Haley G RD

Haley G RD

I am a Registered Dietitian and Certified Diabetes Educator helping driven women learn how to eat, e


How many times have you said, “It’s my cheat day”?

A new client asked me my thoughts on cheat meals and I had some thoughts.

Spoiler alert, I don’t like them and you will never hear my recommend them.

With working of hundreds of clients I’ve found that the most successful (aka the most consistent) people are the ones who learn to find balance with their diet and include their favorite “fun” foods on a regular basis without guilt!

If you’re ready to find that balance too, I’ve got you! Send me a DM and let’s chat.

Photos from Haley G RD's post 16/07/2022

Let me tell you about this client, we'll call them Robin. ⁠

Robin was feeling pretty discouraged when we started working together and limited by their weight and health. ⁠

But that didn't last long!⁠

After a couple of calls they started to work on some foundational things that would support their blood sugar. These simple changes boosted their energy and almost immediately improved their blood sugar numbers. ⁠

Seeing and feeling those changes gave them hope. ⁠
Hope that it was possible to take back control of their health. ⁠
Hope that they would be able to keep up with their family. ⁠
Hope that they could enjoy the adventures with their kids. ⁠
Hope that they could feel comfortable in their clothes again. ⁠

Robin was also able to significantly reduce their medication needs, including coming off insulin! ⁠

All this progress was because they were able to make changes that improved their metabolic health (aka healthier metabolism). ⁠

I’m ready to help more of you improve your metabolism too. ⁠

I’ll be opening up spots for a new way to work with me soon. ⁠

Follow my next couple of posts to see what I’m cooking up for you! ⁠

Drop a 🌸 emoji below if you're excited to hear what it is! ⁠

Photos from Haley G RD's post 15/07/2022

Do you ever wish you could still enjoy some of your favorite summer foods, while still balancing your blood sugar?⁠

I wanted to break down 5 fun summer food swaps you can make to make sure you're supporting your blood sugar. ⁠

But before I tell you about these swaps, I want to give you a fair warning that there are a lot of other things that go into balancing your blood sugar and understanding what that looks like for you may require some help from a registered dietitian like myself. ⁠

Here are 5 swaps to make your fun summer foods more blood sugar friendly:⁠
1. Macaroni salad ➡️ potato salad ⁠
2. Fruit alone ➡️ Fruit with a fat/protein⁠
3. White burger bun ➡️ lower carb and/or higher fiber bun⁠
4. Super sugary frozen treat ➡️homemade or no sugar added⁠
5. Lemonade ➡️ mineral mocktail or sparkling water ⁠

Of course, there are so many other swaps you can make. Making sure you know how to fit in your favorite foods is something we can do when we work together. ⁠

Which swap are you going to try? Drop me an emoji below! 🥔🍉🍔🍦🍋⁠

And as always, working with me is easier than every before, my link in bio lists my packages!⁠

Photos from Haley G RD's post 09/07/2022

Have you heard that just eating less and moving more is all you need to do to lose weight, but no matter how much you do that you get nowhere? ⁠

This is based on the idea that calories are all that matter. And while they do matter, the type of calories and how they impact your blood sugar are also very important! ⁠

I wanted to talk about 6 ways that balancing your blood sugar can help you with your weight loss goals. ⁠

But before I dive in, I want to give a fair warning that everyone is different and learning how to support your blood sugar may require some help from a dietitian like myself. ⁠

Here are 6 ways that focusing on your blood sugar can help you with that stubborn belly fat:⁠
1. Less cravings ⁠
2. Less inflammation ⁠
3. Less insulin resistance (aka your body is using energy better)⁠
4. Healthier hormones⁠
5. Less hunger (aka less likely to head straight to the bag of chips when you get home from work)⁠
6. More energy!! ⁠

Of course, there is a lot of things that impact our weight and you can work on to help you feel your best but balancing your blood sugar is one of the first steps we would take when we work together. ⁠

Do any of these sound good to you? Drop me a 🤩 below if you want any of these! ⁠

And as always, working with me is easier than every before, my link in bio has the application to schedule a free call! ⁠


Happy 4th of July!! ⁠🎇

Summertime is full of family and friend BBQs or get-togethers that usually involve some delicious food. And that doesn't have to throw you off track or ruin your progress! ⁠

This is how most of my plates look, and it's a super simple formula you can use too!! ⁠

First, I choose my protein. I'm more of a hamburger over hot-dog kind of girl. This may be a hot dog, veggie burger (make sure it actually has protein in it), ribs etc. ⁠

Next I choose my carbs. For me, potato salad and beans are much more worth it than a bun. You might feel otherwise, but my tip is to pick your top 1-2 carb choices and enjoy those! ⁠

Lastly, I aim to have some sort of vegetable for fiber. Whether that is a side salad, veggies from a veggie tray or loading up my burger with tons of colorful toppings. ⁠

