The PR Lifestyle Diet

The PR Lifestyle Diet

We coach everyday athletes on how to build the body they deserve and break through barriers to create an exceptional life. John F. Always forward,

Coach B

"Clear eyes, full heart can't lose"

Welcome to The PR Diet Blog, a daily post designed to help you break down the barriers that keep you from achieving your personal best: with your body, with your beliefs, and with your life. Kennedy said that "Effort and courage are not enough without purpose and direction." Today I want to talk about the 'purpose and direction' of this blog and my personal bel

April Meal Planner: 30 Colorful, Healthy Meals To Keep Your Table Fresh 02/04/2017

April Meal Planner: 30 Colorful, Healthy Meals To Keep Your Table Fresh From simple gourmet to lightened-up takeout.

Timeline photos 30/09/2016

''Tis the season!" Happy Great Pumpkin to all!


Deny the tears...if you can...breakthroughs are real.

Timeline photos 24/07/2016

Why have just one?

Timeline photos 23/07/2016

Meat and Cheese...fundamentals for hosting a small gathering.

Best Foods For Weight Loss 22/06/2016

Best Foods For Weight Loss Last month I got inspired.Maybe a better word is obsessed.I kept wondering: what do people really want to know about health, fitness, and weight loss?If you could ask just ONE question, what would it be?I mean there's just so much hype, nonsense, and mis...

Easy Ways To Prepare Healthy Meals (Part Two): The 4 W's 22/06/2016

Easy Ways To Prepare Healthy Meals (Part Two): The 4 W's Question of the Day

Find your Food Fingerprint and build your Perfect Food System...We are going way beyond meal prep.Today let's build upon what we learned yesterday, a quick recap from lesson one:Everyone basically eats variations of the same 10-20 food...

Cornell Study reveals how 'Mindless Autopilot' eating is sabotaging your weight loss 20/06/2016

Ever wonder how many food decisions you make in a day?

On average, people estimate they make around 15 decisions a day.

But like most things, when it comes to assessing our own behaviors we generally miss the mark.


That's the average number of food decisions people make each day!

As a result, what happens from having so many micro-decisions our 'willpower muscle' gets fatigued.

Feeling stress, boredom, or exhaustion? The chance you'll mindless eat goes way up!

Mindless eating leads to too much energy intake or crappy choices that derail progress or cause us to fatten up.

But don't give up hope! There's a few mindless zombie killing tactics you can use to stay in control.

1. Be more aware: what are you putting in your mouth and why are you eating it?

Simply asking yourself a question before eating makes it easy to create a small pause before piling in the food.

2. Have a food plan: a written food plan simplifies and removes all the little choices that create mental fatigue. If a food isn't on your plan, you don't eat it.

3. Track your food: using a food tracking app for a couple weeks is a no-brainer to stop brainless eating. Plus, food tracking done right will show you what you're really eating.

Study Details:

Cornell Study reveals how 'Mindless Autopilot' eating is sabotaging your weight loss People estimate that, on average, they make about 15 food- and beverage-related decisions each day. But the truth is, they make more than 15 times that -- more than 200 such decisions.Commenting on his new Cornell study, Brian Wansink, the John S. Dyson Professor of Marketing and of Applied Economic...

Timeline photos 08/04/2016

I work with many couples, some are married, others engaged, some just dating...but they all share something in common.

They all eat food together.

Which is usually why we're working together...I'm usually there to help them as individuals and couples build a food system that will get them lean (and keep them lean).

Yet, I've noticed that food is much more than just fuel in our primary's often part of how people express and experience love.

Which is wonderful but occasionally when one person pushes food on the other or when meal prep/cooking creates extra stress because both partners aren't involved.

One key insight that all couples need to remember: if you want happiness in your love relationship then you need a lover who is also your best friend.

And getting on the same page with food can make your routines fun, or at the least, an opportunity to work together on something important.

Like so much in life, a simple shift in perspective can change everything....

