Mr. Church Marketer

Mr. Church Marketer

We help churches engage their community and grow their church with marketing, design and a full line of printing services.


If people aren’t planning a visit with your church every week, we need to talk! Shoot me a DM or comment on this post!


Having a great Easter at your church is awesome! Having those first time guests come BACK the next week is even better. Comment the word REPEAT and I'll show you how to make that happen!


Let us help you get your website to place it needs to be!


The best and easiest way to create a social media strategy for your church is to think "How can we make things BRIGHTER outside of the four walls of our church."


Don't just tell people to do something; give them a reason to do it. Why should they follow you on Facebook? Why should they come to an event? Why should they invite someone to service? The WHY inspires the DO!


The best marketing strategy is always CARING for people! Online, in person, and in your community. Encouragement and caring is always a good plan.


Bring those Easter guests BACK!


Sometimes information goes in one ear and out the other. Keeping your talking points brief and with one clear next step and improve your communication!


Pastor, just a reminder that the pulpit isn't the only place to share the Gospel! Opportunities are endless online to engage with people right where they already are. Take some time today to get creative and think outside the box about how you can reach your audience online. If you want to brainstorm with us, give us a call!


Needing more engagement on your church's live stream? Have your pastor, or person doing announcements to ask questions to your online audience. "Hey online campus, drop us a comment and let us know how many cups of coffee you had this morning? Or "What was your favorite worship song this morning?" Something simple and easy to answer get them to engage.


Someone is getting up, getting dressed often on their only day off, if they have kids getting them ready to come to church. It is out job as ministers to show up with excellence and make it worth it.


Social media is WAY more about what your audience is wanting or needing, and way less about what you want them to hear about you.


Taking time to respond to comments on your post can be the difference between someone new seeing it or it being a flop.


A great way to keep people online feel loved and cared for is creating an online welcome team, and virtual lobby with two hosts talking to them and shouting them out in the comments before and after service.


Don't tell em what they want to hear tell them what they can expect. The best marketing is under promising and over delivering. Don't promise an out of this world event if it's not going to be just that!


One of the easiest ways to be consistent is to choose fonts and colors and use them long term.


Some people won't take the time to watch a full service online, create short 30 second clips to get main points in the message out to those scrolling by.


Sometimes we don't need MORE, we need BETTER out of our volunteers. A great way to do that is to pour into our team already in place and show them how much we value them. Maybe a dinner, or breakfast on Sunday morning. Maybe a T shirt or even just a phone call. Building our team up will always benefit everyone.


Don't use social as a place to confront, discipline or argue. But as a place to encourage and uplift.


Every design doesn't have to take hours to be JUST RIGHT, sometimes templates and a few quick edits will get the job done!


Whether you're giving food to your neighborhood or gifts to your guests, do it with branded reusable bags.

People will keep them and reuse them, taking YOUR brand into new places you might never think of.

DM us for pricing.


Graphics don't need EVERY detail in the post, flyer, or invite card. Make it look awesome and catch someone's eye, and lead them to a website landing page for ALL the details.


You can "rebrand" without changing your logo.

Think about your message,

What are you doing or believe in that you're not effectively communicating?

Start there and bring it to light\.


Canva, Over, and Adobe Spark are just a few apps you can use from your phone to create graphics. It's not always about a HUGE computer with all the latest gear, use the gear you have to get the job done.


The same ole same ole will lead to boredom, switch things up from time to time, and watch a service back to see how you can eliminate routine and increase engagement.

Timeline photos 30/07/2022

Everything can work if you WORK it, even the best system or strategy will fail without HARD WORK!


What are some creative plans you have for your church this summer?


Use REAL photos of REAL people in your church. It will make a HUGE difference on social media. It makes your church relatable.


What is your favorite free gift to give to first time guests? We do it all!


People want to know the answers to their questions. Provide a free downloadable PDF resources that answers questions people in your community may want biblical viewpoints on. Require an email address to download the item, and you now have a way to communicate with them to follow up. We make this process super easy and automated and would love to help you set it up for your church.

Videos (show all)

Hit us up for all your print needs! or text us 251-333-4848
Father's Day Gifts Your Church Can Give (that your guys will actually want)
Systems for your church!
How to increase giving
How we can connect with our YOUTH during COVID-19
Drive in vs ONLINE church.
Live about Easter Follow Up and The Corona Virus!
EASTER Guest Experience and Connect Cards!
5 ways to invite people to Easter at your church!
Big Announcement!
