Today we talked about a big word - echolocation! We played a game where one child was a “bat” and they had to close their eyes and yell a word. The other kids echoed back the same word and the first kid had to try to find the other kids using just the sound of their echo. It was so fun!

Our teachers had so much fun putting on a little play about bats!

The rain is here! Ms. Missy is testing out our teacher rain suits to make sure they are water proof. Ms. Sheri might be having a little too much fun with the hose!

Nature Preschool - 2021
Join Sheri Gulenchyn in learning more about Brooklyn park's Nature Preschool!

Trudy's Rock Story



Mole's Hill


Obstacle Course

Parent Resources

Earth Day!