Angie Morin Wellness; Ace-Cpt, Ace-Chc; Pn1;

Angie Morin Wellness; Ace-Cpt, Ace-Chc; Pn1;

Personalized and individual Personal Training, health, wellness and nutrition coaching for whole body health! In Person, Skype, Email &/or Phone.

This will fit into your schedule!


There are 4 parts to my program:

* Strength
* Weighted Cardio
* Athletic Conditioning (jumps, getting up and down, agility, Etc)
* Mind Training (mental strength)

You need all 3. I see so many people only do weights or only doing cardio. And almost no one does agility.

The body must be strong.

The heart must be strong.

You have to get your blood pumping.

You need to train mobility, balance and agility if you want to enjoy your older years with less or without pain and physical restriction. If you don’t use it, you lose it. It’s that simple.

Your mind will always want to quit before your body so you must train the mind to succeed.

If you need a program that has all 4 let me know, Ill help you out.


* Fatigue is your friend.

* Excellence is a habit.

* There is no room for excuses. If you say you are going to do it, do it. It is that simple.

* Nutrition Matters. A LOT.

If you need a nutrition program let me know, Ill help you out with that too.

Don’t cut yourself short. You have the opportunity to feel the best you have ever felt, why would you deny yourself of that?




My plans changed at the last minute tonight. So, I decided to the gym for a 2nd sesh instead.

At some point you will switch from having to go, to wanting to go. Keep showing up until that happens.
IG: AngieMorinWellness
FB:Angie Morin Wellness
[email protected]
TikTok: AngieMorinWellness
YouTube: Angie Morin Wellness

Photos from Angie Morin Wellness; Ace-Cpt, Ace-Chc; Pn1;'s post 17/02/2024

Going to the gym (or exercising at home) is never an obligation. And no matter how much or little time you have, you can benefit from the gym.

For me :

* Sometimes it’s a hobby.
* Sometimes it’s a place I love to hang out. I love the energy and the social part of the gym. It’s one of my favorites places to be.
* Sometimes I’m training for a hike.
* Sometimes it’s for my mental well-being. Nothing releases stress or anxiety or makes me feel better than training.
* Sometimes it’s a place I go to feel good when I need a boost.
* Sometimes it’s a place to crush goals, push limits, and see what I am capable of.
* Sometimes it’s where you get back up after life has knocked you down.

There are so many things the gym CAN be. Whatever you need each day, I guarantee you will find it in the gym when you’re training.

The health benefits are a bonus.

Shift your thoughts. The mind is your strongest muscle. Start seeing everything the gym can be and everything it can do for you instead of thinking about how hard it is to start and how hard it is to stay consistent.

When you shift your thoughts everything else follows.
IG: AngieMorinWellness
FB:Angie Morin Wellness
[email protected]
TikTok: AngieMorinWellness
YouTube: Angie Morin Wellness


Happy Valentine’s Day!

Started off my day at the gym because I’ve created a lifestyle I love!

Spread love, eat some chocolate, drink some wine, enjoy the holiday! Balance is key for this lifestyle to be sustainable.

What does balance mean?

* Moderation (have 1 or 2 pieces of chocolate, not a whole box!)
* Have 1 or 2 drinks, not 10.
* Exercise (today and every day)!
* Enjoy a meal out to celebrate love!
* Have FUN!

Balance means allowing yourself to enjoy holidays, special days, and special treats in moderation. Depriving yourself never works. And going overboard never works. This is why “diets” don’t work. Too extreme.

Nutrition plans that work mean eating clean, nutrient-dense food and high-protein food 80% of the time and allowing 20% of your daily calories to come from processed food or empty calorie food (not nutrient-dense). This ratio works for most people that intentionally exercise daily and want to improve health.


* Lets Talk About Rest Days*

We all need them. I prefer to call them active recovery days. When we make training a priority, when becomes part of your lifestyle, rest days become the hardest days. Commit so hard that taking a rest day becomes harder than going to the gym! It feels really good, trust me! It’s worth it.

We rest to let the body recover.

We don’t rest to lose sight of this lifestyle.

Resting means not putting your body under the stress of training so it can recover and build. Active recovery keeps our bodies loose, prevents injury and allows the body to repair (build). It allows our bodies to rest and get stronger.

Walking, stretching, and low-intensity movement is active recovery. These activities allow the body to rest and repair.

