Team Triumph

Team Triumph

We are a team of Independent Team Beachbody Coaches who are serious about changing the lives of others on a deeper level than physical fitness.


Believe in your own strength and ability to overcome any challenge. You possess a power that can help you achieve your fitness goals. Keep pushing yourself and never give up. You are stronger than you think. 💪🔥 "


Wanking is a great way to burn extra calories and improve relationships. It has many benefits, including improved cardiovascular health, weight management, and muscle strength. It also helps with mental well-being, digestion, and boosts the immune system. Walking is also good for bone health, energy levels, and sleep quality. It's an accessible form of exercise that doesn't require special equipment or a gym membership. Consult a healthcare professional before starting any new exercise routine, especially if you have underlying health conditions.

Habakkuk 2:2-3 The LORD answered me: Write down this vision; clearly inscribe it on tablets so one may easily read it. For the vision is yet for the appointed time; it testifies about the end and will not lie. Thoug | Holman Christian Standard... 09/05/2024

There is more to writing down your vision than a practice for success. It is a spiritual principle that adds supernatural properties to your plans.

“The Lord answered me: Write down this vision; clearly inscribe it on tablets so one may easily read it. For the vision is yet for the appointed time; it testifies about the end and will not lie. Though it delays, wait for it, since it will certainly come and not be late.”
‭‭Habakkuk‬ ‭2‬:‭2‬-‭3‬ ‭HCSB‬‬

Habakkuk 2:2-3 The LORD answered me: Write down this vision; clearly inscribe it on tablets so one may easily read it. For the vision is yet for the appointed time; it testifies about the end and will not lie. Thoug | Holman Christian Standard... The LORD answered me: Write down this vision; clearly inscribe it on tablets so one may easily read it. For the vision is yet for the appointed time; it testifies about the end and will not lie. Thoug


If you're new to fitness, don't worry! Start with small, achievable goals and gradually increase the intensity of your workouts. Consistency is crucial, so aim to exercise at least 3-4 times a week. Remember that proper form is more important than quantity, and don't hesitate to seek guidance from a professional. Mix up your routine and find activities you enjoy. Celebrate every small milestone, and be patient with your progress. You got this!

Let’s go!!


Create a new team or refresh this one?


Thank You God for another day. I am thankful to be alive and I choose tos spend the rest of my life chasing after You.

I know that this means there will be times that my life doesn’t look like I planned it to, however, the path leading to You ends in a better place than I could ever get to myself.

As I enjoy the things I could easily take for granted I rejoice knowing that You bless me out of love and not because I deserve anything.

As my worship continues to mature from religion to relationship everything changes and I can sense the changes within.

So today I pray that I continue to submit to You as I grow as a man walking upon this earth. Amen 🙏🏾


Dear Lord thank You for another day! As I rejoin Social Media may I be a light for those that are seeking light as we prepare to reclaim what is rightfully ours.

I have been able to reflect and see how the attacks have tried to take me out of Your plan before Your mission could fully be assigned to me, and I am grateful for what I received from the attacks as the weapons failed to prosper like we learn from. Your Word.

Heaven on earth is the goeal I have set for myself and I shall expend all the energy I have to dwell upon earth this way as I celebrate with those who want to be in heaven with me and I release those that choose to continue to struggle in the ways of the world.

I choose to live a life of love that enables me to rejoice in all situations and love will overpower all things even though it may not seem like it at the onset.

So world I pray for You and may You seek light and live this way too as we rebuke all things that are contrary to this way of life as we share testimonies and expose everyone we can to a true relational way of life with You like You intended for us at creation. Amen 🙏🏾


Thank You God for another day. With each new day I draw a bit closer to You and as I do I can see things as they are rather than how I used to perceive them to be and by doing this I am able to set myself free.

I no longer want to change the things that I cannot change and instead I look to see how I can use them for my good since that is the way things work anyway.

I am thankful to have a family to love and support. As I play my role I grow in character and stature as a man and I get to experience their love as often as I can.

As I watch the rain coming down I don’t see it as a nasty day because I know somewhere else there is someone wishing that it was raining there too.

