Gospel trio using their God given gifts and talents to share the Gospel from their heart to all that


I am humbled and appreciative of all the Happy Birthday wishes.
I thank you greatly.
Love you all.
God bless you.


When we fail to read the Bible we miss so much that is important to our Spiritual life. It is extremely important that we read, hear, adhere and respond to God's word.

1 Timothy 4: 8
For bodily exercise profiteth little: but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come.

We exercise our bodies because doing so is good for us. Using our bones and muscles keeps us healthy. In the same way, we need spiritual exercise to maintain our spiritual health. We walk with God when we commune with Him in prayer and Scripture reading. And we exercise our faith when we witness to others, and use our Spiritual gifts to serve God’s kingdom.


Proverbs 3: 7
Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil.

We can never afford to be know-it-alls because we will never know everything. The moment we think we know best, we start to distance ourselves from God's counsel – and that is when errors are bound to happen. Don't try and take God's place in your life. Trust in Him and resist all pride – which is a form of evil.


Hello all, if you are available and want to hear a Gospel group which will bless your heart through their anointed singing them join the gathering this Friday Feb. 10th.

The Nelons Will definitely bless your heart. No cover but a love offering will be received.

Where: First Free Will Baptist Church, 90 Blackstock Rd., Inman, SC


Titus 2: 2 That the aged men be sober, grave, temperate, sound in faith, in charity, in patience.


In the book of Titus, there are many instructions for how people should behave and carry themselves. Here we see that older men are to be patient. That certainly contrasts the newspaper cartoon image of a grumpy old man yelling at kids. The instructions are not so you have more rules. It is how we believers set ourselves apart from the world and how they see Jesus in us.


Colossians 3: 8 But now ye also put off all these; anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication out of your mouth.


We’ve been washed clean by Jesus. But there is still some decluttering to be done, as we clear out the junk of sin from the basements and attics of our hearts. We must let the Spirit into these dark corners of our hearts to empty us of the bitter attitudes that produce words of malice or fits of rage so that there is more room for Him to make His dwelling within us.


Hello friends this is a concert you don't want to miss.

The Nelons Will be at First Free Will Baptist Church
90 Blackstock Rd
Inman, SC 29349
On February 10th
Concert starts at 7 Pm.
You will be blessed in many ways. So come be with us.


All the wealth, belongings, friends, good deed, tithes or anything else you can name of this world will get you into Heaven.
Allow me to ask you. Is there anything of this world that is worth spending eternity in HELL?


Our relationship with God consists of us realizing the areas in which we need reformation, and following God's guidance so that we can be healed, reformed, and transformed. Only the power of God can change our ways. We can't do it without His help.


James 3: 10 Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not so to be.


Have you ever tried to scoop a cup of water from a stream, and then separate the clean water from the dirty water? It can’t be done. A spring will produce only one kind of water. So too, the words of our mouths flow out of the springs of our hearts. A heart that is bitter and impure will produce curses that taint our words of blessing. Only a pure heart can produce pure words.


Jesus said, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away. But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only. But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. Then two men will be in the field: one will be taken and the other left. Two women will be grinding at the mill: one will be taken and the other left. Watch therefore, for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming. But know this, that if the master of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched and not allowed his house to be broken into. Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.” (Matthew 24:35-44)

Candace Cameron Bure Fires Back After She’s Attacked For Defending Traditional Marriage 06/12/2022

Candace Cameron Bure Fires Back After She’s Attacked For Defending Traditional Marriage Candace Cameron Bure is hitting back at her haters after she found herself in hot water for defending “traditional marriage.” Earlier this week, we reported that the Hollywood star Candace Cameron Bure …


Wishing all a Happy Thanksgiving.
Give thanks with a greatful heart.


It is extremely important that you understand these words.


David Brock put this up.
I agree.

We gotta do a better job at looking out for each other by calling, texting, just to say I LOVE YOU, instead of breaking each other down. I'm going to make a bet, that out of my family and friends, less than 7 will take the time to put this on their wall. Tomorrow is not promised!!
I love you all💞
💕Who Are My 7💕

Photos from 2-R-MORE's post 21/10/2022

Boy if you didn't make it tonight you missed a blessing.
All the players and singers blessed my heart.
You'll get a second chance to hear The Regals, Nov. 17th.


Come join us for a great time of worship and fellowship.
Admission is free.
A love offering will be received to help with expenses.
You will be blessed and revived.


Please read and share. There's a change in our groups for October 20th. Still free admission.


Thursday August 25th Gospel concert.
Come join us. You'll be blessed and filled with joy, hope and peace.


Reminder. We want to keep these Gospel Concerts going but we need your help and support. Come be with us on August 25th. I feel sure you will be blessed and revived.

Robert Jeffress - America Is A Christian Nation - Pathway to Victory 12/08/2022

Profound truth and sound revelations.
The last part can be our salvation or the nail in our coffin.
The Nation that rejects God, God will reject that Nation.

Robert Jeffress - America Is A Christian Nation - Pathway to Victory Robert Jeffress - America Is A Christian Nation - Pathway to VictoryRobert James Jeffress Jr. (born November 29, 1955) is an American Southern Baptist pastor...


It's is amazing but also heart breaking that people have no more feelings for life, nor fear of God and will offer assistance to someone wanting to have an abortion.
That's like saying let me help you go kill your child.
There may be unusual circumstances where abortion is necessary, like to save the mothers life.
But let's be real there are thousands of people who can't have children and are wanting to adopt a child.
Just remember if you help you are just as guilty of taking a life as the pregnant mother who is seeking to abort their child. All involved will have the blood of that unborn and/or new born on their hands.
I don't know about you but I wouldn't want that blood on my hands when meeting my Savior and Lord.


Just a reminder. You're all welcome to come. No admission but a love offering will be received.


Come join us on April 23rd for a great time of worship and fellowship.



http://www.2rmore.com/, http://www.sonicbids.com/2rmore, http://www.twitter.com/2rmo