This balance helps me feel my best, because it's filling, I know I'm still getting some good nutrients in it supports my blood sugar. ⁠

What are your favorite BBQ dishes?! Tell me below 👇️⁠

Photos from Haley G RD's post 01/07/2022

Why do they have to make chips taste so good anyways?!⁠

If you're like me, you love to indulge in ALL the July 4th bit hitters. ⁠

Fireworks, hot dogs, hamburgers, popsicles, SO MANY CHIPS, and drinks. ⁠

I get it, summer BBQs are the best. ⁠

Here are 5 reasons why holiday weekends make it so hard for us to stay consistent: ⁠

1️⃣You're out of your routine. Umm hellllooo, is there any other weekend where you have parades, pool parties and firework shows all in the same day?⁠

2️⃣ You're stuck in the all-or-nothing mindset. Feeling like you have to go big or go home because come July 5th you're back on your diet, that definitely doesn't include chips and beer. ⁠

3️⃣Your food options are different. This goes along with 1 & 2, but food we typically would never include in our normal grocery haul somehow landed in our cart in the name of "it's the freaking weekend baby"💃⁠

4️⃣We're busier than usual. Running around trying to do ALL the things and see ALL the people, we forget our trusty Yeti at home and didn't have time for breakfast and before you know it, it's lunchtime and we're dehydrated and 3 hotdogs in. Been there! 🙋⁠

5️⃣ We're around different people. People with lots of opinions about what's on your plate, people with their own body insecurities, people with the perfect summer bod. (anyone else just get a touch of ✨anxiety ✨?)⁠

The reality is though that one weekend, one day, one meal will not ruin your progress! Enjoy the festivities and come the 5th, we'll get right back on track💪⁠

If staying consistent with your healthy eating is feeling overwhelming for ya, drop me a message in my DMs or check out my packages. ⁠

I've got you👏⁠


Photos from Haley G RD's post 24/06/2022

Did I get your attention?!

While quick weight loss sounds really nice (and usually what we all want) it is not ideal!

Not great for your hormones, metabolism or keeping it off.

Because the approach needed to lose weight quickly are typically ones that require a lot of restriction.

Leave a 🍳🍽💧🏄🏻‍♀️ to let me know what goal you’re focusing right now!

Photos from Haley G RD's post 13/06/2022


Use this template to build your meals to help stay fuller longer and support your metabolism!

This is the basis of a blood sugar friendly balanced meal and can be used to make a variety of dishes.

Leave a 🍕 below if you want to learn more about how to make some of your favorite meals more balanced and blood sugar friendly!

Photos from Haley G RD's post 12/06/2022

Any of these sound good to you?⁠

A common thing I see when women try to lose weight is just cutting calories. Just eating the lowest calorie or smallest portions possible with no regard to the quality of their food. This doesn't do your hunger or cravings ANY favors. ⁠

But when you focus on quality foods and building meals that support a stable blood sugar you can have some pretty great benefits including reduced cravings and saying goodbye to the afternoon/evening hanger monster. ⁠

Balancing blood sugar is honestly something that is beneficial for everyone when wanting to improve their health and is a big piece of the metabolism puzzle I help my clients put together. ⁠

Which one of these sounds best to you?! Let me know👇

Photos from Haley G RD's post 09/06/2022


Use this ideas for when you’re running late in the morning to work and end up swinging by the Starbucks drive through or as some options when on the go and traveling.

Which one of these will you try? 👇🏼


Mix for a delicious Monday pick me up! ⁠

Whether you're working on balancing your blood sugar, healing your hormones, supporting your metabolism or really just want some more energy minerals are foundation! ⁠

And yes I am a dietitian telling you to ADD salt to your diet. ⁠

The focus of the mineral drinks I recommend to my clients (and enjoy almost daily myself) is to replenish and rebuild your mineral stores that we burn through the most, especially when stress is high. Which, when is it not these days? ⁠

You want to make sure you get a source of: ⁠
✅ Sodium⁠
✅ Potassium ⁠
✅ Vitamin C ⁠
✅ Magnesium ⁠

These nutrients are all needed for happy adrenals, stable blood sugar, healthy digestion, energy production and more!! ⁠

Give this a try as a morning drink or afternoon pick me up and tell me what you think! ⁠

Photos from Haley G RD's post 18/04/2022

Your metabolism is not broken ladies!

But it may be time to show it a little love, which is one of the first steps to looking and feeling your best so you can go after those dreams!!

If you feel like your metabolism is broken and your on the weight loss struggle bus, I’ve got you. Apply for a free call to learn how to get toy he bottom of it so you can have energy again, a 🔥 metabolism and start losing weight.


Which breakfast would you choose?

This post is an example that although the calories are very similar in both meals, how your body responds to them is going to be very different.

Option 1) mostly carbs is going to send you on that blood sugar rollercoaster and subsequent crash. Not only is this not great for our hormones it also means more cravings and low energy.