Sitting on the couch all day watching TV, eating chips, and pounding alcohol isn’t recovery. When you do that you aren’t giving your body the nutrients it needs to recover., repair, and grow.

Remember walking is part of lifestyle. Movement is part of lifestyle. It should be part of your every day life on training days and on active recovery (or rest) days. Walking IS resting. Low intensity movement IS resting.
IG: AngieMorinWellness
FB:Angie Morin Wellness
[email protected]
TikTok: AngieMorinWellness
YouTube: Angie Morin Wellness


* Walking *

We know walking is excellent. But is it enough? Well, that depends.

If you are sedentary walking is a great way to start. Will walking be enough to cut your risk of cardiovascular disease and increase bone density? Probably not. Walking is part of the lifestyle in the majority of other countries. In the USA, walking is considered intentional exercise.

Studies have shown moderate to vigorous exercise increases fitness, muscle mass and bone density MORE. This doesn’t mean walking is useless. It is not. It is a valuable part of a healthy lifestyle. What I am saying is walk AND participate in intentional moderate to vigorous exercise (if you are physically capable) if you want to slow the onset of aging.

Here is a link to an article with excellent information.


You take vacations from work, not lifestyles.

Training isn’t an obligation. It’s not a job. It’s a lifestyle. A way for me to take care of my body, slow down the natural profession of aging, stay healthy and strong, so I can do all the things I want to do.

Wake up. Take care of my body. Enjoy my vacation. This is lifestyle.
IG: AngieMorinWellness
FB:Angie Morin Wellness
[email protected]
TikTok: AngieMorinWellness
YouTube: Angie Morin Wellness


Walk into the gym and watch it quite literally change your life.

It will be the first step to the best part of your life.

When I walked into the gym for the first time I was there to lose weight.

I had no idea what going to the gym would open a whole new life for me.

A life filled with:

Things I never knew I even wanted to do became available to me. And not just available, but doable! Successfully!

In November I successfully submitted Uhuru Peak, Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. 19,341’. I never even thought I would want to do this. But guys, I was the most incredible thing I have ever done in my life. The highlight of my life , so far.

If I had never walked into that gym years ago, I would not have not known I wanted to do this. And I sure as hell would not have been able to do it. I would have missed out on the most incredible moment in my entire life!

I’m not saying you have to summit high mountains or do anything adventurous. All I am saying is walk into that gym with an open mind. It is not forcing yourself to exercise. It is you opening up yourself to opportunity in life. Opening up yourself to things better than you could have imagined. Because when you are stuck in one place, thoughts and ideas are too. But as you progress and grow, so do thoughts and ideas.

My time on this earth is limited. I am determined to maximize life every single day. And I have realized the exercise is my gateway to my best life.

IG: AngieMorinWellness
FB:Angie Morin Wellness
[email protected]
TikTok: AngieMorinWellness
YouTube: Angie Morin Wellness


* The Mind Muscle Connection*

This key skill is so often overlooked when individuals start lifting. Developing the mind/ muscle connection will allow you to see bigger changes in your body composition.

Multiple studies have proven there is an increase in muscle activation when the brain’s power attracts attention to a specific muscle or muscle group.

The mind is stronger than any muscle in your body will ever be.

Instead of powering through you reps focusing on count or how hard it is. Focus on form and muscle activation.

Are you feeling the (correct) muscles contract? Extend? Activate?

If not, slow down your reps and focus on it. Every single rep focus on feeling the correct muscles activate, strengthen, contract, and extend. Focus on feeling your muscles moving and controlling the weight. Visualize it. Be intentional about every single rep. Once you feel it, keep doing it! Every rep, every time. Forever.

Train your mind to train your body.

My lean muscle mass has increased just from dedicating myself MORE to the mind muscle connection, all while lifting the SAME amounts of weight.

It works.

Stop rushing, stop using momentum, stop lifting mindlessly, and youll start seeing more improvement.

On a side note: Choose a challenging weight factor. Please. Otherwise, you won’t feel your muscles activate and contract because your body isn’t working hard enough. The majority of people under lift (aka underestimate themselves).

No one (especially women) will get body builder big lifting weight unless on a VERY Intense and tight training and nutritional program. So make it HARD. Get out of breath, increase your heart rate, and get red in the face. It needs to be challenging if you want to increase bone density and increase lean muscle mass. Those two things right there are the real wins against aging.


