Journey Church Tampa

Journey Church Tampa

We are a church community in the Tampa Bay area that has a desire to see the life and teachings of Jesus lived out and known in our time.

Journey Church Tampa is a church dedicated to practicing the way of Jesus. Our passion is to tell people God's story.

Photos from Journey Church Tampa's post 29/07/2024

This week, our Colorado Veterans returned from summiting four of Colorado’s 14ers - Bross, Lincoln, Cameron and Princeton. The Lord met them on their trip and they all had a chance to share their beautiful testimonies on Sunday.

Our Rookies group departed for Colorado today. They’ll be summiting Mount Yale, one of Colorado’s epic 14ers. We pray for safety, joy, and the Lord’s presence over their trip. Let’s keep them in our prayers this week!


“Peace comes from knowing that my account with God has been settled, that my debt has been cancelled and that my account is in a favorable balance on account of who Jesus is and what Jesus has done”. - Allistair Begg

Hear Pastor Val’s full teaching on Peace, at

Photos from Journey Church Tampa's post 16/07/2024

Battle of the Grills is this Sunday! Not only do we have our epic grilling competition, we’ll also have a contest for desserts and side dishes. If you haven’t signed up to yet, it’s not too late. You can sign up now at

Even if you’re not skilled with the grill, come enjoy delicious food, fun activities, and fellowship on the courtyard. Be sure to invite your friends to cool off with our water slide, Kona ice, and a game of slip n slide kickball! We can’t wait to see you there.

Photos from Journey Church Tampa's post 15/07/2024

We’re back from Youth Camp!

We’re still in awe of the way The Spirit moved, particularly in our evening services. God had has way with all of us and broke every expectation we had for camp.

We saw breakthrough in attitudes and openness, we prayed over youth who’d never felt or experienced the love of God before, we saw new friendships formed, and we saw every single camper prayed over, as we asked for breakthrough in the things conquering them individually.

We laughed, we danced, we sang, we played, we wept, we pranked, we prayed, we talked, we worshiped, and by the grace of the Holy Spirit, we conquered.

Thank you all for your support and prayers. We pray that the seeds sown at camp continue to grow and take root in the lives of youth.


Youth Camp starts tomorrow!

Please join us in praying over our youth students as they go off to camp this year. We’re asking the Lord for His protection and presence over them, as they step outside their daily rhythms to focus on Him.

We can’t wait to see how God speaks to our youth at camp!

Photos from Journey Church Tampa's post 03/07/2024

Our Everybody in the House service is this Sunday!

We all know that building meaningful relationships within community doesn’t happen over night, so this Sunday (July 7th) we’ve created a little extra space to do just that.

Everybody in the House is a special Sunday when we call everyone back together under one roof to worship, fellowship, and listen to God’s Word together.

We will have an extended relational break and bagels to share. If you’d like to add to the spread, feel free to bring your favorite breakfast dish to share.

We hope to see you there!


“If you look at the world, you’ll be distressed. If you look within, you’ll be depressed. If you look at God, you’ll be at rest.” Corrie Ten Boom

On Sunday morning, Movement Elder Joey continued our Rest is Rebellion series, teaching on what it looks like to have rhythms of rest.

Hear the full teaching at or in your favorite podcast app.


Good morning church! Unfortunately due to an internet outage outside of our control, we will not be live-streaming today. We will be posting today’s service on YouTube as soon as we’re back online. We hope you have a great Sunday morning!


Women’s Fellowship Night is coming up soon! These gatherings are a great opportunity for the women in our church to spend time together, praying, worshipping, and building deep relationships with each other.

Mark your calendars for July 3rd, @ 7:00pm!


It’s hard to believe Youth Camp is only 13 days away! Registration will be closing this Sunday (June 30th) so if you haven’t signed up yet, be sure to snag your child’s spot by this weekend. (We have 12 spots remaining)

If you don’t have a youth aged child, but still want to help out with camp, consider donating to the Youth and Kids fund via the giving page on our website.

We can’t wait to see what the Lord does with our time together!


“For me, I’ve turned my 'Netflix chair' into my
'holy chair.' It’s a holy space I’ve created in my home to read, pray, journal, or meditate.”

On Sunday, JCT Member April Hill shared how she’s learned to cultivate deep rest in her life.