You might reflect on this: does your current approach with food bring you closer to your person AND Your health goals?

How to Kick More Ass in The CrossFit Games Open (and life) By Changing One Simple Thing 26/02/2016

If you are crushing The Open Friday afternoon at 3 or 3:30, you are approaching your last effective carb cycle.

Prioritize fast digesting carbs (processed or low fiber) when you only have 90-120 minutes to digest.

Rice cakes, pop tarts, cereal (lucky charms style / no 'healthy' stuff...too much fiber).

Applesauce works ok too.

Going later in the evening or tomorrow? You've got time to fill your muscles up!

Grab your macros in the guide!

How to Kick More Ass in The CrossFit Games Open (and life) By Changing One Simple Thing Here’s a simple exercise. Go to a playground. Jump on the merry-go-round. And get it spinning as fast as you can. Round and round you go. The world is spinning, the trees are flying by, you feel like you are going to launch off the merry-go-round into space. It feels exhilarating! Exciting! What fun…

How to Defeat Your Biggest Obstacle to Getting Lean and Loving Life Without Leaving Your Bathroom 02/02/2016

How to Defeat Your Biggest Obstacle to Getting Lean and Loving Life Without Leaving Your Bathroom

How to Defeat Your Biggest Obstacle to Getting Lean and Loving Life Without Leaving Your Bathroom Haters gonna hate. But honestly, there's only one person that will constantly try to shut you down. And I'm talking about hardcore negative push-back. The kind of stuff a drunk angry A-Hole says to abuse his family. This person will try to convince you that you're not worthy, not capable, and not ab…

How to Keep Fighting Even When You Want To Say "F@#K It" 30/01/2016

How to Keep Fighting Even When You Want To Say "F@ It"

How to Keep Fighting Even When You Want To Say "F@#K It" This week kicked my ass. Not that I didn't put up a good fight. There was no surrendering. No giving up. No begging for mercy. I stayed in the fight. And if your week was rough, I'm asking you to stay in the fight with me. Cause the last time I checked, giving up doesn't seem to work out that well.…

Excuses or Results. Pick one. 29/01/2016

Excuses or Results. Pick one.

Excuses or Results. Pick one. It's been a crazy seven days. Last Thursday I watched in horror as our finished basement flooded with water (from a neighbor's blocked rain drain).  Then our kitchen got demolished the next day for a planned renovation. Unplanned basement flooding + no kitchen = total chaos. As you know, I'm a big f…

4 Crockpot Recipes So Easy My 8 Year Old Daughter Can Make Them 27/01/2016

4 Crockpot Recipes So Easy My 8 Year Old Daughter Can Make Them

4 Crockpot Recipes So Easy My 8 Year Old Daughter Can Make Them Question of the day: How Can I Cook When I'm so Busy? The Crock Pot or Slow Cooker can be your mid-week secret weapon. I think the Crock Pot is the Wolverine of cooking appliances. Sure Wolverine looks tough but it's not until his claws pop out and you realize he can't be killed...then you realize i…

Timeline photos 23/01/2016

Don't Quit. Not this time.

Healthy Meal Prep LESSON 4 + 4 Recipes You Won't Want To Miss! 22/01/2016

Healthy Meal Prep LESSON 4 + 4 Recipes You Won't Want To Miss!

Healthy Meal Prep LESSON 4 + 4 Recipes You Won't Want To Miss! Question of the Day Should you prep your food each day or batch it? It's an age old debate. Ultimately, there are a few simple tricks to make either method work for you. See the complete breakdown in today's video: If you're on the fence, take a week and be experimental - you might find you really l…

Timeline photos 22/01/2016

Do It For Yourself.

Timeline photos 22/01/2016

It's amazing to see what our bodies are truly capable of.

I Do CrossFit. Why Am I Still Fat? 21/01/2016

“The problem is, unless you’re training like a Games athlete, CrossFit alone won’t take your tummy from a bulge to a brazen six-pack.”