One second can tell me everything I need to know.

Do you stop one rep short because its hard? Or push for for one extra rep because its hard?

Do you stop your cardio at 12:59 because its close enough or go for 13:01 just to make sure you finished it?

I guarantee you have not reached your potential, or even come close if you leave that 1 second or 1 rep on the table.

This game will never be easy. It will get easier, but NEVER easy. However, nothing will make you feel like you’ve won more than grabbing that extra rep, that extra second, and maybe one more after that! If you let it get easy you stop winning, you stop progressing. You stop feeling that high, that adrenaline rush.

Your limits are greater than you think.

And mine are too.

I’ve been quiet on here, I’ve still be helping clients with nutrition and training programs. But in my spare time I’ve been pushing myself to the next level. I’ve been working, focusing on improvement, really getting after it and doing things I never thought I would do in and out of the gym. I’ve been focused on getting better.

You can too. We all can.

If you get better in the gym, it opens up a whole new world for you outside of the gym, a whole new way of life.

The social media page is making it’s return because my passion for helping others reach their potential is stronger than ever.


You know what the real anti-aging magic is? Lifting weights. Bands and Bars. My favorite day. Your body naturally loses muscle mass every year as you age. Your RMR (resting metabolic rate) goes down every year as you age (thanks to less muscle mass and less movement). So instead of trying to eat less and less to try to lose or maintain weight, lift weights, get stronger, and eat more. It’s a solid plan. And as a bonus you’ll look younger and feel better! Too many people just eat too little and feel fatigued all the time because they aren’t eating enough, instead of building strength and eating healthy portions. IG: AngieMorinWellness
FB:Angie Morin Wellness
[email protected]
TikTok: AngieMorinWellness
YouTube: Angie Morin Wellness


Who’s feeling the winter blues already? Link in comments too for ease - Blog post on how to keep progressing through winter - IG: AngieMorinWellness
FB:Angie Morin Wellness
[email protected]
TikTok: AngieMorinWellness
YouTube: Angie Morin Wellness


How does online coaching work? How can I help you from here when you’re there? Easy. We have a consultation - phone or zoom or email. I give you a program (nutrition and/or training). You do it. Send me videos of some your lifts (training program) or food logs (nutrition). We consult again. And we keep going! It’s so easy and works for everyone’s schedule. Even if you’re busy! Sometimes the best trainer for you, isn’t at your gym. Or you want to work out at home. Online coaching is a great solution! know everyone is going to make a New Years resolution to “workout” or “eat better”. Start now! Get a jump start on everyone else!!
IG: AngieMorinWellness
FB:Angie Morin Wellness
[email protected]
TikTok: AngieMorinWellness
YouTube: Angie Morin Wellness


A little news to share….. Im in the process of becoming a certified boxing trainer! I can’t wait to offer this to clients. Boxing is such great full body strength and cardio training and it’s so much fun!! I’m being trained in all of it. Hand wrapping, mitts, heavy bags, gloves, shadow boxing, etc. My love of “fighting” and the results I’ve seen in my physique from it, led me to pursue this training. Little bit of a long process (so much to learn and may evaluations to pass). I’m already having a blast learning and training AND getting extra training sessions in each day while I practice. The other great thing about shadow boxing is; it’s easy to do while traveling. Pack a pair of weighted gloves and shadow box. Full body work out no gym needed. Get ready to have some fun and take your training (and results) to a whole new level!!
IG: AngieMorinWellness
FB:Angie Morin Wellness
[email protected]
TikTok: AngieMorinWellness
YouTube: Angie Morin Wellness


Nutrition matters. If you’re going to work your hardest training - don’t throw away results with a diet that doesn’t match the same goals. This is why meal prep is key! If you don’t plan ahead its too easy to eat “junk/processed“ foods. Empty calories. When I know I’m going to be out of the house /on the road I aways have protein rich snacks with me and a water bottle. Always. You’ll drink more water if it’s always readily available. You’ll eat healthier if the foods you need are always readily available. I also pack meals when I need to. By doing this I’m never stuck hungry and forced to get something quick at the gas station or at a drive through. I have protein food and water with me at all times. It’s called being prepared, having a plan. A plan makes success more attainable. Pack your snacks. Prep your meals. Keep a water bottle with you at all times. This is a lifestyle. And this lifestyle doesn’t come easy and it doesn’t come by luck. It comes with hard work, consistency, commitment and a solid plan.
IG: AngieMorinWellness
FB:Angie Morin Wellness
[email protected]
TikTok: AngieMorinWellness
YouTube: Angie Morin Wellness