Lord today I ask that You enable more people to experience the love that I do and may they have the desire to spread that love with others too. Amen 🙏🏾


Anyone else thankful to be alive today?


What is one thing you did as a child that you wish you could do again?


Imagine the transition from dreaming about your ideal love to being in a real relationship with them!
Can happen with God too


If you spot me somewhere you feel I shouldn't be, perhaps ask yourself what brought you there as well?


Father God I come to You in prayer today from a place of gratitude starting out with simply thanking You for allowing me to be alive. As I submit to You more and more each day You move me from a place of survival to a place where I live to truly be alive and to thrive.

There was so much I had to unlearn as I built my true relationship up with You and as our relationship continues to grow I move further from practicing religion to living my life striving to be one with You.

I am grateful for all that I have and my hunger for You grows as I realize that there is so much more I can learn about You and me when I open my mind to new perspectives and I see You and Your ways through the eyes of everyone.

I see people as mirrors for me to see myself in as I discover how my interactions with them reflects my actions in my relationship with You and by doing this I see the Bible in a whole new way too.

I am growing from a place of doing what You say because I am supposed to to a place of understanding and a desire to grow in Your ways as a boy matures into a man who learns what his father teaches him and he makes it part of his character as he lives out that way of life because he knows it is best for him to.

I don’t do anything for the benefit of me knowing wholeheartedly that if I focus on what’s best for all of mankind I will also be taken care of in the end.

My actions have been good for such a long time; however, I am learning how to take those actions to a whole new level as I search for You within myself as I learn to truly align my mind, that has been programmed in the past, with my heart which is the ultimate connection point between you and me.

So today I accept the stretching You are taking me through more relaxed and willing to submit to You fully the best that I can willingly. Amen 🙏🏾


Dear God I simply want to say thank You for another day! Amen 🙏🏾


Look at yourself and repeat after me!
I love you as you are and I want the best for you always!


Thank You Father God for for another day. Life is such an experience and it becomes so much better when we form a true relationship with You.

It has been such a journey so far and I am so thankful for the healing You have helped me to receive when I didn’t even know that it was something I needed personally.

As I have come to learn more about the living You the more that I have learned that everything truly is for my good.

I can see myself in everyone because You are within all of us and as I draw closer to You it is easier to see that we all are one in You.

My compassion for others continues to grow as I gain the understanding that others only hurt others because of the suffering they are going through themselves.

You have set me free Lord and I understand that it isn’t my job to fix anyone. All I can do is point them towards You as I share with the world what Your love has and continues to do for me.

Even though You have always been with me and You have always protected me the truth in the relationship is I was never really open to allow You to love me. I couldn’t see how I was blocking the intimacy You wanted to share with me because I didn’t know how to really submit fully to You.

Now that I have learned how to be loved by You my heart is even fuller than it was before and I desire for everyone else to experience this type of love with You too.

You always provide for us even though we often fail to see all the good things You provide because we are deceived and are to busy looking for the things we think we need without being grateful for what we have already.

Forgive me Lord for taking so long to really let You into my heart and give me the strength to use the time I have left to help others find their way back to You too. Amen 🙏🏾


When I saw someone else’s timeline I was reminded of how different other people’s lives and perspectives could be too!


Dear God I thank You for another day. May I make the absolute most of it as I strive to move ahead in ways that brings glory to You and Your name.

May my actions be seen as selfless and out of love and may people trust that my intentions are pure and true as I try to love them the way that You do.

May my actions demonstrate how Your love continues to transform me in a way that helps me to live freely in a world that desperately wants to take control of me.

The best gift that You have given me next to salvation is the gift of free will that allows me to live as I desire to; however, as I grow closer to You my desire aligns with Yours more and more as I become one with You.

So today I pray that I see all the gifts that You have set aside for me and may I live in a state of gratitude for all eternity. Amen 🙏🏾


Dear God thank You for another day! I am excited because I feel like I am at another crossroad in life and I am choosing the path I believe You have cleared for me even though it is a much narrower one.