I Do CrossFit. Why Am I Still Fat? If your love handles are lingering, maybe it’s time you look at more than your diet.

7 Signs You’re Not Eating Enough 20/01/2016

"All too often, poor nutrition is the weak link that is constantly inhibiting an athlete’s progress."

7 Signs You’re Not Eating Enough Our diets play a huge role in our general health and athletic performance. All too often, poor nutrition is the weak link that is constantly inhibiting an athle

The Secret:  Keep Going by Lisbeth Darsh 20/01/2016

"What it all comes down to is this: you need support, sleep, good nutrition, exercise, love, fun, and hugs."

The Secret: Keep Going by Lisbeth Darsh Hang on. Don’t give up. And don’t listen to that voice in your head that tells you this is all too hard. You’re already on the road to stronger, even if you woke up this morning feeling tired...

Timeline photos 19/01/2016

Stay focused on what it is you truly want.

Conquer Your Gut: Top 10 Workout Nutrition Do’s And Don’ts 19/01/2016

Top 10 Workout Nutrition Do’s And Don’ts

Conquer Your Gut: Top 10 Workout Nutrition Do’s And Don’ts (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Ahh - the gut. That pesky garden hose-esque tube that travels through your body and can make or

Why Athletes Shouldn't Aspire to Be Shredded - Eat to Perform 18/01/2016

"To be good at sports, you have to have a high-functioning metabolism; you need to eat..."

Why Athletes Shouldn't Aspire to Be Shredded - Eat to Perform (Click here to jump to a summary of this article) It might surprise many of you to know that many athletes don’t have uber low body fat percentages. To the casual observer, Rich Froning seems absolutely...

What Hurts You (a Little) Is Good for You 16/01/2016

"Look for situations that can stress you appropriately and make you more hardy."

What Hurts You (a Little) Is Good for You Just as an overprotective parent can lead to fragile children, coddling your body can make you weak.

In Love With Deadlifts by Lisbeth Darsh 15/01/2016

"The deadlift is just not as complex as the other lifts, and I really like that in a girlfriend. Whoops, I meant to say lift. I really like that in a lift."

In Love With Deadlifts by Lisbeth Darsh Now, I know it's not really possible to be in love with a movement (even if it's legal in 11 states), but of all the lifts I've loved, deadlift love has stayed with me the longest.

Why You Keep Missing Your Jerks 15/01/2016

"The Devil Is in the Details"

Why You Keep Missing Your Jerks Timing and technique can make all the difference between nailing it and bailing out.

Healthy Meal Prep Made Easy (Lesson 3): Low Hanging Fruit or Big Domino? 14/01/2016

Healthy Meal Prep Made Easy (Lesson 3): Low Hanging Fruit or Big Domino?

Healthy Meal Prep Made Easy (Lesson 3): Low Hanging Fruit or Big Domino? Question of the Day Maybe I'll just get a pizza. Or grab something from PCC. It's when our meal prep breaks down that we make choices that move us further from our goals. At the end of a long day, when you're tired, it's understandable to lack the willpower to follow through on your plan. The soluti…

5 significant reasons to lose weight. (Why isn't the media covering these?) 14/01/2016

5 significant reasons to lose weight; forget looking good, disease, and “health at any size”

5 significant reasons to lose weight. (Why isn't the media covering these?) Avoiding heart disease and looking ‘fab’ aren’t always great reasons to lose weight. However, here are 5 immediate and significant ways your life can change when you trim the fat.

Camille Leblanc Bazinet: How Crossfit is changing Female Body Image | Rehband Global 13/01/2016

“Most women train to fit into some kind of box for the female body, how it’s supposed to look, move and function. But this isn’t right; women should feel they can work out because they want to work out.”

Camille Leblanc Bazinet: How Crossfit is changing Female Body Image | Rehband Global Rehband - Braces and supports, sports protection, functional clothing and insoles

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Daria Crushing Bear