It’s small business Saturday! I’ll nutrition programs are 50% off! (Pay $75). All Training programs are also 50% off! (Pay $125). Both personalized to you and where you are now with your fitness! Today only!
IG: AngieMorinWellness
FB:Angie Morin Wellness
[email protected]
TikTok: AngieMorinWellness
YouTube: Angie Morin Wellness


Quick and Easy Tip: The best morning routines start the night before.

* Consistency is the biggest step to success
* Habit = Consistency

* Water, workout bag , post workout fuel (banana and protein shake) ready to go
* Workout plan chosen
* Excited to hit the gym in the morning
IG: AngieMorinWellness
FB:Angie Morin Wellness
[email protected]
TikTok: AngieMorinWellness
YouTube: Angie Morin Wellness


It’s always about the finishers. When you think the tank is empty, just check to make sure. There always seems to be just a little bit left. Try this one on leg day or athletic conditioning. Learn to move like an athlete. Get up and get down. These are the skills we lose as we age if we don’t keep using them, training them, and strengthening them.
IG: AngieMorinWellness
FB:Angie Morin Wellness
[email protected]
TikTok: AngieMorinWellness
YouTube: Angie Morin Wellness


Blog post - Common Misconception with Novice Exercisers. Link in comments too.
IG: AngieMorinWellness
FB:Angie Morin Wellness
[email protected]
TikTok: AngieMorinWellness
YouTube: Angie Morin Wellness

Photos from Angie Morin Wellness; Ace-Cpt, Ace-Chc; Pn1;'s post 07/11/2022

3 different locations to use a band during squats for more glute activation. Yes, even the feet. Give it a try! IG: AngieMorinWellness
FB:Angie Morin Wellness
[email protected]
TikTok: AngieMorinWellness
YouTube: Angie Morin Wellness


Chase it until you crave it so badly you can’t live without it.
IG: AngieMorinWellness
FB:Angie Morin Wellness
[email protected]
TikTok: AngieMorinWellness
YouTube: Angie Morin Wellness

Photos from Angie Morin Wellness; Ace-Cpt, Ace-Chc; Pn1;'s post 10/10/2022

Motivation comes from within. No gym. No equipment. No excuses. Goals don’t take vacations even when I do. IG: AngieMorinWellness
FB:Angie Morin Wellness
[email protected]
TikTok: AngieMorinWellness
YouTube: Angie Morin Wellness


Have you subscribed to the email list yet? It’s all things healthy lifestyle! Nutrition, exercise, wellness and lifestyle tips t be your best you. And to live life to the fullest. If you haven’t subscribed yet… here’s the link. And you can opt out at any time if it’s not for you email list at IG: AngieMorinWellness
FB:Angie Morin Wellness
[email protected]
TikTok: AngieMorinWellness
YouTube: Angie Morin Wellness


Its easy to gain weight this time of year. Fall. Holidays. More time inside. Im running a nutrition plan special to help people stay ahead, get healthy and stay healthy through the holidays. $150 for a custom nutrition plan

It takes 6-7 hours of intense cardio to burn 1 lb of body fat (3500 calories), if you are burning 500-600 calories an hour. Thats 60 minutes of intense cardio, no breaks to catch your breath.

So what’s easier? Eating clean healthy food? Or trying to burn it off?

Think of it this way:

If you are 1500-2000 calories over your maintenance every day (most people are), are you willing to do 3 hours of non stop cardio every day?

Cardio is important for cardiovascular health but you can not out exercise a messy diet.

This lifestyle is 80/20. 80% what you eat, 20% exercise.

Want muscle? Lift. But if you arent eating right you wont gain muscle.

Want to lose weight? Exercise. But if you arent eating right you wont lose weight no matter how much you exercise.

Eat Sh*t food and you wont have the energy or endurance to lift or exercise at all. Youll be lethargic, bloated and sitting on your couch exhausted.

Step 1: Eat clean. Non processed foods.

Step 2: Eat a lot of protein.

Step 3: Eat appropriate portions.

Step 4: Eat on a schedule of some sort.

Step 5: Eat balanced (don’t eliminate a macro, eat them all, in balance).