I pray that when others look at me and my life they can see You in everything that I do as I grow as a man and a follower of Christ who serves out of love in honor of You.

You have blessed me so much despite of myself and I can feel the love You have in store for me as I am to move more directly towards You.

I have learned a lot over the last few years and as a result of it all I am better equipped to use the gifts You have placed in me to serve You even better now.

You are a way maker and a true provider and it is time to bring Your love to this world as we reclaim it from the deceiver that has been squatting on our property for too long.

As bad as things may look right now in many areas of the world it is ripe to be restored by Your people who have been given dominion over it all.

So I pray for strength as I rejoice in Your grace and I look to lock arms with all that desire to see this world become a better place for everyone. Amen 🙏🏾


Thank You Lord for another day. What can I do for You today is all I ask to start this day?

You are so good to me God and I will rejoice in this fact because as I mature I can see how everything is for the good of me.

The rain in life helps me to appreciate the sunny days and it is the rain that provides the fuel for me to grow as it washes away the surface dirt that dulls my light.

Today may I shine brighter than ever before as I strive to do what I can to help build up Your kingdom throughout the land. Amen 🙏🏾


Feed your faith and starve your fear!
John C. Maxwell


Thank You Father for another day. Today I pray for the people who share this planet with me. May we all seek after You as we strive for the ability to live in unity.

May our love for our fellow man increase as we learn to live in harmony as we stop worrying about ourselves and what we have and seek different ways we can be a blessing to others.

I pray that we start to see opposition as a problem to be dealt with and removed rather than something we allow to come between us and dim the light of the day.

I pray that my life is not wasted by me chasing material things as I grow as a person who wants to see others grow as well.

I pray that anything that separates us is mitigated and destroyed so that we can experience a lifelong sensation of happiness and peace.

Today may I put aside my own selfish goals and use my gifts and talents to help build the kingdom as I spread Your light throughout the world. In the mighty name of Yeshua. Amen 🙏🏾


Lord may I help others avoid the challenges I have gone through by making good use of the struggle by sharing what I have learned from it!


Thank You God for another day. Life is so much better when I move out of the way and I let You have Your way as I do my part to be a light in this world.

As dark as it may seem at times in this world I am confident and optimistic that as long as we allow our minds to be renewed and transformed there is hope for this world until it’s appointed time to end.

You continue to work on me and as You do I become more and more free of the things in this world that wants to hold us down and steal our joy.

As I accept the fact that contenders face some of the biggest challenges I boldly go about this life living the best I can for You.

As I move closer to You my needs and desires change and I get to experience life by choice as opposed to being compelled to live a certain way.

As I accept that everyone is right where they are meant to be when I meet them it is easier for me to learn from them while having compassion for them as well.

We all have our flaws and are working hard to live our best lives and I choose to learn all I can from others as I experience life with them and I pray that my life also acts as a light for them.

Today I simply say thank You for being the God that You are and I vow to represent You the best I can in all that I do. Amen 🙏🏾


“Seek pain as your greatest teacher”
Samuel R. Chanel


Transform your focus inward and alleviate external pressures!


Let the weekend begin!


Thank You God for another day. I am thankful to be alive to thrive and not to simply survive.

You have blessed me in so many ways and I am worthy of so much more as Your son and I choose to reclaim all that is mine from anyone that has stolen from me.

I don’t profess to be perfect nor better than anyone else; however, I know my value because of the price You paid for me and I choose to carry myself in such a way that represents You and Your judgment well everyday.

You are such an amazing God who desires a true relationship with us and You are less concerned with our actions than You are the condition of our hearts and that is why You desire for us to dwell in Your love so that our hearts can be softened to mirror Yours better.

So today I choose to value the day and strive to stay in a state of happiness while intensely protecting my joy that You have placed in all of our hearts. Amen 🙏🏾


Fortunately I had someone in my life to teach me how to serve. Thanks Dad!


We need to come together and revolutionize our country's leadership standards for a better future!

Videos (show all)

We love it when our challengers complete a program!  Way to go!!
2021 Team Meetup for Coach Summit VA!