Hear the full teaching at or in your favorite podcast app.


Join us after our Sunday service for Lunch on the Courtyard! This monthly gathering gives us the space to fellowship and have fun together.

After we eat, we’ll have a game for the youth, kids, and adults so everyone can get in on the action. Don’t forget to bring a family-sized dish to share and be ready have fun!


“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.” - Theodore Roosevelt

Happy Father’s Day to the many incredible fathers and father figures in our church - you are the men in the arena!

Photos from Journey Church Tampa's post 16/06/2024

Our second Youth Camp Car Wash + Bake Sale was a success! Thank you to all who came to help support our youth students in their mission to get to camp.

If you weren’t able to make it in person, you can still donate via the Car Wash link in our bio.


This Saturday, come show your support for our youth students as they put their hands to work raising money for Youth Camp! They’ll be washing cars and selling delicious baked goods from 10am-12pm, right here at the church. Also, don’t forget, it’s Father’s Day weekend! This is a great opportunity to show dad some love by giving him two of his favorite things… (a clean car and baked goods)

Photos from Journey Church Tampa's post 05/06/2024

On Sunday we got to celebrate and pray over our Pre K students becoming Kindergartners and our elementary students officially becoming JCT Kids Interns!

It’s a joy to see our kids are growing physically, mentally and spiritually. We hope you’ll join us in praying for them as they step into new seasons of growth and life!


Men’s Fellowship Night is this Wednesday!

Tomorrow evening our men will gather at 7pm for a night of worship, prayer, and community at the church. Don’t miss this opportunity to spend time around other Kingdom minded men!

“As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” - Proverbs 27:17

Photos from Journey Church Tampa's post 28/05/2024

This Sunday was one to remember! The Lord truly met us in our time of worship. Then, Nick Brackin led the charge to our Murph challenge with a powerful prayer of encouragement. Out on the courtyard, we conquered hard things, cheered each other on, sweat together, ate together, and even got a little wet together… (see water slide)

We’re grateful for days like these, when we can spend time together enjoying the fruit of community!


Today we honor and remember the men and women who gave their lives to protect our country and our freedoms. Please join us in taking some time to pray over the families of our fallen soldiers and to pray for protection over those currently serving today.

We hope this Memorial Day is one of fun, family, and freedom!


Here’s a look at what our Murph on the Courtyard participants will be taking home this weekend!

This Sunday (May 26th) we’ll be having a shortened service with a robust time of worship, communion, and prayer before heading out to the courtyard for our Murph challenge and more fun.

The Murph challenge is a rigorous physical challenge dedicated to honoring the soldiers who have given their lives to protect our country. Even if you aren’t participating in the physical challenge, there will still be plenty of festivities to engage in!

We are going to cheer on those who are participating with signs and noise makers before we grab some coffee at an iced coffee bar, fellowship on the courtyard, and cool off at the water slide. There will be fun for the whole family!

Let’s bring our energy and life and find ways to edify one another, encouraging each other in the Lord. What a gift to be together! Don’t miss it!


One of the sweetest aspects of worship is getting to repeatedly declare truths about God and His promises.

“Your love is better than life
I can’t even wrap my mind around it
One day here in Your house
Better than a thousand elsewhere
Your love keeps on running, running
Keeps on running after me.” - Runnin by Elevation Worship.

Worship doesn’t end on Sunday mornings! Let’s keep these songs on repeat in your homes and cars throughout the week.

Photos from Journey Church Tampa's post 14/05/2024

We owe a huge Thank you to everyone who came to support our Youth Camp Car Wash + Bake Sale fundraiser on Saturday! The youth were hard at work, spraying, soaping, and scrubbing their way to camp. They crushed their goals and had a blast doing it. Way to go youth!

Photos from Journey Church Tampa's post 13/05/2024

We’re truly grateful to have so many incredible mothers and mother figures in our church. We hope you all had an incredible Mother’s Day!

On Sunday we honored our church mothers as Pastor Michael and Pastor Val shared a special teaching and encouragement from the prayer of Hannah. We hope Sunday enriched and nourished you as you continue the good work you’re doing in your children.

Happy Mother’s Day!