Option 2) much more balanced! More fiber, protein and healthy fats to slow digestion, keep you fuller longer and support stable blood sugar. Which can help give you more stable energy and less cravings the rest of the day.

And with tomorrow being Easter there may be some cinnamon rolls and jelly beans in your future…

My advice, pair it with protein! If you want to enjoy some of your grandmother’s homemade cinnamon rolls tomorrow for breakfast, go for it. But if you want to actually feel good the rest of the day and not have a sugar crash 30 minutes later enjoy it with some eggs.

Or ham, or whatever protein you’d like.

This will help prevent a huge spike and then the dreaded crash. It will help keep your blood sugar nice and stable which is good for so many things! Including not feeling like crap the rest of the day 😉

Photos from Haley G RD's post 15/04/2022

Just a quick Friday reminder!! ⁠

Weight loss does not automatically = happiness. ⁠

Your diet does not define you! ⁠

And if you're struggling with fertility you are not alone and you are not broken 💜⁠


How many of these can you relate to?⁠

Stress can most definitely impact your hormones. So how do you know if this is the case for you? ⁠⁠
Some signs include: ⁠⁠
🚩Fatigue. And I am not just talking about having a day or two where you are feeling a little run down but that feeling like you can't think straight or dependent on that cup of coffee. ⁠⁠
🚩Changes in your appetite or feeling like you can't stop thinking about that 🍫⁠⁠
🚩Digestive issues can flare up with some acute stress but also be on ongoing issue with chronic stress.⁠⁠
🚩If you feel like you are always the cold one or are very sensitive to cold temps this could be a sign your thyroid is impacted by stress and is worth looking into. ⁠⁠
Bottom line stress can impact several different aspects of our health and is something we need to consider when it comes to healing our metabolism for lasting fat loss. ⁠⁠
Do any of these resonate with you? 👇⁠


It's not a lack of willpower ladies!! ⁠

There are much more to cravings than "lack of willpower"! ⁠

One of the biggest things I see impacting cravings is insulin resistance. That is because your body (well your cells) literally think they are starving! So they cry for carbs and sugar aka quick energy!! Which can show up as that "omg I need chocolate now feeling". Or chips or candy...⁠

You know that feeling? Typically happens afternoon/evening time for many women. ⁠

This can be so frustrating when you feel like you have been so good the first half of the day and then those cravings hit and feel like they just take over. ⁠

This is one of many reasons why one of the first steps I work through with my clients is balancing their meals to help reduce these cravings. So they feel more energy, in control of their cravings and can actually stay consistent to reach their goals! ⁠

Tell me, what food do you crave most often?


SAVE and SHARE with a friend who may need this reminder. ⁠

We are taught that the scale is basically the only thing that matters... ⁠


Sure the scale can be a tool used in your health journey but it sure as heck does not tell us the whole story! ⁠
The scale will not tell you if your labs improved⁠
The scale cannot tell you if you're in a better mood or if your cravings are getting better. ⁠

And it sure as heck doesn't need to tell you how to eat or feel about your body for the day. ⁠

The scale takes time to change, and is not always consistent which is why it is so important to use other markers of progress either in place or or in addition to the scale in your hormone healing journey. ⁠

Tell me, which one of these would you love to see progress with?!⁠

Photos from Haley G RD's post 25/03/2022

How many times of you said "if only I had more willpower"?! ⁠

it's time to rethink your approach. Instead of starting another diet get clear on ⁠
- your WHY⁠
- your HOW⁠
- develop a thought plan ⁠
- develop a if hits the fan plan ⁠
- surround yourself with supportive people ⁠

If you feel overwhelmed by this and are tired of failing diet after diet, I can help. Use the link in my bio to learn how you can have a clear plan to finally ditch the diets and lose weight while feeling your best!

Photos from Haley G RD's post 25/03/2022

Stop over complicating it!

Balanced meals = balanced blood sugar

And balanced meals can be easy! A lot of my clients find using the plate method a great way to learn how to make sure their meal is balanced and they’re getting the nutrients they need to look and feel their best.

If you’re tired of PCOS and blood sugar symptoms control if your life and want to take back that control apply for a call with the link in my bio to learn more about 1:1 coaching.


Hello Everyone!

I'm hoping in here to tell you about a great resource I just put the finishing touches on to help you build a better smoothie. It's packed with info about why not all smoothies are created equal (aka not necessarily "healthy"), how to improve yours and some awesome recipes.

Grab it here:

Build a Better Smoothie

Videos (show all)

How many times have you said, “It’s my cheat day”? A new client asked me my thoughts on cheat meals and I had some thoug...
Happy 4th of July!! ⁠🎇⁠Summertime is full of family and friend BBQs or get-togethers that usually involve some delicious...
Mix for a delicious Monday pick me up! ⁠⁠Whether you're working on balancing your blood sugar, healing your hormones, su...