Need help? I can get you a nutrition plan with meal ideas. Nutrition is SO important. You can work harder than anyone out there but if you arent eating in line with your goals you will not see results. Your plan will be flexible and include foods you like. And to see results you only need to follow it about 80% of the time. Doable. Sustainable. Send me a message or a text/call to get started.


I fail all the time. I just never f*&cking quit.

Failure shows me:
* What my limits are (so I can push through them and find new limits).
* How badly I want this (no matter how long it takes).
* A reason to get stronger, better, faster, fitter.
* Commitment, determination and perseverance.

Because in the end, Its not failure. Its an opportunity. An opportunity to level up. So, what are you going to do with that opportunity? Walk away from it? Or embrace it?

IG: AngieMorinWellness
FB:Angie Morin Wellness
[email protected]
TikTok: AngieMorinWellness
YouTube: Angie Morin Wellness

Photos from Angie Morin Wellness; Ace-Cpt, Ace-Chc; Pn1;'s post 20/09/2022

Banded Lifts is where its at. To put it simply, banded lifts will work your muscles harder and activate more muscles during the same lifts. You may need to drop your weight down when adding a band and thats ok!

Want to try part of my leg/glute day?

Warm Up/Cardio: Farmers carry on the stair mill 3 sets 5 min each.
In-between sets 3 sets 5 min each of every other step

Ensure you WHOLE foot is on the step and push THROUGH the heel. If your heel isnt on, you arent working your posterior chain… aka… the butt. 30 min total.

Next Strength:

* 12 x 3 back racked barbell squats with the band around the legs (above the knee)
Keep tension on the band the entire time. This will stop your knees from caving in which is a common squat flaw. AND, the band will activate the glutes more. Build that bakery, baby!!
Between sets high knee run for 60 seconds

* Lunges full depth 12 each leg x 3
Make sure you knee does not go forward past your toe. Push through the heel.
Between sets 12 burpees

* Banded Hip Thrusts. Keep the band right above the knees again and push OUT so you keep tension on the band the entire time. Full range of motion. 12 x 3

Between sets 12 squat jacks

* Banded Deadlifts 8 x 3. Again keep tension on the band. (Legs a little wider)

Between sets Jump Lunges/Squats x 12

You will FEEL this. Adding the band is a game changer.

Youll see I got high rep / I use a lower weight. For me, its easier on my joints (knees) than lower rep, higher weight for my lower body day. You may decide to do higher weight lower rep. Do what feels right for your body

About Angie & Why You Need A Health Coach.


Angie Morin, ACE-CPT; ACE-CHC; PN1; ACE Certified Personal Trainer, ACE Certified Health & Wellness Coach; Precision Nutrition Certified Coach . She has been a professional sports coach since 1995 and was a professional athlete herself for over 10 years. Angie also holds a Bachelors Degree in Social Media Marketing. Years of training as an athlete strengthened her both mentally and physically. Born with a natural ability to educate and coach, Angie is trusted for her experience and her gift to inspire and bring out the best in others.


Angie competed as a professional horseback rider, for over 10 years. She was sponsored by the national brand, Pennfield Grain. She won numerous championships and titles. After having kids, Angie continued to compete in Dressage without a sponsor and focus more on coaching.

Videos (show all)

Not all calories are the same. If you’re trying to maintain a caloric deficit but don’t want to feel hungry, think volum...
It’s always about the finishers. When you think the tank is empty, just check to make sure. There always seems to be jus...
IG: AngieMorinWellnessFB:Angie Morin Wellness Www.AngieMorinWellness.Com Angie@AngieMorinWellness.comTikTok: AngieMorinW...
There’s only one thing I can’t do….. quit. Especially when I’m tired and it’s time to go home. Todays finisher for athle...
When you have emptied the tank and there’s nothing left - it’s time for a finisher. 12 x 3 dips. Hard work is what gets ...
Let Day Finisher - Weighed or body weight. 12 x 3 at the end of your sesh after the legs have been drained. (15-20/sec b...
Today was a Hail Mary workout! Putting in the work in Herning, Denmark. Why? Because goals don’t take vacations! Today’s...
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Push ups are simple but great whole body strength training. They’re made for every fitness level. You can start on your ...
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Here’s a modification for hanging core strengthening exercises. Use a bar behind your lower back until you have enough m...