Photos from Journey Church Tampa's post 09/05/2024

This Saturday’s Car Wash Fundraiser just got even sweeter… We’ve added on a Bake Sale curtesy of our Youth Leaders and Youth students! Now you can get your car washed and your belly full, while helping send our youth to camp.

The Fundraiser will be this Saturday (May 11th) from 10am-12pm at the church. We’d hope to see everyone there, but even if you can’t make it, you can still support the youth by donating online via the link below.

God is doing big things in our youth and we believe there’s more to come!

Photos from Journey Church Tampa's post 30/04/2024

Join us tomorrow night (5/1) for Seek First Worship! We’ll gather at 6:30pm for a meal together before heading into the main building at 7:00pm to spend time in worship and prayer.

“I won’t be quiet, my God is alive. How could I keep it inside?” Let’s praise the Lord this Wednesday!


Youth Camp sign ups are officially open!

Youth Camp is an opportunity for our kids (grades 7th-12th) to spend a few days away from their normal routines and rhythms to focus their hearts and minds on Jesus. Youth Camp is all about forming a greater bond with our Creator and each-other. Not only is this time for learning about and worshipping Jesus, it’s also for having fun! With an extra day this year, we’ll be able to spend more time worshipping, learning, playing games, exploring, and enjoying the many activities Dayspring has to offer.

Visit to learn more and register. We hope to see you there!


You can now find our Sunday Livestream, Sunday Teaching videos, and more on the new Journey Church Tampa YouTube channel. If you haven’t yet, be sure to subscribe as we continue to put out fresh content and teachings.

Visit to subscribe!

Photos from Journey Church Tampa's post 22/04/2024

Sunday’s Lunch on the Courtyard was one to remember! We’re so thankful for days like these when we get to spend some extra time in community together.

Photos from Journey Church Tampa's post 08/04/2024

“But Joseph said to them, “Don’t be afraid. Am I in the place of God? You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. So then, don’t be afraid. I will provide for you and your children.” And he reassured them and spoke kindly to them.” - Genesis 50:19-21

You can find this week’s teaching via the link in our bio or watch the full service on YouTube.

Sunday April 7th Livestream Gathering 07/04/2024

We are still Easter people! Join us this morning as Pastor Michael continues our series "The Father's Goodness in the Land of the Living."

Sunday April 7th Livestream Gathering

Who We Are

We are a church community in the Tampa that has a desire to see the life and teachings of Jesus lived out and known in our time.

Our church community endeavors to be a people that loves being in the presence of God. We practice the way of Jesus all throughout Tampa, in our homes, workplaces, and social spaces, and live on purposeful mission with the aim of telling people the story of His love, renewal, and grace over all of us.

We are the church. And the church is a living breathing community of people committed to living out the teachings of Jesus. Which means, we value relationships with each other, our neighbors, and our neighborhood. Whether it’s meeting throughout the city in small groups, gathering on Sundays, eating together in a local restaurant, or prayer walking the streets of our neighborhood - practicing the way of Jesus in our homes, workplaces, and city is one of the central themes of our church.

Join us as we livestream on Sundays at 10 am EST. Find us on Facebook Live.

Videos (show all)

Be sure to tell your friends about VBS! Sign up at today.
Battle of the Grills is this Sunday! Don’t forget to sign up 🌭 🍔
Rest leads to presence. - Hear the full teaching at or in your favorite podcast app.
Rest is Rebellion! Hear the full teaching at or in your favorite podcast app.
Misplaced Identity stops us from entering into God’s gift of rest - “Your net worth is not your self worth.”
Rest is Rebellion - Hear the full teaching at or in your favorite podcast app.
We only have 20 spots left for Youth Camp 2024! Sign up now at
“David was greatly distressed because the men were talking of stoning him; each one was bitter in spirit because of his ...
Pastor Val Kyker on the power prayer has over our children. You can hear Sunday’s full teaching on our website, YouTube ...
Head over to YouTube to watch as Brandon and Dan chat about our upcoming Youth Camp and VBS summer plans.
Join us Sunday morning at 10:30am as Pastor Michael continues our teaching series, The Father’s Goodness in the Land of ...
On Sunday Pastor Michael continued our series, The Father’s Goodness in the Land of the Living, teaching on overcoming t...
